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146021 tn?1237204887

All about me

I miss everyone! Really! I have been so busy, and have had such a hard time getting on. A lesser person would have given up, but hey, I'm driven to keep in touch with you all.
Susan400: I cried when I read your post. I was so amazed at the way you dealt with the devastating news. You are something else. You have my utmost respect .  I tried to respond, and found out I had to have my password. What's with that?? It was my first hint that the forum had changed, AGAIN!
OrphanHawk: I can't believe that in two (count them 1-2) days you will be finished punching holes in your arms. I'm so happy that the journey is soon to be  over for you. I know you will continue to be UND and SVR. You are so special to me, you have no idea. I use to get my feelings hurt because I didn't think you liked me! And here you were dealing with cirrhosis! (look at my subject title!)
Child: Thank goodness you check up on me regularly! I could be dead in a hotel room and you would be the only one asking "where's Bug?" Thank you dear friend!
DebNevada: Are you OK? I loved seeing your picture! You are so brave! It's hard enough having hep c, being over 30 and then going beyond anonymous! Good for you! I noticed that suddenly we saw many more "real" photos as we crept out of the woodwork to show our faces. I just don't have the mental or physical capacity to figure out how to post my mug.
LadyWhy: You have a busy life. We need your levity and gravity here. Hope you haven't been scared off.
Myown: Lucy! Ethel isn't the same w/o you!
Forsee: I forsee you in a trial, and with the help of your friends becoming und very quickly. You will go on to star in a movie about Hep C and holistic medicine as it pertains to menopause. (I read palms and see the future in my crystal ball, when I'm not riding around on my broomstick)
Jm/Goof/Shastri/fullof Esperanza/Mike/Bill: My only male friends here. Where are the pictures?? I will post one with my armpits if I can see yours first and laugh.
I know I missed many many special people, but seriously, I miss you all. Oh yeah, Meki--you are too funny and smart too! I'm impressed as you came on out of nowhere (literally! Alaska?!?) and have been such a positive force here.
I am busy working--I feel great--being with my grandbaby, planning a shower for my nephews fiance', and getting the baby boy ready for college next month.
My 4th and last to put thru college! All that I want in return is for them to support me in my old age, and change my depends twice a day! They have tentatively agreed, but are all arguing about who has to change the diapers. That's the thanks I get!
Well. gotta go to bed.
Love you all!

35 Responses
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146021 tn?1237204887
I can't find the thread that you and Flguy were talking about. I looked long and hard to no avail. Maybe a little more info?
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146021 tn?1237204887
I had a patient Sat. and Sunday who kept changing back and forth into German instead of English. She was so much fun. I kept calling her Fraulein, and she would say "I'm not a young woman!" I told her all my German words, like Oktoberfest, Reisling, Neine and Rhine but she wasn't impressed!
I had the most beautiful wild child in the world stay with me Sat night. I think I can handle this whole going away to college thing (again) if I just have enough little grandchildren around to keep me busy.
Hope Nick's feelingbetter so his Mom can too.
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146021 tn?1237204887
How's it going in the new place? Has your body adjusted to the higher altitude yet? It's been amazingly cool here, so I hope your weather is even nicer. I know you must be busy/fatigued since you aren't on very often. Take care!
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173975 tn?1216257775
Just wanted to say and congrats to rose, bug, pigeon, hawke, Meki and everyone who's recently finished TX!


So sorry you're not feeling well but glad you're enjoying retirement and your new windows.  ONLY 5 more shots to go!

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it is so nice to see everyone so upbeat and happy.  all these invitations for travel, i'm ready to scrap everything and just go visitin... well the thought is nice anyway.

about the pcr, i didn't even try to pick up the results the past few days so i will try to do this on monday now.

I hope to go to Tx soon, I miss my daughter.  Actually, I seriously think of moving there, i could afford to buy a home in that part of the woods.  Ladybug, look for a note from me in your email soon.

pidgeonca i spent some time trying to figure out what it was and yest indeed it was a redtail hawk.  people if any watching me, must have thought i was a nut i kept looking into the tree to get a second, then third look.. i can't even remember the song.. it was different. i love to take in things of nature.

it is so hot and muggy down here today.

take care all
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217229 tn?1192762404
orphy you're almost there - wait another week.... LMAO! And a couple of months after that.

What kind of parties are we gonna throw?


Frisbee? BBQ? Dance? Toga?

Come on - lesss go girlie - it's awesome right now --- and it will only get better.

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163305 tn?1333668571
Grandma; I wondered where you were and how you were faring in the heat. Glad to see your post and know you're staying cool. I watch the fog roll in every evening and awaken early just to see it underlit with pinks at sunrise. Then I fall back to sleep.   Stay well, you're almost there!
rosebud: The redtail hawks are fairly common. I'm on the other side of the state. They  tagged some hawks near the Golden Gate Bridge who've been found as far away as Mexico. If you make it up to the bay area, let me know, maybe we can do lunch or go to the zoo, to see the birds. There was just a quite a bit of hoopla over the shootings of two coyotes in Golden Gate Park. Wildlife is everywhere, even in virus'.  ( now we need the Twilight Zone theme music).  Stay healthy.
LB: I'm backkk. I am so hap-hap-happy to be feeling like myself. I missed me. My body isn't back all the way yet, of course, but I feel so much better.
    Big blue sky arms wrapping you in cool whispy breeze hugs,           OH
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146021 tn?1237204887
Hi you crazy girl you! I am working all weekend, and won't be able to get on as much. Have to pay for the college somehow! Wish he'd just stay home and be my liitle baby boy a while longer--but he's lomg past that stage, ya know?
Have a great week-end.
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146021 tn?1237204887
Actually 3 buds--as in buddies! Happy to see you all respond. I hope I hear from you Rose re: your great news on the latest pcr. I'm actually getting sad about the youngest leaving. When you visit your daughter in Tx come visit me!
Pigeon: I was quoted about alcohol and HCV. I don't really believe everything I read or post. I think a wine connoisseur  such as yourself has nothing to worry about re: re-aquiring hep c.
GrandmaA: I'm so glad you're living the good life you deserve. Vinyl windows, sliding glass door, and retirement! I know you stay busy, it's wonderful that you only have 5 1/2 weeks left. I can't wait till summer is over as you will be feeling better and svr. You have been a rock for many, as you are so grounded.
Hugs to all,
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really miss my forum friends and wish i could be online more often i have been busy, temping for now, really love it. long drive to work was thinking of you bug and fight sleepiness when driving - home.  

i did get a test results should be in i will try to pick up results tomorrow KP doesn't post HCV online. so i will start a thread soon with my results.  huge congratulations on your recent test. that must be such a relief.  i feel pretty confident that it is resolved with me also.

yes daughter settled, we miss her so much. there will be a wedding (here) in March (my youngest daughter).  they will all soon be gone and then empty nest for me.  speaking of nests. this is for OH if you are around.  i was coming out of temp assignment, near LA area. and heard this strange bird noise, me being curious about such things took the time to locate in the stand of trees near the city -i think it was a youngster like your picture. orphanhawk.  i really enjoy the opportunity to see the unusual in nature.

i see everyone has been so creative putting pics of self (if courageous), humorous or what,  i haven't had time thinking of what i would put when i do.

I have so little time to read posts and say hi lately when i do appear i read one or two respond and i am off..

how is pigeonca, snowbyrd, wyntre, grandmaA, forseegood, fl guy, jmjm (how are you feeling these days.  stangeshelly hang in there.. oh i really do miss you all so much...so many i think of... did i recently see Ameriboi posting under a different handle?  he is the one that writes in christ rick (right?).... well when i post my labs in a few days i want any who would want to drop me a line... would love to hear from any...
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What a nice post above. I haven't been on the forum much. I go up and down between taking a nap, sometimes being sick, cleaning and getting errands down. I have so many doctors I think I should put up my tent in their waiting room. But Fri. I will only have 5 1/2 weeks left. Getting down to the wire! YIPPEE! My new vinyl windows are so nice. It will never be hotter than 80 degrees in here now. And the sliding glass door on the street (my bedroom) is sound proof. No more boom boxes waking me up.

I've been retired almost 2 months now and I can barely wake by 7. I go to bed early. I used to wake up at 5. This is so much better. Hope everyone achieves SVR.

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So great to hear from you.  Missed ya'.  Can't think of anything that hasn't been said above, but I always like getting your reports.  Enjoy a beautiful summer.  Love, pigeon
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146021 tn?1237204887
Just can't call you by the new name. I'm so happy about the 12 week UND! It makes it all worth while to see that test result. How many weeks left now? Summer tx is a different animal! I feel for you. I had a little internal furnace going all through tx and it was winter. Do you sweat a lot during tx? I forgot to ask if that happens to to others. I didn't sweat under the armpits, just everywhere else. Menopause? Tx side?
You're a sweetie! Thanks for responding.
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146021 tn?1237204887
Hey how are you doing? Are you going to post about the12 week PCR soon? Surely you have the results?? Hope all is well. I am feeling like I never treated. I feel really good. My 3 month came back UND. I haven't heard from pigeonca since a little forum riff with some weirdo who got on to cause trouble. I'm hoping she's still around. I can't get on as much as I like but I think about you all the time. How's the rowdy neighbors? I wonder if we'll ever hear from snowbyrd?
Take care, have a great summer. Is your daughter settled in Tx now? It's just starting to get hot here.
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Hi Lady,
I think of you often and hope you are doing well.
My 12 week PCR test came back UND so this whole tx has been worth it and I just keep counting down the weeks til I am DONE!
I totally agree with your comments on meki....she is wonderful and encouraging and a bright spot on any of the message threads.  A lot like you ladybug.
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Hi Bug,

It seems it has been such a long time. Irarely get time to be online but think of you often. How are things in your neck of the woods?  I hope you are well.  I just got my 3 mth post pcr will start a thread when i have the results.  How about you I may have missed or don't remember you posting your test results.
Is your life getting back to normal? How about your energy level? I seem to be recovering gradually...

Hope all is well with you my insect friend... and i wonder how the birds are doing?

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Hi Bug,

It seems it has been such a long time. Irarely get time to be online but think of you often. How are things in your neck of the woods?  I hope you are well.  I just got my 3 mth post pcr will start a thread when i have the results.  How about you I may have missed or don't remember you posting your test results.
Is your life getting back to normal? How about your energy level? I seem to be recovering gradually...

Hope all is well with you my insect friend... and i wonder how the birds are doing?

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hey bug,
I guess I hit the post before I posted, I think, maybe, or I don't know. i'm tired and munching on stuff while I read these threads.

I was thinking of you the other day. I see you haven't been posting much either. I check in but I can't read all this anymore. Lazy I guess or just too much to read. Not being able to see who the posts are written to is a pain and I don't have the patience. I know it will be nice after MH gets finished with it all, but right now its like Elaine said "fumbling around in the dark"

I hope you are feeling good. My mind is still forgetful, but I think I may have connected the dots. Today a light bulb went off in my head. My PCP told me the other day that my DHA was low. I started reading about it and it seems that if you are low in DHA it affects your brain, serotonin and all that. But also there is a connection with low magnesium and low DHA seen in HEp c patients. Also read that DHA is low in those that have what you had mentioned having AD...I forget the abbrevaiation. Of course I would forget the abbrev!  You may want to have your DHA and magnesium levels checked. I think anyone with hepc should. When I see my PCP I will ask him about the connection of the hep, low DHA, magnesium, effects on brain blah blah blah and see what he thinks.
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163305 tn?1333668571
Hey Mike,
    I haven't tried to get a transplant so my information could certainly be mistaken. Thanks for correcting me.      OH
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220378 tn?1189755821
I refuse to go outside!!! finally we got some relief from the heat as storms rolled in last night..thankfully, I finally have my central air back and room to stretch..lol...I love it!!!  On my countdown as  of friday 2 of 72...what a RIDE!  
I do believe I will bounce back with a fury!!! Cannot wait to go back to work!! My daughter is here with me now, puppy is lovin the room to stretch his legs..theres a dogpark close and hes such a baby, loves everything, hes adapting well. The other pup who is now 10 is not doing well, she has a few masses on her chest etc, dx with cancer back in jan? stopped her meds few months ago as they were not doing her any good. Hope for her to make one more season but I beleive she is having renal failure..so off to the vets for a check next week..  
On a lighter note I hope you are doing well and as always hugs to bugs:) shelly
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217229 tn?1192762404
LOL - at the very minimum... It's like the roll of the dice... Always loaded. Ah well - we can commismerate with you!

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146021 tn?1237204887
Shelly, How does it feel to have air-conditioning? Not much longer, right?
Deb: I would like to post some little pic. Do you know how to get in touch with me? Aren't you thankful  for the rest? I felt the same way once I was off work. It was unbelieveable that we work so hard at working!
OH July 12 is just hours away! It's like the ball in Times Square at midnight, New years Eve. Only way more exciting, right?
Angel, I love your pic! thanks for bugging the bug! I jsut have gone into overdrive now that I'm well!
Bill, No lingering bronchitis or any other problems. I was beginning to believe that I was on the handshake list of the guy who had TB. No ordinary brochitis or cold for the bug, TB or West Nile Virus at the minimum:)
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87972 tn?1322661239
Hi there!

I just wanted to say howdy back. How are you feeling amidst all the hustle and bustle? I was wondering if your bronchitis was a done deal, or is it still lingering? I haven’t been reading here much myself- kinda busy as well. I hope you’re enjoying life… sometimes busy is good.

Take care, and stay in touch--

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I thought this might be a better place to correct some information. You said that people without insurance are denied a liver transplant. I know several people who were without insurance who got livers. And there are other reasons why a liver transplant might be denied - alcohol or drug problems are two that come to mind immediately but there can be others depending on the center. HIV used to be an exclusionary factor and to my limited knowledge still is at some centers as can be HCC depending on tumor number and size. I thought you might want to know.
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