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217229 tn?1192762404

When I die - I want to be a DIAMOND and a PAINTING!


So before you guys go "HUH?" let me explain...

As we all have been faced with HCV we all have had to think about our own individual deaths.

OK - so death isn't all that glamorous --- especially now that we have an idea of how it's going to happen ---- or feeling like we are closer to death than most people.

It's kind of depressing - because you think of all the things you wish you could fit into an ordinary lifetime... And you realize that truly --- you probably will never get all of those things in --- and Godzilla is going to come stomping down your street before you actually get most of them done.

But --- Me --- well... I'm of the belief that everyone dies --- so there has to be something good about it.

Mind you --- I'm in no rush to get there --- but I'm not afraid of the journey...


Anyhow... Having thought about dying a little more frequently in the last year... the fact becoming a little more of a reality --- than something far far off in the future... I started looking around at the options available.

You know... Some folks want to be buried in specific cemeteries... Some want to be cremated... Some don't care.... etc.

Well - at first, because I'm kind of artsy-fartsy, and I love to visit old crumbling cemeteries,  and pencil etch old gravestones, and historical events make me feel nostaligic... I thought I'd want to be buried in a beautiful marble mausoleum.

Well - checking into the costs of one of those --- more expensive than most houses.... left me going --- ohhh... well I can't do that. Sigh...

Then I wanted to be a fountain... they make these awesome sundials and fountains... But the hubby said Birds will visit me --- and I thought... Do I really want to have bird poo for a century or two?

SO I went a looking and I found a couple of very interesting things --- and I've made up my mind on one of them.

Now --- hear me out --- before you go AGGGG!!!!


First off --- to be honest about it... I'm a woman... LMAO! And what's better than diamonds? Hmmmm?

Second --- I can be passed down from generation to generation... Ooohhh think "FAMILY JEWELS"... LOL!


I was like --- WOWSER ---- way too freaking cool.

So today - reading Wyn's heartbreaking post --- I was looking for ways to possibly do that for pets, as well.

It's a bit expensive...

But WHILE I was doing that... (Looking around for pet alternatives) ... I found this guy who will paint pictures with ashes...


OMG --- NOW I want BOTH!!!!!

Sigh --- I know... I'm really a woman...

But -- imagine a beautiful painting (and me - personally - I wouldn't have a picture of me painted unless he could make me look like that Marilyn Monroe picture on those red silk sheets with my face.... LOL!) that could be passed down from family members and on...

Being a part of their lives FOREVER.

And for you Sailing nuts out there --- there was one that makes your ashes into a reef... and they are kinda cool!


Anyhow --- I just thought I'd share with you guys...

It's maybe a little wacky --- but I think it's kind of cool at the same time.

And I really --- REALLY --- want to be a diamond... I've already told the family and they've all agreed... My daughter wants one from me (LOL - raised her right - I have... Girl likes pretty stones...) And the hubby agreed that if I died - and he remarried that he'd put me in the jewelry box when they got amorous. LOL!

What do you think?

40 Responses
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217229 tn?1192762404
It is a wild and totally cool concept... I mean seriously --- family jewels.. LOL!

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I had come across that Lifegems site some years back, and found it interesting. But when I told my sister that I was thinking about it,she begged me not to give one to her because she would always be terrified of losing it.  Quite a concept, though, isn't it?

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Makes a powerful point for Rick's statement too.  I think he can quite comfortably rest his case. ; ]
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217229 tn?1192762404
DUH --- Lonestar --- LMAO --- sorry I meant that for you... About chiseling and all that...

"And livindabest ----that smile up there was for you... *G*  I'm gonna have to think of a way to go get that puppy... Yeah--- Or just chisel a few corners off, here and there.... LOL!

Wow - think of all the Lasers they could make with that! A total Power station that could be ---- Support Earth for energy and all of that.

Freaking awesome!

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217229 tn?1192762404
   "I wanna be a diamond too!  Slap me in a ring and ingrave my name inside!!  Maybe my grandson could use me as an engagement ring...would that be creepy?"

I think it would depend on her point of view.... But I kinda think passing everyone down --- and in the end --- Like 200 years down the road ---- the family could get together and tell old stories ---- and shine sparkling memories of each family jewel member - or they could be set in some sort of memorial..

But I'd be a little worried about being pawned off... LOL!

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217229 tn?1192762404
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217229 tn?1192762404
Hey Rick --- This was so superbly awesome:

"   Personally, you're all jewels in the hand of God...never, ever forget that, and that He highly favors you!!!!  "

And livindabest ----that smile up there was for you... *G*  I'm gonna have to think of a way to go get that puppy... Yeah--- Or just chisel a few corners off, here and there.... LOL!

Wow - think of all the Lasers they could make with that! A total Power station that could be ---- Support Earth for energy and all of that.

Freaking awesome!

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Meki, As usual you're way ahead of me. ; ]  I don't know how I missed this post for so many days because I always read yours.  I like that quirky little odd brain of yours. ; ]  At first reading I sat here a bit stunned at your post, then I smiled so big remembering an article I had read once.  I've found part of it...

When choosing a Valentine's Day gift for a wife or girlfriend, you can't go wrong with diamonds. If you really want to impress your favorite lady this Valentine's Day, get her the galaxy's largest diamond. But you'd better carry a deep wallet, because this 10 billion trillion trillion carat monster has a cost that's literally astronomical!

"You would need a jeweler's loupe the size of the Sun to grade this diamond!" says astronomer Travis Metcalfe (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), who leads a team of researchers that discovered the giant gem. "Bill Gates and Donald Trump together couldn't begin to afford it."

When asked to estimate the value of the cosmic jewel, Ronald Winston, CEO of Harry Winston Inc., indicated that such a large diamond probably would depress the value of the market, stating, "Who knows? It may be a self-deflating prophecy because there is so much of it." He added, "It is definitely too big to wear!"

The newly discovered cosmic diamond is a chunk of crystallized carbon 50 light-years from the Earth in the constellation Centaurus. (A light-year is the distance light travels in a year, or about 6 trillion miles.) It is 2,500 miles across and weighs 5 million trillion trillion pounds, which translates to approximately 10 billion trillion trillion carats, or a one followed by 34 zeros.

"It's the mother of all diamonds!" says Metcalfe. "Some people refer to it as 'Lucy' in a tribute to the Beatles song 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.'"

The diamond star completely outclasses the largest diamond on Earth, the 530-carat Star of Africa which resides in the Crown Jewels of England. The Star of Africa was cut from the largest diamond ever found on Earth, a 3,100-carat gem.

The huge cosmic gem (technically known as BPM 37093) is actually a crystallized white dwarf. A white dwarf is the hot core of a star, left over after the star uses up its nuclear fuel and dies. It is made mostly of carbon and is coated by a thin layer of hydrogen and helium gases.

For more than four decades, astronomers have thought that the interiors of white dwarfs crystallized, but obtaining direct evidence became possible only recently.

"The hunt for the crystal core of this white dwarf has been like the search for the Lost Dutchman's Mine. It was thought to exist for decades, but only now has it been located," says co-author Michael Montgomery (University of Cambridge).

The white dwarf studied by Metcalfe, Montgomery, and Antonio Kanaan (UFSC Brazil), is not only radiant but also harmonious. It rings like a gigantic gong, undergoing constant pulsations.

"By measuring those pulsations, we were able to study the hidden interior of the white dwarf, just like seismograph measurements of earthquakes allow geologists to study the interior of the Earth. We figured out that the carbon interior of this white dwarf has solidified to form the galaxy's largest diamond," says Metcalfe.

Our Sun will become a white dwarf when it dies 5 billion years from now. Some two billion years after that, the Sun's ember core will crystallize as well, leaving a giant diamond in the center of our solar system.

So, there you go Meki, always ahead of the curve.  You've just told us how we can get where we're going a bit ahead of schedule. ; ]
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215816 tn?1212490407
Personally, you're all jewels in the hand of God...never, ever forget that, and that He highly favors you!!!!  

Yours in Christ,
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212705 tn?1221620650
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as a fellow believer, I say amen to that!!!!...so looking forward to that day!!! Dancing with my Father God in fields of Grace!
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215816 tn?1212490407
     As a believer ( Kingdom Kid :), after I'm called home ( or raptured....whichever comes first), I will be sooo extremely happy not to return here in this body!!  For me to step on shore and find it home.  To breathe in new air and find it celestial!  To touch a hand and find it God's will be joy unspeakable!!!!!!  Like most here I want to be reunited with my little one, Mom, Dad, Sister, who have gone on, and other family members and believers!  

       For me I know that when we see Him face to face we shall be like Him...so I worry not about death....and oh, what a reunion it will be...finally being able to meet you guys face to face!!!!  I'll see you there...........

Together in Christ,
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230569 tn?1189755826
I wanna be a diamond too!  Slap me in a ring and ingrave my name inside!!  Maybe my grandson could use me as an engagement ring...would that be creepy?
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217229 tn?1192762404
"And......wanted me to shake the urn everyday "

Rock the heck on! What great people they must have been! Full of laughter and joy!! That is so very cool!

(Thank you for sharing that with me - I think that is super special!)

I, too, do not wish to be mourned... I want a full fledged Irish Wake...

Yeah baby!


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86075 tn?1238115091
Oh Elaine! your whole immediate family! bless you, I'm so sorry...I have thought about this, because my mother is 78 and kind of ill, my younger sister has advanced cirrhosis, but is doing pretty well considering....and my father will be 100 this coming March, and even though he's in relatively good health, he can't live much longer...that's my whole immediate family...I can only hope that I am as level headed and as much of a grown-up about it as you are, you have strength in your kindness...youre an example to me...the way youre so great to your son, everything, hugs to you Elaine...
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Ha ! it would be cool to be a Mona Lisa and watch what people are doing in the future world!
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217229 tn?1192762404
I still wanna be a shining, sparkly, beautiful diamond.
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96938 tn?1189799858
By the way, my first post in this thread does not convey the jest with which it was written.
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217229 tn?1192762404
OMG --- FL --- how freaking funny!

Oh - what a story!

But you're safe --- I don't collect turtles -- I collect Dragons.(very nice sculptures, Chinese, Oriental, American, European and Medieval.)

So don't be buyin' Dragon Cookie Jars that have glued on lids....LOL!
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217229 tn?1192762404
FL --- I kinda figured that. LOL!

It's all good...

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217229 tn?1192762404
Forsee --- That hippo just walked into the house...

A friend of mine had a pygmy pig (that turned out to be NOT a pygmy pig) and it was as smart as you or I.... (I'm not kidding... it could turn on the television - it could change channels - I have no idea if it really watched tv -- but every once in awhile it seemed to be paying attention to the thing.... LOL!)

It would walk with her to the bar --- it would do all sorts of things.

Wonder if Jessica can too?

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86075 tn?1238115091
I got a give credit to Pigeon for sending me this, you've got to see this to believe it, it'll put a smile on your face for sure!!!!!

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96938 tn?1189799858
Sorry, I guess I meant Salvation Army.  But, like Bob Barker says.....


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217229 tn?1192762404
Phew... and I thought I was going to get speared... *sniffle* (long wipe of nose on sleeve =LOL!)

People really wished others dead?

Wow - I figure I have had enough problems just staying alive to worry about wishing others dead. That's kind of sad.

Well - I'm certainly glad the board is more civilized... I am so glad I never saw that type of online brutality.

To me - each person brings something unique to the forums --- to enlighten, laugh, learn or teach... Or just to share... and to listen and be heard.

By the way --- I'm usually laughing --- here and at home in front of the computer... Life is too short to worry about everything...

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