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Herpes or Hemmorrhoid?

About a week ago, I had brief unprotected anal sex with another male. He penetrated my anus for about 2-3 seconds, but it was so painful I had to stop. About 3 days later, I felt a little discomfort in my rectum. I felt a small bump with my finger just inside my rectum. Over a period of 24 hours, the discomfort increased. I never felt any itching or extreme pain- just mild discomfort (like the pressure one feels from a hemorrhoid). The discomfort subsided in about 36 hours, and I no longer feel it now (very minor, if at all).

I went to an STD clinic yesterday, but I was too early for testing. The doctor did, however, inspect the inside of my rectum. He said the bump did not look/feel to be a traditional herpes or hpv lesion, but there are no guarantees with that early prognosis. He thought the bump might just be a polyp and didn’t offer any further explanation.

Could the rough penetrative sex have caused a polyp or hemorrhoid to become inflamed? I thought herpes/hpv lesions were extremely painful and that they would last considerably longer and eventually scab over. I’m going to go back for testing in two weeks, but I’d really love to know if this is a minor form of herpes/hpv or just an irritated hemorrhoid. . .
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3149845 tn?1506627771
Please post your thread if you have questions.
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Hi! I have hemhriods and I noticed now I have they pimple looking things around my butt cheeks if I open my legs you can see them I'm not sure if it's a reaction from the cream I was using any help?
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101028 tn?1419603004
glad you finally have the answers you need to move forward :)
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I just have to update this post... My doctor called with the Western Blot test results this afternoon, and it was NEGATIVE for both HSV1 and HSV2... So, according to all of the experts, this test is the gold standard. It has been almost a year since I have had sex, and I've been off the antiviral drugs for almost 7 months.
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Very inspiring story!  Very cool that you took such responsibility for your actions with your wife after making a mistake.  And that you're willing to grow from this.

Sorry that it turned out that you're HSV-2 positive, but have to say that I'm impressed with your perseverance!  You know your body better than anyone else ... you held to your convictions and it paid off.  Good for you!

Viruses are tricky and there are so many variables with symptoms ... no two cases are exactly alike.  So often in this day of "autoimmune disorders", patients have to fight for healthcare and have to be their own health advocate.

I wish you well and hope you and your wife are able to now live long and contented lives together!!
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Hey Grace

I've finally reached the end of my journey and have some closure... I just wanted to update this lengthy thread for others who come across it in the future.

About two weeks ago, I had blood drawn for a Western Blot in New Jersey (since that test cannot be ordered from New York state without a letter from the Board of Health).

This afternoon, I called the UW virology lab to see if they could confirm ever having received my blood sample for the WB. They said they had not, so I called my doctor back. His technician was all apologetic and said that their lab had screwed up and hadn't sent the sample (probably because they couldn't order the test, as I had initially suspected). They said if I could make an appointment to have the blood drawn again, they would send it directly to UW and forgo sending it to the lab. This was at 2 o'clock, and thy closed at 4. I hustled my *** over to New Jersey and mate it at 3:30. I gave the technician the UW virology form and my personal check. She was incredibly apologetic and said she had gotten quite upset with the lab over the phone.

I then met with the doctor to discuss my other test results. As I suspected, the HIV was still negative (no real concern there to begin with). As it turns out, he had also ordered standard IGg tests and an IGm test. I know people completely discount the IGm test, but my score on that came back at 1.90, which is considered a HI positive (anything above 1.09 is positive). Here's the real kicker... my IGg for HSV1 was still negative (.20) but my IGg for HSV2 was positive. The official score is 0.90, which is technically considered "on the fence," but the doctor said it's definitely positive (considering my past test scores and all the symptoms I've been describing). He wanted to go ahead and do the WB for confirmation, but he officially diagnosed me.

Well, this is kind of what I've been expecting all along. It officially took me almost exactly 12 months to seroconvert for a positive blood test. You have to take the 6 months of antiviral use into consideration, though. My doctor also seemed to think that people don't have high antibody levels when their reaction to the virus isn't that severe, but I think that's kind of just his opinion.

When he was showing me the test results, he kept his hand over the HSV2 section (so, I kind of knew something was up). He then wrapped it up by saying a lot of people have herpes and that I should be thankful I don't have a life-threatening disease like HIV or Hepatitis. As much as I thought I was prepared to hear the word "positive," it still came as quite a shock. I could tell he was a little uncomfortable telling me, but he also said I can finally put this to rest and take satisfaction knowing that I'm officially not crazy. When I left, his secretary asked if she should charge for an office visit, and he said not to worry about it. I'm not sure if this doctor was any better than the rest, but he certainly was sympathetic and very kind. Had my test result still been negative, I'm sure he would have said what all the other doctors have been saying all along.

So, this is the official laundry list of my HSV2 symptoms:
*saw 2-3 small, white bumps in my rectum about 2 days after sexual encounter (bumps never "erupted" or hurt, but I did feel a lot of pressure)
*daily tingling on my scrotum and in between my butt cheeks for the past 6 months
*little pimple-sized bumps that come and go all over my scalp
*tiny little fluid-filled blisters that occasionally appear on the rim of my lower eyelids and pop when I touch them
*red "abrasions" on the inside of my cheeks that come and go (sometimes they form open "cuts," but they never really hurt)
*tiny little red dots (not raised) the size of a pinhead that appeared on my biceps, scalp, back, etc. (I've read that these are often the sign of a viral infection)
*the white part of my eyes have been much more bloodshot than ever before, but nothing that you would notice standing a few feet away (again, I've read that this can indicate a viral infection)

I am 100% certain that I NEVER had any of these symptoms before this sexual encounter. I knew something was not right with my body, and it turns out that I wasn't just imagining things. I guess it's always good to know that you haven't lost your mind, right?

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101028 tn?1419603004
you are coming to paint? woohoo!!!
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Hey Grace-
I think this will be my last post. . . I went in for what would have been my 6th test at 9 months (4 months off antivirals). When I spoke with Terri Warren, she suggested I get tested at 4 months after stopping the antivirals. The doctor I saw today actually got a little upset with me and refused to do any more testing. He even suggested that I consider seeing a therapist (which I already am).

I feel like the alcoholic who has finally been cut off at the bar. . .

I'm still not convinced I don't have HSV, but there is nothing else I can do at this point. I just wanted to know so that I could take whatever precautions I could to protect my wife. Since the doctor won't test me any more (and he won't write another antiviral prescription without a positive test), I guess my conscience is clear. I have this nightmare of finding out when she wakes up with a bump on her vagina some day, but I no longer have any control over the matter.

In any case, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the help. I'm going to throw caution to the wind and finally try to do the last thing you advised me to do

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101028 tn?1419603004
do I need to invite you over and hand you a paint brush to keep you busy so you stop worrying about herpes?

already told you previously you had absolutely no reason for herpes testing any more. GET OVER IT!!!
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Hey Grace. . .

I just wanted to put all of my HSV2 test results here:

1 Month: 0.54
3 Months: 0.59
4 Months: 0.40
6 Months: 0.61
7 Months: 0.69

Everyone has told me that "negative is negative," but the numbers are certainly trending upward. . . Aside from the dip at the 4 month mark, the fact that the numbers are climbing makes me a little nervous. According to Terri Warren, most people in the negative range will usually test around 0.08. She says it's possible that a score around 0.50 will remain negative, but I'm worried about the fact that mine keeps escalating :( I guess I'll have to wait for another two months and retest just to be on the safe side for my wife.
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101028 tn?1419603004
there is absolutely no need for more herpes testing. continue to follow up with a dermatologist regularly.
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Hey Grace-
Well, the results are in. . .

My HIV is still negative, so I guess that’s definitive. HSV1 is 0.20 (anything less than 0.89 is negative) and HSV2 is 0.69 (anything less than 0.89 is negative). The doctor seems to think that the HSV2 has been considerably higher than the HSV1 because the test is picking up some of the chicken pox antibodies.

Do you think I can finally put this to rest? I’ve spoken with 3 doctors in New York City who all said that I can trust these test results. Some people on the internet have said that it can take over a year to eventually test positive, though, so I don’t know who to believe. I’m inclined to believe the doctors with six figure medical degrees over random strangers on the web.

My wife really wants to have sex, and I just don’t want to put her at risk. If I can’t trust these test results, though, it seems like there will never be an end to this. . .

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Hey Grace-
Well, it has been 7 months since the last time I had sex and I have been off the antiviral drugs for 2.5 months now. I just had blood drawn yesterday, and I am waiting for the test results.

I haven’t had any genital lesions that scream herpes, but. . . My testicles/perianal region continue to intermittently tingle on a daily basis. I also still get a fresh round of sore bumps on my scalp each week that eventually scab over. On occasion, the tip of my penis and the opening of my rectum just feel sore (usually when I’m tired or in an uncomfortable situation). If I don’t have HSV, I will be completely stumped as to what is causing these symptoms.

In your opinion, can I trust the next test results? Have you heard of people who have not seroconverted this late in the game? Am I a rare medical anomaly?

I'll be back as soon as I get the next set of results. . . This has been a long journey.
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Wao,nice one.I am experiencing d same.I av gone thru all.d point dere is I av never had sex b4.but I av a kinda of bumb beside my anus.what could it be
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101028 tn?1419603004
cookies make it all better :)
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I definitely can't argue any of that- the service you provide here is more helpful than you could ever possible know (even for people like me who have trouble listening!)

I made a doctor appointment for January 7- that will be over two months with no antivirals, and about 8 months after my risky activity. If I haven't seroconverted by then, I will definitely put herpes to rest once and for all. Thank God for the holidays- at least time will pass quickly. . .
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101028 tn?1419603004
tingling can occur from things as simple as the way your chair is adjusted, how tight your jeans are and how long you've been sitting. nothing lasting a few seconds at a time is worth a 2nd thought.  these things happen :)

many, many skin issues out there. continue to follow up with the dermatologist for your scalp issues.

oh and of course you should've listened to me!!! I would never steer you wrong and my advice is sound medical advice :)   ( couldn't resist and had to get that one in there! )

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Hey Grace-
Your replies always make me smile and give me another grain of hope. . .

I read a number of other posts where you said that antivirals (when taken for a long time immediately after becoming infected) can delay seroconversion for 2-3 months. I should have listened to you several months ago when you said to stop taking them for an accurate test result.

I did a phone consultation with Terri Warren at the Westover Clinic about a month ago, and she thought the numbers for my negative HSV 2  tests were kind of "strange," since they were consistently on the higher end of the scale. She was also a little heated over the fact that my doctors have been prescribing antivirals without a positive test result. . .

I just have no other explanation for the testicular tingling. I'm definitely not imagining it- I'll just be sitting at work or at home studying and it comes and goes for a few seconds at a time. It's the strangest feeling, and the frequency is just annoying as can be. Even as I sit here typing, they're tingling away. . .

The sores on my scalp also don't make any sense. I've looked for every medical reason under the sun to explain my symptoms (including systic fibrosis, eczema, you name it) and the only thing that actually seems plausible is HSV. . .

I think I'm just going to keep sticking it out, stay off the antivirals, and retest in about a month.
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101028 tn?1419603004
side effects from the antivirals would've been gone by now.

STOP THINKING HERPES!!!  Really, this is an unhealthy obsession for you at this point.  
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Just an update. . . It has been almost 6 months since I last had sex, and I have been off the acyclovir for 3.5 weeks.

After 2.5 weeks off the antivirals, I developed another set of sore bumps on my scalp. I went to the doctor to have them swabbed, and another blood test was also done.

The swab test came back negative, and my blood test results were:

HSV1: 0.03 (still negative)
HSV2: 0.61 (still negative)

I suppose the bumps on my scalp could be folliculitis, but I don't understand why I would suddenly have them now. I usually feel an "electric" tingle on my scalp, the bumps appear, they scab over and then go away. This all happens in about a week.

My testicles have also been tingling a great deal. Grace, if you're reading this, I read another post where you said that antivirals could cause neuralgia? Maybe that's what these tingles are, even though I've been off the anitivirals for about 4 weeks. . . I've been trying to convince myself that I'm imagining them, but they are actually kind of annoying and getting to the point where they are distracting.

I guess I'll retest about a month from now to see if there's still no change. My doctor refers to the negative test results and insists I don't have herpes (even though there is no explanation for the scalp sores and tingling). This is driving me crazy and has completely consumed me for the past 6 months of my life. I just want to know one way or the other, so I can try to move on with my freaking life. . .
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Hey Grace-
It looks like I kind of shot myself in the foot- I should have listened to you the first time. . . I've been on the acyclovir this whole time (for the past 4 months). Today, I think I finally found the answer I was digging for. I found a post Terri Warren replied to where a girl was asking about the effects of antiviral drugs on seroconversion and antibody development. Terri said that it definitely delays antibody development and that any Herpeselect number over .10-.20 is highly suspect. The girl's numbers were almost exactly like mine. She had .55, .50, and.38. When she went off the drugs for 2 months and retested, she came back positive for HSV2. I guess my HSV2 numbers of .59, .54, and .40 probably just indicate prolonged seroconversion. My next step is to stop taking the acyclovir, and retest in 2 months (although I'm sure I know what the outcome will  be). I found a medical study pdf attached to the Terri Warren post that confirms the effect of acyclovir on antibody development. I guess you could say that I conducted my own little experiment- exactly like the study :(
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101028 tn?1419603004
no reason for more testing.

time to move forward :)
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Hey Grace-
My 4 month test results are in:

Herpeselect AB (Index 0.0-0.89)

HSV1: 0.06
HSV2: 0.40

Does that mean I am definitively negative or should I retest in a month or two? My doctor said a 4 month negative would mean that I am "highly unlikely" to be infected, but I've heard a number of people say that it can take 6-8+ months to develope detectable antibodies.

If I am officially negative, then I guess I came down with foliculitis on my scalp, blepharitis in my eyes, and that all of the tingling and the muscles aches in the back of my legs has been my imagination? I also still feel extremely mild discomfort in my rectum occassionally and the tip of my penis feels a little sore from time to time. I absolutely know for sure that I am feeling those things. . . Could it all just be in my head, though?

So confused (and kind of, hesitantly, happy). . .
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Thanks, Grace. I can cling to hope for a few more days :)
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.