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Where should I be?

It was suggested by one of the members that those of us who are post treatment should go away and make another forum for post treaters.   Just where would I go?   I am a post treater who didn't get SVR, so I'll probably be treating again some day.   I've got it, why don't I just make up another forum for post treaters who didn't clear who will treat again someday?    Ha-Ha     Why don't we just make about 10 different forums up?   I've been around here way longer than about 90% of the people who have joined.  I need support and I give support.   What about the rest of you?  Do you think that us post treaters with our vast experience should just vanish?  

50 Responses
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Thanks, Mike....      I appreciate that.

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Hi Susan. Happy Mother's Day to you and all of the Mothers here.
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Thanks, Charm, you have a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, too.   I celebrated it a week early with my son last weekend.  

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276730 tn?1327962946
Minus one do please!! Though very appropriate do do!!
Sorry  I cant type properly on tx.

Have a happy mothers day to all the moms and enjoy the rest of the  weekend!

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276730 tn?1327962946
All I would like to say is if this was an all male thread the posts would have ended by the third one.

Im glad most of my friends are male.
I could never be a part of the bickering ................

I agree with Trish this was between two people who for reasons of their own had to say what they had to say- it was between them only.

Susan we all care about you and want you here! You had nothing to do with the banting back and forth. You wanted peace we all do do we are with you.

The End.
You have no control over others.
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I appealed to you to take some action to stop the ongoing comments since you started this thread. Pandora's Box got opened and you saying you want to drop it doesn't seem to have put a stop to the "please don't go!" posts that just keep on coming based on what you stated, which was misleading.  Perhaps that is how the comments made you FEEL .. but that is very different from what was actually SAID.  I do understand that what we FEEL can be very powerful, so that is not a judgment on you.  I have reacted out of feelings rather than reality far more than I'd like in my lifetime.

If you feel you've already done all you can do to halt this by making your May 7th post stating you want to drop this, then I accept that as your response.  

Hopefully people will see that what we have here is a case of hurt feelings and NOT a case of ANYONE wanting post-treaters or SVR people to disappear .. and perhaps this whole thing can REALLY be dropped now.


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Did you read what I said on May 7th of this thread?  I said that I want to drop this whole thing.   That means that I want to drop this whole thing.  Okay?    Chill.......

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Okay.  I've been hoping this thread would die off but yet, it lives and perpetuates the impression that SOMEONE suggested that Susan should go away, that post-treaters should go away and that people with SVR should go away.  

This was NEVER EVER the case.  

What was actually said were the two following comments:

First, this comment:  

"I've been so confused about 4C pretending she was going to do treatment all this time that that whole story went straight over my head and out the window!

There was a point? A moral? I thought it was going to make sense to me but just like my above statement - nothing does anymore! "

Forseegood has been around here awhile...was very close to heading into treatment and then dropped off the forum to deal with whatever is most important to her.  I was personally shocked at the suggestion that Forseegood was "pretending" to do treatment but said nothing.  Someone got their back up .. someone who obviously has longstanding issues with the person who MADE this comment....and words were exchanged and then the notorious comment that's been referred to was made:

"There really should be a post treatment forum for those who have reached SVR and for one reason or another have a need to get rid of a lot of negativity."

I WISH this was directed at Susan, because that would mean she is SVR.  Unfortunately, you are not Susan and I wish to God you were.  NOWHERE in this comment does it mention post-treaters, Susan.  NOWHERE.  This comment had NOTHING to do with you.  NOTHING.  Just because one person starts a thread does NOT mean that every comment IN that thread has something to do with the person who started it.  You may be feeling sensitive that the thread you started contained such comments .. but the comments STILL have nothing to do with you and I have NO idea why you would start THIS thread asking people to rally all around post-treaters and those who are SVR.  It just creates further divisiveness and drives people away.  

As for someone saying all SVR people should go away from the forums... give me a break.  That comment I've copied above from the original thread (which I was able to do because someone else quoted it so it's still THERE in the thread), is obviously making a point that the person who made the comment about Forseegood pretending to go through treatment has alot of negativity and is suggesting that there be a forum for SVR people who have alot of negativity to deal with.  That is their own personal comment TO the person making the "pretending" comment.  It is NOT directed at ALL SVR people carte blanche.

It was personal, it was directed at ONE person and between two people and not even suggesting that she go find a different forum because she's SVR .. but more because the negative aspects of her comment were not appreciated, directed at someone who has yet to go through treatment and is dealing with her own priorities and NOT the priorities of people in this forum FOR her treatment.

So Susan, can you PLEASE put a stop to this?  This was NEVER about you.  You may have started that thread, but it was NEVER about you.  It was between the two people who snipered each other back and forth for whatever reasons they have of their own.

NOBODY, but NOBODY suggested that ALL SVR people should disappear.

THIS is what I meant earlier when I said that this is being blown all out of proportion and threatens further divisiveness here.

So can we PLEASE.....all STOP.  NOBODY is saying SVR people should disappear.  So we can all stop making plaintive wailings for SVR people to please stay.  There is NO MOVEMENT AFOOT TO DRIVE SVR PEOPLE OUT.  

Now can we PLEASE stop all the Jerry Springer silliness????
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as a fellow prove 3'r, I for one think it is of the utmost importance you stay!  You have shared such wonderful experience, strength & hope with all of us, and your history i invaluable to anyone on treatment, pre or post.  Don't let anyone ruffle your feathers - you are right where you belong!

w.c. missy  
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443974 tn?1224589328
As a newbie I just want to say THANK YOU and send (((((((((((((((((((BEAR HUGS)))))))))))))  gay or not :) LOL ( I did get a giggle out of that conversation about the notes) to everyone of you who are here for the newbies, the oldies, and the middle of the roadies!!!  
Without this forum and your seasoned knowledge and PATIENCE I would not be feeling as positive pre Tx as I do!   You have all been a blessing to me and a well of knowledge and comfort... and I'm sure to many many others as well, who have been in my shoes... just finding out news that will indeed change our lives for a very long time or forever.

Who but those who have been through it, have the knowledge and experience to share with the newly diagnosed....Those who have acheived SVR especially, can give us, the newbies and the struggling the hope we so desperatly need.  
I did not read the thread you are talking about, I don't care to,don't know or care who you are talking about, I just wanted to tip my hat to all of you, who give of yourselves, your time, knowledge and HOPE, everytime I and others have reached out for it!
I think you all should  get a get into heaven free card! :)
Dragon Tamer
OH and GOOD NEWS!!  My insurance has approved my Tx today and the co-payment  will not break the bank, as I was so worried it would! Wanted to pass that on especially to Trish77.
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250084 tn?1303307435
Your so crazy :)

I'm trying to stay OUT of this thread!

Okay, while I'm here...........
all I'll say and I'm out.......is I have never seen Susan instigate nor have the personality to do so... anything. She has always been kind. This bothered her, she vented that, it's done.

No more need for nastiness!! Opinions , skip the outright nastiness.

Meki.....how do you get all that out :) ?? And I so agree, all offer something here. Let's all just get along. Oddly, I always understand everything you say,lol! And now I'm craving mashed potatoes!

So scratchin, about that trunk and the dog and wife..............

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315996 tn?1429054229
I don't mind the post txers here. Especially if they have information, and god they sure do. Kinda going to rely on them to map out my treatment path when the time comes.

Them also sticking around here also reminds me that just because I go thru treatment someday, I'll still be a loser with no life and I can use this forum for my lonely hearts club. bwahahaha
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208764 tn?1249429657
Wow, you were one of the first people that I 'talked' to on here over a year ago and you were in Prove 3 Arm C and I honestly felt you got cheated. (you helped the cause and that helps others but you didn't get the relief you deserve).

But I'm going to hang around as I go through post tx and repoort on progress or the 'other' but hope that I SVR. I appreciate you very much and glad you've been here for a source of encouragment! Please stay.... :)
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Hey, I want to be included on that cruise!  I'm a post treater who will probably treat again sometime.... I'll be nice and not tell anyone to "go away".    Really, some people!
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217229 tn?1192762404
Youse guys --- let me reiterate something ----- OK?


Joined by a common nucleus --- cellular structure... HCV.

Now get the Darn Turkey out of the Oven --- pass the mashed potatoes ---- I want some of that Green Bean Casserole --- and HEY --- You kids --- quit arguing over there...

Anyone want some gravy?

Oh --- hey --- did you hear the joke about the travelling salesman?

He forgot which house he was in and sold a vacuum to his own wife.

You know what the moral of that story is?

The Traveling salesman was doing TX --- was on brain fog --- and the wife realized he didn't have a clue --- so instead of arguing or giving him a hard time --- she decided to take advantage of him - get a new vacuum cleaner ---- increase sales ---- and love her husband no matter what.

Hmmmmm.... Sounds like real life to me.

Oh yeah?

Wow --- cool beans man --- No... They're not cool - just an expression --- could you pass the pepper?

Thanks dude...

Now... the way I see it...


We ALL have something awesome to offer.

You don't have to like each other... Heck --- you don't have to like me.

BUT --- We all are unique --- and we all are here because we need each other.

Some of us may need to argue... (AHEM --- no way --- right?)

Some of us may need to comment on everything --- (I certainly wouldn't know who that might be... *grin*)

Some of us may lurk... Some of us may get upset at something we perceive to be real or not...

Some of us may think everything is funny ---- and even more of us may think everything is horrible...

Each of us is an individual sitting in front of their keyboard and monitor.


Just like a FAMILY --- we have our oddballs - our old Grannies and Gramps - our Teenagers --- our Solid strong Scientist Uncles and Aunties --- Our Misfits and Our Moms and Dads --- PLUS OUR SIBLINGS....

Now --- I dunno about youse folks --- but in my family --- every Thanksgiving --- there's always someone who has to pipe in and tell everyone what to do...

And there is always someone who is more intoxicated than the rest...

And there is someone who just is surly and mean...

And there is always the cackling hens....

And there is always someone who can't find anything...

And the toilet ALWAYS clogs up...


When it's time to eat --- all of us look at each other --- and we're very glad for one another.

And for the entire dinner - for some reason - we collectively come together...



Here --- on these forums... We are family.

Whether you want to admit it or not...

The common link --- or genetic design --- between all of us --- is a stupid - awful --- VIRUS.

A Disease.

So --- pass the mashed potatoes again...

And think about it.

If youse guys need to fight --- do it over there in the corner.

EVERYONE --- EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU --- has something to offer...

Even if it is only to pass the Muffins....

But you need to pass those muffins. At least to me... Cause I'm starving.

And there are a lot of new folks here who are starving too...

They're starving for your input -- and they are new family members... So they're kind of scared ---- or nervous already...

They've just been told they have HCV --- So they're sitting at our table...


And each of you has some mashed potatoes to give them... Or maybe a different recipe.

So instead of drama --- which --- honestly --- can be fun amongst family -- cause it gives us all something to feed off of... Could we maybe realize each of us...


Has something valuable for this community?


OK ---- I'm gonna go eat now -- cause there are some awsome Spinach Casseroles over there...

But if you guys could --- for a moment --- believe in each other....

And maybe just smile --- or ignore the bad things... Or try to see the good in everyone...

I'd really appreciate it.

And dang --- is there any pie left?

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179856 tn?1333547362
I'd rather not argue with you whatsoever.  I don't remember ever arguing you in the past for any reason and don't intend to start now, it's all so stupid.

Agree to disagree.

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146021 tn?1237204887
"You could not have "read" the thread with all the insults yet yesterday you came in fully knowing the situation and prepared to begin the issues up again"

Actually, I do know what's going on, I check in here all the time. Not posting doesn't mean I'm not around.

I saw all the comments, first your comments were deleted then the other persons. I'm sure Medhelp was trying to be fair, not listening to either of you.

I wanted to post on the first Forsee thread, but I knew that you had already made a statement about someone posting who hadn't been on for awhile,exactly the same comment you made to me this morning.

Are we not entitled to post whenever we want, or is there a minimum daily requirement for posting? You tell me as you seem to want to set the rules.

I hate myself for continuing to get into this, because everyone loses. Let's agree to disagree and leave it at that.

First rule of fair play, let's ignore each other if we don't agree...

And for the record, I'm not as kind as some others here.....

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179856 tn?1333547362

You haven't been around here in quite a while and honestly have not been privvy to the real situation but instead listen to the one person on this forum who BEGINS all of the problems with her continual steams of insults and condemnation.

It is funny that everyone in here sees what is going on, even MedHelp, but this one person continues to spread the word about the "gang" mentality and other craziness.

You could not have "read" the thread with all the insults yet yesterday you came in fully knowing the situation and prepared to begin the issues up again - when they were OVER and DONE because we chose to IGNORE The nonsense that the woman starts.

The forum here is a kind and loving place where people share information.  Unfortunately, not everyone likes everyone. It's just that way in life.  Obviously that "gang" moved over to another forum where they are happy enough so why not just let it go.

I have no intention of following them to their new place and in the same amount of respect if they don't have anything nice to say and only come in here to yell and scream insults and stir the pot well......it just goes to show who the "gang" is and who is not.

You've always been a kind person so I'm not sure why you are listening to the garbage. Take my advice and just ingore it and let the forum go on being the helpful caring place it was intended to be.

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146021 tn?1237204887
I believe you. I know you are kind. I know you have a lot to offer....you offered me a lot of support when I first came.

You're right, let's drop it. I fly off the handle but I respect you and hope we can get past this, I know it's intimidating to those new to the forum when they see strife....

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For the record, I am kind.    Now, with that being said, I want to drop this whole thing.   I am staying.   I do have a lot to offer.    That's all.

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217229 tn?1192762404
I think it is important for everyone who is HCV pos --- or dealing with HCV in their lives, families or friends to stick together.

We are strength in knowledge and compassion plus understanding.

For new people coming in - people who have already run the mill have some answers that they need.

PLUS they have the experience - the complete understanding that no one has unless they've been there --- been through it all.

SVRs - People who have treated - people who have lived with the disease - those with ESLD - Those who are just beginning and those who have educated themselves --- They have something they can give back to the world.

Even if it is only in this forum.

In fact - they have several things they can give:


And more....

I can't imagine there being something so silly --- what --- leave a group of new people floundering with no info - no help?

That's preposterous.

And simply silly.

Susan - you're an amazing person - and you know better... You know you needed help and hope when you came here... What would you have done if only a group of new people who knew less than you --- were here?

It would be horrible.

Each person comes here for something different -- -but in the end -- those of us who stay - do so because we have something to give back for some people...

Not everyone likes everyone --- not everyone is perfect --- But together as a community --- WE ARE PERFECT...

Our good, our bad, our beautiful and our ugly.

We are a community --- and that's kinda like a family.

We all share a common thing - and we're here because we want to be.

Jasper --- LOL - I dunno whether you meant me or not... But I think that's the nicest things anyone has ever said.


No matter how you feel about me.

I REALLY DO WANT THIS DISEASE GONE FROM THE WORLD... Maybe it will happen in my lifetime...

But I believe we all need the HOPE ---- that it can be done... For the world and for ourselves.

Many hugs to all of you.

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439539 tn?1233465815
OMG please don't anyone leave who has been through this.I'm new geno 1a and starting treatments in two weeks .These past two nights getting on here has been a pain, I couldn't imagine not being able to ask you guys stuff.                                     Thank you ahead of time. Tammy
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146021 tn?1237204887
and all others who are even slightly sane....this is so typical of the junior high forum mentality....taking something out of context and twisting it to get attention.....
no one ever said "leave Susan", seriously, I thought you were above that ***@**** goes to show we really don't know the person on the other side of the keyboard/monitor.
I know that I get on here less, because good kind decent people have been run off. How about telling someone they shouldn't give advice on supplements since they never achieved SVR??
Is that not running someone off?
Should she have started a what should I say post?
One of my closest friends has deleted her profile, honestly she has too much going on in her life to deal with much more...
But ya know what??
I'm not leaving.....
And I'm certainly not going to start a poor me where should I  go thread!
Thank goodness this forum isn't my life like it is to those who have too much time on theirs hands adn have to pull you in to the fray...
This saddens me Susan.....I always thought you were kind.
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After searching i find the thread in question is a week old, why wait so long to bring it up? Is it just to stir the pot? Attention?. Sense is was forgot about, why!!!!!
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