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Is it possible to misdiagnose genital herpes?

Hi there, I am a 21 yr old female and in the past month I have had sex twice with a 33 yr old guy I have kinda been seeing. He has previously told me he had a sexual health check up 2 years ago and he was negative for all STI's and that and he has only had 2 partners since but no he didn't wear condoms with them. SO stupid of me to go and have sex with him, but I was not thinking properly and I know that's no excuse. I have only ever had one sexual partner and we were both virgins, neither of us never had cold sores or anything, I had my sex check up in September this year and was negative for all STI's only person since I have been intimate with or even kissed is this guy. Anyway 1st time we had sex we were both really drunk and did not wear a condom, the sex was pretty rough and I was sore the next day, kinda just felt like a bit of bruising (but no marks). We then met up and had sex again 5 days later, again stupidly it was drunk sex, and no condom (again) I can't really remember anything but he said it (wasn't) rough this time, I wasn't really that sore in the morning but the next day I remember taking off my g-string and feeling a soaring pain right where my perenium is, between anus and vagina opening, can't really remember if there was any cuts but I do remember that from that moment on.... anytime I went to the bathroom it was utter hell!!! The stinging pain was awful when I tried to pass urine but (worse) still was when I cleaned myself with toliet paper, that has been unbarable almost like the paper is causing more cuts everytime I wipe. Almost like someone has taken a vegetable grater to my skin. The pain now has spread all the way up my crack and Im red and sore and the perenium seems to have a little open cut, I also found 2 little fleshy bumps just near my left labia/inside of thigh that then turned to yellowy blisters that have now gone flat and red and are hopefully trying to heal...(but whenever toilet paper touches them the pain is so bad) cause there kinda like open sores. I have had thrush/yeast infection before but that was more itchy...whilst this isn't itchy its just painful, have never had warts either.........I also have alot of pain in my buttocks area all over and thighs like bruising again, a body ache like ive been sitting down too long, but no sign of bruises (no purple marks or anything). I also have swollen groin glands on both sides which I have read is a key sign to knowing you have genital herpes. But might that just mean that my immune system is down and Im about to get the flu? I have had light brown discharge for (more) than a week now but I don't know weather thats because I stopped the pill due to doctor giving me (Valtrex). So I went to the doctor saturday 22nd dec cause I had such bad cramps in left lower side of abdomen, was about to fall over cramps were so bad but my friend said that sometimes you get bad cramps when you go off the pill...but then I read somewhere that women get terrible cramps when their uterus is growing..? I'm now kinda worried im pregnante too! On top of everything......but Im not even sure I have my period now, it's just light brown discharge to black discharge to red spotting from the 11th dec (Day after we had sex for the first time). So I go in the the doctors room, he said I had bad cramps and gave me meds for that...I then said if he could have a look at me down there cause I have had soaring pain for days right between the anus and vagina, and I have 2 small bumps not sure what It could be...before looking he said yes it could just be from drunk rough sex, that I might not have been lubricated enough and that I might have ingrown hairs thats why the bumps...SO he then puts on gloves, takes a look for literally 2 seconds and sais "Oh that's herpes, sorry". He then explained everythin about it and gave me a perscription for (Valtrex) for 5 days, 2 tablets a day. He said come in soon and get a swab test/blood test to be 100% but he said he was pretty sure it was herpes. I was like...what?? he can just look at me for 2 seconds and say that without taking any cultures of the bumps and no blood test, I was mortified!!! I still havnt gone in for the tests as It's Christmas period, but will go asap once I can get an appointment, But my question is, is it possible for doctors to be wrong at first glance with just a visual examination about genital herpes? And is it bad that im taking this medicine (Valtrex) if I don't actually have the HSV 2? What is the best way to know if I actually have it? The guy I had sex with is going in for test in a couple of days too, to see if he is positive for anything cause then it's likely I caught something off him. I have been doing a little reasearch on this and it says that what I have could be other things too like genital chlamidya or yeast infection etc...Can someone please help me cause I am wreking my brain thinking that It might be herpes! I don't know what to think...all I know is that I don't want to have sex for a very long time and if I do....I am sure as hell going to put a condom on the guy. My body is so out of whack and if anyone could offer any insight to this problem I would be so appreciative! I havnt told anyone about this, so it's kinda making me mental keeping it inside,,,no one to talk to about it. Kind regards, Lily
7 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
no reason to stop the birth control pill because of being on herpes antivirals!!!

a visual diagnosis only is inadequate. too late now to be seen for proper testing.  At this point, you and your partner seeking out type specific herpes igg blood testing now and then repeating it in 3 months for you is the best course of action.  Unfortunately in Ireland it's hard to get the right testing so make sure you grill your provider fully. read the free herpes handbook too so you know what to ask.

did they also test you for yeast and bacterial infections vaginally when you were seen? what about chlamydia and gonorrhea testing?

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Hi Grace,

Thanks so much for getting back to me I really appreciate it.

I have now contacted the doctors office to be seen now for the type specific herpes igg blood test...as he said he couldn't test me on the day I originally went. So I will go in tomorrow for that. Where would I get the free herpes handbook from?

They did no testing whats so ever....just looked at me and said yeah you have genital herpes...take this Valtrex....that was it. So should I get tested for the lot when I go in tomorrow? All kinds of STD's and bacterial infections and that? The reason I am thinking that it's genital herpes is because the swollen groin glands (but they are going down now) and the 2 blisters/bumps/leigions i had were very sore to the touch. The pain seems to be lessening but you know the virus could still be in my system...Very worried about it!!. So your saying that I wont know until another 3 months if I actually have it?  

Kind regards,
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Dear lilly
I know this is an old post but i really want to know what happened next as i have the same exact situation and the dermatologist told me it is herpes once she looked at it and told me no need for any tests. But my gyna insisted that i get a bloodtest and the igg and igm turned out negative and this was the second time i experience this, the first time i had negative testa as well in igg and igm ( so they thought it was my recurrent outbreak). The bumps healed thank god both times without taking any herpes medication so i wanted to know what was your diagnosis at the end. Appreciate your reply
101028 tn?1419603004
link to handbook is in our read before posting post  under important announcements tab.

if this is a newly acquired infection, it will take a few weeks /months to be reflected in herpes igg blood testing. it's really unfortunate that they totally dropped the ball when you were seen :(    hsv1 genitally is the most common cause of genital herpes in ireland. the only accurate way to diagnose it is through a lesion culture and typing of active symptoms.  

is your partner going for full std testing that includes herpes testing?
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Oh ok thanks for that Grace! I will check it out shortly.

Yeah it was almost like...the doctor said "you can get the tests done if you want...but i'm tellin you thats herpes"...I just wanted to do these tests to be 100% certain of what im dealing with, I have read about so many people thinking they have herpes for 10 years or more just cause some doctor told them in a 2 second examination and its only when they get their tests done do they know if they have it or not. By the way Grace, does what I explained seem to be anything else to you? Or do you think it's pretty likely that it is herpes? I have had lots of problems in the past with yeast infections...but the open sores near my bum and thigh are werid..

So when I went to the doctors yesterday, I got tested for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and other STI's, I had the specific igg blood test for herpes, I also had swabs taken anyway for the leigions/cuts, I had a urine test and I had swabs taken for yeast infections. The results should be here in a week.

My partner is going in tomorrow for all his STD testing and herpes blood test. And I will definitley go in, in another 3 months as well as my partner to get another check up and blood test again.

Kind regards,
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101028 tn?1419603004
sounds like finally things are being done that should be for you!!!

once you get test results, I can better help you with what steps to take next.  

could this be herpes? certainly it needs ruled out.  
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Hey Lily!
My name is also Lily. I hope you will somehow read this as it was posted quite a while ago.I am experiencing your situation. The sores freaked me out! I am seeing his guy for a while now and I trust him (or maybe not that much anymore). Don't really know to do! When I saw the sores went straight away the nearest sexual health clinic and they took all kind of stuff from me for tests. So now I have to wait two weeks and it's only been a horrible two days. Can you tell me what happened to you? I know I should better wait for my results but in the mean time I just want to talk to someone that has been in my shoes.
Kindest regards
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I went to the doctor with what I thought was a hemorrhoid and she said it was herpes. I got tested a while back for everything and all my tests came back normal. I have had diarrhea for over a week now and thought that I was just raw from wiping and going to the bathroom so much. I took a look myself and what I see on myself is not what the pictures look like. Around my anus is red and there are some bumps but could it just be from going to the bathroom so much??
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.