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LIZE, Anyone post tx for atleast 2 years - are you out there?

Good Morning everyone, interested in hearing from people who are atleast 2 years post interferon treatment. I've spent quite a bit of time reading about folks that have completed their treatments 6-12 months ago and was wondering if any of you that completed treatment 2 years ago or more can comment on how you are feeling today, what you have gone through, or any additional info. you are comfortable with sharing.  Thank you very much.
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Sorry, but I have bought from Lloyd, read his books and read at his site, and listened to radio shows...... but I'm not sure that i have ever read or seen much compelling evidence that his regimen "cures" people.  One has to be precise about what means when one uses the words "cure" or "works".

I believe that one may alleviate some symptoms in some people, may lower LFT's or lower viral load, but these are not the same things as eliminating the virus or stopping damage caused by HCV.

If there happened to be a "cure" rate for his regimen meaning viral clearance, I would imagine that it would be over many years, and in the single digits after spending many thousands of dollars.  For the 97% (for the sake of argument assume he could cure 3%, which I doubt) who fail they would have spent time, energy and still have the virus, and could possibly still have suffered continued damage.  Follow me?

I believe Lloyd is and has been right about many things dietary and pertaining to supplements, but I submit that if he has been effective in "curing" people I have not seen it substantiated in meaningful ways.  If there is data I would welcome seeing it as well.  As you can see, I do not completely dismiss him, but I think claiming he can cure people is overstepping or stretching the truth.

The newer therapies will not have interferon, will provide short term treatments and high efficacy rates.  There is far more certainty in treating HCV in this manner, IMHO>

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1747881 tn?1546175878
There are alternative treatments that do have the research backing them but many are done in other countries.You just have to do the research online and you'll find them

Could you please post the research or links to the research that proves this.
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What do you mean by "document"?
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1747881 tn?1546175878
"There ARE alternative treatments that DO work"

Could you please post the research that proves this.

New people there are no known alternative treatments that successfully rid the body of the hep c virus.
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If you know you have Hep. C, of course you should let others know so they can take precautions but Hep. C is only transferred thru blood and VERY rarely  (1%) thru UNPROTECTED sex, so if people know, there is not much chance for them to  catch it.
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You are lucky that your virus was wiped out.....in many cases it's not, esp. genotype 1s. Also because you didn't have any long term side effects. But may take the drugs, get long term horrible side effects and they may or may not still have the virus. There ARE alternative treatments that DO work but don't expect to find them from your doc.
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Then why would someone who has only had Hep. C for a very short time and has no symptoms at all, have such sever side effects after treatment?
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Sorry - didnt mean to upset anyone, dont even think I was responding to anyone in particular.  Just kinda thinking out loud a bit.  I never intended to say that it was all in the head.  No way!  I just think that in my case my head is involved and I am not sure how much.  In reading other posts it occurred to me that perhaps my pre treatment sides were not really sides but bad lifestyle.  My ears are open and I hear you.  Your not the first to tell me to f off or get to a meeting.  So thanks (not for the f off) but for the good suggestion.  My deepest apologies to you, you certainly dont need any more on your plate than you already have.
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BTW, the 85% is before we get into tx not afterwards.  Once that energy is turned to recovery it is amazing the results.  Anyway, thought I would clarify less someone thinks I am anti addict or somthing. And I certainly didnt mean that people should talk about these things.  Just a couple of threads ago I was saying that we need to discuss this more.  As HepResearcher said the other day, the imperfection of language.  Without seeing me saying what I am saying and without me sitting on your side of this reading, it is difficult to convey and to interpret what the hel! someone is talking about.  Again, my apologies.
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Hello.Abbas,boy.23 years old.

Intrferon alpha ruined my best younghood years.14 months post tx.
sexual dysfunction,depression,anxiety,chronic fatique,low energy,brain fog, i live as a movable dead. no fun in my life

interferon made me old,never say yes to it
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85% of their time worrying about thier addictions.  thats what you said.  You should get a life.  I know dozens of people in recovery and after the first year or so just as me, dayd and even weeks can go by with out the thoughts of addiction, thats because I have a life.  If the people you hang out with think the same as you or if you get your info from books that say things like that, Seriously change your life, your not living.
  If someone has gone through tx and are not feeling right they have a right to talk about and owe it to others to talk about it.
  I thank God for people talking about what they went through and are going through.   I have suffered a lot on tx and today I am on my 5th tylanol which is a lot for me.  
  I'm getting a littlr carried away here. If I was done with tx and just dint feel righ, I would want to know if others felt anything.   Yes , I think about tx and when I am in some sort of pain I am IN IT.  But I have a life and even though I am in the middle of it  {tx}  I don't think about it 80% of the time.
  I think I just went over board writing all this. Sorry
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It sounded to me like you were saying much of this is in the head. Well **** you if you are.  I used to think when someone talked about depression that they really should just snap out of it.  I got into a depression some where around the 3 or 4 week and it has been very deep for days on end and even today I am deeling with trying not to let it COMPLETELY over take me.  I have two children here and have done very good at keeping it together.  I now see that my perspective about others perspectives were just my limited view and some one who has been in a 12 step progam should by now have begun to understand that.
  And there is another very importen insight i have learned about myself through tx, and that is when I am feeling very low and it gets rough, anger seems to bring relife.  So **** you and I hope to ******* run into you and show you how ******* angry I can get.
  And that is how I feel after reading your very limited view, selffish view.   I can go on but I think I embaressed myself enough.   The way you see it MAY ONLY BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU so return your self back to 12 step meetings and take the cotton out of you ears and put it in your mouth
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Diagnosed geno 3 in 1998. Probably had disease 20 to 25 yrs. Biopsy at time of diagnosis - level 2 fibrosis.

Started to get tired and weak prior to Tx. Had to nap every day after work...heart palpitations were a problem. Thought I had MVP syndrome or fibromyalgia.

TX 48 wks in 2004.

2 yrs post this month.

Minor Muscle/joint problems that were not present pre tx. Keep getting muscle pulls and strains, very strange.... never had these type problems before. Minor joint pains at times.  Keep in mind I'm 52.

Had post interferon hangover, took nearly the two years to go away....but it is mostly gone.

No more naps!!!!! Energy level is good, 90% good days/10% bad... can't tell you how happy that makes me feel!!

From my perspective tx was worth every miserable minute.

Just my little report...this forum really helped me make it.

God answered my prayers...hope he answers yours as well.


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As to sides, I started tx at age 55 did 48 weeks full compliance and did not get depressed, did not have anemia, did not have rescue drugs at all except for occasional pain meds and worked the whole time. The only really bad skin problems were from a flu shot interacting with tx.  In retrospect most of my troubles came from anxiety over what "might" happen to me. I was virus free at 3 mos post and I am going for my 6 mos next week.  Go figure.

Thinking about post tx sides, I am recalling what we used to, and still do, say about addiction (I am sober 20 years, another unpleasant pretx side!) - that addicts spend 85% of the energy trying to manage their addictions.  It seems to me that the same is true with disease.  How much energy do we spend managing the illness, the tx, the recovery from tx?  I bet 50% might be a fair guess. Can you think clearly when 50% of your thougts, emotions and energies are devoted to such dire subect matter.

I have said this previously but it always seems relevant - I wonder how each of us would feel if we could live in our bodies alone without the accompanying cacophonies going on in our head?  I am sure there would be lingering sides from this stuff, but which ones? And how would we react to those without having them act as short fuses to these other hot issues such as was it worth it or not.  I dunno. duuh. chemo brain alert.

"Chemo brain" as reported recently in the news is a measurable effect of cancer therapy - methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil (5FU) plus a dash of Tamoxifen.  These headlines from October are not about interferon tx although it is rather obvious that Interferon does alter brain chemestry.   But even in the cancer studies, doctors reported that most patients should return to normal in 1 to 2 years.  Some did show problems 10 years after tx.  There are also chemical changes from amenia, depression, elation, intimacy.  Get better, get happy have bam bam - viola -chemo brain.  

Its like math I think.  If you think you are good at math you stay with a problem longer because you EXPECT to solve it.  In the end, the added time will allow you to solve it. If you think you suck at math, you will have great anxiety over problems and give less time - voila - problem not solved but stomach acid increased.  What we think determines what we are. I wonder how that fits in to all this post tx stuff.
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sorry if this ? bothers anyone.  I was hcv2 no virus after the 12of24 weeks on tx.  I want to stop tx with 4 weeks left  3 after tonight. I have precious little brain left even before tx.I don't want to lose whas left.
  I'm sitting here thinking about what I'm writing right now am even if everyone screamed "stoooop"  I would most likly shoot that stuff into me belly at 6:00
So I just wasted more space.
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To each his own...watch and monitor...hell no, never.
I make this statement while wishing I would feel half as good as I did before tx.
I could name 20 reasons why to tx at stage 0, but we have gone over this ooodles of times before, don't feel like covering the subject again.
I give one reason though...stage 0-1 has a better chance of winning this game than stage 2,3,or 4.
Those that want to wait for better drugs in hopes of escaping present tx misery, fine.
The new drugs in the pipline come with their own side effect profile, no free lunch.

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The full saying is "happy as a clam at high tide." In other words clams like high tide because they can't get raked up and gobbled off their half shell. ;-)
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Good To See Everyone...
I've been MIA due to a family matter that required me to stay in Ga. since mid Oct, but I have finally obtained temp Guardianship of my 10 mo. old grandson.... so I have a new little travel buddy now, & he & I will be heading back to Washington this Weds. This ought to be interresting as I have never traveled via airline with an infant before, & I detest folks with little kids crying on flights... praying I don't become one of those people I dislike to travel with... Ugg!!!

Anyway, This is a great topic, & I can sure see everyones point of views... & I have to remind myself that when I first got here in Oct 03, nobody had ever heard of VX-950, & Pegasys was the latest & greatest (Now I am wishing I had of bought stock in that the first time someone came over on this board & mentioned it) Darn-It!!!

I'll definately agree that although Pegasys was certainly not easy, it was far better than for those on the original Pegitron ever had it... but I am bias on that as I feel I was truely blessed to have been one of the more fortunate ones that was not affected as adversly as the majority seem to be... which brings me back to this thought..... AGE... what do ya'll think about that??? I mean Snooks skated thru relatively easy, & far easier than I.... For me the MENTAL Aspects of Tx was far worse than the physical... but I did have painful flare-ups with CTS, which ahas now subsided again.... only other time I had that was in my last trimester with my second child umpteen million years ago.. & it subsided within 6 weeks after delivery... so that was a pre-existing condition that obviously got aggrivated... so obviously TX caused some kind of constriction...

Sooo my thought process is... One Of Two Scenerio's...
1) those that go thru little to no sides... had little to no pre-existing conditions????

2) Those that go thru little to no sides, do so because they are younger possibly???

Cause Snooks is young, & I am younger than most here (probably) I Hope, I Hope...LoL Soo that was definately one ponder

I still do lot's of pondering over lots I read on the board, & I try to stay up to date on the new meds & trials (as I have not achieved the so called CURED Status YET) but I think I will (I'll let ya;ll know that in April when I do my one year post Tx PCR....

I had been infected for approx 23 years, but I attribute the reason for little to no liver damage, was probably cause I have never been a big time drinker, as my drug of choice had always been Pot (before I got into trouble for it) so, then I didn't do that for almost 15 years (did try it on TX when I busted my youngest daughter finding it under her dresser)...
sooo... ummm, that brings me to that subject too... I mean what can I say, I forced myself to smoke the evidence...LoL, & seriously it was GREAT, & had I of had access to more, or if Ga would have been a MM State... I'd of probably been more than happy to do that on a regular basis, & I do believe that I would not have lost as much weight, & wouldn't have needed all the helper drugs as in the Zoloft, Ambien, or Xanex... had I of been able to do that...... BUT now being OFF Of TX... I have no desire to smoke up at all... & I have found I don't even desire the wine either... It's almost like I am high on LIFE, & I have enough going on & on my plate as it is... so I want to get thru it with my own dang raw emotions.... something about doing TX & taking all those pills & injections, left me with a since that I was Robbed of nearly 3 years of my life... I mean the only symptoms that I can even possibly attribute to being remotely related to HCV prior to TX was the Fatigue... & I had it bad... & I must say that has since been resolved... I have the energy... but the TX has left me with brain fog... so again... the TX was harder mentally than physically... & mentally I still have remnants (Chemo BRAIN) left over... so that's why no desire to drink, smoke up, or do drugs... I am trying to fix my brain... & that IS THE NUMBER ONE THING That Concerns me about the then current Poison (Pegasys)many of us were/are taking... & I suppose that's a small price to pay for getting rid of the virus... but IS IT REALLY????

I personally can not funtion mentally, & am not near as sharp, or quick witted as I used to be... & I could never achieve, or maintain the technical status, & ability that I used to could have... so was THAT my trade off??? I dunno!!!

I feel like people with thyroid burnouts... ect... probably had some kind of underlying medical condition beforehand, even IF perhaps it had not benn diagnosed prior to TX... it's like the TX seeks out our weeker aspects & plays on them... Okay, so I just called myself week-minded... but I suppose that was always a prior possability too... I was just too stuborn & determined to realise it???

I will say that TX & loosing that 3 years & having gone thru that & shared others experiances on this board, that it did give me a greater appreciation, & value, & respect for Life itself... but that's a Plus.... so in that aspect... my Quality Of Life Has Thus Improved... it made me more sensative to others!

However another concern of mine IS THESE TRIALS.... Now Had I of HAD To do a Trial to do my TX... I would have probably waited till I could at least juggle a way to afford the real Mc Coy...

Trials BUG Me... & I realise that they are a golden opportunity for many... but it's like being a Guinnia Pig, & plus (depending on the type of trial) you don't know IF your getting the real deal, or the proper dosage ... ect... & that seems like that is a lot to put onself thru mentally & emotionally, plus many have to drive to these far off places to get there tx... I don't know about ya'll but I got severe Road Rage on TX, & pretty much Quit driving because I was not safe to be on the roads, If I wasn't mad, I forget where I was going... ect... so again (Mental Aspects) & I found it better not to drive (which my vehicle suffered for tremendously) I only put less than 5,000 mile on it in 3 years & in the last month I have sunk nearly 1,600 bucks in it because it basically dry rotted from sitting... damn thing had cob-webs in it for Christ Sake... so TX is no walk in the park for sure... & there are sooo many decissions & soo much to consider before making these decissions....& that decision is certainly not anything to be taken lightly..

Soo, I respect ya'll opinions, & appreciate the feedback... but I am wondering if the vx950 is gonna be the new Walk in The Park... & what it's Long term post tx repercussions will be... Humm...

I think Kalio, MyOwn, Return, Jm, Rev, & Chev have all made some VERY GREAT POINTS & I am enjoying this thread....
Still though....
What do ya'll think about Age Factor role in SX's????
What do ya'll think about Trials???
AND... as Kalio Just Mentioned above... the Harboring of the Infectious Disease... I gotta tell ya... That Point Alone scares the bejeebies out of me... cause it's TRUE, & It's a FACT... & Personally... (again Mental deal) I had to TX... NOT TREATING Was NOT An OPTION For Me... I couldn't live with myself Knowing that I had it.... I mean when I discovered the diagnosis... all I cared about was getting RID of it at any cost or circumstance!
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Jim said.
A lot of this is mental as I see it.

You said a mouthful ,at least in my case, so true.

see ya, have a good weekend.
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I just think that time is going by too fast not to treat this.  I treated four times before it took.  I was quite happy that I did the treatments.  I believe because of the treatment I did not progress at all from my first biopsy 10 years ago to my last in 2005.  If I waited, I would likely have progressed to a worse state making the chance of success smaller. The amazing thing to me is that I began this round of tx 18 months ago!  I cant believe that so much time has gone by.  

The question is, would I rather be here 18 months later with no virus and a chance at a real life again, or sitting here worrying and waiting with the virus gaining momentum each day.  I would choose this spot every time.  I am glad I treated. I am proud that I made it through this. If nothing else I learned that I have the strength and will to battle some pretty significant odds.  But if they come up with a pill in the next few weeks or months that wipes the virus out permanently without any side effects and grows your hair back to teenage level and gives you great teeth and libido - well then I will feel pretty stupid.
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In my last post, I didn't want to get into the pro's and con's of waiting versus treating,  but merely explain that none of us are trying to second guess anyone else's decisions or make a decision for them. That it's a very personal choice.

That said, both Chevy and Rev have done a really good job of why waiting makes sense for some. I just want to add that while the drugs may be several years out in terms of coming to market, within  the next 6-12 months we will have very strong indications whether or not VX-950, for example, will pan out. Also, if the Prove I and Prove II trials do well, there should be many more slots open next year in trials to follow. As both Chevy and Rev suggest, this is a different time than before, hopefully a pivotal time in Hep C treatment. I know, I know this has been said before (remember BILN XXXX) but the consensus seems to be it's different now. That's why I personally feel that a very reasonable strategy for someone without significant liver damage is to wait at least 6-12 months to get a better peek at the future. If the peek doesn't look all that good, combo treatment is still there.

Be well.

-- Jim
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The people that choose to "wait" still have an INFECTIOUS DISEASE. There is still some risk of them passing it to others. I think that is an important factor that is not taken into consideration as much as it should be. Due to the stigma, I think a LOT of people have this and don't mention it to others. They are all capable of spreading this virus. I don't want my doctors or nurses to have it, there is a risk if they aren't undetectable and treating however small.

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I couldn't agree with you more.
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What about those of us post treatment now, but who have treated several times without responding?   How are we supposed to feel?  It's been since 1997 since I was pre-treatment and I've never known what it was like to be a post-treatment person who was SVR.   I'm not feeling sorry for myself, but it's just the facts.  I know, I shouldn't even be responding to this post since I haven't been post treatment for 2 years.  But, I couldn't help it.  I feel frustrated with the whole thing.  I don't know if I'll try something new, or not.  I have mixed feelings about trying again, unless, of course, I had a bunch of different docs wanting me to try a protease or polymerase inhibitor.  But, I'd still be going into it with an ambivilent feeling, so would my lack of positive attitude even make it worthwhile?  I don't know.  Time will tell.

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