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so confused

About a month ago I started getting a rash on my hands (looked like small water blisters) just my palms so my mom told me at one point she had something similar it was an allergie to birth control, so I made an appointment with my ob doc and he was like I doubt it but ok and also took a picture and sent to a dermatologist friend who later said he thought it was palmularous pustulitis then I noticed a rash under my breasts followed by my bottom so I promtly went to see a regular doc they said hand foot mouth then a rash on the outside of vagina followed by thighs.. now by a blood test Im being told I have herpes also my husband has rash on palms feet and his penis I dont understand I feel this cant be right?
15 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
call your insurance and protest the referral being denied!!!!
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well... Im completely out of ideas... found out today my refferal was denied... seems herpes in my bottom doing better... but all other rashes are terrible.. my husband of course tested positive for hsv... the rash all over my vagina doesnt seem like herpes to me but its like Im a waste of time to these doctors I had to practically force one to look at rash on my thigh and he said it looked like ring worm... of which this rash looks nothing like any of the other rashes... I feel so hopeless!! I feel really terrible too... really bad back pain.. fatigue.. aches...my throat has been hurting really bad too! Ive been making appointments like crazy trying to get someone to help me/treat me.. I cant even get anyone to hardly look at the rash they are like oh you were diagnosed with herpes thats what it is!! sorry.. I know Im wasting your time by venting.. im just lost and scared!!  
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101028 tn?1419603004
you and hubby would not have symptoms like you've both had and it all be due to herpes. something else is definitely going on. all the antivirals in the world won't help when it's not a herpes issue. make sense?  hopefully the consult will help guide your provider to what he should be testing for/treating for.
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ok.. I called a womens health center here and left  message today asking if they do the type specific blood testing, and my doctors offices ears must have been burning because they called me shortly after I wrote you and I told them my concerns about running out sunday and still having the symptoms and they prescribed me valtrex.. so I will start that tomorrow.. unfortunately I live in a small little town in the mountains and my insurance is medi-cal so there are no dermatologist in the area that accept medi-cal but my doc is putting a refferal through to a hospital about 2 hours from here he took photos of all my rashes to add to the refferal.. unfortunately who knows how long that could take. I have thought about calling around to some of the local ones to see how much a consult would cost me.. unfortunately times are very financially tough right now.. so maybe Ill just have to wait tl wed and pray my OB GYN will help me... (he was the one who sent the photos of my hands to his dermatologist friend)
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101028 tn?1419603004
your rash might not go away while on antivirals. all the antivirals do is speed up the healing process as well as reduce how long you shed.  

valtrex is an acyclovir prodrug. what this basically means is you swallow valtrex and it converts into acyclovir inside your body. it isn't really a better drug , you just take it less often because you get more active acyclovir when you take it.  price wise, acyclovir is dirt cheap compared to valtrex.

I'm pretty sure you have something else going on causing your rash and it just caused your herpes to reoccur/shed too. any chance you can see a dermatologist monday or tuesday?
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   I have another question..or 10..  before they even made a diagnosis they put me on 400 mg of acyclovir 3 times a day for 10 days. I will be done with it this sunday and still my rash is there what should I do, should I call the doctors office and ask for more or see about switching to valtrex? I was reading that valtrex has better absorbtion in your system, if Ive had this for a while how is it this seems like a first outbreak? because ive never had one that I knew of and this fits the classic discription of what they say..  seems like its never going to go away.. my husband keeps saying what if his blood results come back negative.. I am a nervous wreck could that be causing this to linger? my OB GYN is only around 1 day a week I wouldnt be able to see him tl nxt week could the outbreak get worse? or spread? now I have rash all over my thighs.. when I saw my primary he didnt even schedule a follow up... I am so mad I am considering changing medical facilities entirely!!  
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101028 tn?1419603004
well I mean you know you have hsv2 from the lesion culture, your blood test results tell you nothing about your status. hope I"m not being confusing.
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101028 tn?1419603004
combined testing is a waste of time and money :(  you need to repeat your testing with type specific testing. you know absolutely nothing about your status from combined testing :(  
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my blood results are hsv type 1/2 combined Ab, IgG by 20.90 IV

so according to what my doctor said this is high so it looks to him that this has been around for a while? although could it just be high because I have a weird immune system?
my husband went in yesterday and got blood work done, he is just sure I I cheated or did something recently but absolutely not.. I could never do something like that and if I did I would feel obligated to be truthful about it.. and he swears he hasnt done anything although I question some of his actions over the last year myself but 4 years we have been together and before that nothing.. Im in shock.. and with all these immune problems I have I cant imagine this wouldnt have shown itself before..I know I keep backtracking but still all these questions unanswered.. Im scared to death to get remicade now because I heard it can cause constant outbreaks and severe ones too!!  anyways as soon as I find out what his results are I will post them.. thank you grace..
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101028 tn?1419603004
I think there is more than just herpes going on here. has hubby been seen yet?

have you both had type specific herpes igg blood tests yet?
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sorry to keep writing so much Im just so confused and dont know where else to look... also I kept telling my doctor how do you explain if Its something Ive had for a while how is it my husband and I would be having first outbreak at the same time and why would he have some sort of rash on his hands and feet... with a culture there is no mistaking hsv though right?
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so I went to the doctor today and they said the swabs did in fact confirm that whats going on below my belt area is hsv 2 and that no antibodies were found in the swab from my hand which makes them think that it is in fact planteris palmuarous pustulosis, however they are not sure about the rash that is occuring under my breasts and the few other random bumps that have popped up on my trunk, I asked for all of the test results however I think the blood test was left out because it came in on a seperate day, I also have RA, severe ulcerative colitis, and medication induced lupus, I get infusions of remicade, I find it so hard to believe that I would have never had an outbreak before now? and according to my doctor he said according to the numbers on the test it looks like I may have had this for a while.. I have also struggled with staff of which they have taken cultures for and tons of blood work ups and nothing has ever showed up to alert that this may be lingering in my body!? is that possible for this to go unotiticed with so much medical attention? Ive never had anything or any reason to think I had herpes!?
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they did take swabs of my hand and bottom so I am hoping to find out at my doctors appointment tomorrow what the results for those are, seems thats the best way to know, right!?!?!
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101028 tn?1419603004
would herpes cause rashes on this many body parts? no it would not.

would herpes cause your spouse to also have rashes on this many body parts? no it would not.

I encourage you both to be seen elsewhere for further evaluation.

as for your herpes blood testing, I can best help you with that part of this if you can post your exact results - e.g. hsv1 igg 5.4 and hsv2 igg 6.9 or whatever they are.

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also forgot to mention over this month the rash on my hands has gotten really bad, skin peeling off blisters all over my fingers, and my husbands hands and feet are just lightly peeling with tiny evidence of blisters. my rashes are all getting very bad but I am extremely stressed.
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