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I quit my antidepressant

I ran out of my Celexa last week and I haven't taken any since.  I have to say that I feel BETTER.  I feel things again and I'm not walking around like a zombie.  I'm not near as tired and I actually WANT to have sex with my husband.

I never took antidepressants before treatment but I willingly started them a month before I started my meds.  At first I thought they were helping me bc I was very upset about having hep c and having to do this strenuous treatment.  As time went on while I was taking the Celexa, I felt dead inside.  I didn't want to do anything or go anywhere.  I didn't want to play with my twin toddlers or take them to the park.  I wasn't happy or sad.  I was nothing.

Now, I feel happy and excitement again.

I have alerted my husband, family, and friends that I stopped the Celexa and to watch for signs of depression or suicidal tendancies.

Anybody else have a similar experience?  Do y'all think I'm crazy?
38 Responses
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That has to be the best summary of AD's for interferon I've ever read. I agree. If they're the right drug for your particular problem then you shouldn't feel anything, just normal again.
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As usual, with this mecurial disease/treatment we have, there's no cookie cutter approach.

Some research has been done with cancer patients receiving interferon therapy that stongly suggests a direct link between inteferon treatment and depression. Both AD's certain stimulants are recommended to handle the different faces of this tx-induced depression -- the ADs for the depressive phase and the stimulants to help boost energy.  A really good webcast/presentation on this subject used to be available on Projects In Knowledge. I posted a link a long time ago and if I find it again I'll re-post.

Recently, there is this article, suggesting the prevelance of depression for those undergoing thereapy.
In fact, I handed it to my shrink the other day, as I convinced he underestimates the drugs we take (doesn't everyone LOL) and so far has not put me on an AD.


It sounds in your particular case you really never needed ADs.

Again, we're all different. But besides notifying your family, friends, etc, if you haven't already, you should notify your doctor as well because it's an important change in medications.

Also, be aware that depression can come at different stages during inteferon treatment, and what is not needed today may be needed tomorrow.

Some haved posted the importance of trying different AD's if the first doesn't work and this is very true.  Also -- going back to the webcast -- very often it isn't just an AD that is needed, but perhaps a stimulant by itself, or in combination with an AD.

-- Jim
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NSAIDS for depression?

I wonder if being on ibuprofen regularly during tx, helped me stay away from severe events?
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in the end, only a specialist can assist you with the proper treatment, since depression is not as simple as defining it as caused by a situation or event in our lives or by a chemical change in the brain. One theory is that the chemical change is triggered by an outside influence: trauma, personal tragedy, etc. That chemical change triggers physical changes which triggers more chemical changes. Another theory is that a chemical change occurs by whatever reason and this produces the physical symptoms. The use of medication is determined by how severe the reaction is to this change. Psycotherapy takes longer to produce an effect, regardless of the cause, and thus meds are used in severe conditions. Severe reactions are not experienced by two thirds of persons on tx, but they are medicated nevertheless.
Only you and your therapist can determine the best course of action.
Here is an interesting article pertaining to the unique set of circumstances that affect women, it pretty much covers all reasons and treatment available:
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116701 tn?1210259164
I know what you mean I told her the other day that the next time she had a thought to let it pass. Man I've been hungry. I keep explaining to her that I married up she was the one who blundered so deal with it. Still hungry and this wearing your underwear inside out ain't workin. Dale
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You shouldn't feel "nothing inside" on anti-depressants. You shouldn't feel anti-depressants at all if you are on one that works and is in the proper dosage.

There are two types of depression. One is situational and the other is reactive. Interferon creates imbalances in the brain chemistry (reactive) and this results in neuropsychiatric events. One-third of patients quit tx due to depression.It is not unusual for the depression to hit hard and heavy at any point in tx leaving little opportunity to react to it. This is the reason doctors almost universally want their patients to be on them. If you could decrease the discontinuation of therapy for a significant percentage of your patients by having them take anti-d's, then the benefit far outweighs any potential risks or side effects.

There is no talk therapy for this type of depression.

I wish you the best. I've known many who quit and it worked out great. I know many who were brought to their knees who quit, too.

Best regards,

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I wonder how much is really depression and how much is the miserable fatigue and aches that come with the meds and the anemia? if the drs were to treat the pains instead of what they think is depression, many would not need to be overmedicated.
this article dealt with coinfected individuals, but it relates to symptoms we all felt while on tx
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Ya dude, rolled craps this week! Sure a h-ll of a lot better than last week. Work got me wore down right now but I'd rather do somethin to keep the sx's out the picture as much as possible. Ya I know what ya mean on the wife thing, make em mad and the 1st thing they say we got this ed thing, how discustings that!!

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There's that can do humor again. LOL
Lioness it is 4:37 pm, here on the west coast.  Which reminds me, I need to go to the grocery store myself or we might not eat tonight. LOL


For all the great support today, Thank You so very much.  It has been a rough week and this day of posting has helped me so much. I don't think waiting for 12 week results is helping the anxiety level either.

Well, thanks again, off to the store.


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Well its 7:33 pm eastern time here, But its a little far to go grocery shopping though don't you think?
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Now guy you know how them wifes are. Sometimes when they have nothing to gossip about they make things up. You feeling better?

Sounds like this week you rolled the dyce and come up craps.
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Sorry to ask a dicky question, but what time is it over there? It is 11.26am here in Melbourne and really I should stop writing essays and surfing the net and grab my crazed whippet and unruly son and go get the grocery shopping done.
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You mean to tell me your the can't do man!

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MrsO: Congradulations on the half way point. And, say it again and again. Woo Hoo. Sorry for your loss (family/friend); have a safe weekend.

Lionesss: I can relate to tempers.  I, the cajun temper; but I have not seen that temper in a very long time; probably about 10 or so years.  Sixteen years ago I started sobriety and it took me about 5 years to clean that 4th step and truely let go of things.  When I was comfortable in my own skin, I saw things in a whole new light and got off the meds. For ten years now things have been pretty good, until tx.  
And, I am not sure, but the way to stop taking AD's is to be wiened from them slowly.  I think, that is how the doctor did it for me years ago.  I really should have know better than to wait this long, my bad, on judgement. I will welcome the relief of meds.  Thanks for your encouragement.

Mr. Can do man:  Cajun no can do, anymore, I need my sanity. I see you and a few others post about the spouse.  You're too funny.  My husband; well when he is not working, I think he has taken to hiding from me.  Can't say I blame him right now.  Poor Guy.

Thanks to all.

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no problem can do can and can do will.

Now if for some very slight reason you think i might be acting normal call nine hundred and eleven.
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99052 tn?1270983520
during my 48 weeks of TX I felt a little anxious at times I thought a little valum would be nice but the doc was only ready to give antidepressants I was not keen on that so I took nothing. I don't think I was ever depressed during TX. Just went to work and came home  surrounded by the dark gray cloud forest of riba. I think some people for sure don't need any antidepressants I diden't. If you were not on anything before TX then there is a pretty good chance you will do much better without anything. Good luck now go enjoy the kids and your husband.
10 weeks out  TX sucks-ROCKS
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116701 tn?1210259164
Very good point, just like the one on my head. I relate more to JaCK Nicolson in one flew over the kukoos nest but after the lobotomy.

Hey Can do if I start acting weird and saying things that don't make a lot of sense please do what you always do. Encourage me!!

Alady: We all understand where you are coming from better than anyone. I hope you have good luck with the adjustment to meds. I glad its made you happy. In 30 weeks I hope to be happy. I know my poor wife will. Good luck to all, Dale
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NY girl:  I am with you, I took ADs prior to Tx and my mood is more stable for me then it has ever being. WOndering how I am gonna get off them now, might have to subsitute them with St Johns Wort.  (Note: St Johns Wort is contraindicated with Tx as it works on some detox pathway on liver and may clear the drugs before they get a chance to work)

Cajun: You poor thing! Go get those ADs!  I am such a herbal hippy girl that I found the concept of going on ADs harder then the thought of going on Tx, especially as I wasn't depressed.  But I thought long and hard, and I have got an irish temper and am a sole parent of a rebellious 14yr old son, and I figured I had too much to lose if I lost the plot.  Depression I think manifests in me as anger and that riba rage didn't sound like fun.  I am on citalopram.  The doc prescribed 20mg, but I took 10mg for the first 2 weeks.  The side effects from it were more noticeable then the Tx (flu sx aside).  Became clumsy, foggy, and sad(?!)  But after a week these feelings disappeared, and now I am cruising. so just hang in there.  My emotions may be dampened a little, but now I can see the world more objectively without getting clouded over with my take on things and that is kind of interesting.  But I am still here, I still cry at corny beautiful things.
Some people get manic on them, but I read somewhere that that is more likely to happen if your bipolar.
Good luck with it all
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100019 tn?1335919717
Oh jeez, Candoman.  ROFL.  Now I see why you spell your name the way you do.  The way I've spelled it .... it looks a little too close to candyman for comfort.  Oh.  Was that the look you were after?

Dale - I've gotten so much help and encouragement I'm glad to pass some of it on.

GUESS WHAT?????!!!!!!!   Tomorrow night is shot #24.  HALF WAY DONE!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEE!

I have a funeral tomorrow and won't be around again till Monday.  But wanted to share it (and say it) today.  

Did I mention I was HALF WAY DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cajun said.....NO can do anymore.... Man my wife has to go and tell everything. GEEZ. I say can do can, so who you gonna believe me or her? As for the AD's do it gal, No need to suffer any more then we have to. Good luck to ya gal.

Dale says....I always know when she says "your so stupid", yours to huh. Well i just tell my wife tell me summin i don't all ready know. GEEZ, i mean your the one that married me so just who is the stupid one then.
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I just want to say this for others that debate the rescue drugs.  I am stubborn and thick skinned and today, I feel those traits of mine has started to unseam my family. So, my suggestion to those contimplating holding off on the meds.  Think real hard and long and look around to be sure you are not the only one being affected by this.  I have taken this to the point that I feel like I have the Indy 500 racing around in my chest and head most of the time and on some days I feel like my chest is just going to explode.  In my view, I have taken this stubborn streak a bit to far.  I have called for an appt. with my therapist from soberity years ago (love her dearly and will see her by myself for the first few visits and give her time to pick up speed on hcv and hcv treatment; then I am taking my family in for group.  

I am not saying this will happen to all, but for those who are confused and angry feeling.  Please do not let it get as far as I have taken this; it is devastating to you and all around you.  I have learned and felt the pain the hard way.

Thank You for your encouragement; it truely helps and I will not leave without the AD's.  In fact, my husband is going to escort me to this appt. on Tuesday.

I have two boys, 10 1/2 and 15.  I wish they would say what your son said about being a teenager.  I have always been the rock in this family and they show the pain in their faces and re-actions, that this is not the same mom I have always had.  They look at me like I am broken.


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116701 tn?1210259164
The term Physco Cybil is funny. My wife ask me what was wrong the other night because she said I had been quiet and I told her I was ovulating (spelling). It ended question time. I always know when she says "your so stupid" a long period of wonderful silence will follow. I was warned by my doctor to not stop taking the Lexapro until we talked no matter what but keep warning me. My brain mush is giving me fits ha!The reason I agreed to the Lexapro was because of the insomnia and fatigue. Plus I was probably doing a little bit of the manly man thing but remember I'm ovulating now so I got over it big time. I never knew how important sleep was to your mental health. I'm at shot 18 of 48 tomorrow and I wish weeks were minutes. I just want to feel good again and have interest in things like I did before. All the mental welness I can muster now I try to distribute it to my kids and grandkids. I hope you two are having a great day and your support is so wonderful. I've been real needy the past weeks and ya'll have really brightened it up for me and educated me along the way. Dale
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100019 tn?1335919717
I commend you for trying to do it without ads, but some people just have to have them.

There is no shame in admitting that and shame on your doc for not giving them sooner.

You just git on over there and refuse to leave his office till he gives you something.  And he should have samples for you to try before making you get script.  I've heard several people say effexor is very effective.

Good Luck.
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