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could we change chit chat to survival skills?

Just a thought - but if we could all stop refering to this forum as the "chit chat" or "social" forum or the "other" forum and begin refering to it as the "survival skills" forum - wouldn't that help?

Isn't the "trouble" really that there seems to be a desire to turn the original forum into "strictly medical" information and so when we refer to this area it is in terms that make it seem trivial?

   Why don't we try to quit using terms like "chit chat" for what this forum should naturally be - a place to aquire basic training and surival skills for dealing with hep c, tx, and all the trials it brings.  Of course there will be socialising here, but also more Vital issues like:

General Tips for living better while treating, or living with HCV
What do I tell my kids, employer, dr., friends etc.
What do these terms mean? (tx, bx, SOC,).
My hair is gone/going what do I do?
Hey - I got a raise, I got fired, I feel better, I feel worse...
How do I get unemployment, help with medical bills, help paying for medications
Exercises I can do?  Foods to eat?
AND  Emotional support for all those nasty feelings and fears(most important)
My first shot/week/month on tx....is this normal?
And MORE....

   In other words....SURVIVAL SKILLS

It's NOT "chit chat" - It's important peer to peer support.  To bad we can't get BOTH "strictly medical" AND "PEER TO PEER SURVIAVL TIPS" in the same place anymore.  but since this is the way it is ....  maybe we could try to refrain from belittiling the purpose of this forum.
30 Responses
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I will never call it that vulgar C-C word again. Mike
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148987 tn?1287805926
Ironically, no sooner than you say this a thread pops up 'calling all relapsers' on the forum that is suppose to be about 'HCV Information Only' but is nothing more than a sociol 'chit chat' type thread that sends a clear message, in my view, which is nothing more than developing a pecking order or some sort of 'super-clique' with multiple tx relapsers being the top of the order, followed by 1 tx relapsers, followed by 72 week treaters, followed by 48 weekers, followed by the non 1 genotypes treating for the first time then the A and B heppers who are totally unworthy of even READING this forum. ( note the sarcasm ).

Whatever....I guess that is the 'entertainment' part of the forum. Perhaps a civil war will break out among the cliques and a NEW WORLD ORDER will develope. Of course it could never last since a certain % will relapse or have to retreat and eventually it will become by default, over time, a forum for the support of 'multiple treaters and relapsers' or 'MTR'.

P.S. For anyone interested in joining my clique, I'm a 1B first time treater at 22/48 weeks of tx. ( Non 1 geno's and relapsers need not apply ) I'm calling it the 'Clique to End all Cliques, Clique' or the 'CEC' ( pronounced `kek`).

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*s* thanks.  Loved your "brain fog/drunks" analogy.  

With me, you add in OCD (Obsessive-compulsive), and you get a real mess - *laughing* I'll just gnaw at it until doomsday.

After almost a week, I may finally be over this trigger.  

I never meant subject all of you to me in full "OCD mode",  - but I guess "my secret" is out now!!!

Isn't it only one more week for you now?  After 72 weeks - THATS gonna be amazing!
Simply great completing such a looong tx.  

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179856 tn?1333547362
I think the "I relapsed" posts would go over here but a "How many relapsers are there" post would go over there.

It's so freaking confusing and people who don't post all of the time have no idea it's changed.

I think it's a good idea though - once WE all get it straight.  I think it's ok to respond to somebody's statement over there but the topic needs to be on the actual disease or whatever.

I like the way Compulsive said it - that's as sensible as I can see this in any way.

I don't think anybody will ban us if we make a mistake?
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about :
"So we do not want to make any kind comments over on the other forum right? "

I think your safe making comments - and yeah about the "scientific" but judging by whats posted over there I am still not clear just what that is.  

For me - I'll probably just keep cluttering up the board over here and stay off the other board.  

I think you will be ok posting over there, I don't think you should worry about it...

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10947 tn?1281404252
Some of you seem to be confused by the separation of the Hepatitis Forum and the Hepatitis Community Forum.  We will be happy to answer any questions you have - just click on the CONTACT US button at the top of the forum.

The forums were separated because people in need of medical information & support had to weed through hundreds of "social" messages and the forum was not as effective/efficient for them as we want it to be.

On the other hand, we are well aware of the benefits of giving our Hep visitors a place to socialize therefore, we separated the forums.

If you still have questions - please feel free to click on the contact us button at the top of the forum!

Cindy Thompson
Med Help International
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179856 tn?1333547362
I couldn't figure out what goes where until I thought of it that way myself.

I think it explains it pretty well out. I have to admit I was so confused at first...telling a bunch of brain foggers new rules is like telling it to a bunch of drunks............it sort of looses something in the understanding part.

I like how you word it.
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Wow, the week went FAST.

  Shot 2 already! Congrats on getting through your first week!
  I am so pleased to hear everything is going well so far!

Yes, I am taking care.  My weight is stable at 103.  The food issue is better and the all greens and liquid protein additions to my icecream/prosure shakes are helping I am SURE.  I am eating a few solid foods now as well.  The NP called to let me know that my thyroid is ok (I didn't even know they were checking that, so I wasn't even worried!).  Exercising a little more now - so all is good.

The "which forum for what" issue has tired me out - I think I stuck my nose in too far on this one - I am gonna back off from it for a while - *laughing* - it'll just make me crazy (crazier...).

Take great good care my friend...
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Hello my friend,
     I like what you suggested!!!!  What a great idea to call it.  How are you doing?  I keep my eye on you to see how you are.  I take shot number 2 tomorrow night....so far so good with me.  Take care of yourself, OK?

In Him,
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154927 tn?1205242851
This is too confusing. I can't stand trying to figure out if I should go here or over there to the other forum.
Does anybody have the addy for that tired place? Cuz I'm already tired of this. >:(
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You girls are funny, I do the same thing. I tell my hubby whats going on, so he now ask how is everyone or are they still fighting? he he he.

I think many men are babies when they are sick. When I first started tx hubby was so nice but he didnt get it, he would look at me and say poor babes, then when he started tx he was sick as a dog, I looked at him and said poor babes, he laughed!!!
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Well said.  Thank you.
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YES!!!  Thats it.  I would like to see this turn into something POSITIVE.
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Ok - Now I am REALLy going to get in trouble here...

  But - what if everybody posted here about everything and anything EXCEPT strictly mrdical?  

  In other words don't go "back and forth" - bring it here.

  Go to the other board if you want to hear the argument about SVR odds, get labs analysed and argued over, or you want to hear an arguement  about how much riba to take, or which study to enroll in, how to get in it etc.  Thats all important stuff, but it's not the stuff we all worry about and want to have feed back on EVERYDAY..  

Yeah - I know - I am dreaming.

  It would have been easier for everyone if they had simply started the new board for "medical research and questions" only, but that is not what they did.  I think the "medical only" should have gotten the "pristine" forum so that they could keep it the way they want it, and the majority of us would have been happier.

  BUT since we have the deal - can't we figure out how to deal with it without buying into the implication that the type of threads posted here are somehow "trivial"?
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146021 tn?1237204887
So happy to hear about Nick getting ins. coverage. Finally! Seems like a long wait when you aren't covered.

Husband is doing o.k., he keeps trying to use the hand of the broken arm and is driving me crazy.

For those who don't know, my husband slipped in a oiled lane at bowling and broke his arm below his thumb Thurs. He gets a cast on Monday. He is non-compliant about not using it and won't take pain pills. I know that's his choice re: meds, but he makes awful faces and I know he's in pain. He's the won't take ANYTHING type.
Both these forums ARE my survival skills. Ever stay home after having a baby or off work for some reason and find your conversation turns into "Today on Oprah.."?? Or "Phil Donahue says.." (that's for the older people who can remember Phil)
Well, that's what the forum has turned into for me. I'm constantly talking about things happening to my "friends" here or quoting them or referring to what I've learned. I'm happy to have both places. I'll survive. I will survive! (LOUD singing of that last line!)
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154927 tn?1205242851
I agree with you. Calling our "posts for help" chit-chat
is demeaning and it really turns me off too.
I thought this forum was here as support for whatever we needed to talk about relating to Hep C. What happened?
In my opinion, this is what the result is of the nit-picking.
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Oh thank goodness I am not the only one who finds these forums to be an essential  tool for survival!!!

I don't HAVE anyone to actually talk to, but if I did I'd probably be telling them about about all the folks on the forum.  I do relate medical information I read hear to my Dr. - but thats not usually a big talk 'cause he always seems to have read it and more.  Oh well, guess that means he's good.

Ladybug - OMG your husband is one of THOSE kind of guys!  It'll probably take FOREVER for that to heal 'cause he probably tries to use it too.  SHEESH.

Child24angel - how the heck did I miss Nick getting ins?   That IS good news.

*lol*  Thanks everybody!

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131817 tn?1209529311
LOL I am always telling people about my friends on the board, of course I don't tell them you are all online, but mention stuff that has been said. John knows everyone's name and probably all your stats! He is such a baby when it comes to medical it is NOT funny. Thursday he had to have a growth removed from his chest and wanted me to take him. Well, Thurs. is my day after shot day and I just couldn't do it! He almost cried and was so hurt. It was a fairly minor procedure and he didn't even get pain meds.

Funny story, I had the flu once before tx and couldn't even get up to get water. I didn't see him for three days!! He never even checked on me. Oh was I upset. I told him, just wait! Well he got sick and it's always, "I need some attention etc.' I ignored him for three days, barely coming in to see how he was ( he whines and is such a baby!) Anyway, after that he NEVER ignored me again. He is good about asking if I need anything. I am so used to doing for myself, I don't ask, but he doesn't ignore me anymore!

Sorry to hear about your husband Bug! Of course they make faces and act like they are dieing to get our attention. Maybe he's skipping his meds so you will feel more sorry for him! John fractured his foot several weeks ago. I took him to the dr. and for xrays. He really hurt! The xrays didn't come back for over 2 weeks showing it was fractured! The dr. was angry and very appologetic, but it is better now. During that week, I was little miss maid though!
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146021 tn?1237204887
Thanks for your comments! Glad I'm not alone with talking to others about my "friends" (ya'll) My daughter reads some stuff and asked me yesterday if Elaine had a fire at her house!
Compulsive *s*-Of course my husband is trying to use that right hand, he was trying to cut his meat tonight at dinner when my daughter caught him. He is really getting mad about having to play free cell with his left hand!
Sfbaygirl: I think you're right about the faces for attention, he wants me to see how brave he is. But not taking medicine is just his quirk. I couldn't get him to take a pain pill if I jumped on top of him and forced it in. I think he's afraid it will make him feel wierd. Or more wierd!
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aww man - I know they are NOT going back to one board.  And this stupid thing of calling peoples subjects "chit chat" is mean.  I really HATE whats happened here.  This isn't the wonderful place I first came to. I just don't think it helps to call posts ahout ones first week, ones unemployment, how to support your husband "chit chat" - it's HURTFULL.  I am not say we should not have actual "chit chat"  I think we sure should - how awfull if not.  I agree - if I just wanted answers to my questions I could simply look it up.  As a matter of fact I HAVE.  I don't ask medical questions here.  I read here about medical stuff, but the answers to the questions I have can be found by searching - or asking my Dr.  I HATE this - I can't seem to get across what I mean - and I tried sooo hard.  Rotten idea I guess to try to think of what goes on here as "support" or "survival". sorry.
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No - I am not saying to exclude any subject

None.  UNLIKE the other board - on this board all [psts are worthy - right?
It's all survival.
Laughter,  our pets, our inspirations (like the fight song.

I am just wondering if we stopped calling it "chit chat" that we might feel better about the board -but maybe not...maybe everybody likes calling the work done over here "chit chat".

  We need the fight song, and the talk about fire flood children etc.  It's life, and it's survival, and it's important!

Thats all I was TRYING to say!!!!
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146021 tn?1237204887
I did not post that twice!
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146021 tn?1237204887
I think you have the right idea. People are so use to the Forum being the center for everything Hepc related that it's hard to break off for other subjects. And calling it all chit-chat devalues the help that is provided in the community. The comunity is change and you know how much we all welcome change! But it can be a positive move, if we make ourselves positive about the move.
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146021 tn?1237204887
I think you have the right idea. People are so use to the Forum being the center for everything Hepc related that it's hard to break off for other subjects. And calling it all chit-chat devalues the help that is provided in the community. The comunity is change and you know how much we all welcome change! But it can be a positive move, if we make ourselves positive about the move.
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