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Hello again!

Well I went to a different dermatoligist a real one who deals with skin problem and not just laser stuff and botox.

What a difference!!

She said my scalp was infected and gave me some antibiotics for that (bactrim).
She also gave some samples of stuff for scalp that really worked in less than two days. It's called "DermaSmoothe". It's an oil that you put on your scalp at bedtime and then a shower cap and another sample of a shampoo called "Loprox" to wash out the oil with and leave on 3-5 min. Guys THIS WORKED!!!!!!!!

She did a skin scraping to rule out scabies then gave me a coritsone shot. Then she rx'd "clobetasol 0.05%" cream for body and "fluticasone 0.05%" cream for face.

The cream for face seems to be working especially for the red patches that had started cracking and flaking. They are almost  gone. Body is a different story I am STILL itching so bad.

I noticed a couple of places on my arm that have a pronounced ring and depressed white area in the center--so now I'm thinking ringworm. (TOO)I have some econizole and am dotting it on just those areas that look like rings forming. I have a call back in to the derm to see if this is OK to do- but I googled it and that's what it's for. I already had it for tinea versicolor.

OMG this is SOOOO bad it's driving me crazy. IS THIS NORMAL FOR RIBA RASH?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Ice you say?? I would go into hyperthermia using the amount it would take to keep me from scratching. And doesn't just itch in one place.
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No, never "Morgellions" BUT I did have a moth infestation mid-treatment. LOL.

Oh, forgot to add "Poklioderma" to my list of side effects. The thing with the clothes, sheets, pillow cases, underwear, etc, is partly so you don't reinfect yourself as some of the conditions may have an underlying bacterial/fungal or even mite origin. Also, many people have mild allergic reactions to anything synthetic or even clothes dyes -- especially when their skin is inflamed -- therefore the loose, white cotton clothes if possible. Don't know if I mentione it, but I purchased a few pair of silk long Johns and wore them pretty much every day  during tx under my clothes  when things got bad.

The other thing you have to keep in mind is that you're using a very high potentency steroid for your body and a lower dose for your face. You therefore want to be careful with towels, pillow cases, etc, that you don't inadvertently transfer the higher potency steroid from body to your face. I found I was constantly doing laundry but it sounds like you have plenty of energy to spare with those shots :)

-- Jim
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Actually I did not go in today. I was up most of the night actually BUZZING around vaccuming and cleaning, and a load of laundry. I had several WAY manic episodes...After trying to wipe the WHOLE kitchen floor with a paper towel, I had to try to sedate. I took one aterax -two benedryl and finally an ambien. I figured out the reason for the speed like symptoms...It was/is the two cortisone shots I've recieved since Monday. The cat act's the same after she gets one too. I guess it ramps up the metabolism. learn that from the AIH Threads discussing prednisone. Same kinda thing right

I'll take a long weekend and try to get this thing under control.

The grease soaked in after about three hours and wasn't even oily this morning. Rash is improving...I think. Not as angry looking-and still itching but not as bad.

Just want you to know I am taking you advice about changing sheets, towels and wearing cotton etc.

Cat was indignant when I pushed her off the bed to change the sheets-- then I got cat fur stuck to my greasy. YUK! Maybe thats what helped the grease soak in. Cat might've stole ointment off body while I was sleeping, she has some skin problems too.

Hey regarding your Many diagnoseses, at least you were never DX with the dreaded "Morgellions"
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Way previously: (Instructions said) Wash hands before and after- apply a thin film and rub in completely. DO NOT DRESS.
Just wondering how it went at work today and maybe if you got any compliments :)

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Sorry for jumping to conclusions.

Tele-- tx is fine except for the rash that just reared it's ugly head about two weeks ago.

My wbc is 3.4
My rbc is 3.62
My hbg is 11.9 (8/17)

My platelets,and abn actually went up into the normal range. I was curious about enzymes so had them add it, and they are up higher than before tx. Not too bad though, or should I be worried


Before TX they were Ast-35 and ALT-58 which is what flagged my DX
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Thanks for stopping by and for the congratulations on my SVR. BTW I someone posted you also are now SVR, so congratualations right back. There's a thread on 8/15 (symptons of hepatitis c). I'll post a marker down there a little while and then check back later today.


Tele is right, she wasn't talking about this thread, at least I hope not because there was nothing boring going on, especially that suggestion with your cat :) Ina just wants to talk some specifics about her rosacea and seb derm and I wouldn't read too much into it. Please join us down there, or anyone else for that matter who wants to talk skin issues beyond simple riba rash -- or discuss it here for that matter, doesn't matter much to me.


Thanks for popping in and helping things along. Hope this finds you(s) well today. LOL.

-- Jim
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132578 tn?1189755837
Hi way , how are you this morning? Glad to see you around . I haven't seen your posts much lately.

Way , I think you may have misunderstood what Eisben was saying in the post above. Eisben didn't mean this thread was boring to death , and certainly didn't intend to fire anybody up.

Hows treatment going?

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Sorry to bore you (to death?). This is a valid thread I opened and a tx issue many are dealing with.
I AM tx in week 13/24.

If this is boring you then go to another thread, there are plenty of threads on lab work etc,that might not be so boring.

If serious then why open another thread? This is a skin thread SO discuss your skin stuff here? There are twenty more comment slots open.
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I just saw your SVR post...terrific...I walked around with a grin on my face for a whole month after I got mine. Now it's wearing off, and the first concerns about the 9 month are setting in.
Until I have the one year under my belt...well, right now you enjoy your weekend in the "sun", LOL.

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Hello there, I have a couple of days to talk with you about skin stuff.
Best to find us a thread further down...so not to bore those on tx to death.

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Actually, what they gave you for your body is actually stronger (Group I) than what you're using on your face (Group II).
Here's a chart with Group I being the strongest steroid.

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90502 tn?1196364005

non-prescription - Sarna

prescription - Lac-Hydrin 12%

Good luck, drove me nuts too.
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Just got back from the new derms office. Didn't see the Dr. just the nurse and got a booster cort shot.(the last one was Monday)and rx and more sample itch cream.
She rx'd "Diflorasone Diacetate 0.05%" ointment (yuk) and said specifically "patient is to use 60 grams a week". What's up with that? I mean,-- do they mean--"no more than that" or "no less than that" ???? Is the reason they're saying this= because of like what you were saying about not using the stuff too long. (Danger will robinson)
This stuff is real greasy-petroleum based. I hate that. But sure am hating the alternative.
She gave me a bag of "Pramasone Lotion 2.5%" also. Familiar with any of these?
So now I have two (60gram) tubes of "clobetasol" The pharmacist says smirking-- "good to have around the house"... cracked me up, no pun intended.

SO-- I'm to stop the "clobetasol" 3xday and switch to "Diaflorason" 2x/day (the grease)- and continue the "fluticasone 0.05%" (for face) 2x/day. And can take aterax and benedryl to tolerance.

Does that sound about right?? Because I don't want my skin to fall of or induce rosecea. Considering what you've been through, I do trust your expert opinion as much as even the doctors, BUT I CAN'T WRITE MY OWN RX.

I feel so awful and I know I look just horrid. At work one or two people did notice my skin and before I left work I asked my MGR. to schedule me so I don't have to see very many people. I feel like a lepper and would not even go pick up my check from last week, because I didn't want anyone to see me.

Thank GOD I was able to pick up my FMLA paperwork at my GI's office. It's taken almost 2 weeks for him to fill out. Now after approval or the paperwork goes through or whatever- I won't even need a DRS. note for any absences or tardies or leaving early AND my seniority/benefits are frozen where they're at and can't be lowered or taken away because of me dropping hours.

Still itchy but not as bad.
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Did you itchy too? What was the onset and duration of your problems, if you don'r mind my asking?
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Way: SO-- I'm to stop the "clobetasol" 3xday and switch to "Diaflorason" 2x/day (the grease)- and continue the "fluticasone 0.05%" (for face) 2x/day. And can take aterax and benedryl to tolerance.
Sounds like you just visited a dermatologist. LOL. BTW did I tell you on the whole I consider them a bunch of *P(O*U* :)

I can't really speak to what is going on because: (1) I don't know what is going on; and (2) I'm not stupid or rude enough to be a dermatologist -- but I'll just go back to what I've learned --

That said, I did use Cutivate 2X (fluticasone)a day on my face for three 7-10 day periods over the past three months, but I don't plan on doing it again unless convincingly convinced :) otherwise.

Did they tell you how long to use the fluticasone? I would bring this up directly with the dermatologist if things don't get better in the next couple of weeks, and I would immediately bring it up with the dermatologist if the fluticasone starts making things worse, especially breakouts/pimples and such. Assuming that the fluticasone calms things down, then ask them about switching to  Elidel Cream for mainteance. Elidel is a non-steroid, and will not thin your skin.

Wish I could be more helpful but skin issues can get very complicated and as you know frustrating.

Hope your new regimen works out.

-- Jim

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OK. Here are some pics of steroid-induced Rosacea.

Don't want you to panic, because I'm sure this isn't going to happen BUT if your skin starts looking like in the pictures -- with those papules/pustules forming, immediately call your doctor. It never got that bad with me, but I did start get some of those bumps and immediately stopped the topicals. Fortunately things are a lot better now but not back to normal.
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My skin looks like that second picture only not all of it "raised" and somy bumps and now wheels, and this was before using any of the creams.I'm a mess.
The fluticasone is really working  so well on my face, I won't have to use it for more than another day or two. It's working so well I want to use on body (?) but only have 30 grams
We (especially YOU)should get some sort of credit towards some kind of degree for just learning how to pronounce all of these things.
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I'm glad the fluticasone is working so fast, however you may find that you will need somthing to keep things calmed down (mainteance phase) after you stop the fluticasone. That's where something like Elidel Cream can come in, depending on what your diagnosis was. Did they give you a diagnosis for your face and body? Often they don't want to be bothered talking to the patient that long :)

-- Jim
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Out of the SIX creams I now have, I do have triamcinolone. I googled it (before) and it said it was for candida- I think. But what the hay, if it helped you- I can always try alternating.
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No she didn't give me a diagnoses. I thought I KNEW this was riba rash. Isn't it???

My skin was ok/occaisional acne-- and then 3 months after begining tx WHAM.

So are you saying that this can be diagnosed? Am I am idiot? I thought the dx was tx!!! I was under the impression that riba-rash(sh!t)happens. And was more or less justfiguring the only thing to do is treat the symptoms. Putting a name on it prolly won't change the TX. I think it's a little bit of everything, and kinda in layers lololololllolololol

If I had to guess and you know I do--I'd say this is contact dermatitis. (and seboreic) Cuz pretty much I scratch it and then it turns into red then bumps and wheals. And then there's the red blotches that turn to patches and they start cracking and flaking after a week or so of itching and then thrers little tiny raised bumps everywhere. Yeah that's everything. I've got it ALL right here. Should I join the circus?

On the upside I'm able to channel my anxiety into this real intense kinda SPEED RUSH. I've done a thousand thing since I got home and not hungry at all. Itching is starting to subside a bit except on my back where I can't rub the cream.
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It may indeed be contact derm and/or seb derm but hey, you paid your $$$, you should get a diagnosis :) It could be so-called riba rash, whatever that is, but it also could be something else flared by the interferon. You have my sympathy. Hope you start feeling better soon.

-- Jim
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Regarding the back -- a hand mirror combined with a wall mirror and a back scrubber wraped in some cotton underwear (or some other contraption) should help you find and reach all the spots. I also find immaculate hygeine became very important as tx lowers the resistance to all kinds of fungal and/or bacterial infections. At one point I was changing sheets and pillowcases daily and changing towels every after use. Tried to wear all cotton and preferably white (no dyes). Used mild or baby laundry detergent and double-rinsed everything. What a PITA :)
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Thank you for all your help and advice.

Yes I did think about the backscrubber applicator thing- but my idea was to wrap it in a baggie rather than something absorbant. Thats how I used to apply "self tan" to back area. I guess to actually rub this greasy stuff in, I'll have to get more creative. Use the cat?

I've never used a petroleum based product on my body ever. It's not soaking in at all. I guess use less and rub more. Remember that thread about the gold bond on the moniter--is going to be a reality.


PS if anybody posts and tells you to tell me how to make a PBJ sandwich--I will take more aterax and stay up all night long posting - and use up the rest of the threads or bandwidth for the year. :):::::
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I have a follow-up in three weeks. I will insist on a DX.
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The petroleum greasy stuff isn't supposed to disappear fast like the creams. Just rub it gently or whatever the instructions say. It's strong stuff and will do its job even though it seems like it's staying on top of the skin. Make sure to discuss with the cat so he/she will know what to do. Good luck!

-- Jim
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