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Liver Friendly AntiDepressants - Open thread

I know that Ativan is metabolized by the kidneys, therefore most likely liver friendly for anxiety.
Does anyone know of a liver friendly antidepressant?

I thought I could find an increased level of knowledge by seeking help from a very large local hospital's Director of Behavioral health, but once again I found an idiot with a degree.
I asked for liver friendly meds, and after he finshed looking at me like a monkey looks at a marble, he thought it best that I ask my liver specialist if he/she knew.
Gosh, I guess I can wait FOUR MONTHS.
Please help me, this is my last chance at getting some help.
40 Responses
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10064531 tn?1408149001
I like what you had to say...after reading all these posts, it jolts me back to my year of "talk" therapy.  It helped some weeks, but other weeks, it just seemed stupid and a waste of time, and then I was always kind of 'paranoid' that the therapist was judging me.  Since stopping that, I have gotten a little better depression-wise, but boy, oh boy, do I still have my days.  One thing I wanted to touch on relates to part of what you were saying, I had a huge scare last year during an annual liver scan, when they discovered a mass in my pancreas! of all places.  I really believe one thing that guided me through that crazy time was my own Mom's spirit (she passed away in '97), and I truly believe her spirit guided me to the small, short You Tube excerpts of the late Andreas Moritz.  He really talks a lot about natural ways to help yourself and also --A Huge one--that our livers are like our second brain, and the actual liver cells really change when our emotions change, especially Anger.  Since then, I have made a very conscious effort to kind of "go outside" of my body when I am down or angry, and survey myself.  I also really let it all out, I truly believe we should never stuff our emotions.  Andreas Moritz also wrote a book "The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse",  which I  have yet to do (am kind of scared), but his approach to both our bodies and medicine is to be your own best friend--he really helped me.  Q
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9662954 tn?1405606159
I take lamictal 25 mg 1x a day, and klonopin .5 mg prn up to three a day.  Low doses, but really helpful!  I found out klonopin also helps with fluid retention, so that's an added bonus.  Lamictal I take as a mood stabilizer and klonopin for anxiety.  However, I tend to take 2 a night just before I go to sleep and I wake better. (Not anxious about the day.)

The other antidepressant my liver doc approved was Effexor because it helps with depression and anxiety and has a short life, and Xanax.  I was under the impression most liver docs will work with you re suggesting antidepressants and even have liver-friendly psychiatrists they routinely refer to.  Of course this would be typical in a large city setting (I'm in a Houston).

Not loosing weight, drinking plenty of water and following a healthy diet are also essential.  Liver disease in itself can cause depression.  However, a healthy diet is the groundwork for everything else. You can't do one without the other!  Good luck!
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4104962 tn?1349826582
Amen, brother!!
If one does some serious research on benzos' addictive properties, one WILL find there is also suicide connected with these!
I have 'come off' Ativan and after fighting off seizures, with a LONG anxiety bout, depression set in and if it had not been for my strong faith in God, I might not be here right now.
These are HIGHLY fat-soluble and attach themselves to Gaba receptors in the brain.  Seein's as how the brain is almost entirely composed of fat...you guessed it, takes a while to get 'straight'.
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I was wondering how you are doing now? Sad that you were treated that way... It makes me sick how people think they know about you ( it does not matter what any NOSEY HEARTLESS ******* thinks) what gives anyone except the lord or god the right to JUDGE YOU! I hope you treatment worked for you and that today your life is better.
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So I just read through this thread and I feel this is a safe place to share and vent a little bit .. Im currently in my 5th month of interferon treatment for Hep C  Geno Type 3a ..I was given the rundown by my free clinic doctor about the side effects of treatment now I have to be honest I was once very into my addiction but the the doctor who was treating me felt that after 4 years of being sober that it was safe to start my treatment ..After my second injection the side effects started to kick in and for the first time in many years I had real genuine anxiety from the treatment I would imagine not to mention the horrible mood swing I would have ...Anyways let me get my issue and this is a heads up for anyone that is considering Interferon treatment and may have been a recovering addict ..My experience for the past 5 months has been a nightmare I have been treated like the old me and have been very humiliated for the duration of my treatment I am doing well the treatment and that I am grateful for but I am not grateful for all the labeling that still seems to follow me years after my addiction anytime I need a refill for my Ativan its an issue from the doctors to the pharmacy ..Its really a crappy situation and so my heads up is this if your a recovering addict considering treatment be aware of the fact that when you really need a pain med for real genuine pain or an anxiety med because you feel like you hearts going to explode that you may have a hell of a time getting the medication you need to help you get through the tuff time on treatment ...I have 5 weeks to go and when I get better and im actually capable of standing up for myself again I plan on going into the clinic where I got treatment and give them a piece of my mind for treating me like a junkie which I am no where near I always have to remind them that I wasnt taking anxiety meds before treatment well yes I was but about 5 years ago totally different circumstances ...So if anyone can elaborate on being humilliated by your doctor or pharmacist giving you a hard time or just not giving much of a **** about your well being...Sorry yes I know my grammer ***** but I hope you get the point of what this topic is about someone please help out I need to know im not alone on this ****** situation
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So I just read through this thread and I feel this is a safe place to share and vent a little bit .. Im currently in my 5th month of interferon treatment for Hep C  Geno Type 3a ..I was given the rundown by my free clinic doctor about the side effects of treatment now I have to be honest I was once very into my addiction but the the doctor who was treating me felt that after 4 years of being sober that it was safe to start my treatment ..After my second injection the side effects started to kick in and for the first time in many years I had real genuine anxiety from the treatment I would imagine not to mention the horrible mood swing I would have ...Anyways let me get my issue and this is a heads up for anyone that is considering Interferon treatment and may have been a recovering addict ..My experience for the past 5 months has been a nightmare I have been treated like the old me and have been very humiliated for the duration of my treatment I am doing well the treatment and that I am grateful for but I am not grateful for all the labeling that still seems to follow me years after my addiction anytime I need a refill for my Ativan its an issue from the doctors to the pharmacy ..Its really a crappy situation and so my heads up is this if your a recovering addict considering treatment be aware of the fact that when you really need a pain med for real genuine pain or an anxiety med because you feel like you hearts going to explode that you may have a hell of a time getting the medication you need to help you get through the tuff time on treatment ...I have 5 weeks to go and when I get better and im actually capable of standing up for myself again I plan on going into the clinic where I got treatment and give them a piece of my mind for treating me like a junkie which I am no where near I always have to remind them that I wasnt taking anxiety meds before treatment well yes I was but about 5 years ago totally different circumstances ...So if anyone can elaborate on being humilliated by your doctor or pharmacist giving you a hard time or just not giving much of a **** about your well being...Sorry yes I know my grammer ***** but I hope you get the point of what this topic is about someone please help out I need to know im not alone on this ****** situation
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1765684 tn?1333819168
You take neurontin for blood pressure?  I understand it is used for treatment of epilepsy as well as nerve pain...  However, high blood pressure is listed as an uncommon side effect of neurontin...  (I take it for pain).  That sounds odd.
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I threw away all my anti-depresants, I found out that the treatment zaps testosterone levels and dr's don't even know, its insane, so once I started my testosterone my depression cleared up quick. I am taking neurontin though for bp problems cause of the treatment and that also helps alot. so no more depression for me, I am glad to becaue I am 2 yrs post treatment and was very depressed. Hope you find what works for you and anything you take is going to be hard on the liver oru bodies just aren't made to take loads of meds. One day at a time.
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2029927 tn?1336089607
Thanks for the info on the SSRI's. I did my research and I brought it up to my primary doc and he says "Oh don't worry. All the drugs have those liver warnings on them." I'm on Cymbalta and it clearly states on the commercial not to take if you are prone to liver problems. I swear they lie to us just so they won't get sued.
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I am a psychologist who has trained physicians for 12 yrs.I also coauthored a medical textbook,  " management of the addicted patient in primary care" with my husband, and addiction psychiatrist.XANAX IS THE MOST ADDICTIVE & THEREFORE DANGEROUS BENZODIAZEPINE MADE! Its very short half-life causes individuals to become physically dependent in less than a week of daily use & then users of this med experience something called,"intradose withdrawal "--- they become extremely anxious ( the symptom that caused them to take the drug in the first place) in between there doses! I agree w/ sam; however,you do not have to have a severe mental illness to take _ativan for a few days, or klonopin for a longer period of time (its half-life is long so its easier to wean off it) if needed. The main thing to know about these medications is that if you've been taking them everyday 4 a substantial length of time, DO NOT JUST STOP TAKING THEM B/C WITHDRAWAL COULD CAUSE SEIZURES & DEATH (just as dependence on alcohol can cause death if the drinker stop drinking abruptly). In terms of pain medication, if you are dependent upon it and stop it abruptly, you won't die but she will feel like you want to! I hope that's helpful. By the way, the only antidepressant I know of that doesn't use a major metabolic pathway in the liver is Pristiq.
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I too wish for living in a state that allows med grade marijuana - then maybe I could do that instead of the clonopin. I have Hepc C also but not bad enough for any treatments but my doc is now looking into the more liver friendly anti depressants also for me to take. I know it just takes time but crap sometimes they just don't realize u needit when u need it!!!!!!
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1979276 tn?1326203552
Hi new-sojourn,
I've been diagnosed as having been exposed to hep c, but I have not developed symptoms. I have trouble sleeping and have anxiety attacks when trying to fall asleep and they include severe convulsion-like muscle reflexes in my chest area around my heart. When I tell my California (free clinic type) doctor about them and ask for an anti-anxiety medicine, she (and all of them in the past as well) has said that I should try an anti-depressant. But I'm not depressed and I don't want to lose my sex drive and I don't want liver damage. When you say in the above message that marijuana tx doesn't cause the munchies, what do you mean by tx?
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Hi there...You have posted your question on a thread that is about 7 yrs. old. For a better response go to the  green "Post a question"  and start a new thread.

As far as your dad goes,it is hard to understand  by your question if his problems are related to HepC or not. Maybe add a little bit more info.about when he treated,at what stage his liver cond. is in and if he is seeing a Hepatologist currently for his condition.

Hope that helps some...

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hi this is the first time iv been on the site and read all the posts,and i understand a little bit more now.my dad has had hep c for 25 years now, and has tried interferon,unfortunately it didnt work it made him worse.as a daughter of a great man that has this i have tried to understand,and do understand alot of it but it is getting worse.he has good days and relly bad days, but the depression is getting worse and the anger is alot worse. my dad was never an anger man, but lately hes anger rages are getting worse and u can tell they are uncontrollable. i am hoping that someone can help..... the doc has just tried one antidepressant and he had a reaction that made him very sick. any help would be appreciated looking for any insight to help him have better days. it affects him daily and it affects everyone around him,desperately trying to find a answer to help with the emotion part of the disease,so he can live a happy life, PLEASE ANYONE ANY INSIGHT IS APPRECIATED.thanks again  
from a loving daughter  that needs help
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My Goodness...it is good to see you again.  How are you doing?
Many have asked about you...and I also have thought about you.
Hope all is going well for you.
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It took 2 years for me to finish withdrawal from Ativan. It was a nightmare beyond words. Four times more addicting than valium. The withdrawal is a living nightmare, practically a psychotic break. I urge anyone who MIGHT have any leaning toward addiction to steer clear of this "minor tranquilizer"
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Thanks everyone. I just can't think straight when I am in a state like yesterday. New - I am jealous that you can get medical pot - I'd like to replace my garden too. It has been the only thing that has helped me all this time. Unfortunately me state is in the stone ages about this - it makes me sick to see the law spend their time hassling pot smokers/growers when there are meth labs operating, golly which is the bigger problem? Or course meth labs aren't a big party to bust, you don't get to ride in a helicopter or anything.
And as far as talk therapy, this is clearly a chemical thing, if I can't reason myself out of depression, than how the heck can someone else talk me out of it?
Sam, thanks for the warning about Ativan, I don't need that kind of trouble. And I believe you.
I have a pharmacist checking about liver friendly meds too, I'll post what I find out.
Until then, it looks like I will be relying on Indiana's advice, lots of pot smoking and sex.
Now that don't sound too bad, does it?
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I see your point. Thank you for explaining it in those terms. And the example of how just by simply reading something here can change how I am feeling is the best example I've heard yet.

And the pharmacist sent a copy of a paper on hepatic effects of common AD's. Most cause increased liver enzymes at the least, the Tricyclic AD's can even cause hepatic failure. Most are also recommended at 50% dosage.
If I could read the report better (crappy faxed copy)
Sometimes the best advice is something you don't want to hear.

I was hoping for a magic pill - now I think that this change has to come from inside me.

I get more support and accurate information from this site than I ever have had from the DR's.
You guys are the best. Have a good weekend....

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Thank you, love.   Enjoy the debates tonight...and everything else you can.
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I meant to say that if I could read the report better, I would post it.
And thanks again califia, I will try to enjoy something/anything/everything!

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Great advice, Cuteus.  One of  the best arguments I've ever seen for doing talk therapy.   Want2live,  I hope you'll bring it here before it gets that bad again, because there's something about telling our story and really being heard that restores our will to go on like nothing else.  

Living with this disease, on top of whatever other challenges each of us deals with, is very crazy making.   But this is it, the one life we have to live.   However long we have, whatever shape our liver is in when we leave,  we live our lives moment by moment.    Don't let anyone steal your laughter, babe.  When you see the abyss opening before you, throw flowers into it one by one.

The very religious (and mystical) Chasidic Jews entered the gas chambers dancing and singing in praise of life.   That's some act to follow, eh?
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I thought wellbutrin was one of the worst. I am going to stop by the pharmacy and get a better copy of the documentation that the pharmacy faxed to me. I wasn't having much luck on searching for this kind of info on the net.
And congrats on the still clear, I am so very happy for you, I can't imagine how good you must feel, thank God Bill.
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I truly wish we could be your therapy, and all you need to get better, but we can't be.  What we are is the compliment to whatever direction you take in achieving your health. WHen I worked at the Crisis HL, we were like adjuvant therapy to one on one, meds and support groups. If the person did not continue his one on one, he could not call us, as we were not to be substituted for his therapy.
I did some research a while back in hopes to get answers for my schizoprenic/paranoid sister.  It is extremely sad to hear her speak about the people that have been building a "case" against her for 5 yrs, hiring helicopters to follow her and buying the police force in California. they even engaged the help of my brother and older sister. she only trusts her husband, kids, my mom and it seems, me.
She seemed well while on medication and therapy. But quit the therapist and sometime later, without the direction of the psychiatrist, decided to quit the meds also. now she is stumbling in the world of delusion, and believing there is nothing wrong with her, and certain that we will learn she was right all along, when she ends up in jail.
a good therapist will assist in redirecting negative behavior and thoughts in order to keep a balanced chemistry in the brain.  The meds assist with inmediate relief until the therapy has a chance to work.
I hope you can find someone you can connect with for the one on one, and a good support group.
Bad feelings do seem to be minimized as they exit our mind through our mouths, I don't know how it works, but it does.
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Here are some good sites that will allow you to do your own research. My father is a retired Pharmacist and even at his peak and with all the continuing education he would check on anything he was not 100% sure of. But I find today the walmart Kmart pharmacist are lacking in the Hep-C meds also what to take and what not to.




          Good Luck

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