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To the ladies: menopause

I've been thinking - it seems to me that a lot of the "basic" tx side effects posted here are very similar to menopausal symptons;  insomnia; irritability; brain fog; fatigue.  A lot of us seem to be in the same age group: late forties to early fifties (Showboat, Honey; Chevy; Cuteous, Lvd;  to name a few, so when we experience these symptoms, how do we differentiate between the two?

Oh, BTW it's now official - I am a bonafide victim of Brain Fog: I just found a pair of socks in my bathroom vanity drawer, the one I keep my hairbrushes in  -  at this point, I'm just grateful they were clean...:)
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I don't know how to tell the difference, but being "of a certain age" seems to make the sides you mentioned a lot worse.
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yes its hard to tell whats causing what for women in the 50's.        the way i handle the menopause issues (hot flashes, mood swings, etc.)   is getting adequate calcium and magnesium,   using soy milk or soy miso (a very absorbable form of soy)   and  taking dulse drops in my water  for my thyroid.   seems to work.
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things are busy here - still managing full week (50 hrs) although have been extra tired lately last hbg was 10.5 waiting on latest test results now to see if any change-thanks for asking
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my god finally an answer as to my I feel like a bag of **** minus the bag.. I'm going thru. menopause. Sorry for the dig, ladies; but maybe that damn riba fairy is still playing aroud with my head today's a lot better for me It's a wonder what 3 days of percoset does to one,s outlook. If I offended any during my last rant period, I am truly apologetic. I guess that's how I deal with it . Put me on ignore, sooner or later, I hit the rewind button and crash for 10hrs or so Hope all are coping well, I must catch up now that I am back in sanity mode.
I'm just now realizing what Judy went thru. before tx. was ended early. Sometimes I get so mad I could take my teeth out and bite myself and it's beenabout 3 mo.'s since the last riba.
at this rate, Iwish I'd stayed on it. It would be a better excuse...Daryl
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Yes..........I never had a problem (other than always BAD cramping) during my monthly cycle.  After my second go of tx I started bleeding very heavily and for a longer time span.  Used to be like clockwork, but the second go of tx really messed that up.  The bleeding was so bad I could not wear Tampax's and had to were two super pads and change them every hour or so.....One day I had cramps so bad I thought I could jump out of my body and reallllllly heavy bleeding.....I was tearing up the house looking for my Ibuprofin........really bad.  That was my last real normal period, although now I just spot....(clean bill of health there)....and for just a short while (during tx) I went through hot flashes.....then they stopped.  I find that I am not bleeding (3rd round of tx), but I still have my monthly cramping like clockwork.

I know the doctors really take precautions by telling us not to get pregnant during tx, and they even give us a pregnancy test kit before we start the meds.  They stress the danger while on tx, but they have no clue how it effects us during tx.  It seems to me that from hearing from the female masses here that tx really does screw our systems up more than the medical profession really know.  I think that it can bring on early menopause, and early menopausal and perimenopausal sx.(just my opinion and intuition)  From what I see on past posting and present posting, we women have many "weird womanly things" happen to us.  It is something that perhaps the medical gurus need to do a study on.   I feel that my body really went through changes due to the tx, but nothing was mentioned about that, but I just put two and two together thinking about the information I received about the dangers of pregnancy while on tx.  It is definitely an interesting question, and as was stated, it is a fine line of understanding as we are all mostly in that age group.  I for one hear my body telling me that it did change my mensus.........and I remember my doctors asking me if I planned on having children....????.....and they said to have the children before doing tx....???I wonder if maybe they might have their suspicions, although I have not seen any information about this.  Anyone else?
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It's a bit of an old one but anydiscription of behavioural or psychological disturbance due to pmt can lead to claims that women are not viable for resposable jobs/positions as they may be unpredictable. It's not stuck,as plenty of female piolets and drivers can vouch. But don't give them the chance. Call it Riba and bust a couple of jaws then say sorry.
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Thanks to all for your input;  no apologies necessary for descriptions; detail or whatever;  we are contributing to medical science because I suspect that this Forum IS being monitored by Drug company research people.  I believe they are taking notes on our sx and ultimately we will all benefit from the info gathered here.  (or maybe I've been watching too much masterpiece theatre:)
To the guys:  Thanks for your input; Daryl, you make me laugh out loud (thanks for your SOH despite the rough rosd you've been travelling)and Sam, I preferred your second post:)
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LOL,,,Well,,Like you said at least they were clean! haha  You know,,,I really don't know how we can be sure which is which and it does make it a double whammy for us ladies in that age group. I started tx in January and had 1 period in feb and that was it! Never had problems before tx so thinking the meds in this case are messing me up and honestly I don't care at this point,,,one less other side,,,I don't have to deal with monthly LOL  But yes,,,,could be that the meds maybe exaggerate what was maybe in the making already.  I would like to hear some other ladies experiences on this also and especially those who are through with tx if they also quit periods.  I know the men will want to skip this post but this is a very legit concern for us women..
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i have wondered the same thing-not only how to differenciate (sp?) between the 2 or if the interferon could cause menopause to start?

lol @ brain fog-nice to know i'm not losing my mind-for some strange reason i put my night meds under my pillow yesterday a.m. & had a heckuva time finding them last night-reckon i thought the "riba fairy" would take care of it for me.
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Love the Riba Fairy:)  How is life at the mill these days?
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I say try the ducking stool. If they drown it's pmt...if they float it's a dissapointment.
Is that mysoganistic
Is that spelt right?
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Well, my experience has been strange. I had regular   periods (but every 3 weeks for the last 7 years or so) and no symptoms of menopause up until I started tx. I had no periods while on tx and assumed I had completed menopause, esp since I had many of the symptoms such as night sweats and hot flashes. My ob/gyn asked if I wanted pills to take care of them but I declined.

Then, 2 months after tx ended my periods returned, regular as clockwork every 4 weeks. Go figure. Still have the hot flashes, but not as bad as when I finished tx. I don't know what's going on and I doubt that my doctor will be able to tell me. My theory right now is that the cessation of periods had something to do with anemia, but none of these effects are noted in the drug literature, so I'm interested in hearing what other women are going through.

Course, now that I bought a year's worth of tampax, etc, it'll all change again......

Best to you all.
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Very best of luck to you...I'll be thinking of you when I do my next shot this Friday, too.
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According to my docs office all of this is normal and things should return to the way they were pre tx. I haven't had a period in months (I'm at week 66/72) but at first they just got irregular. I've had all the symptoms of menopause and was kind of hopeing that I was getting it over with but my hep rn says he sees it all the time and he expects things to get back to normal in 2 to 6 months after tx. I did get a Gyn check just before tx and she says I was not premenopause and likely had a while to go. We shall see... I have to say this really makes me dread menopause much more than befoe tx.  LL
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Thanks so much everyone for their personal stories,,,I feel so much better because there is noone to talk about that part to that I know personally going through tx.  And my dr,,,Well you guys know,,,can be a freak at times and littlest thing,,thinks tx needs to be stopped so I save only the biggest of problems for him and you all guide me through the rest....

Derail,,,Whatcha doing on this thread?? LOL  Just kidding with you!  You,,,,Offend someone???  Where?  I would have to see that one!  You have always offered so much to the forum and your sense of humor,,,is the best!! We don't always reply to postings where people are just making statements and so on but I enjoy your posts and so many others so much! I can't say the times,,,I'm laughing so hard at this Monitor!! LOL
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I have seen no changes in my menses during the 50 wks except during the anemia period(;-} )  I had more bleeding then.  I am on the ortho evra patch and wonder if any of the girls that stopped menstruating was taking any anticonceptives?  I have noticed some hot flashes, mild, and they were there before tx as was brain fog but milder.  does birth control or lack of play a part in the change in any one else?

amerabrit; at least you found your socks, i'm still looking for a bag of underpants i have not seen in weeks, no idea if they were laundered or not...Perhaps I should take a trip to Sears and give up on searching......yes, I have been wearing  the ones I did find....no kinky stuff, Indy.
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Cuteus, I am glad you brought up the "unmentionables" because I was debating on whether to tell Amerabrit that I found my thong in my brush drawer. (clean too :>)  I hope we never go out in public forgetting to wear something important and if we do, I hope it is nothing that shows. (lol)  I would not want to put my underwear on my head instead of my hat!!!!! LOL
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Where else can you go for serious info and end up laughing your head off?
Thanks to all, I stopped by this Forum way too many times today, and each time I ended up laughing:)
I read the "Ham" turned up too...!
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This is in addition to getting you through tx:

A True Friends Oath...

       Are you tired of all those sissy, mushy "friendship" poems that
       always sound good but never actually come close to reality?
       Well, here is a series of promises that really speaks to true

       When you are sad ... I will get you drunk and help you plot
       revenge against the sorry ******* who made you sad.

       When you are blue ... I'll try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

       When you smile ... I'll know you finally had sex.

       When you are scared ... I will rag you about it every chance I get.
       When you are worried ... I will tell you horrible stories about how
       much worse it could be and to quit whining.

       When you are confused ... I will use little words to explain.

       When you are sick ... stay away from me until you're well again.
        I don't want whatever you have.

       When you fall ... I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.

       Send this to eight of your closest friends and get depressed because
       you can only think of two, and one of them is not speaking to
       you right now anyway.

       Remember: A friend will help you move.
       A really good friend will help you move a body.

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Layla I had to get up and wipe the tears from my legs,I laffed so hard. I'm sure there are many bodies needing hiding.
SAM have you ever considered a screeplay based on the swan incident maybe scifi. such as attack of the **** eating swans;the pond denizens  a danger to all dicky birds
or maybe a moral; dont bite off more than you can chew. To all the others with really strange occurences.. we bring episodes of alternate reality;; Drier milk, novel makeup storage solutions, thongs for hairbrushes and the new fav. crispy veggie hams, coming to a comedy routine soon.. But wait there's more just send 19.95 in the next 24.234 minutes and you too will be able to take a trip from the comfort of or find the undies bag whoops.........flashback warning the drugs you are ingesting w-iill, c--an , might lead to undesireable sx. dont touch your dial
remember how porky pig says manure...ma.ma.man.man.. aw ***** thats all folks
PS i need to go to the store for a fresh supply of panty liners for those giggle moments.
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Rofl,,,,are you sure you haven't already started "INTERFERON" because I'm thinking if you are like this now,,,,What is coming up in September????  hahaha
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LOL Sorry,,,I promised I wouldn't laugh but,,,,do you remember "the fly sisters"  Well I kept telling you guys we were transforming into something,,,haha  What I didn't know..  Seriously on knuckles,,,Yeesssss,,,I had lost some weight so my rings were loose awhile back but now I can't get them over my knuckles!!! I was just telling my husband last week,,,my knuckles are getting bigger for some reason haha  And of course,,,so glad you said it because I hated to be griping over every body, mental change but,,,will that settle down???  Now,,,knees  I haven't noticed so not sure on that.  We need DallasStar to come and help us out here and tell us if she went through this and came back to normal haha  Any ideas...anyone?
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Layla:::: That is a good one!!!!!! I think I do have a few good friends that would help me do that....ahahaha(LOL)
Derail::: when do you start tx????  I can hardly wait until we hear some of your thoughts then too. :>) Pretty good way to describe our dramas. teehee
Chevy/Honey::: My knuckles did not grow, but my WaWa-HooHoos did!!!!  I went to lunch with a couple of my friends the other day (have not seen them for a few months, they do not know about my Hep C as I do not want to worry them....but I had one of my long sexy wigs on and my new tshirt that is tight fitting with a picture of a snail that says "speed racer"...my energy mode these days.....(sorry, too much information :>)...ANYWAY...they both stared at me and said "wow", "your boobs got bigger".....I said yeah, I do not know what happened.....they smiled, but I think they think I got a boob job!!! (sorry for that description)
I am happy that it was my WaWa-HooHoos and not my knuckles!!! Wait......I am really looking and I think my knuckles ARE bigger.....Oh, no!!!! Chev...what are you doing to me??? (LOL)
Love ya......
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