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Did I just gave my lover HSV1?

I know that I have HSV1.  I tested positive (blood) last december.  I have not had any outbreaks so I do not know if I have it orally or genitally.  I was drunk last week Friday and tried to have sex with a female.  I did not go in because I couldn't get it up because of getting drunk, but my head was between the lip of this girls vagina.  

This week tuesday my girlfriend began feeling sick for about two days (chills and body ache) then blisters appeared afterwards.  She doesn't have clusters of blisters, but has just about four 5mm size blisters and they are not together.  One on the outside and three within the vagina area.  It hurts when she uses the bathroom but doesn't when she has to take a "number 2."  Can this be HSV1 or HSV2?

Are the symptoms for genital HSV1 the same as HSV2?  What are the chances of me giving her genital HSV1?  I did perform oral sex on her the very next day early in the morning, but I didn't have any symptoms.  I know a person can have both 1 & 2.  I told her to go to the ER to get the blisters cultured and she did.  she is now waiting for results.

It's day eight and I have not experienced anything yet.  Yes i know it can be anywhere from days to years.  I just want to know if the symptoms for genital HSV1 & 2 are the same.

I spoke to the girl from that night and she said she is clean (like everyone else would say).  She claimed that she got tested two months ago.

Plz some professional help.
11 Responses
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Thanks for the responses today.
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15249123 tn?1478652475
Your chances are very small that you contracted hsv2 from your exposure. As far as your girlfriends odds. It's hard to say. The symptoms could be many things. So I can't really say.
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Last question and I'll close this thread.  What is your true honest opinion about me contracting HSV2 from the other girl & the odds of my woman having HSV1 or 2?  Oh yeah she is bi sexual and was with the girl for three years.  I recently got off the phone with the other girl and she wants me to make up for not performing well that Friday night.  She stated it was semi erect but the tip only got in (no thrusting) and i have up.  And i tried once and it wasn't like i kept going at it.  I'm thinking if she wants me to make up for that day (which I'm absolutely not) maybe she is telling me the truth about being clean.  #LastQuestion
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15249123 tn?1478652475
I guess you just have to wait for the swab results
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Well her vagina opening has two blisters right at the opening, one at the upper left and one on the right of her vagina lips.  Knowing i have hsv1 and performed oral on her, will the location of the blisters still exist at the opening of her vagina?  It was some pretty rough oral lots of hard sucking on her vagina and licking (just saying).
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15249123 tn?1478652475
Your chances of contracting hsv2 from the exposure you describe is so low I wouldn't worry to much.
Any single unprotected sexual exposure to a known positive partner is a 1 in a 1000 chance of contracting the virus. It likes to be massaged into the skin due to heat and friction. Your type of exposure is a real long shot. I highly doubt hsv2 in your case. Most primary outbreaks take place 3-10 days after exposure. Some people never get a primary.
You can get hsv1 and 2 in the same place. Like I said I highly doubt it in your case!!
I almost always takes more than just touching the virus on closed skin. The virus is delicate and dies quickly when exposed. It really needs to penetrate. That's why the vagina opening and penis shaft are the most common parts to be affected. These areas have very thin skin and are the parts of most friction. I wouldn't be overly concerned with the exposure you had.
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What are the chances of me getting hsv2 from the other female who claimed to be clean?  I'm just worried of getting hsv2.  I'm still waiting for an outbreak if it is hsv2.  Can you get hsv1 & 2 on the same area?  If it is hsv2 then i know it's from that girl a week ago and that i now have hsv1 & 2 l.  How long does a person got to have sex with a person in order to get hsv? Just by touching it?
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15249123 tn?1478652475
If you did have genital hsv2 it rarely infects the oral cavity. That's why if she has hsv I am betting it's hsv1.
Don't misunderstand me. Her symptoms are in line with an hsv outbreak from your description. That does not mean I think she has hsv for sure. It could be many things. This is an hsv forum and her initial symptoms do fit. Hsv primary outbreaks can be very miserable or very mild and anywhere in between. Most newly acquired hsv1 genital infections are more on the painful side than what you describe. Make sure the swab test is type specific. Meaning if it is hsv then you will know if it is hsv1 or 2
The three day time frame fits as well but again this could be many things and swab tests are accurate when performed correctly.
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Three days.  So you saying that based upon the symptoms that's it's a definite HSV and nothing else (bacterial infection etc)?
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Based upon the expression from other people have genital hsv it sounds harsh, but hers isn't harsh.  Yes it bothers her when she uses the bathroom but it's just sore she said.  What gets me is this.  If i would of got hsv2 down on my genitials would my girl get an outbreak in her mouth first knowing she preformed oral sex on me The next day before having sex?  From the time that the incident with the other female to having sex with my lover was a seven hour gap.  She performed oral sex on me first then we had sex.  When she got cultured even the doctor said she's surprised that it's not sensitive because people who gets them are very sensitive.  Sunday came and we had sex again and that's when she said she's swollen down there.  Yes we had sex Saturday morning.  We also did anal that Saturday.  Shouldn't she gave blisters there as well?  
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15249123 tn?1478652475
Your hsv1 is most probably an old oral infection. The sexual encounter you describe having with the other girl is a possibility for contracting hsv2 but unlikely. You can pass hsv1 even though no symptoms are present.
Yes hsv1 and hsv2 can act the same way. If your girlfriend has indeed contracted genital hsv then my thoughts are she has hsv1 from oral sex. Her symptoms are in line with a recent hsv infection.
How much time passed from giving her oral sex and her symptoms coming on?
50% of new genital hsv is hsv1 from oral sex.
The good news if it is hsv1 is most hsv1 genital infections have few outbreaks and sheds very little. Some women only have a few outbreaks then may never experience another. Also future outbreaks are typically much more mild than the first. Please let me know the results
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