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Please Tell Me

I just found the following unaswered post from "tellme" deep in our achives. Hopefully we can point him/her in the right direction without too much disagreement.


Please tell me. I just got diagnosed with Hepatitis C, genotype 1, stage 2. Should I treat or not? Is the 4-week PCR really necessary?
What about Peg Intron versus Pegasys? Do you suggest I wait for Vertex? Is there really an occult virus? What about herbs? Milk thistle? Botox? Is it OK to drink socially before and after treatment? Does Brian fog really exist and where does he live? My doctor wears bow ties, is that reason enough to switch. Is it true that some consider fudgicles helper drugs? Tell me, please tell me.
35 Responses
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Finally a straight answer. LOL.  But are you sure Brian Fog doesn't exist? He comes and visits me every day. That I can tell you.

Be well,

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you are a geno 1 that would be about 48weeks of treatment.  you are a stage 2, well you could choose to treat or not to treat. i am stage 2 and treated for 48 weeks and am now clear.  the 4 week pcr is nice to have but not all insurances will pay for it.  i had 12 week pcr, doc said 4 week wasn't wise cause i prolly still had viral load and it might discourage me.  you could choose to used pegintron or pegasys, they are both the same thing made by different companies. i would not take milk thistle while on treatment.  i would not get botox at all. i think once you have cleared the virus you could prolly have a drink once in a great while.  brian fog does not exist, brain fog does. your doc wears bow ties? well atleast his tie won't be falling into his soup bowl.  fudgecycles? well, i'll take one or two of those any day. good luck to you and i hope, Tellme, that i told you. lol
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Hi Kalio- Yeah I'm hanging in there. The sx are strange, some are more all day constant like aches and sore muscles(especailly shoulders and neck). The mornings are miserable, doesn't matter how much sleep I get, the first 2 hrs I feel so fatigued and overwhelmed. Many mornings have trouble holding down brkfst and burp like mad. It subsides in about 2 hrs and I go to work. Fatique is still there always. Glad schools over, I get to sleep an extra hr or more.
Lately my forearms and hands have been cramping up at work an d home. Go to grab a tool and have to wack my arm against the wall and stretch my hand open and shut.
Still goin okay even tho I'm busier than before, working has gotten to 7days a week cause of sx jobs, going in today in fact. Fortunately I get there when I want and leave when I have to, usually leave just cause there's someplace else I gotta be.
Last mo cbc my hglb was 11 so that's okay. Had a 39 wk PCR last week, haven't got the results. tHey'll be in when their in and they'll be what they are. Haven't made any decision on extending yet cause haven't had a clear pcr yet. Either way it may be time to regroup.
Haven't done any painting since my neices baby room mural, they love it and it was fun. It was no biggie though.
Yeah the kid was in a play, 'One Magic Moment'started as an understudy, they gave him speaking parts and he sang with the chorus, read parts for anyone who didn't show for practice, male or female. He looked so confident and relaxed up on stage. Touched me through my veins when he walked down hall after play, his smile went from ear to ear, I knew he'd finally found something that he enjoys, and may give him a place to feel passion. A few days later there was an invite only awards ceremony for the 8th grade and the music dept gave him an award for 'going the exrta mile' in music class and the play.
I haven't posted as much, been spending time with recovery friends and  filling my schedule with work and the kid and trying to get the pool ready for summer. Always hard to find the balance and enough hrs in the day.
Hope you are well,
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great story about your Grandad. Mya rteries are hardening just reading it. ;)
I am sure after genetics and stress a good diet and exercise and avoiding the "bad habits" help you live better if not longer but just try to tell someone who made it to that age they can't eat whatever they want or eggs and meat are bad, they grew up on the stuff and won't give it up. I figure anyone who's been around that long can do what they damn well please.
104, now that is impressive.
Hope you are hanging in there, I know you were having a tough time for awhile, you sound good now, hope it is true.
I guess I missed it if you posted after your doctor visit last time, what did he say? How are the old blood values doing?
What week are you on? Are you planning on etending?
I saw a really neat mural the other day and it reminded me of your artwork, how did the mural turn out you were working on?
Did I read your son is getting into theatre?(I could have it confused) My son is really into theatre and just loves it. It is a great outlet and makes us parents so proud when they perform on stage, it is a thrill.
Take care, haven't seen you post much or there have been so many posts I miss a lot of them nowadays but I wanted to say hello.
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132578 tn?1189755837
ready for this?
I have my yard guy cough it up for me.....
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Rock: Is this person for real?
Does Rocker dine at McDonalds? I was just having some fun, so please don't take this thread too seriously.
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99052 tn?1270983520
fun question for a rainy cool Saturday.My first doc wore a bow tie and suit ended up getting another doc.Even though I diden't get the svr Im feeling so much better than before TX.Now just walking the fine wire and keep my balance not a drop of alcohol or anything else that might upset the balance,try and ride it out to the next round of drugs.I used to believe that a few drinks a week was fine and for the first 28 years or so it was ok but now a few drinks and a week later Im paying in one way or another.So now Im up on the hi wire one sides ice the other fire.The way Im feeling now I could wait 20 years to TX again no big deal.Cheers
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Your genetics play the biggest role in how long you live, the rest is secondary. The best judge of how long you will live is the average age your family lives to. You can not control genetics. Wearing your seatbelt is the BEST way to extend your life believe it or not.
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LOL LOL I can you your feeling a lot better.

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To each his own. I wouldn't want to live my life eating the foods others chose to, yuck. If it works for them, power to 'em. I get far too much pleasure out of delicious foods that some claim are "bad" for you. The beauty of the thing is we each get to decide what works for ourselves. I'd rather live to 90 eating butter and a nice steak than live to 100 on bulghar and tofu. My Grandma drank "tap water" (and a raw egg)every day of her life, drank a couple shots of whiskey every night and live as long as Jimminy Cricket, a spry 102, and was never sick in her life. She smoked occasionally too. Everything in moderation is the key, a good genetic code, something we have no power over, has the most impact on longevity. The rest is wishful thinking.
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Kalio: a good genetic code, something we have no power over, has the most impact on longevity. The rest is wishful thinking.
Agree and disagree.

Everything being equal, genetics is the big determiner. But things are never equal.

According to genetics alone, I should have had a heart attack or stroke by now. All the other males in my family have by my age.

Difference? Some smoked, all were overweight, none excercised regularly, all eat c*ap food. I stopped smoking. I'm at my correct weight. I exercise every day. And I watch what I eat.

A very good friend of mine both smokes and is overweight. He rarely  sees a doctor and is hardly ever sick. I have no doubt he will outlive me. Maybe he's related to your grandma :)

But that's really not the point. It's not about what you can't do to change your life, but what you can do. And the choice isn't always as nice as living to 90 eating ring-dings or living to 100 eating tofu. I have no doubt that if I didn't take care of myself, I would have had a good chance of being a cardiac cripple by now or worse.

If I had my good friend's genetics -- or your grandma's -- I might be puffing a cigarette while I write this. But we're not all that lucky.

-- Jim

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Forgot to add that my friend's dad also was overweight, smoked, avoided doctors, and lived into his late 90's when he died in his sleep.
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I will have mine with a cold Miller draft, thank you!

well, my greatgrandma was overwt, ate whatever was affordable and drank rum frequently, made it to over a hundred. Had a big smile on her face each time we brought her a bottle. Her daughter died after a stroke, much younger than her, lived in the same house and same town, probably ate the same type of food, and was also over wt.
when you gotta go, you gotta go.

Do whatever feels right and whatever makes you feel good mentally and physically. It is your choice, as long as is not illegal.
for me, I rather eat cheesecake than tofu, but i can eat both, just not together.
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To me, the point is, you do what you want, I do what I want. I don't kid myself that I really have much power over it. If it makes you feel like you are winning the battle against dying eventually, great. We pick our poisons, STRESS is probably the second most influential next to genetics regardless of what you consume.
I know it empowers people to think they can change things by "eating better" or exercising or you name it, and maybe they do buy a year, a day, a week, but the truth is it comes down to the single most important factor being genetics. Sure you can hasten your death if you dtink, eat, do anything to excess, but being stressed out all the time is more likely to kill you. Wear a seatbelt and avoid stress is undoubtedly more effective. We just are not in control like we wish we were.
I spent far too many years around people at the end of life to fall for any of it, the teas and tofu and supplements, exercise, stopping habits... forget it, genetics or stress is gonna get you! If you knew how many very aged people led lives filled with "bad habits" before people knew they were bad, you'd see it for yourself like I have. Most "bad habits" either kill you young or you wear thin of them and stop them at some point. My job was outreach so essentially my job was to talk to people and listen to people. I asked everyone about this topic, smoking, drinking, if they had when they quit why and how. Not to judge them, but just to understand their lives. ALL I met said they just "got sick of smoking/drinking" or sick of dealing with the problems the habit caused. NOT ONE person told me they quit because someone said they should. NOT ONE person quit ANY habit due to outside influences. Virtually every person I met grew up when smoking was considered good for you! Drinking whiskey was the remedy for illness, you got sick, they brewed up a remedy that always included alcohol.
I am just saying it like I heard it. I do not care one lick what you or anyone chooses to do when it comes to eating, drinking, smoking, any of it. Yo do as you like. I hope it pans out for you. Me, I take it day by day and focus on TODAY not an iffy tomorrow. I wear a seatbelt ALWAYS and I stay HAPPY. To me that is the key enjoying the moment. Worrying about what might be is too stressful, I avoid it like the plague.
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132578 tn?1189755837
Slow down you guys! We are loosing track of why we are here. This is a serious thread and obviously the person posting it needs some answers. And we are just the guys to make fun of him.

How about Pancakes? Can I eat Pancakes? How about if I dont smoke or drink while eating them? How about Flan , you know mexican flan , can I eat that?
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tele: ow about Flan , you know mexican flan , can I eat that?

We did lose track didn't we.

Regarding, phlem, flem, flan, or however, you spell it -- I sometimes get it from my lungs in the morning, and try and cough it up, but never ate it. Maybe it would be different if I was Mexican, really don't have an answer here.

-- Jim
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are we playing 'whisper' again?
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This post sounds like it's from one of our jokers of days gone by, I think it's best not to get the posts flowing on this one. LOL

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excuse me, while I go barf
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119874 tn?1189755829
You sound like a really thoughtful and interesting guy.  Would you care to meet for coffee (it's very good for your liver).

XO, Algie
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Posts like this one make me miss Indiana a bunch.  Now that guy could spin a tale!
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I met Brian Fog recently, on his way to an Occult Movie.  He said that grenerally speaking, bow ties are optional but if you really want to be persistent, then go ahead, wear one.  Just don't let your fudgsicle drip on it.  

As for the 4 week PCR....It's better than menopause (or so say my lady friends).  As to whether to treat...depends on whose turn it is, and how expensive the restaurant.


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I'm glad someone finally brought up the "treat or not treat issue".

As a single fellow, I find myself often in the "treat" camp --  whether it be stage 1 (getting to know you), stage 2 (getting to know you better), stage 3 ("know" in the bilical sense) or stage 4 (nice knowing you). Frankly, I'd welcome a contrary argument from my dates, but that never seems to happen.

-- J

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132578 tn?1189755837
OK. ... that should do it. Thank your revenire for that lovely sentament.

Will the last person to leave please turn off the lights and put the cat out.
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