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12773 tn?1328913186

Well only 2 more to go.....

As we start a new week.  I have this week and next and I am done. 48 wks... whoo hoooo   I go to dr next week, so going for my blood work this morning.   Feeling kinda in slow motion this morning.  Got up and its in the 40's.   So kinda brisk.   had to shut the windows.    Had been airing the house all weekend.   A cat fight outside woke me about 400 am.     We went to the football game yesterday, and I came home and colapsed.   Could hardly keep my eyes open.   But I had to cook supper, so made homemade chicken soup.  Good day for it.   Well heres hoping the HGB starts coming back up soon after doing this procrit shot.  I know its low... I can feel it.    Almost feels like it did in the beginning when it took such a nose dive to below 10.   Feeling like I could use another day of rest.  But cannot afford to take the time off.    Have to wait 3 more weeks to get any extra time.  We get the day after Thanksgiving off.    going out this year though.   Not up to cleaning yet, and I doubt will come back that quickly, only being off treatment for a week.    So my Dad is taking the 2 of us out.   And I will deep fry a turkey over the weekend.    Well I guess I am going to go in the other room and get under the covers for a bit before getting ready for work.  Since my appt for labs isn't until 930, I called in and told them I would be in after appt.   So have a little extra time this morning.    Hope everyone has a good day.   And that these next 2 wks go by fast, and I start returning to normal soon..
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I just finished about 2 months ago.  So my next Dr. visit (for the Hep) is my 6 month PCR in March.

Yep, I know what you mean about feeling like it's going to be forever, and then at the end going "It's over already?"  LOL

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12773 tn?1328913186
Yes at time it was rough for sure.   I made it.. its almost hard to believe.   To even hear those words, seems like ..... Its just a dream.. No way that many weeks have passed already.  But in other times, feel like its been forever.   I am glad the sx were not so bad, that I felt I needed to stop, and I am glad my doctor did not stop me because of my weight loss.   He was concerned when I got to about 85 lbs lost.. I have now lost another 21.. up to  106 total now.     So heres praying for SVR and being slim again for ever..   LOL   Hope you are doing well, and that you are feeling ok.  and that we all get that SVR FOREVER....
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glad to see you're almost finished! That's great. I hope that you get your svr, you didn't have it easy but you made it to the finish line.

wishing you the best!!!!!!!
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12773 tn?1328913186
Good luck on your appt tomorrow.   And don't let some of the side effects you read about on here, steer you away..  We all get sides of some kind., whether mild or major.  some seem to get them all, and there are others who get none.  There were times, I felt I could not continue like this...   When your Hemoglobin drops , you will know what I am talking about.    It finally leveled out around 10, which is low, but not too bad.  I managed to get used to feeling like this,   like its expected on treatment.    I wish you the best success on treatment, and I will be around, reading posts and posting what my progress is, on feeling BETTER, after finishing treatment, next week.  Do you know yet how many weeks you have to do ?  Well the forum will be very helpful for you as you go thru treatment, so come here often, and post your questions.  There are alot of helpful people here, you can share their experience or knowledge.  , but Know there are no Doctors here.   And if people seem kinda snippy sometimes ?   just remember they are on treatment too, and you will find out soon enough, about things that bother you, while on treatment.  There were some people that came for a while that would just mess with people here, and spam the board, so if someone seems a bit skeptical about anything, or you read posts like that,    that that is all it is.  Trolls.. ..  LOL doesnt seem like we have had that issue though, for a month or more it seems to have stopped for awhile, or maybe I just learned to skip over alot of it.     Anyway,  Good luck to you, and I will be following your progress as you post..  
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I'm new to the forum and missed out on sharing your journey.  I still want to
congratulate you on your stregnth and fortitude.....it gives me courage and
hope, and for others too.
I go in tomorrow to get started on my tx.  Yikes!
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12773 tn?1328913186
Interesting is right.   I was 10 when we moved there.  Not anything really for kids to do.  We fished alot and walked from downtown around the dock, every evening with my friends.  There was what used to be the sundries store,  *a drugstore in its day *  they served food and had pinball and pool tables.  we all became pool sharks.   That was about it for a kid.   Every one knows everyone and most of them related.  I worked in everyone of the restuarants as of about 12, working in the kitchen or babysitter for the Island Hotel owners, children.   I always liked the Seafood fest in Oct, and the Art festival in April.  You should go to that one if you have not.. Its usually the 2nd weekend of April. Just as the Seafood is the 2nd week of Oct.   I havent been to one in years..  I still have some of my friends there, that I keep in contact with, but some of them moved away in surrounding towns.  About 6 years ago, we were on our way to Georgia, and on the drive up, Mike wanted to stop and see the town I had lived in.   It seemed so much smaller than the last time I went.. but I guess cuz I grew up.. LOL  It seemed so dirty compared to how it used to look, and I feel for all the people who have lived there their whole lives, and now taxes and homeowners is forcing them out of their homes that they own free and clear.  Its just really sad.        I will take your suggestion, and use the xanax just as needed, as I have been doing.  I can tell you that the last bottle I had, was for 90 pills, took me 4 years to take them.   So no chance that I have ever abused it.  My doctor even commented on that, that she didn't have to worry that I was abusing them ever., when I went back for refill when starting treatment.    I originally was given those when my Brother shot himself, 6 months after my mom had passed away.. I was a wreck.   Well maybe some year , we Floridians can meet up either for the Seafood or Art Show there.  Well coffee is done brewing.... Time to get ready for the day.
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250084 tn?1303307435
I 'push' (wrong word there, huh:}?.....very few meds, but without going into a long post, Xanax, done carefully-as needed-proper dosage- has been helpful for me. To sleep, to calm in anxious times, to handle tx sides now and so on. The start of tx and fear of the meds was hard for me, many of us of course,  & my hep Dr. had no problem giving me some and he does not hand much out! Just important to skip days, and not increase dose's. I have used the same amount for a few years now
(not daily) and when offered stronger ones, said NO!
Just my opinion, and hope some of these guys with more scientific facts chime in, but it seems to me that as with Tylenol, Ibuprofen, some pain meds, xanax, Valium and so on.....small , as needed amounts seem to be okay. I am sure the extent of liver damage is important there, but I am stage 3 and he okay'd them.

Cedar Key in the 70's! Now that must have been interesting. And right on the water.
It is still so small but great place to 'get away'. Went to many a 'seafood fest' weekends there, in the days of 'it's the weekend, let's drink till the sun comes up and than start over with breakfast and bloody marys" :} From here it's a great ride on the bike, tho missing those lately.
Adding to list of "things i am doing when done with tx".

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12773 tn?1328913186
What week are you on ?   I am hoping that all of us will be SVR for sure.  And I will keep everyone updated as I progress ...
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I'm glad you're finally near the end.  It seems like there are a lot of us finishing up around now.  Hopefully we will all be posting that we are still SVR a year from now!!!

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173975 tn?1216257775
Once again, kudos for working through TX!  It's a darn good thing I'm not working coz I would have been fired for sure for poor attitude and confrontational personality.  *LOL*

A friend who finished TX a couple of months ago had a 4 week PCR that showed UND and her Dr. told her that those who are UND at that point have a 90% chance of SVR so I will absolutely be getting mine done on June 2, 2008, 1 month after my last injection!

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12773 tn?1328913186
I don't know how I missed replying to your post above.  I apologize, didn't mean to skip you.  I did read the post,   I just some how passed it when doing my replies.  LOL  I am thinking my doctor will feel the same way about the procrit as well, that it will start coming back up when stopping tx.   But I do have another refill for a month, if I absolutely need it.    But I have one left, and just did one yesterday, so that should cover me.  One next week and I am done with my last Peg shot on Friday next week.    Yippee ...... I will be so glad to start feeling better.
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12773 tn?1328913186
Its not a matter of the cost of the PCR.  My insurance will pay it.  He just won't order it.    I may get my PCP to do it, if he denies my request next week.  He says it not SOC .
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12773 tn?1328913186
Well when I asked him for one at 36 weeks, he said not until 6 mos post.. but that was a few months ago.  I will tell him I am to anxious, and suffering from anxiety over it, and I am sure he will order it.    Thats what happened when I asked for the 2nd one.    The first one was not the most sensitve, and the 2nd one was.   But was UND both times, just pray this one is too.    I am really having a bad couple of weeks,  people on the phone are really starting to get to me.    I hate even going to work and dealing with people.   But like you , I have to work., need that payola at end of week.   I have never been so broke,  I am glad all the co pays are over.   I am glad I only have 2 shots to go.    And I am sure the people who get my wrath, when they **** me off do too..    I had a shouting match with one of my coworkers last week.  We are cubicile buddies.  But all is good now., it was just a big mess that didn't need to happen.   But I am feeling that short fuse again lately, and have not had to take my xanax but a few times all the way thru treatment., and hate to think about taking it now, especially since I do not need anymore toxins going in there, without have meds kill all that while I am.   But from what I understand, xanax is not so rough on liver ?  anyone know ?  

Wyntre ~ I will work on him next week when I go for my followup..We will see what he says about the continued weight loss.   I have now lost 106 lbs.  but its all good..  Now if I can just have this skin removed.   I feel like a Sharpai.. LOL    I have one more appt with my Hemo on Thursday before work.   I am hoping its the last anyway..    

LL ~ I was thinking you had gone.    Yes Ocala is not far from here.  I used to live in Cedar Key back in the 70's  for about 4 years.  My mom had an art gallery on the docks.. Now its a night club or something.. They totally replaced the building.  Agnes in 71 or 72 can't remember .  Took half the building away, and we lost all our personal belongings.   It was right on the water.   But Mom managed to sell what was left and the property for a nice chunk.   We eventually moved to Tarpon Springs just as I started High School, where I graduated.  My 30 year reunion is next year.. LOL

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250084 tn?1303307435
  I didn't make it either, hope we all do for the next one and hope for an SVR party.
Anyone know what's up with the Silver River camp out deal? Haven't seen anything here in awhile. It's really close to me and all my Halloween is still up :}
(and will stay up till my tired arse can get it down, organized! We're thinking maybe get Santa and elf suits and just change the monsters clothes!  :}

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250084 tn?1303307435
Nygirl....Just don't know HOW you did that (miss only 3 days)! Plus your body needs so much rest thru this. Could not even imagine doing my one job on this! Did for 1st 4 weeks , but 1/2 days. I am doing good with keeping upbeat, even while in bed 20 hours a day (laptop, things to keep me busy) , I have 3 sons, lots of people in and out, visiting, hanging out, too and am BLESSED that now my bill's are all covered thru...... even if I do all 6 mths. A little savings, informal 'FML' from horse flight job, and, as I posted, many friends, customers snuck behind my back and did 'pools', 'games' and raised a chunk of money for me. I have done that for many also, so it was so nice they did that for me. The relief of money worries takes a LOT off of the stress level, as many know!
Also understand the 'have to get out of bed' angle, as I did thru Halloween but must say....after days of making myself get up, be busy, I have been back to 'bedridden' stage past 3 days. I am sure if I had 48 or more weeks to do, I would HAVE to get to work tho. Big difference in covering 24 weeks versus 48 or more! we need to start a fund, somehow, for those that can not work and have no one, no help :{

  More 'sick days' since off tx........too funny!

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173975 tn?1216257775
it didn't register (duhhhh) taht yor Dr. wouldn't authorize a PCR for 6 months.

If it were me, I'd pay out of pocket for one at 4 weeks post TX.

Just my take,

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179856 tn?1333547362
Working through treatment is one of the worst parts of treatment altogether BUT...I have to say getting up every day and showered and putting on the face paint and nice clothes etc. did help me a LOT to fight the depression that I'm sure I easily could have slipped into.  Also, it takes your mind off of what you are going through....helps the time go by faster.  

I would encourage anyone who can to continue working just for those facts. Me, I HAD to have my job so I had no choice at all in the 72 weeks I missed 3 days.  Now this year that I'm NOT on treatment.............I've missed more time than THAT (between crashing cars and breaking feet and getting pneumonia). LOL go figure!

> DPerry - did I read it right your doc won't let you have a PCR until SIX months post?  WHY is he/she so barbaric!  Can't you talk him into it and tell him how common it is to have a 3 AND 6 month PCR?  Man I'd love to see some of these doctors get this disease and then watch them have to WAIT...sure would teach them a valuable lesson!  BARBARIC I tell you!!!!!

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12773 tn?1328913186

Forseegood ~  Yes it seems forever since I came to the forum, and have gotten alot of good advice.  I know in the beginning, I posted alot more,     with help from labs, and different sx I was experiencing., but as time went on .. I just read the posts and post seldomly.  I hope you are doing well and feeling Great !

Lady Lauri ~ Yep 40 weeks of the 48 I have hung in there and worked 8 + hrs a day..   as much as my body told me I needed to be in bed.  I had to have my pay.   Yes I forgot to close the window Sunday and woke up Freezing yesterday.. But loving the weather too.   Sorry I did not make it over to meet up with you guys,   I will certainly try to the next time, especially since I will be done by then, and pray will be SVR forever..
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250084 tn?1303307435
Great for you and I have to repeat the others...can't believe you worked a lot thru 48 weeks tx!
Just realized you live pretty close to me, in Ocala, Fl. Loving the 'cooler' weather :}

  Prayers for ya' in SVR and getting back to living life -feeling good- again.

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86075 tn?1238115091
seen you hear so long, and now your finishing, that's great news!, the best to your future!
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12773 tn?1328913186
Yes I do feel glad that I made it.. almost that is.  There were times I didn 't want to feel like this for a year.   But as time went on.   I feel bad, but don't complain as much. Try to get as much sleep as possible, even if it meant spending the entire weekend in bed.   My other half has been so supportive and helpful.. He does the laundry, and loads and unloads the dishwasher, plus his yard chores.  But the house has gone to the pits since.   I can hardly wait till I have the energy to clean this mess up.   I feel so cluttered.  Unorganized and scatterbrained half the time.   My memory is terrible.   So looking forward to getting back to normal again.     Not that I want to get back to my old self..  I refuse to get that heavy again.   but I know it can happen.  As I was never big like that , until doing treatment 14 years ago,    I had lost about 60 lbs on treatment and they put me on a high calorie diet.. and I balloned up and became diabetic.   Now thats gone too..  so will do my very best to keep it off.   I am in a siz 8 now, ready to go to next size down soon.   From a 22.  So had been a feat in itself,   And hopefully freeing myself from this virus forever.   Yes working kept my mind off of things for sure.  Its hard to believe I am only 2 away..

Wyntre  ~  I parked in Handicapped at the game, drove the motorized cart when we go shopping at commissary, and  I try to cook something over the weekend that we can eat for a few days.   So cooking has been easy things at best.. even things like hamburger helper.     LOL   soup and sandwiches.. whatever it took.

Child24angel ~   Thank you.. I know its hard to believe.  I am so relieved it is almost over.  How is Nick doing ?   are you hanging in there ?   Well I do know if it had not been for this forum, I would have surely quit a long time ago.  

Cajunlady ~   Thank you for your support.  I wish they did not make us wait so long for the PCR>  my doc told me 6 mos post.   My last one was at 23 wks and was UND, as well as week 13.  I am genotype 1a and my 2nd time around.    I thought it was gone, and a couple of years ago, had a high viral load, but my insurance at that time was not good enough for treatment, and I didn't realize I could get assistance from drug manufac.     So when it came up again, during routine testing,  My otherhalf made me go see the specialist and start treatment after we discussed, what it involved, and what the chances could be., sx of tx.. etc.   He wants to keep me around another 40 + years.   So heres hoping it stays gone, and good luck to you can congrats so far for your UND.. Pray we all remain that way.
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12773 tn?1328913186
Well don't forget I did take off for 5 weeks.  During that time I was really feeling it.   Not that I have not been feeling it since, but I believe when my HGB dropped from 15.7 to below 10 in the first 4 weeks, your body is not accustomed to it.   Now that I have been on procrit since, and my HGB never really got back above 10.3, and back down again, and back up.. like a yo yo, my body became adjusted to it.   Knowing I had to go back to work, had alot to do with it.  Trust me if I could have been off work the entire time, with pay.. I would have.  But could not afford 50 % cut in pay, so had to make a decision, since without working, I would not be able to make the copays for meds, or for my doctor.   So had to make that decision to go back.  Which at time has been very stressful, but I still managed to do my job and hit my numbers.  Being in Sales, we have goals we have to meet every month.  And so far have maintained my status in top sales .   But when working sometimes I get so busy.... I don't even think of how bad I feel.  Only that I stay cold.  I guess cuz I have no fat left on my body ?   just hanging skin.   Well I am finally over the 100 lb mark.  I have now lost 106 lbs since starting treatment.   Now just to keep it off, will be a chore, I am sure.  Food is already starting to taste better, and I haven't even finished yet.   But I find I am eating more than usual, but still only palm size portions at a time.  A few times a day.   where was only 1 to 2 times a day before and drink ensure or boost.   And still managing to loose the weight.   Even eating Ice Cream and cheese cake..     Today I had chicken marsala.    There were 6 of us that were outstanding acheivers in the outbound dialer , and the big boss took us out for lunch.  I had forgotten all about it being today..   But I only ate a few bites of it, and didnt have salad or appetizer they ordered.    I had to do that just so I could eat my lunch.  Salad has not been my favorite since having dentures put on top in Jan.  ,and I used to love salad.  could eat it everyday.  Hang in there, yours will come soon enough, although it seems a long way off.   Look how these past 46 wks have passed.
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Oh!!!!! How I do remember that time in my 48 weeks of tx. I felt oh so close, but yet in a way so far.  I felt like it would never get there.  But, it did and it was great. I will go next month for my year labs.  I was UND at 8 months post.  I hope all the things for you in post go well.  Some of us come back quicker than others, but things do come back to normal.  Something you do not feel for a year.  It was so nice, like waiting to exhale.  Good Luck to you hope you have a quick withdrawl of all these meds. I am excited for you as I am sure you are just thrilled to be ending tx.

Have a great day and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

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You are almost done. That's terrific. You will make it. NYgirl had extra Procrit after she stopped tx.  See if you can get a couple extras. I was walking in slow motion when my was low. My wbc got low at the end of tx but the doctor wasn't concerned he knew it would come back up on it's own once I stopped tx. Your tenacity is admirable. Hang in there.
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