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earlier thread closed and other posts

honey and cuteous,

Thank you for your concern. a lot of the weight loss i have experienced is due to diet exercise and water pills due to the hep i have had a lot of leg and ankle swelling but it is almost gone. yeaaaa! my doc is aware of it and says it should even out in about another month. i am basically on fruit veggies water and the occasional popcycle meds sure make you feel dry.


thanks for thinking about my daughter she is due home from vacation this sat. I can not wait to hold her and have her back home i have missed her so much. I have missed you as well
I do have a question though
since they will not treat a child until 16 or 18 do you think that the tests should be run. i guess i am thinking that if she does indeed test positive for the virus, she will have a terrible time finding a job or getting health insurance on her own. still i would hate to not know the condition of her liver. I feel that i should but you know a mom always needs to look out for her childrens best interests.

to you know who you are,
if you feel a need to post more negative posts to me or your better than you comments please try and find it within yourself not to. remember this is a SUPPORT forum for people friends and family that have hep c or are dealing with someone that has it
thanks in advance
24 Responses
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Chevy:  Ewwwwww!

Sam: Shame on you!

Susan  ;)
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HEPGUY earlier thread closed I looked for this piece to pass to You ESP and all.. I rec'd it about 8 yrs ago during my cancer date. It still seems appropriate hope it helps

I asked God to take away my bad habits
God said no.
It is not for ME to  take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said no.
His spirit is whole,his body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience.
God said no.
Paitence is a byproduct of tribulations----
It isnt granted, it is learned---

I asked God to give me happiness.
God said no.
I give you blessings; happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain.
God said no.
Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow
God said no.
You must grow on you own,
but I will prune you to make you friutful.

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said no.
I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me love others, as much as He loves me.
God said... Ahhhh. finally you have the idea

To the world, you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world.

Go in peace all the best Daryl

Also remember God is like a mirror
The Mirror never changes
Only the picture we see.
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Thanks......from "uncle Percy"
Samuuuueeel feeelin well
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Im sorry to barge in on this thread but i am in dire need of help/advice.
pls hear me... i am a 31 one yr old female and
ive known ive had hvc for just over a year, had a biopsy and liver has no scarring, no inflammation no nothing so doc says to wait for tx, im waiting.
i posted a question about procrit  earlier asking if i could be prescribed this medication even tho i am not on tx, everyone commented that it is usually prescribed to those on tx with anemia so i was sorta at a loss and back to square one. i work full time 8-5 and going to school at night mon-thurs, if i have to quit school i will but i really need to finish, i have one yr to finish, i have a 10 yr old son but he is living with his dad/grandma while im in school this yr and then he'll be back home. okay enough of the background. problem is this: i am soooooo tired, so tired, around noon today i would have given anything to lock the door to my office and sleep, this is every single day, im wasting away my life! im sure many of you realize what this feels like, i dont know what to do. i eat very very healthy, dont drink, drink lots of water, i go to bed at 10-10:30 every night but i am so drained i feel like crying all the time, i need help!!! can a doctor do anything for me???? this is my question, i need to know if i should make a doctors appt for this extreme fatique and can he do anything about it????? pls pls pls pls help me.

thank you!
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Thanks for the info. I perfer right guard with the power strip, for my sweatey pits.. Want to put my order in now to see if I can switch meds.
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What sort of pills do you use for water retention? Are they ok if you have liver damage (Grade 1 Stage 1)? I have a lot of water retention around my ankles which I think is due to Hep C but my doctor is not so sure but can't find any other reason. I am 42 female.
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What the hell was that research re early intervention. As you said who the hell knows when they are in the the acute phse and am i right in that anti-bodies dont appear for around 6 months plus the majority(?) clear without any intervention. And of course there's good old occult hcv.

Ps any chance of getting tallblonde to say "mercy mercy ucle percy" or am i pushing it a bit?
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Currently I am taking lasix. The GI prescribed them about 2 weeks before i started tx. and he said that yes the swelling is caused by the hcv and liver damage. My doc told me that i have the begining stages of cirrhosis so it sounds like your liver is pretty aok.
I had several liver and spleen scans and ultrasounds however i did not have a bx as i also have low blood platelets. i have found a drug that cancer patients take to increase the platelets i intend to ask dr about next monday. I have it at home but i believe it is called neumega.
tell me when you push in the skin when it swells does it stay "dented" for a while? i do not know to what extent your are swelling but mine almost doubled before the water pills. just a note you have to drink gobs of water on tx but when you add in the water pills add more water to the mix. you may want to ask about the lasix as it has worked well for me but i know several ppl that take other meds for the water retention. try and keep your feet up when you can as this helps also
Be Well
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All,  I posted here a few wks ago, diagnosed with HCV levels AST-388 and ALT-788.  Up 160 from the tests 6 days earlier! The Gastro-guy I saw on June 17 wants to wait another 6 wks and do another blood-letting before discussing tx although he says I need tx. I'm a Genotype 2 or 3 he said, but wants to try & figure out what's making my enzyme levels so high, duh! Didn't even mention a biopsy. Seemed nonchalant about the whole thing. I'm going to a new GI on July 16th. Frustrated at this point cuz I just want to get on with it! Can someone out there pls share what tx is like for HCV Genotype 2b, so I can prepare?  He did say I should clear in 6 mo's of tx.
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Hey Mike,I got the 5yr biopsy report back today..Guess it isn't to bad for five yrs out.It was Stage 1 Grade 3,I was kinda suprised on the grade 3,It said mild chronic hepatitis,Seeing I have been negative since Feb of 03,Guess it still hangs around.But I will take the Stage 1 any day..Best to ya,Hope you are still doing great..Let me know how it is going.

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I've been on celebrex for about 3 years its always help before but I will ask the Dr about the pain if it doesn't get better soon....My primary Dr put me on Lexapro about 4 months before tx.
Stay Well Debra
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yes please make sure that you can avoid as much of your discomfort as possible. I really believe that pain causes other things to hurt worse. please let me know as soon as you get your kids results in. i will pray for them
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your right sometimes i just need to work it all out. and with all these meds sometimes i get a little fuzzy lol to say the least. Thanks for your kind words. I know alot happened here before i came. and really that was a non issue for me. it was the comments that were directed at me personally. I do continue to come here as so many helped me especially in the begining. This is all very scarry until you are able to arm yourself with information. I will continue to stop in because there are so many here that i care about. and you are one of those special kind ppl.

I will always try and check on your progress. I hope you can get some relief from the joint pain that you are experiencing. have you told your doc and is he giving you anything for it? Also i was curious if your doc gave you any anti d's before starting tx. mine did not but at my next visit i plan to ask. i am feeling ok now but have been told they can take 3 weeks to get into your system. Be Well my friend

yea really how many ppl do you know that treat within weeks of being infected hmmmmmm me none. actually seems like most are 20+ years before they even find out. well someone musta thought it would be worth lots of money and research. oh yea sorry to hear about your unusual weight loss lol
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Yes....Doctors can help you with this stuff. You need a doctor to be able to do anything at all anyways. They have many medicines at their disposal but they need to run some tests to find out exactly why you feel this way and so decide which medicine is best. Get and keep copies of ALL your tests for your OWN records. If you have a doc that will not give you copies....get another doc who will. This may be related to Hcv, but then it may not. The blood work should be able to help figure it out. You may need a specialist of one sort or another. But there is no reason that you should have to accept this and live like this. Demand answers and demand solutions too.
Too often if we allow things to be blamed on Hcv when there are really other causes for the problem. Make them look at "everything" else first before allowing it to be blamed on the Hep. Most people with Hcv show little or no symptoms at all for many, many years and don't even know they have it until they have very major damage. With the damage levels you describe I would be surprised if that is the cause. Make then look at everything else. There are many meds for blood counts if that is the problem, but they need to be balanced with the effects on your liver and Hcv too.
Bottom line......make that appointment and see the doc for Fatigue....not Hcv.
Good luck gal. Let us know how it goes.
If you need a babysitter let me know. I am GREAT with kids.... hope they like Guns and Badgers and cows......
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Thanks so much girl. I remember you when I first found out last year I had HCV and I have much respect for you, thank you for you advice, it was the best yet, I will make that appointment first thing in the morning.

One last thing...you said my fatigue may not be HCV related, what else could it be, that make me alittle nervous, could it be something serious???
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Don't drive yourself crazy--fatigue can be anything from a reaction to the stress you are under to any number of things. You've taken on a full load and then some. See a doctor--he or she is in the best position to diagnose and prescribe. Take care of yourself.

Procrit is usually prescribed to those on tx to help make more of the red blood cells the medications have killed. I don't know if they prescribe it for other things. It is also frightfully expensive--my lab slips show $1800 per shot.

By the way, Indiana's a guy, notwithstanding his impending (and fictitous) nupuals to Revenire. He is sensitive though and kind of cute.
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its funny you mentioned indiana was a guy, after i posted i remembered!! HE was so sensitive to my feelings i guess for a minute there i thought HE was a woman. now i know HE is a sensitive cute HIM!

maybe we should meet! i am so kidding!!

thanks for your response, im trying to take it easy, life is hard enough!!

take care!

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Mercy, mercy uncle percy.....(whatever the hell that means!)

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Your life seems very busy with work and school and all but you could have doc check for thyroid disease as you all probably know stress is a factor too. I have thyroid disease and fatigue is one of the symptoms. To have thyroid tested is just a simple blood test although a lot of things can cause fatigue even the curse we woman have called menopause lucky us : )
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hi and thanks.
ive had my thyroid checked and at that time (yr ago) it was fine, i guess i'll have that checked again....i think im still too young for menopause tho.

thank you for you advice!

good night

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Hey there Starfish......Fatigue can come from a whole LOT of places for a whole LOT of reasons. Everything from some simple infections and minor viruses(flu and cold), to allergies, to environmental stuff, any major organ, the digestive system, blood counts or flow, mental, hell....the list is long and goes everywhere. That is why you will need the docs to figure it out. The important thing is not to let them blow you off and tell you to just live with it. There IS an answer to your problem. They just need to find it. Make em keep lookin until they do.
Oh yeah....I am a guy....last I checked. You can send photos to Indianamann at aol dot com.  As long as it doesn't involve anything "Flannel". I hate those long flannel things. hahahaha You show me yours and I'll show you mine....hahahaha...pics that is.
Dam Sam Hall.......I am REALLY proud of you. You actually got her to say it !! HAHAHAHAHAHA  THAT makes my whole day. You sure have a way with the ladies. You keep this up and you just may become my new hero. hahahahahaha Now if you can just get the positions right we can make the movie. You all have the lines down.
Keep workin on it......

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Hey, I have a quick question for you. In comparison with peg 2b, and pegysus, I know that peg 2b is procssed by kidneys, right? So my question is whether or not, pegysus is processed by the liver? Would this make the pegysus more effective, as it is being processed directly through the infected area, or harder, for say, to a person such as myself with moderate fibrosis present?? I am getting ready to call my Dr, and have her get the pegysus Rx'ed for me, but was wondering what others had to say. She told me that they are both just as effective, and sx's with both are about the same. States that pegysus seems to have greater effect on CBC counts. Please let me know what you think, thanks.
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Hi I'm glad your legs are doing better ,I've been having trouble with my knees and wrist lot of pain in the joints.I hope it will pass....I took my daughter to be tested yesterday now I just have to wait for results trying not to stress to much.I dont understand about the other post but I'm glad to see you back and doing well.
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it seems as if you have answered that question already. You need to know, not guess.
You know what to do, and you are basically looking for that confirmation, I know the feeling.
I know of someone whose daughter tested negative for the antibodies in one test, she insisted on another test due to high enzymes and that one came back positive. They are waiting on tx due to 0 damage and young age(13).  I would just tell her she needs more tests and when the results are in, discuss them with her. It will be ok for both of you, with the support of this forum.  
Don't take some things said here too personal, some stuff precede you and it might not be aimed at you. my email is in the patient list if you want to contact me. take care.
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