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Newly dx'd: HSV-2 Positive & need help interpreting results

Hi, I just got the results of my blood test back today and I am HSV1 negative (which I suspected) and HSV2 positive.

My specific results for the HSV2 (over the phone so forgive me if they aren't laid out right here)
IgG 4.58 Positive
IgM 1:1000 Positive

The IgM sounded weird to me.  I asked her to read it back to me as it was printed because I didn't understand the nomenclature.  She said it was 1 point 1 thousand.  I said as in "1.001" and she said yes, and that made it definitely positive.  She also said it's 10 to the third power. I found a site online that gave that 10 to the 3rd power measurement.

At the end of the day, my questions are:

1) Does either result help indicate when or how long I've been infected?  I know I was negative for both types in July 2012 a few months after having sex in a new relationship with my boyfriend.  I'd like to know whether to expect an initial outbreak soon, or if it's already happened and I missed it.

2) I have never had any symptoms genitally.  Does my IgG of 4.58 correspond to a new infection (I don't think so from what I've read online) and if yes, should I take Valtrex immediately?  If no, does that mean my initial infection was so mild I missed it, and any subsequent infections will be similarly mild (yes, please yes?).

3) If I had a terrible bout of flu about 2 months ago, with chills, fever >103.5 for 3-5 days, feeling like I was hit with a lead pipe, and body pain all about my back and legs and tested negative for Influenza A and B at the hospital (!!?!) - -could that have been my initial outbreak?  With no other symptoms such as lesions or burning, or itching?

Thanks for any help you can offer.
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Gracie, thanks again for the guidance.  

Yes he takes Valtrex daily for protection against shingles (chemo compromised his immunity). I don't know that he is vigilant about taking it every day though.

Actually, he first told me about his HSV2 about three weeks ago.  I was surprised as secrecy is totally out of character for him.  He felt bad about not telling me before we first had sex, and then just didn't know how to break it to me after having not told me for such a long time.  

I still love him and still think we're a good match. I am surprised I'm in the 4% per year that gets infected.  Even just avoiding sex in absence of an on, and sporadic valtrex I didn't expect to turn up positive already.  I tested less than a week after learning he was positive and BAM!

I'm still adjusting but if we do end up together for the rest of our lives, I guess it's just as well that I get it early and enjoy sex au naturale rather than use condoms for 7+ years and then get it anyway...

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101028 tn?1419603004
your provider has to call the U of washington and get the kit sent to them, have their lab draw it and send it off for you. the link for the number is in our read before posting post on the forum for your provider.

your bf can just seek out a type specific herpes igg blood test himself to know his status for sure.   was he on daily suppressive therapy or anything to lower your risk?
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Thanks Gracie.   Yes, my current partner is positive but has been for almost 20 years.  His testing at that time didn't differentiate types, but he presumes it is HSV2.  His recurrences are ~1/yr.

I'm surprised that my reading of 4.58 in the absence of symptoms might mean a false positive.  I'd be thrilled for that to be the case but I'd resigned myself to the HSV2 dx after everything I'd read online said <3.0 was the cutoff.

How would I get the WB?  From reading here, it seems to be hard to get access to?  It's a blood test, b/c I don't have any lesions to culture.

I've asked my boyfriend to get a culture test the next time he has an ob, so that we know what he's dealing with type-wise.  His ex-wife had HSV1 for certain and so far, he's never had a cold sore on his mouth but who knows if he has concurrent 1 & 2 genitally.  And I could catch that if he has it, as I'm type 1 negative still at 44 y/o.
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101028 tn?1419603004
herpes igm testing isn't recommended to be used on adults. the results of your igm testing is actually pretty meaningless.

your hsv2 igg is above the typical false positive cut off rate but since you have had no obvious genital symptoms, worth seeking out a herpes WB to confirm your status just to be sure of your status.

are you still with your new partner?  if so, has he been tested to know his own status?

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