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What side effets from ribavirin> LAst night first peginterferon shot! :)

2 questions:

I did my first shot of peginterferon last nite
and got the chills and shaking for a bit...is it normal? A littel fever too.

Today I'm taking my first Ribavirin...should I expect to get flu like
symptoms too?

Thanks so much!
32 Responses
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Have you heard of anyone developing boo boos on the scalp after tx.?  I finished tx 1 yr ago and recently have developed boo boos. Seems like I read this during tx in some of the clinical trials.charlene
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Has anyone done the once a week program Ribavirin and Interferon

for a six month period and if so what were the results. Negative or still

positive? Dead or alive? HaHa
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Hi to all, ray2 in particular. I went through the same program at about the same time frame, 3 shots per week plus ribavirin. I'm new to this forum stuff (tx-treatment?  sx-side effects?)so sorry if I screw up a little. I went through the tx 5 yrs ago and have really never felt "normal" since. I worked long hours and travelled quite a bit during the 6 months as my job required. Sx were usually severe but at the end were livable. Blood tests showed I was clean at about the 3rd month. About 1 month after tx ended I returned from a long business trip to find that a long time friend {and some time girlfriend) had lost her fight with hep c. It was a downward spiral after that. I too had trouble thinking straight and couldn't make sense of things as ray2 stated. I never really felt good and within a couple years walked away from my job, sold everything and tried to straighten things out again. All tests have come back negative and my pcp thinks it's mostly depression. I don't know if any others have experienced this but I'm sure open to any advice or thoughts. Also, good luck to all others who have gone thru tx, are going thru it or are thinking of it. Don't make my mistakes. Take better care of yourself. Rest a lot and be open to support. I wish I did.
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A close friend just ended her 6 month treatment of interferon and ribavirin. She is currently experiencing some nausea whenever she ventures out into the sun, and I'm curious if others have heard of similar ocurrences...

Thanks in advance!
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how ya all doin     i just thought i would right a quick funny story about my meds and the hepc     i had been under alot of stress with trying to work and carry on a normal life as best i could  my memeroy was real shaky while takin the meds  so i started to write down things that i did so i could remember what i was doing  i use to call my brother and ask him what i should do on daily task   like should i take out the garbage or wash a load of clothes  [ i couldnt make simple decision] one time he said do both and i started to  and then called him back and ask him what one should i do first is reply was   oh boy    but one time i was in a parking lot in down town  minniapolis    mn    and i wrote down where my car was it was on the 4 floor  in the middle so i went to my appointment and came back and my car wasnt there  so i thoght no one would steel that peice of junk  so i went to the floor above and below no car    i was afraid to call anyone   my family bought me a cell phone for emergency  and they said i need to chill out cause they said i was loosin my mind    so i was afraid to call anyone so lookin all over for my car   up and down the steps i went at the point of total frustration i went back with my direction that i had written down  and stood there for about an hour and i broke down and started to cry   while standing there afraid to call anyone  iwas looking up and down the rows and noticed there was only one car i coulnt see  so i start walking down there and low and behold it was my car      out of about 100 cars i mine was the only one i coudnt see    so my point is let peaple help you when you need help  dont be stubborn to not except help and make sure you have your game plan posted so you can make decisions    i remember   looking at the symptoms for frustration and depression   and they were just about the same  while the doc wanted me on depresion  pills and i was just frustrated be cause i coudnt do the things that i was so used to doing    but there is a fine line between the two    hope that little story helps    now i can sit back and lagh at some of the stupid things  i did that didnt make any sence   i wish i would have kept a journal  i probly could have been on a comedy channel
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Thank you for sharing your story with us. My dad also did the type of meds that you did. (3 times a week) and it was rough. I watched him go through it. When I found out that I had hep c(they just approved the pegintron, once a week shot) and that is what made me not hesitate. If my dad could get through  all  that then damnit I was going to also. And I did, twice. I am now hepatitis C FREE.

I agree that taking your meds on time is very important.
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i just wanted to post   some words    i went thru the interferon riboviron  program about 6 years ago rite when it was aproved by the fda  i started it the day after it was aproved  and i just got my latest round of test and i am still  negitive after  5 years   so i say it  is a cure for me   the first few shots were tough  my doctor told me the worse i feel the better it was working   i dont know if that is true or not but it is relentless in feeling bad   i lost about 50 pounds thrue the treatment  from 215 to 160  and i had alot of pain aches  fever i taked to my doctor   and they precribed me valium and tylox and that helped alot  along with sport shakes as much as i could you have to drink water   but how that one post said  20 gal i know he is joking but drink it about i gallon a day keep it in the frig and moniter it and drink it acordinly  and then drink a sport shake wether you feel like it or not  because the time will come when you dont want to  so do it     above all be for i forget    take youe med s on a as close to pefect time shedule as possible   same time everyday  and the shots[ mine were three times a week ]   the shots were at 3;00 pm  so when it started to take effect  i was going to bed and i would try and sleep thru it  thats where the valium helped  so timing is key   my doctor was one of the best in the country for hepc but just out of trial phaze there wasnt much data on reactions and side afects and i think the manufactor shering plough down played it quite a bit [ i remember i told peaple from the state senate or other peaple take a shot it wont hurt you but you will see what i am goin thrue] i would like to keep posting messages on how i did in getting thrue it alot of things idont even remember that year is kinda of a blank  but please please rember to take your medicine as perfectly as possible i belive that is the whole key  as best i can put it  there is a war going on in your body and given the time for the virus to regroup  doesnt do you any good [ i had to go on ssc  and the va helped out ] so for now get your ducks in a row  lighten your work load get a support person you can honestly talk to and cry on and wine on for that matter take your meds ON TIME  set up a calender to help you  if yoou feel like doin some activitys or work doit  if not dont do it  and above all if some one is trying to make you feel guilty because you are slacking  tell them to get SCREWED and for the next year take care of health and self grooming [warm baths for aches helped to] but i will check in once in a whlie to see if i can help my email is ***@**** i know what you are goin thrue i hope i can help i will say a prayer   i sure wish  these lines were here when i was goin thrue it  there was virtully nothing out there        ps i testified at the state senate in my state of minnesota  afew times and my first line was today is my lucky day because i know i am very ill with hepitis c because most peaple dont know they even have have it [ ya know rite now i have a tear in my eye]  see ya for now   ray ps again    after reviewing what i wrote  i for get to say there is an upside i dont have hepc any more and life is back to better than normal   iam havin a ball thanks
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I took Centrum Silver. no iron.
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Ok 4 pm est on Friday, I'll be there with you in thought.  Yes the phone numbers are a good thing to have. I used them a few times when I thought I did something wrong and when my meds were late getting to me.

What type of vitamins are you taking? I wasn't alllowed any that had iron. Just trying to help you cover all the bases so you win this fight ;-)

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I take one centrum regular per day (actually the generic walmart version).  I told the dr. this and he didn't say anything about iron.  I looked but couldn't find any vitamins w/out iron.
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Good morning to everyone,  I just found this sight today.  Just thought I'd let the person asking about the Ribavirn and peg that I've now been on TX for 2 weeks. I'm happy to say that except for a little fatigue and insomnia I've had zero side effects.  I have put this off for 5 years because I was so leary of the sides, now I feel silly for waiting. I almost feel guilty because so many people are having such a hard time.  I know I am early on in TX and maybe things will change but I'll stay optimistic.  Any way I just thought I'd tell someone that might be holding off because they are scarred that it isn't always bad.  The wondering is worse than anything.  Have a great day!
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I'll check on the grapefruit juice.  I could never stand the stuff as a kid but kind of enjoy it now.  Still, I can take it or leave it.  Fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice contains salycylic acid, the main player in aspirin, so that might not be good if you are on certain meds or are platelet deficient.  The concentrate juice doesn't have the same strength as fresh-sqeezed.
Counting down to Friday the 17th.  Take the first shot that afternoon.  This morning (6/14) I had a liver ultrasound, an EKG, and sat down for 1/2 hour with the sociable worker to go over supports and if I have a history of depression or suicidality (I have neither).
The meds have been delivered to the Dr.s office and are waiting for me.  I never know where I may be at a given time so it was easier to have them delivered there.  
I have purchased 2 bottles of tylenol and 1 bottle tylenol pm and one of those pill holders with the days of the week on it.  I have also nailed down a source of alcohol-free wine.
Anyway, at around 4 this Friday afternoon I guess I'll be declaring war on HCV.  Almost feel sorry for the little bastards, but I'll get over it.
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I'm on Eastern Standard Time here on the northeast coast.  I hear that the drugs can cause a lowering of serotonin levels, so depression could be brought on medically.  I'll keep an eye on it.
One thing that is nice is that I was provided with phone numbers for nurses / practitioners that can be called 24/7.
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Just a quick comment here..... I was told to stay away from grapefruit juice. I'm not sure which one but it would interact with one of my meds.Like I said not sure which one, it could have been the antidepressant or thyroid med also. I would check into it.
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rifleman- Well it sure seems as if you are well prepared. Don't forget the water. The little pill case was a blessing for me never could remember if I took all my meds for the day or not. I did but still couldn't remember. That was one of the hardest sides was losing my short term memory. Don't forget even if you never had any signs of depression, it can be a very strong side on these meds so ask for help if you need it. I'll be thinking of you at 4 pm on Friday. what time zone are you in ? :-)

Harley- Sorry to say this but welcome to the family. You found the best bunch of people I have ever had the pleasure of "meeting" This forum is what got me through my second round of tx (72 weeks). Don't know how I did it the first time without them. I will be looking forward to Talking to you more.  It is great to hear that you have had no real side effects from these meds. Hopefully you will glide right through it.
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Oops--forgot to say congrats mauka on your first shot!! Looks like you and I are on the same timetable--good luck to both of us!!
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Wow!! It's been about 9 hrs since my first shot, and I am just begining to feel "normal" again. Sure enough, as advertized--about 6 hrs after taking the shot I got the chills, body aches and fever. Right now I feel kind of light headed, still have fever but no more chills or bodyaches. I drank lots of water and gateraide and took tylenol and advil--perhaps that's why no headache as of yet. I took the Ribavarin about 2 1/2 hrs ago. I would like to thank all of you for giving me support and advice. I really have to handed to all of you who have gone through 48 weeks and more--it's a real testament to your courage. Thank you again.
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What I was told by two different Dr's, is that the RIBA causes the skin to become photosensitive.. When I asked what they meant, they told me that I would burn extremly easy, and blister. A few weeks ago, I went out on the boat early in the afternoon. I got about two hours or so of sun, and the back of my neck got a little blister.
Other than that, I have stayed out of the sun. Heard to many stories on the net about sun blisters to play around with it. I guess if you do head out, no tanning!! Just make sure you waer sunscreen.
I live in Miami, so its hard to stay outta the sun. I'm probably the whitest person in the whole damn city right now!! LOL

My dear, super powers? I've always considered you my Oracle, as it seems like I'm stuck in the "Matrix".. You got over the anemia, right? I had a great weekend.. My wife must have shot the meds right into a vein, talk about psychotropic!!! It was interesting to say the least.
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thanks I'll do that!
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Sorry! Don't know why that went to rifleman -- guess if you've done it once before the computer does it automatically....
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I guess the thinking is that one's skin is more sensitive to the sun as a result of the treatment. Early on in my treatment (week 2 -4) I had the nasty riba rash. Lots of oatmeal baths for me! So I was careful about the sun then because my skin in general was irritated. Now the rash is completely gone, I'm outside lots -- walking my 3-4 miles, gardening, washing the windows (we have close to 50...) and playing croquet with the kids -- in other words I'm in the sun a lot. I only wear sunscreen on my face (vanity, I admit) but the rest of my body soaks up the rays and gives me vitamin D.... And I'm just fine. So you just have to play it as it goes for you.
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You become more prone to sunburn and rash, so be sure to wear strong sun screen.   My first few months I also found that I just couldn't tolerate heat at all, and the usually pleasant feel of sun on my skin became very uncomfortable, like my skin was on fire.   (Of course, I'm also fair-skinned; you may not be quite so melanin-challenged.)     Heat and sun can also make us nauseous, so monitor carefully.
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whats the deal with sun exposure??

I don't undestand if its a major deal if you get out in the sun or you just
get more sunburned??

I love to be outside...please explain

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Bingo.  I am w/ the treatment ctr in Portland.  Very nice people there.
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