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Potential sex partner freaking out about my infection

Has anyone else had issues with a potential sex partner rejecting them after you told them you were HCV positive?  I met a really great guy, and things got pretty hot, so I did the right thing and told him the truth about being HCV positive, and about the drug use 21 years ago that caused it.  He is afraid he will get it from me if we were to have sex, and the thing that really gets him is that he could get it from my toothbrush.  That is the one thing that really sticks in his mind.  This guy is smart and well educated, and I think he is overreacting, but then again I freaked out, too, when I found out I was positive.  I was sick in 1985, got better, and nothing since.  My liver enzymes are normal, as are my liver sonograms.  I don't think treatment is even realistic for me. I weigh 102 lbs, and don't think I'd make it through treatment.  I am quite healthy as long as I don't drink.  I am just wondering how other people deal with this situation, in the world of internet dating, etc.  I have a friend with herpes, who was met with similar reactions, and she said she just doesn't say anything anymore.  Thanks for your thoughts and feelings on this, I have lost sleep and weight over this one.
46 Responses
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Spacedude, I really don't think we are preaching about worrying about catching the disease...if you notice her post, he freaked, and even after getting some education, he was still freeked.... from my perspective, based on the information at hand-the guys a loser.  Not because he has concerns, but because even after gathering information, it appears it was all ABOUT HIM, and what about her??  She has a potentially life threatening illness, and its all about her toothbrush? Give me a break.... life is too short to waste time on the meme people...
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92903 tn?1309904711
Strator: Don't feel bad, I thought it was a relationship when Dolly the sheep let me start keeping a spare toothbrush in the barn!

Anne: I all honesty, if I was ignorant about Hep C, which I would be had I not been diagnosed, I would definitely have some reservation about beginnig a physical relationship with someone who was infected. I mean, who wouldn't? Believe me, I'm neither a biggot nor a prude, but the news would give me pause. I'm not saying it would be a show stopper, but I'd need to understand more. Frankly, I'd be concerned about a potential partner who didn't take a cautionary approach.

I think your approach about having him seek medical advice is great. I'd probably do the same, but would maybe try to go along for the ride... but that's just me.

BTW, I did enter into what turned out to be a long term serious relationship with a gal who disclosed a herpes infection years ago.

Good luck -- and welcome to the group.
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86075 tn?1238115091
sorry for the misunderstanding...really glad youre sober now...as you can see, this isn't an automatic death sentence for the vast, vast majority of people, you have options and it is a slow moving disease...best of luck to you!
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I didn't drink over this guy. He (or any other person for that matter) is sooo not worth it.  I drank over my diagnosis 3 yrs ago.  I have been sober almost 3 years at this point (after having 13 before my mid-life crisis and relapse).  I don't think I have another recovery in me, and the last round was a whole lot more not fun than it was fun, so I don't even have a desire to drink.  The drinking made my enzymes go way high, and I got really sick from it.Just needed to clear that up.
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86075 tn?1238115091
hi, it's all good isn't it? I'm always surprised at how many typos and bad punctuation I have in my morning posts...ha ha! my brainfog is worst in the morning I guess...

Anywhooo, I don't consider you a pushy broad??? don't want to get all FEMINIST here this early on a Sunday, but isn't it funny when a women states her opinion she's sometime considered pushy, or bit*chy...but a guy is considered powerful and assertive?

That's why I think we're a long way from having a female president...L.Bush is prized and revered for being calm and behind the scenes, mostly keeping her opinions and strategies to herself; not assertive and ready with opinions...she seems like a very nice lady but those are big reasons she's so well liked, being a woman on the political scene...sorry for the ramblings...ha ha!
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Its always nice when people actually give more than their opinion... we all know about opinions... and I think you and don gave her a well rounded, diplomatic unbiased point of view...I, on the other hand, have actually been told I'm a "pushy broad", and that was by the hubby what loves me!!  That said, this is America (at least where I am sitting), and by virtue of the constitution, I am entitled to express my opinion... even if I am wrong... which has happened a couple of times lately!!!  Thanks to you both for having a calming perspective...hope your Sunday goes well....
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86075 tn?1238115091
now I got it...you've got to be a crisis counselor! youre tact and polite demeanor is what gave you away!!!
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86075 tn?1238115091
Fishdoc: completely agree with with everything you said...I'd take this tact re dating and disclosure...I'd get to know a person a little before I'd spring this on them...firstly, you don't know that you would want a relationship with a person till after getting to KNOW them...it's the same with them...I don't see where it's soooo important to tell a person you just met or that you are just casually dating, assuming of course that you don't just jump into bed on the first date! ha ha, Oh yes, I remember the 70's and 80s! but we're in the next century now!

If after you have decided that you care for this person, and he/she for you...then tell them about this, give them all the said education, research on it....about the very low risk of sexual transmission (and besides, I'd use protection till I got some sign that it was indeed, very, very serious and monagamous, you gotta protect yourself as well)...I wouldn't tell some person I just met a lot of intimate things about myself, because there isn't any need till you get to know someone pretty well...after all, dating can be casual, it's a way to get to know if you want to proceed with someone, or not...and let's be honest, there's a whole lot of "not's" out there, ha ha!

I have to put some importance on my own observation, though it's not scientific, there isn't a whole studies (hopefully, that's changing) or a lot of follow-up by the scientific community on this disease so we're left with little else...if someone came on the boards and the support groups and said, you know, I took pill A-B for hep and it made me violently ill, then 10 more people say the same thing, then 30, and there was no positive feedback about pill A-B, you know? I'd be really hesitant to take the A-B pill...

I have said this many times, I'm a researcher by nature and it's part of my profession, (and there are many here as well) and I go to a lot of boards, info groups, support groups, etc. and I've talked to many, many people personally about their own experiences with the disease, not to mention many docs and researchers...and I've yet to meet one person that was *sure* they got this through sexual transmission....there have been a few that have said that they weren't completely sure WHERE they got it, but the vast majority have said, IV use, blood transfusion, hospital accident because of being a health care worker, even tatoos....

In the support groups and on the boards, I've talked to many people who are in long term marriages and relationships, and they have *all* said that their partner does not have it, even though they went without protection when they didn't know they had the disease....the only times they have said there partner *does* have it is if the partner engaged in risky behavior as well...this all leads me to believe that sexual transmission is not a really great way to get contract this disease...unless it involves risky behaviors like anal sex...many docs and researchers think this way as well...

It's not like AIDs where there is much more of a sexual transmission element to it and that has been borne out...that's not to say you shouldn't even pay attention to the sexual transmission aspect, but this is what I've come up with....

Annie: I'm probably not telling you anything you don't know, but your saying that you "drank over" this guy freaking out about your diagnosis kind of gave me pause...as you know, drinking is a great pastime if it's about doing a little celebrating or getting a little giddy with friends, etc....and if it's done "moderately"...but drinking over problems or a crisis *could* indicate a bit of a problem...and anyway, for someone who is diagnosed with this disease it becomes a moot point because you just can't drink with this disease, period...nothing will accelerate this disease like alcohol...I hope you already know this...best of luck and know that you'll be okay...
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sure, you got, you obviously need one..
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Thanks Annie, Tough topic but to be honest this was a big fear to me when I first found out I had hep c and was just learning about it. Though in the beginning I never had the nerve to bring up the topic with anyone who knew anything about hep c. Here I was actually getting clean and sober ready to start my life over, thinking maybe I'd actually one day get in a relationship that wasn't based on booze, drugs and sex,(usually in that order)and BOOM.
'Oh Don, nice job cleaning up but BTW, you have hep c.'
Love, God.'
I thought somebody popped the pink cloud on me and nobody would ever want me. Yes I did drink over it but eventually the pain of addiction got bad enough and I got that open mindedness that seems reserved for the sick and dying, or those that think their sick and dying. I wanted to be sober more than I wanted anything else.
Anyways for me I'm sober a few years  I'm willing to take anything God gives me to work with in life, and I'll do what I can about the hep first(shot#34tonight), and worry about a healthy relationship when the potential is there to warrant worry about.
But I have to tell you, it sounds like you've done everything right to help him learn about the disease, admitting your own original fears and all. You really sound like you'll find the right decision whether it's let him go or tough it out. Maybe both of you need to make believe sex wasn't an option in the realtionship for a while and see if either of you would really wanna pursue it. But one thought, any people realtionship(love, work, family) where fear takes more space than trust and faith, sounds pretty rocky. I've seen people change their stigmas and predjudices, by being open and given some time. It takes strength, if he's willing to try and change maybe you do have a winner.
Well now Annie, remember one important thing about my ramblings on realtionships. I thought I was in a 'relationship' when I climbed a fire escape, drunk at 3oclock AM, tapped on this young lasses window to be let in, and realized it was the 3rd time in 3mos I'd been there. 'Hey this must be a realtionship.'
Welcome to the forum, the best to you,
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hope this isnt to graphic...but...

My girlfriend and I got all kinds of crazy with our lovin.  Defginately not what most people consider safest of sex.  We would even have sex during her menstration periods. (she needs a lot of lovin' and snugglin')  We have been seperated for the last 4 months because she is in a treatment center.  I was terribly relieved to find out last week she is HVC -.   It must be really, really hard to get this through sex.  It's not listed as an STD for a reason.

Hopefully you guys had all kinds of crazy sex already, he can get tested and realize its hard to get that way.
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Thanks all, for the support and the laughs.  I'll post back when I know more from the docs, or at least that I made the appt.  I'm going to take a look around the forum.  Y'all are great!  Anne
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The engine is a hummin, may get luckey me self tonite.
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Ya notice , jims missin. He took the conselin good , he is probably sparkin that health food gal . Riba saturday and he may roll the dice and get luckey and do sumthin healthy out there tonitre with that health gal. Hee haw
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Nope not after the clorox and brake fluid didn't work. Oh well gavr the neighbors a good laugh. When cuteus said there was antifreeze in this interferon. For a few minutes i had some thoughts. But like always my thoughts seem to leave pretty fast. Oh well probably for the best anyway.
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Whatta ya into , ain't mixin rocket fuel in the garage are we .LOL I sure can sleep on this pegasus , heck , maybe I should do a shot everyday .
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Yep that made me laugh, one i'll remember this week when i go to the blood sucking Docs office. Thanks
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oh sorry but i havent had to go through the new partner thing. Oh my .. what can i say ,, dump him or educate him and fast.
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132578 tn?1189755837
If he doesn't feel comfortable with you , he's really not going to like us. But then , he doesn't want to sleep with us does he...
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My advise  is tell NO ONE  ABSOLUTLY NO ONE Other then of course PEOPLE YOU TRUST YOUR LIFE WITH. The straight facts about this disease are  , it is associated with Alcoholism, Junkies and Dirty Needles period . If you tell family members be prepared because the odds are some will treat,look and act different around you. So if your not prepared for that sort of reaction , then dont ..  As for work forget it , those people are not your family,, and will only gossip, gossip, and YOU lose control of who YOU tell. No, after  25 years of this and I have and still have seen Doctors and other educated professionals look at me  differently   (NOT PARANOID LOL).. No this isnt breast cancer my dear ,, where everyone wants a ribbon to wear and more money has been spent on advertisment for fun runs etc,  then Hep C research. BE AWARE  BEWARE and start reading the basic facts about this HEp C  ,, oh by the way  this is a blood to blood disease  remember that. Your nurse may have it , your Doctor, the Cop on the corner , the Med tech in the ambulance they are all high risk  BLOOD TO BLOOD TRANSMISSION   as far as anyone knows at least.  Pick your r familly and freinds that you will tell ,  come to the fourms , speak to your medical team.. never hang your head ,, be strong and get better..     hmmm that felt good  ,, i needed a good riba rant   YAHOOOO
genotype 1A / week 19 of tx  
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i won't get started but i thought it might make you smile....t.

A man has six children...    

     A man has six children and is very proud of his achievement. He is so proud of himself that he starts calling his wife "Mother of Six" in spite of her objections.
One night they go to a party. The man decides that it's time to go home, and wants to find out if his wife is ready to leave as well.

He shouts at the top of his voice, 'Shall we go home now Mother of Six?"

His wife, finally fed up with her husband shouts back,

"Anytime you're ready, Father of Four!"

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says.......is there anything i can do? ........ Now thats a loaded question.:) Thanks but i don't feel as bad as alot here do. Still have the link? Do try, my hepo is the one that gives me any rx.
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thanks. i've got an appt. next week, i'll see what he'll say. i'm sorry you're not feeling better. is there anything i can do? tracy
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Your gi shouldn't have a problem writing the rx. He knows this tx better then your pcp. Glad your doing ok. Print it off and give it a try. Thanks for the kind words and 'hanging in there'is about it for now.:(

As for dyce not sure if he really knows if he's sleeping or not. He was suppose to put a head cam on his hard hat and do a header off the roof whle flapping is arms like a bird brain. So we'd all have a video to watch. Still waiting though.
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Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
PrEP is used by people with high risk to prevent HIV infection.