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HSV 2 Positive none isolated test result

I am the sad recipient of a positive Herpes Simplex Virus Typing culture test.  Just received the results yesterday.

My partner and I were tested in November 2010 for all STDs (blood tests) and we both did not have any STDs according to the results.

Then in January (latter part of the month) we did anal sex (my first time) and he went from anal back to vaginal (found out that was a big no no) and used tons of lube and baby oil.  I got symptoms of itchy anus and vagina, burning, discharge (white and clear), painful urination, a sore (which hurt) on my vaginal wall etc.  Used Peroxide, hydrocortisone cream, and A&D ointment, but the syptoms were just getting worse.  He said it is a fungus/bacteria (he's a Veterinarian) and that I needed an antibiotic.  I had four 400MG amoxicillin pills, so I took those, and the pain from the sore (which had been getting increasingly more painful) almost immediately abated, so did a lot of the other symptoms---but not entirely.  I had a lot of relief and figured I could now wait for my already scheduled upcoming OBGYN visit.

The symptoms however seemed to get increasingly bad again, but not to the extent as they were before.  I went for my annual OBGYN visit and told them about the symptoms and was treated for BV (given Metragel for 5 days).  I did not ask for my sore to be tested since the doctor noted that I had relief from symptoms with the antibiotics.  However the Metragel didn't work and my symptoms continued to escalate.  I tried the Metragel for 2 more days but started to get a clumpy cottage cheese discharge in addition to my heavy clear white discharge.  A month had passed without improvement so I went back to my OBGYN again and by this time my discharge was yellow and I was still passing cottage cheese like cIumps that was often in my urine.  The doctor swabbed my sore for a culture (said there were now one on each side of my vaginal wall and that it could be herpetic in nature) and gave me another Rx for 5 days of Metragel and 1 dose of 150MG fluconazole.  

I waited 9 days and was given the results of a Herpes Simplex Virus Typing test.  Test said:

HSV Type 1 Flags: none Results: Negative Ref-Range: Negative
HSV Type 2 Flags: Above High Normal Results: Positive Ref-Range: Negative
Herpes Simplex Virus Culture Flags: Progressive Results: Above high normal Ref-Range: Positive None Isolated
Wet mount positive for clue cells, shows increased WBC and alkaline pH.

The None Isolated is written twice and has me very confused as well as the diagnosis in general.

Doctor was not available today but nurse said he is going to prescribe Valtrex.

I continue to have an itchy anus, vagina, the sore(s) and pass cottage cheese clumps.  Been with this same person and never had an issue until he went from anal to vaginal sex.  

I have been having the same symptoms and the same sore (although I apparently got another one on the other side of my vaginal wall) for 8 weeks now.  There has not been any scabbing and I do not have clustered bumps and they were never liquid filled.

Could this diagnosis be false positive?  I thought (and please help me if I am wrong) that you had to have an isolated result to be positive.  There are no number values given.  Just what I wrote.  

Please help.
48 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
I have no idea what you've been reading but valtrex DOES NOT CAUSE LIVER DAMAGE!!  I have no idea how those sorts of myths persist!  There are no long term side effects to any of the 3 herpes antivirals we use.
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1174003 tn?1308160819
The worm feeling is also a symptom of actually having worms along with an itchy butt.  You should talk to your doctor about that.  

I hope your partner is continuing to support you.  You have nothing to fear or not think you won't have a happy life with HSV.  
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Thanks Grace.  I didn't take it although I still have been having ocassional itching in the anus area.  Actually feels like there is a worm or something wiggling in there which freaks me out.  I have made yet another doctor's appointment.  Going to get check for hemorrhoids.  Maybe it is due to a bump or sore there IDK.  Feeling comes and goes, but totally noticeable when it is there---no mistaken it.  

2creep1----I know :(  I can't deny that I cried all over again.  It just sucks so badly.  I don't understand how I went through the trouble of us both getting tested, only to end up with a disease anyway---and HP2!  Uggh.    I did say to myself, like you did, that at least it is not HIV or something life threatening, so given that in the big picture, I'm just going to have to live with it.  My partner still hasn't gone to get tested.  Sigh.  No biggie I guess.  He has no symptoms, so I guess it is not very dire in his opinion.  I don't really want to take medication ( I will if I have to, but prefer to explore natural remedies if at all possible).  I am going to see if that works for me.  If not, then I will have to do Valtrex (which damages the liver).  

I am unsure if I will take the test in 3 mos since I have a positive culture.  My OBGYN was very clear that it is positive so don't waste my time or money.  He said it'll just make you have to relive the sad news again.  I think he's right----BUT I still don't know, I might be curious just to see the numbers and so forth :)

I will definitely keep you posted if I decide to do it.

Please do let me know yours too.  Since yours was not a culture, you have a much better chance to get a negative WB.  I hope that you do :)

Thanks everyone for all of your answers and insight!  I do think that it has helped me through a daunting time and I already feel more optimistic (a my name says lol) that I can still live a happy life with HSV2 :)
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101028 tn?1419603004
no reason to take any valtrex if you aren't having symptoms.
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I think I got them.  My OBGYN said it's absolutely positive.

I was going to go get the Valtrex today, but I don't have any itching today (started my menses) and so don't know if it makes sense to take them now or not?

I think that I am totally missing the symptom warnings.  My partner is more concerned about obtaining every possible comfort for his home than he seems to be about having an STD.  He of course still insists on having unprotected sex (which I am not doing, although foolishly too late) in the event that I want to get an IgG.  My OBGYN says not to waste my time, the culture is positive.  Enough said.  Now I agree.

Should I take the 3 days of Valtrex eventhough I don't feel itchiness this very moment?  Nothings bothering me right now, so I don't know if it would serve any purpose to take it at this juncture?  Thoughts?  
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101028 tn?1419603004
well I' ve certainly given up on helping you with those pesky lesion culture results....lol.  Hopefully you get more concrete answers in the near future.  Perhaps err on the side of caution and both you and your partner repeat your igg blood tests when it's time and go from there.

keep us updated :)
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Had doctor's appointment today with center for infectious disease---doc said that all test came back negative (viral culture, blood work, all other stds) and he does not think that I have HSV 2.

I expressed that it has not been 3 mos from last encounter so the blood work could be inaccurate, which I learned from here :)  and that the negative culture could be wrong too since it was 9 days after the orignal culture.  

He said we can wait and do the blood work again after I've reached 3 mos and then go from there.

I decided to have my original doctor (my OBGYN) call me and go over my results personally and for him to respond to the "none isolated" portion of the results.  He said that the results are in fact positive and that there is no room for error.  He said that he clinically diagnosed it and it was confirmed by a DNA culture which was typed.  He said the blood work will evetually catch up with the culture, but it is definite :(

So there doesn't seem to be any need to prolong this any longer.

It appears that my OBGYN is more knowledgeable than the infectious disease doctor who truly made me feel highly optimistic.

I will take the Valtrex today and go from here.

Thanks everyone for your help.

Wish it were a better outcome for me.  I took the precaution of having tests done and we both came back negative ---only to end up with HSV2 which I honestly never imagined would happen to me.  He has his PHD and takes good care of himself.  We are both professionals.  I take the blame for not enforcing a condom, but it was harder to enforce after we both had negative test results---which he fell back on all of the time.

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101028 tn?1419603004
go and be seen every single time you have symptoms.

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Okay so 4 mos from 2/27 and no Valtrex until after I take the WB (or if I get a new lesion that is cultured and typed with a positive result)?  Is that right?

The 2 mos have been gruelling.  IDK, maybe I am having recurrent breakouts over and over   :(  

My partner has not gotten tested yet, he said that he is going to go early this week.  If he comes back positive, then that will make my nonsensical viral culture make more sense.

Grace it did make it feel somewhat better, but I had done a sea salt and vinegar bath first.  Then this morning I did the Tylenol PM treatment which I must say does make it feel way better!  

If I do have it, and if this is the worst of it (besides telling a new partner and making sure never to infect him), then I'll be fine.  I did already freak myself out into thinking that I have already spread it to my face (although I have been washing my hands like a freak but I feel so itchy all over now that I know that I could have a disease).  

Doctor still wants to talk to me in person on Monday, so I'll know more then as well.

Thanks everyone for all of your responses, help and support.  Things don't look as dismal at the moment.  
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101028 tn?1419603004
garlic vaginally can help with yeast infections but not herpes.  
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1174003 tn?1308160819
4 months from your last sexual encounter.  Your symptoms won't mean much if you had the vrius transmited to you on Feb 27 and your symptoms weren't herpes related.  You follow?  

Don't take the valtrex just yet when you plan on doing the WB.  

If its been going on for 2 months that is more of a reason to not believe herpes is the cause.  
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Ugggh, please be patient with me but just so that I am clear, I should do a Herpes WB 4 months after 1st symptoms (January 20) or last unprotected sexual encounter (February 27)?

That's a long time to go unsure.

I haven't taken the Valtrex yet, but if I do, is it okay for me to do that pre-test?

I honestly think I have it because what would have me so bothered down there for so long?  It's been 2 mos already w little to no relief.  Using a garlic clove tonight--I'm not anti meds, but will try natural remedies first.
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101028 tn?1419603004
The WB you have to wait 4 months post encounter for.
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That's okay Grace.  You were not alone with it being confusing.  That's why the Infectious Disease doctor said that the results didn't make sense and wanted to start over and he had the lab results right in front of him!

I will just wait the two more months (to get 3 mos after last exposure) and do the herpers WB like you suggested unless I get new lesions that can be cultured and typed again.

The results of the last viral culture was negative (they told me today), but the sore was 9 days after the original viral culture so that is not really too surprising.

It is really hard to get a straight answer and narrow this down.  

Thanks so much again and I'll post my WB in 2 mos once I get it done.
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101028 tn?1419603004
the way you posted everything is the way most labs report a blood test for hsv1 and hsv2 and then a lesion culture hence why I assumed you were talking blood test.  once again sorry for the confusion but this is hard to do online without me having your lab results right in front of me :(

at this point, really not a lot I can help you with obviously.  If you get a return of symptoms, be seen within 48 hours of the appearance of lesions for a lesion culture  and typing.  If you feel the need to repeat a blood test again, make sure it's herpes WB.  
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I know that it looks separated when it says Herpes Simplex Viral Culture, but they are not.  It is all one result.  I just typed everything that I saw (so included that too).  I had one culture at the OBGYN w no blood drawn.  They faxed me this as the result of the culture.  

Can they use the swab for a blood test too?

If not, then I never had a positive blood test.  IgG in November was a .27 no antibodies detected. IgG in March was a .53 no antibodies detected.

I think I have it because today I have lower back pain, a headache, and out of no where became extremely tired.  Headache is a bad one.
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But it is a viral culture test.  Wow, now I am beyond confused. They swabbed the sore.  They did not take any blood from me at that time.  Those are the results of the Viral Culture Typing Test.  

The blood tests that I have gotten were both IgG's and they both said negative no antibodies detected.

No difference I guess.  It's positive in either case.

I will see the doctor on Monday anyway.  His office called with my results and they all came back negative, but I know that it hasn't been 3 months since last exposure so it doesn't really count.

My question still is, if you saw the results that I posted (that you are calling a blood test) as a viral culture result---would you say it is definitely positive?  I think it is as this juncture, but the none isolated made me hopeful (and my doctor too).
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101028 tn?1419603004
no, blood test. you posted a + blood test result twice now.
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Hmmm, okay just so we're clear, did you mean to type culture instead of blood test?  

What I typed were all of the results on the page for my Herpes virus culture typing test.

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101028 tn?1419603004
your blood test is + for hsv2.  

the website you mentioned is a very poor one and I would never follow anything that is on there!  using bleach on your sensitive genital skin is going to give you a chemical burn. same with peroxide can do the same thing. even vinegar shouldn't be used without being diluted first. it's good as a compress or in bathwater but not full strength on the skin!
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You won't believe this, but a lot of people are using clorox bleach as a "treatment".  I read it here http://www.natural-cures-for.com/remedies/genital-herpes.  I didn't realize that peroxide was as crazy though lol.  Apple cider vinegar I thought was good lol, I went out and bought a quart of it, oh well.

What prompted me posting on here in the first place (it's in my caption), was that I was wondering how I could have a positive result that says none isolated?  which it says twice although I only typed it once in my first post.  

This is what is written on the test:

HSV Type 1
Flags: none
Results: Negative
Ref-Range: Negative

HSV Type 2
Flags: Above High Normal
Results: Positive
Ref-Range: Negative

Herpes Simplex Virus Culture
Flags: Progressive
Results: Above high normal
Ref-Range: Positive- None Isolated
None Isolated

So from your professional experience, am I definitely positive?

I just kept reading that positive was isolated, and mine said none isolated, but if I can be positive and it not be isolated, then I can, and then I have it and that's that.  Have you seen that before?  It was the nurse who told me it was definitely positive, and I had not spoken to my OBGYN doctor, and then the Infectious disease docs didn't seem to think it was herpes because of the none isolated part.  

I have an appointment with the Center for infectious disease doctor on Monday although I'll get his test results tomorrow (only received the negative IgG result from him so far).  That will be his fungal and herpes culture.  

I'll have him check the vagina/anus areas.  They do feel much better than before, but still itch.  The swelling has gone down a lot already.

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101028 tn?1419603004
no mc wouldn't interfere with your hsv2 culture.

in your very first post, the way you posted your test results it appears that you posted that you are positive hence why I said it would be a recurrence for you. I apologize if I misunderstood that but that's what they look like to me.

NO PEROXIDE!!!  It's non-chlorine bleach.   would you pour clorox on your genital area?  I should hope not!  same with vinegar is also an acid. no wonder things are irritated and swollen!

see your provider again tomorrow if things aren't back to closer to normal in your genital/anal area.

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Meant to type --could MC cause the discrepancy in my HSV 2 culture?  Woult that explain the Positive none-isolated, none isolated?

I've used hydrogen peroxide, apple cider vinegar, and A & D ointment and am unsure if the ridiculous amount of dryness and cracked appearance are due to the constant discharge (which has significantly reduced but still is not gone) and my topicals or if it is the Herpes scabbing that I've read about.  Does that sound like herpectic scabbing?
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Now my anus area is swollen like 3 times normal size.  I am not sure if I did that to myself because it was itching a lot still and I kept rubbing it hard with a tissue.  Then I took a sea salt bath.  

When I woke up this morning, anus is very inflamed.  Only mildly hurts (I think that is my fault for rubbing the itch so hard), but even now, it does still itch.  I think that I've been getting discharge there too.  Is this from Herpes?  

I think that I have molloscum contagiosum too.  A while ago I had those red looking MC bumps (2 or 3 of them) on my stomach.  I have since gotten tons of flesh colored skin tags.  They sometimes itch.  They are not bothersome and not really noticeable to others (since they are flesh colored) but I have A LOT of them.

Could MC possibly be cause a discrepancy in my HSV 2 culture?  Would that explain the Positive none isolated?  
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.