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Genital Herpes outbreaks

I was diagnosed with genital Herpes in April 2010. Prior I was experiencing outbreaks it started in August 2008 I thought that they were genital warts because I was diagnosed with that in 1999 and I was treated with aldara. However warts did seem to recur years later but they were minor outbreaks not every month. However the whole time I was using aldara, condylox, podofilox, TCA treatments but the outbreaks kept coming each month and it was stressing me out because I never experienced outbreaks like this before even when I had the warts. I was so sure it was genital warts. My clincian had put me on acyclovir for episodes at first then I went on suppressive theraphy and is still taking it.I started taking acyclovir in June 2010 for episodes and then went on and started taking it in September for suppressive theraphy. The last outbreak I had was in November I have been having lesser outbreaks but when will I be outbreak free because I have been having outbreaks for 2 years and 3 months that is a long time to be still having outbreaks don't you think.
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How exactly were you diagnosed with HSV?   If it was by visual examination only, it is imperative that you seek out confirmation via an IgG blood test and have your next outbreak swabbed.  

You can still have outbreaks even on daily suppressive therapy.  
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It was by visual inspection as well as a culture fluid being inspected from the sore. Also could the outbreaks be from certain things that I am eating because I tend to eat lots of chocolate but also eat balanced healthy meals too. Another thing doesn't your menustration cause flare ups stress can also cause outbreaks too right. I need some advice about this disease I'm clear on the basics but doesn't the immune system clears the virus in 2 years shouldn't you be outbreak free.
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Was the culture typed for HSV I or HSV II?

Yes, some people can experience more outbreaks due to stress, high levels of chocolate and around menstruation.  It varies so much with each person, though.

No, your immune system cannot clear herpes in 2 years.  I'm sorry, genital herpes (as well as cold sores) are lifelong infections. However, some people experience a decrease in herpes outbreaks over time.  I think you may be thinking of HPV, not HSV.  HPV clears within 6 months to a couple years.  

What is your daily acyclovir dosage?
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101028 tn?1419603004
most people do not have dietary triggers for genital herpes. you don't have to avoid chocolate or any food groups because of herpes.  any website that tells you differently, is not up to date at all on herpes :(

I recommend that you read the free herpes handbook by Terri Warren. google it and it comes right up.

you will most likely never to ob free to be honest. herpes is a lifelong infection and most folks who have it continue to have regular ob's though sometimes over time they will decrease in numbers.  

keep asking questions and read the handbook too :)
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My daily suppressive theraphy is Acyclovir 400 miligrams two tablets a day. I have been taking acyclovir for some time now and the culture was tested for HSV2. I started taking it in June 2010  for episodes then I started taking it in September for suppressive theraphy two tablets a day. I am still taking suppressive theraphy as of now. However my outbreaks are getting better.I used to have an outbreak every month when I wasn't using meds. Since I started using the tablets it's usually a outbreak once every 3-4 months. Could that be the my immune system is building up antibodies to fight the virus. The last outbreak was November 16 2010. What is the likelihood that I would experience another outbreak. I hope the virus goes into remission and lay dormant doesn't HSV2 genital herpes tends to lie dormant for a while and you can be symptom free for years.
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Thanks for the feedback grace in reference to HSV2. However isn't it true that taking daily suppressive theraphy and healthy eating, plenty of rest and adequate exercise  as well as staying stress free prevent future outbreaks because I know that herpes thrives on stress.I know that because I was in a stressful state before the outbreaks occured and I am still stressing and I had an outbreak every couple or weeks to once a month and that was without meds. Since I been taking my daily suppressive tablets the outbreaks tend to decrease although I am still stressing about things. On the other hand doesn't HSV2 lays dormant if youv'e had the virus for some years and you may have certain symptoms but no outbreaks if you do the things that I mentioned in reference to diet, exercise, sleep, and stress free. The reason why I'm saying this is because it tends to make a lot of sense doesn't HSV2 work somewhat like genital warts because I was diagnosed with that in 1999 and was treated with aldara cream and my warts didn't resurface until years later and the outbreaks were very minor. I would get an outbreak like once a year or once every couple of years. They are both virus and are similar to one another right advice please.
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This is tedabellI grace I would appreciate if you get in touch with me thank you.
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This is tedabellI I would appreciate it if you answer my question thank you.
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101028 tn?1419603004
you need to have patience tedabell - this forum is all volunteer and we aren't all sitting around here 24/7!

stress has little to do with herpes. studies consistantly show it isn't a trigger for recurrences.

you are having less recurrences because you are on daily suppressive therapy. Honestly nothing else you are doing is helping reduce them but that.  

the virus is never dormant. it continues to be active even while on suppressive therapy, it's just that the medications help it from reproducing enough to shed on the skin as much and to keep it from causing obvious lesions as often.  

as for your warts, odds are you contracted another type of hpv later on. Studies show that if you treat warts and they are gone for a year or more, when you get more genital warts it's because you contracted a different types. There are multiple types of hpv that infect the genital area and you can be infected with multiple different kinds in a lifetime.  
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Hello grace this is tedabell I appreciate you answering my questions. I apologize if I was a little impatient but you pretty much answered my questions accurately. However I'm still a little unsure about the strains you mentioned about genital warts that I may have contracted. There is a high risk HPV and a low risk HPV the one that produces warts.
Another thing grace is it true that if you have genital warts it is a chance that you can easily catch genital herpes.Also with the genital herpes is it true that certain herbal supplements works good and support the immune system to prevent future outbreaks the reason why I'm constantly asking this questions is because a hebal specialist talked about this disease to me and explained that he have purcharsers that take these herbal supplements and eat healthy and they don't have outbreaks.
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101028 tn?1419603004
there are over 130 different types of hpv. Of those about 30 infect the genital area. About half cause obvious warts and the rest cause infections on the cervix.  

no, herbal supplements don't really work all that well for herpes. immune boosting also doesn't seem to reduce herpes recurrences in what few studies we have on it.   we also don't have studies on herbal supplements to show if they reduce viral shedding or not which is important if you are in a relationship with someone who doesn't have hsv2. Studies show you are shedding the virus whether you have 0 ob's  year or 10 ob's a year so just a perceived lack of obvious lesions doesn't mean you are helping to keep the virus less active and/or protect a partner from infection.
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Hi grace how are you doing long time since we last talked  Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family.
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Hello grace I have a question about being off acyclovir for 10 months now. I have experienced quite a bit of outbreaks since I last stopped. I get them once a month and sometimes every couple of months. My last outbreak was in September or the beginning of October but it has been a while is that a lot of outbreaks to be experiencing being that I been off the acyclovir for 10 months even though I contracted the virus three years and three months ago.
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