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Cold Sores and Genital Herpes

I've had cold sores (HSV 1) since I was 4 years old -- When I was younger I would get extremely gross and painful week long cold sores about every other month - I'm now 27 and thankfully only experience a cold sore every couple of years and with the help of drugs like Abreva they only last a few days and are barely noticable.  

My question is:  Am I less likely to catch genital herpes (HSV 2) or genital (HSV1) because of my 20 + years of fighting cold-sores.  Does the body build up an immunity of some sort?  I have heard that people who have had life-long coldsores are 10 times less likely to catch genital herpes than a person without cold-sores --conversley would someone with life-long genital herpes be less suseptable to cold-sores?   Is there anything to this or is it b.s.??

For my situation it would make sense -- I've been somewhat "reckless" sexually in the past -Not proud of it and I'm finally starting to wake up- I've had approx. 150 partners, about 50/50 protected vs. unprotected--ok 40/60---statistically I know I've been exposed to HSV 2 more than once-  I get tested at least once a year for all STD's and have never had anything (other than cold sores) -- I've also never had any symptoms--  Have I become immune or at least resistant to catching Genital Herpes or am I just the luckiest sexually active person alive?  
9 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
See they are a bunch of yahoo doc's there - even chris rock knows that robitussin is what you need to cure everything - not motrin ( I guess that only makes sense if you've watched chris's hbo comedy specials which I recommend doing! )  ;)  

Brrrr.....the 70's eh? You poor thing. ( Sheeeet I can't even afford to keep my house that warm - it's set at 63.  You'd catch your death here ;)   )

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I knew that military uniform/ std "shield" briefing we got was a bunch of bs government propaganda! -- They'll tell us anything to get us out of their office --- 'most' military docs are just walking, talking "do it yourself" books that want you to address them as sir/ma'am --(and they tell you to take Motrin for EVERYTHING---headaches?.....Motrin....naseau?.. .Try Motrin......Broken leg?? Motrin should do the trick --- Your appendix ruptured......oh no!...have a Motrin!!    Broken leg....ouch...here let me rub some Motrin on it!!---   every once in a while you find a good one but for the most part they're all completely worthless--

What do you mean?   There's nothing like clear skies, desert cactus, and chilly 70 degree winter weather to really make it feel like x-mas---    
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Hey, hey, hey!  Let's not go knocking the "Operation" game! Everything I learned about anatomy came from "Operation." Or from playing "doctor" without the actual board game. :o) I don't know where Hell Rio, Texas, is (!), but I'm currently dating a guy who hails from San Antonio, and they sure grow the ***** cute out there. I'm a Cali girl, so if a guy's got a drawl, I'm willing to jingle his bells. :o) Happy Holidays. Do me a favor, pilot27,  and talk to the Blue Angels people for me. I can't stand it when they fly over my building every year. Scares the bejeezus out of the cat. :o)
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101028 tn?1419603004
You weren't tested for herpes as part of routine std testing if you are in the armed forces :(  Don't you know the uniform protects you from herpes?  ( kidding - it doesn't!  they are just too cheap to purchase decent herpes tests to use routinely )

I don't know - xmas in without flannel pj's, hot cocoa and 2 pairs of socks so your feet don't get frost bite? Just doesn't sound right to me ;)

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I've had blood testing done several times -- I'm assuming the docs checked for herpes -- I've never thought to clarify because I've never experienced any symptoms -- I've also had unprotected sex with the majority of my girlfriends in the past and have never received any hysterical phone calls.......(not for STD's at least) -- I assume the docs gave me a clean bill of health including the "herpe" but they are Air Force docs so who the hell knows?! --- most military doctors get certified after they successfully master the "Operation" board game by Milton Bradely --- It's a two week course --they get a certificate....  

I realize the majority of people have HSV-1 from childhood -- From what I've seen and been told I experienced one of the more extreme cases of HSV-1 -- I had pretty severe coldsores every month to every other month from age 4 until my early-twenties --Those suckers were a ***** -- not much making out for me in middle school --Just thinking my experience with that might have added to my resistance?  Maybe......Maybe not? --- That little fun fact about the HSV-1/ genital herpes relationshiop was given to me by a doctor a few years back -- I was/still am skeptical..... which is why I brought it to this forum.... asking if it was valid or b.s--   Either way -- If I've just lucked out... great! - If I'm less likely to catch genital herpes cuz of cold sores... great!-- I've had some other eye opening experiences over the past year or two that are making me realize I'm not invincible and need to make better decisions in my sex life --- Thanks for your comments!! -- and yeah I'm an Air Force T-38/C instructor pilot-- I'm stationed at Laughlin AFB in Hell....I mean "Del" Rio,  (West Texas) at the moment --- beautiful place -- I suggest you plan your next vacation here ---   Merry christmas!
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101028 tn?1419603004
Oral herpes doesn't provide any significant protection against contracting hsv2.  There's some argument in the scientific world that it might provide some protection but then again having sex while standing on your head and juggling oranges might offer some protection against hsv2 too ( and by all means send me video of that please!!! ).  It's not enough protection to start woohoo'ing about by no means if at all according to the vast majority of research out there on it.  

Having hsv1 orally makes it unlikely that you will contract hsv1 genitally later on. It could still happen but it's very unlikely to occur. Always err on the side of caution and don't let anyone with an active cold sore perform oral sex on you.  

I'm assuming that you really had herpes blood testing done?  If you haven't seen with your own eyes your herpes testing - don't hesitate to ask for a copy of your std testing to be sure. Most folks assume it was done when it really wasn't so it's never a bad idea to double check to be sure.  Usually we are too busy remembering to breathe when we hear " your std testing was negative" to ask what we were even tested for. Most clinics only include 2 or 3 std's in their routine std panel.  

Sometimes we really do just get lucky.  It's the only explanation I have for why hsv was the only std I've gotten so far ;)

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Considering that most folks have HSV-1 from childhood, I would say the likelihood of HSV-1 being protective is really overblown.

Not to change the subject, but are you really a pilot? Wow.
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never thought I'd say this but.....horray for coldsores!
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You are not likely to contract HSV 1 again since your body has the antibodies in it to prevent reinfection. Dr. Handsfield says if you have HSV 1, it does offer SOME protection from contracting HSV2 but transmission does happen.
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.