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How long after TX before we feel better?

For those of you out there who have finished tx, how long after you took your last Riba, did you begin to feel like yourself again. At this point, I don't even remember what "myself" feels like.
I am only 3 days out and feel exactly as if I had taken shot on Friday and pills all weekend. I expect it to be a while, just don't know how long.
Thank you
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Ella::; I ended tx the second week of May, and I have noticed that I am slowly "unfolding" to be my old self with each passing day.  The first month was really difficult, I did get hit with harder dose of fatigue and migranes, but into the second month, I started working out with light weights...and today I am even doing more.  I have no more riba rage, but my motivation is still weak (probably more mental....I do not push myself too much)....this excuse is still working with my hubby, but I think he is getting "on" to me...:>)  Good luck to you.

Honey::: Is your pain getting worse or does it stay at the same pain level?  I used to get a pain in the right side under my rib a lot...and it used to keep me up at night as I was worried and I was not at all comfortable.  It is hard to describe the pain, ache, discomfort...but my doctor did not seem to worry about it.
It really seems weird because my doctor always said that he never heard anyone else ever have this type of pain with or during tx..??...sounded bizzare to me....my pain/discomfort actually left after I ended tx.  (knock on wood)  When I went to have my physical done, my Family Doc said that he could not feel my liver.....(I said maybe it disappeared...lol...he laughed, but he looked at me in a strange way...he is very cute....so I let him keep "looking for my liver"...ahahaha LOL Hope you feel better, and I wonder if your doc can do a sonogram (sp?) or something if you keep having pain?  I will send up some prayers for you............

Sam::::  :>)  Hey dude, ditto!  I feel the same way about you!  Take care.
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Chin up, sweetheart!
Big hugs
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Sammy,,,,Yes,,,Please start feeling merry soon!!  I could tell you are down and out by your post!  (((Hugs))) Prayers to you!!

Everyone,,,,I have never had in kinda pain whatsoever in URQ and now my 7th month in tx,,,,There is a pain that comes and goes.  Could tx cause this because I am a little concerned over it...
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It takes time Ella.
I finished tx in May & have only just begun to feel almost human again although I still suffer with some weird sides but nothing unbearable now.
Try not to rush the healing process....I did...I was in such a hurry to get my life back on track & completely burnt myself out within 2 weeks of being off tx.
Relax if you can & pamper yourself.....you deserve it!
Congrats on finishing & welcome to the club!
Best wishes
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i'm  now about 51/2 months post tx. The numbness came on with real ferocity about 2-3 weeks before the finish of tx.i was told that it was peripheral neuropathy brought on by the Riba as i refused to drop from 1200mg despite anemia. However it returned worse than ever about 2 weeks post tx. I could hardly feel at all and my right side was effected more severly. iwas also told that hcv itself can cause PN but as it had only really appeared toward the end of tx that this was unlikely. It is now only intermitent and seems related to stress. i was non1 geno with mild fibrosis and around 25yrs of infection. i was a heavy iv user and eventually drinker ast and alt both over6to7 hundred. It has been the most debilitating part of the treatment but has eased. Also whilst on combo also on225mg Effexor 4000mg paracetamol 80mg Codiene 20mg Diazepam. Hope this sheds some light.
Showboat & Sher_ i'll be fine long as there's people like you around!
Luv Mr S Hall
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Baby, BABY, Baby, BIG Hugerzzz to you!
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Hey, there, buddy....hope you feel better soon.  You are so full of spunk and humor, and you make me chuckle quite a bit...I hate to see you on the down side.....sending you much positive energy and love....feel better soon.
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SAM and anyone else who has experienced numbness in hands/arms while, during or after stopping the hepC tx meds.

SAM,  without looking back through all the posts....are you on your meds or are you finished?  Please tell me more about the numbness you are suffering with.  When did it start, the pattern of the numbness, before your tx meds....during?...after?

I have suffered with my right arm completely numb and this happens 4 - 5 times daily since my 3 month of taking the hepC drugs.  The numbness let up around month 7 or so but back again around month 8 and now full force after finishing up my treatment.

I am in the process and have had extensive testing with the Neurologist; CAT Scans and x-rays.  2 of the Neuro guys are trying to determine and get to the bottom of my problem.  I extensive nerve damage in my right arm and now my left arm is starting in also.

Permanent nerve damage and/or numbness of the limbs due to the treatment meds? I am so far off the scale with the testing that I had done last week.  The neurologist told my husband and I that people who have severe damage to the nerves is usually around 4.5 to 5 and require surgery.  My number on my left arm is at 4.7 and my right arm is almost 9.  Very worried that this could be a tricky deal that my body is playing on me because of my 56 weeks on the medicines or the medicines caused permanent neurological effects.

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i'm ok just finding things tiring a lot of the time and now and again get such numbness in my hands feet face and believe it or not my emotions. i just go flat and detatched.Like wheni think about svr right now ifeel nothing either way.Wierd after all the effort those times when it just dose'nt seem to matter. Just functioning at the moment. But i do like to sit in my garden after work watch the insects a wait for the cherry tomatos to ripen.
Luv Sam Hall
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Hey Girl. I did speak to befud on the phone a few nights ago{after her exit} she said that she is fine and she seemed fine but I don't know what to look for if she isn't. She says it is issues with a few personalities here and needing to give her daughter more attention. So if it is some kind of treatment depression, me never having been on it, I wouldn't want to make the "call". When I talked to her Friday or thurs. She was very happy and thought this all very funy so I DUNNO? You who know the disease or have experienced the depression are better to judge if she is ok or having depression due to the meds...
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I went on vacation 3 weeks after going off tx, the doctor told me to stay out of the sun. I called Roche they told me no problem there is no photo sensitivity to the meds,  then I spoke with his NP and she said go and use sunscreen and stay well hydrated. I used a 15 sunscreen laid by the pool all day long for 7 days and came home with a nice tan and no problems. It may not be the same for everyone however it was fine for me.
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And you wouldn't dream of leaving without me RIGHT? I E'd ya back!

Hi Chev!

Anyone hear from Befud? First time since she came on the forums she is quiet on all of them same day! I hope she is ok!

Hey Silvermoon and SAMMMM HALL!! Derail! How's all of you ?

Another tip for me to give Billy about the sun...Thanks! {which only means I shall have to go to CR and Mexico without him} awwwwww !!!!
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hey all...vicki is okay she is staying busy doing other things...but she is safe, e mail her if you want to offer support but she will not come back to the board she went through a tough nutty time and needs a break from all the board stuff...i understand i was here day and night through out tx and took a 'time out' for 6 weeks and it did me the world of good....just know she is well..bless your hearts for your concern for her

hugs all

p.s. oh yah sher.., we'll have wayyyyyy more fun in CR without billy there hahahah opps....hope he doesn't see this post tee hee
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im worried about befudd too...she was saying some confusing and disturbing things before she said she was leaving us...i pray she is well and hasn't done anything harsh...when i read her post it sounded like she was having a personal struggle and was at risk for harming herself...what happened there? not sure, but

i am very concerned about you befudd...please come back and let us know if your ok...i pray for you....and for what is bothering you...i pray God will work things out and you come back...i also pray that you go to the dr. and get some help with all these issues...perhaps the meds have led you to some nasty side effects like depression or confussion or aggression...we care about you...please let us know if your ok...

On a differn't subject...i am heading into the sun in about a week to enjoy that florida vacation i wanted to go on weeks ago but cancelled...i lovvvvvvve going to the beach and getting some color...i have a medium/lite complection...i burn at first but then tan nicely...i don't want to burn and risk skin cancer,but i do want sun...and i think i really need it...but, what strenghth of protection in florida pan handle do i need to tan but not burn?...i usually don't wear any sunscreen and just monitor my exposure time to an hour a day or so...covering up parts that get too hot...any of you guys know what a good sunsceen level is that you can deffinately get a tan but not burn...i will be there for a little over a week....any ideas? Thanks, sandi

will a 6 do the trick or will i come back white as a ghost?
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hum...well...silly ol me was in the pool, peek of day, you know...to maximize the suntan.....won't do that again for...oh...well, okay til next time, i am sure it all will beout of me by the end of dec. right??  oh yah, heading back...usually i leave right after xmas...stay til the end of may...oh and then get talked in ALWAYS to just a fewwwww more weeks!!!, so definately home here for summer anyways, in time for the gardens to amaze me.

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thanks for that chev....i guess if we don't maybe soak it up immediately after tx like i did, things may turn out better....glad you are enjoing the sun, now i am able to be out side all day should i choose without any complaints...but i think skin may react different right immediately after tx as opossed to a month after...did you manage to be outside and in direct sun immediately after tx...also maybe the location is a partly a problem here...depending on how far south you are closer to the equator maybe, where the sun is far more problematic...
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p.s....forgot to mention, honey do call doc in the morning and get something immediately for your headaches so you have them to avert pain and discomfort will you please.  it would be a shame to not enjoy fully your time due to dicomfort and pain....thats all...safe journey my friend, be safe, heal, laugh and love much!!!!

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hey ella....no, i went to my friends place on the beach in costa rica, although i used sunblock, (not the highest possible) still i had a rather violent reaction to the sun...but that could also be because i am very fair as well, blonde, blue eyed..i was only in the pool and sun for a total of an hour and a half....the first night was great, went out to see all my friends, popped in for a bit to all the local hangouts and had a riot and was all sun kissed and glowy....BUT the next day and day after i started to turn into a somewhat bizarre looking creature, and couldn't even allow sun through the window to touch me, as i would blister up....so instead of a month holiday i had to finally give in and fly home after a few weeks..it wasn't worth staying in an watching bad latin tv soaps!!!! haha....so....i think ask your doctor and use the highest block possible and limit exposure, no direct exposure maybe, wear a wide brim hat and sit on the beach under a delisously large umbrella, and sip on decadent non alcohol beverages, but do try and limit direct sun exposure, espeacially if you are more fair..drink TONS OF WATER TOO ok..hope you have an absolutely wonderful time with your mom, you so deserve a lovely relaxing and healing time now...

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I don't remember if you were doing 24 wks or 48 wks but, like you, I am ready to get back to normal.  I did 44/48 last Friday and am really looking forward to having the energy level back and increasing my activity levels.  I know it's doubtful but I'm hoping our blood counts increase as quickly as they dropped when we started tx.

Anyway, congrats on finishing tx and good luck to you.
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I wanted to congratulate you on finishing treamtent and the great test results you received a few days ago but the thread was full so.....Congratulations.
Let's keep our fingers crossed and, if so inclined, prayers on the 6 month test.
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I have been off tx now for 3 months. Progress back has been veeery slow. I can really relate to not knowing what I used to feel like. Thats exactly what I just told my doc! I appear to be a very different person than I was (better I hope). My doc even says I am different. Everyone I confide in says that I AM getting better but its so slow that I dont see it. All the professionals that I deal with say the same thing...be patient, be patient, be patient..this could take a while. I am off all tx support med now except celexa and ambien (reduced 1 week ago) and I would very much like to stop them! I can do simple house chores now. Tried some yard work until I hurt my knee and back (just twisted and strained some). My neighbor even let me cut 1/3 of my lawn before pushing into a chair!! He swears that I was going to pass out!! It seems only weeks ago that none of this was possible so there IS some improvement! I never did clear the virus and was told to wait for a new med. I see my psyc this week and my hepatologist next week for a new count.My current main complaints are fatigue, body aches,very bad short term memory, eye pain and sight problems,balance problems, concentration problems, and identity problems (I still do not know who I am yet but I am definitely not who I was). I am learning to embrace this new person and accept any limitations that may come. I would this all over again to kill the virus!!That said...I know plenty of people who came right back after tx. Do not be dismayed..be patient and report in from time to time for those of us who are post tx. sorry for the long post but I needed to hear from you and others like you. God Bless!!
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Thanks so much for the support. I am off to Hawaii on Tuesday...so I guess I won't be spending days at the beach?? Or will sunscreen be enough? Weren't you on a cruise??  I am going home to mom's so can spend lots of time resting and doing nothing but I really love spending time on the beach. I wouldn't feel so bad if it weren't for these horrible headaches.
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hi sweetie, and again, congrats...well i did 'think' i felt remarkably better, the first few days even...though that was proably cause i took off to CR the day after my last shot end of april.(big mistake).but i don't know if you rmemebr i ended up getting severe sun poisoning....chemo and sun , at least that close to the equator don't seem to cooperate....anyway, now, 3 1/2 months post tx..i seem to be doing much better in several ways,i have the energy to take a bath or shower, once a day again, wash my hair, even put on clothes instead of changing the p.j.s weekly, or on a good week on tx...twice-weekly, i certainly can mow the lawn for much longer periods of time, ride my horse, walk dogs oh yah and load and start the dish washer now, stand up to make my morning latte without having to sit on a stool, etc...all things i had difficulty doing for a long time on tx...my mind also seems far clearer...than????....and my memory still sucks, but always did, my  hair is really growing back in vigorously and thick, my skin is looking glowy again..(maybe cause now i am bathing more than once a week, and getting outta p.j.s) basically, i am feeling far better, and so will you too...my complaints...if your interested..are that the arthritic pain is BACK joints sore again..also some depression, kinda of a 'what now, wait and see thing' i think...fluctuate from sleeping way to much to way to little...but basically back to normal....it is slight improvemnet daily i think, not a sudden big WHAM your better...but it really does come...hang in there

hugs sweetie, yah done good girl!!!!
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Hi Ella ! Congratulations on finishing your tx meds.  Whew !!  I have been off of my meds of 56 weeks for almost 3 months now. I am feeling so much better.  It took about a month after I finished the drugs to start to come around to somewhat a normal feeling.  I was on Pegasys injection weekly, Procrit injection of 1 ml weekly, riba 1,200 (6 pills) daily and 50 mg of Amitriptyline daily.  I am drug free however I have had to take a couple of 'simply sleep' over the counter pills a couple of nights and probably 2 days on Tylenol.

You'll start to feel better...day....by...day !  Hang in there and again, congratulations, you did IT !

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