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Sign of Herpes

Hey guys new to this forum.

Here are my symptoms and timeline.

Exposure: 31-28 days ago. Sex with my partner (we are monogamous).

4 days after exposure: I feel a little knot in my left groin (thought it was just anything, scheduled an appt to check up on it.

7 Days after exposure: My doctors appointment is here, and the doctor notifies me it is my lymph nodes. Both sides are swelling. They said it was inguinal nodes both sides.

They ran tests for STDs, came back clean. My partner, also tested for everything, came back clean, super low titers on HSV 1 and 2. (the blood was drawn 7 days post exposure.)

The nodes were painful and tender until about day 15, where the pain subsided, but the swelling remained. They were still sore when I walk a lot, or if you press on them to hard.

Around 25 days later I have done a CT scan, and a pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound. I go to biopsy surgeon. He says they were actually femoral and not inguinal.

26-28 days after exposure, I get a cold. Congestion, runny nose, off and on fever. Fatigue.

My question is this: I know I tested clear and my partner tested clear. However, I also know humans have faults, and my partner could have very easily done something without my knowledge as we live far apart. Knowing this, I know that certain tests specifically Herpes, HIV, and Syphilis won't show conclusively until 90 days mark. I say conclusively loosely, because I am aware a DUO HIV test could rule out HIV after 6+ and I know you are virtually clear of syphilis if you test negative post 4+ weeks. My main concern is that this is a recent Herpes/HIV/Syphilis infection, and it simply didn't show up on my exams because my immune system hasn't built enough antibodies.

Based on all of this information, is Herpes (or really any other STD) still on the table for me. The doctors seem to be pretty puzzled as to why this inflammation is occurring, and I am wondering if infidelity may be the culprit. I would like honest responses please, even if they may crush what I want to believe.

For the record, no pain during urination, no discharge, and no visible lesions on myself or my partners.
8 Responses
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I think I did misunderstand your reply and I am sorry for doing so. In your response, "Its very possible to have the swollen nodes with no sores appearing," I read that as "its very possible to have herpes, and have swollen nodes with no sores appearing."

But looking back I realize that you were making a general statement; that swollen nodes happen for other reasons other than herpes, and thus can be apparent with no lesions. Is this the correct interpretation of your response?

Bottom line I think I need to focus on the fact that this has been persisting around 28 days, I feel like it is safe to assume this isn't herpes.

Life360, if this is you in this situation, are you worried about herpes, or do you put this in the rear view and live life?
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3149845 tn?1506627771
Im basing this on the fact that many people never have outbreaks and not all swollen nodes are a symptom of a pending outbreak. If a person does infact have herpes, the doc is correct but im speaking in have a swollen node in general.  Ive not stated any thing diffrent than Doc HHH.
And again symptoms would not last that long.
Im opening reply states my position that this does not appear as a herpes outbreak which goes along with all ive stated.
I think youve mis understood my replies.
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Sorry to seem like I am challenging you, but what exactly are you basing this off of. I have read a few threads from HHH since you responded, and he holds that it would be "highly unlikely" to have nodes for 4 weeks with no sores ever appearing... What are your thoughts on this?

I mean as far as herpes go, I have read that symptoms of an initial outbreak wouldnt last for 4 weeks either, these are still going on. What are your thoughts on this?
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3149845 tn?1506627771
Its very possible to have the swollen nodes with no sore appearing.
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I guess what I meant to ask was, is it possible to have these swollen nodes without lesions and it still be herpes. I know technically "anything" is possible. But based on your experience, could Syphilis/Herpes show as just bilateral swollen lymph nodes with no sores?
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3149845 tn?1506627771
Most often herpes sores cause irritation esp first time outbreak. Some that contact it cant even walk. A swollen node is a sign that the body is fighting an infection and the sore could show up at 3 or 4 days so its a coin toss on which is first
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I appreciate the response. Honestly, the only reason Herpes ever came into my mind is because when you type in, "Swollen inguinal lymph nodes" on google, the first results are Herpes, HIV, Syphilis, etc.

I really do not think it is this, as I feel like 4+ weeks of this, and the swelling in my nodes would have gone down, or there would have to be some lesions present. I also take solace in the fact that It is not paining to me urinate, as that would indicate I had lesions inside I couldn't see.

My only other question for you Life360, have you (or anybody else on this forum) found that lesions don't burn inside the vagina, or that symptoms of herpes are PREceded by bilateral swollen nodes rather than follow lesions, painful urination etc?
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3149845 tn?1506627771
Hi, none of what you mention appears as youve recently contracted herpes. Average time if symptoms do appear are  3 to `13 days or so and most describe these as body aches and fever. Testing at 8 weeks would be a good indicator but as mentioned nothing youve mentioned would lead to believe youve contacted herpes but only testing would tell.
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.