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Approximately 6 months ago, I had protected sex with the guy I was dating. We did not perform any oral or anal sex.

Approximately two weeks later, I was diagnosed with type1 HSV around my vagina and peri-anal area through culture swab. It was followed up by a blood test which also showed I was positive for HSV 1. He did not have any cold sores visible on his mouth and when asked about any known STDs he swore that he's never had any sort of genital infections. He did admit that he's had cold sores in the past but again didn't have any at the time.

It took me a very long time to accept this has happened to me because I just don't understand how I got this. We didn't have oral sex and used a condom. How is it possible that he spread this to me?

I was under the impression that herpes is passed via skin to skin contact. Can it be passed through saliva? Is it possible this was the way I got it? I feel like that would be so unlikely, but maybe someone upstairs just hates me.

Now that I'm in another relationship I'm wondering about my risk of spreading it to my partner and how I should explain that I even got this because my doctor literally told me she has no clue. My bloodwork showed I was IgG positive which means I think the virus either seroconverted in 3 weeks after I was exposed or I got it from my previous partner and never had symptoms. I've had unprotected sex only once in my life. Is it possible I got it from him?

If my current boyfriend has the HSV1 antibody in his blood does that offer some sort of protection? How common is it to spread HSV type 1 genitally? Is it worthwhile for him to get bloodwork done to see if he carries the HSV 1 antibody?

If you could please offer any advice, expertise and answer my questions from above that would be very helpful. Every MD or professional who I've spoken to about this doesn't know what to say to me. My doctor keeps saying "you did everything right" and doesn't know what to say....
3 Responses
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55646 tn?1263660809
So here are my impressions about your situation.

If the person you had protected sex with had a history of cold sores, it is very unlikely that he had HSV 1 genital infection, so I seriously doubt that you got HSV 1 from him,   I also don't think you got this from him because your antibody test was positive shortly thereafter, right?  What was the index value of the positive test?  That also suggests that you may have had this for a long time, that it is not new.  So have you ever in your life been the receiver of oral sex from anyone?  If yes, you could have had this for a  while.  

If your current boyfriend is HSV 1 antibody positive, then it is extremely unlikely, if he has oral infection, that he will get it in a new place on his body (genital).  If he is HSV 1 antibody positive and has never had a cold sore, then he could have it orally or genitally, and it still isn't a risk to him to acquire this genitally. If he is antibody negative, then it might be a good idea for you take daily antiviral therapy to reduce the risk of infecting him with your genital HSV 1.  Genital to genital transmission of HSV 1 is not common but we have definitely seen it and it is well documented in the work of Dr. Anna Wald, a leading expert in genital herpes infections.  

Le me know if your have other questions, OK?

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Thank you so much for your response Terri.

I do have some additional questions.

The plot sort of thickens.... I have only ever been with two people before my herpes diagnosis. The most recent was the man I described in my first post with a history of cold sores, a positive HSV1 antibody test (expectedly so) but with whom I had protected sex and never oral sex. The first person was my ex who I was with for 7 months, who also never had any cold sores and I trust is unaware of any herpes infection, either genitally or orally. He is the only person I've ever had unprotected sex with and the only person I've had oral sex with. But the last time we had sex was aprox 6 months before my diagnosis. Is it possible that he gave me the virus and it laid dormant for 6 months? My doctor said that was highly unlikely, esp bc he didn't have any visible lesions (oral or otherwise).

I have actually started to date my this ex again very recently and I have been dreading telling him about my diagnosis and racking my brain trying to explain how this happened. I don't want anything to ruin our 2nd chance. However obviously if there's a possibility that he gave this to me it will be much easier....Would him having a positive HSV1 antibody test make u more confident that he is the one who gave it to me? I know he's going to think its impossible bc he's never had any cold sores or genital lesions, so I don't want to suggest he could have given to me unless you think there's a real probability. Do you think there may be?

I have also been suffering from a recurrent yeast infection and am wondering if this is related to the herpes. It almost feels the same (itchy) as the herpes but my doctor swabbed it several times and it came back negative for herpes and positive for yeast. Im currently undergoing prescription medication to help eliminate it, after over the counter didn't work. I never had yeast infections in the past. Is this something I'm going to get frequently now? Is there anything I can do to help decrease the chance of a yeast infection?

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55646 tn?1263660809
The fact that you were antibody positive when your swab test was positive indicates this is NOT new infection.  I'm not sure about the timing of everything but again, if he was not the giver of oral sex to you and he has a history of cold sores, I doubt that he is your source. Unless he got new infection both orally and genitally at the same time, which is possible since we don't know how long he has had cold sores (or maybe you do know)

My advice would be to tell your ex who is now your current, and ask him to be tested.  Seventy percent of those with HSV 1 infection don't report cold sores or genital herpes so he could easily have this.  He is by far my greatest "suspect" in this situation.

Sometimes people with genital herpes do get yeast more often, not sure why that is exactly.

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.