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Positive for hsv2 - igg herpeselect at 1.49

I am very scared/worried. I have been with my boyfriend for over 3 years and we are currently in a long-distance monogamous relationship. He was just out here visiting me for a month when I started having symptoms of a yeast infection his last week here. I started doing all the normal things I do when I have yeast infections, eat tons of yogurt and garlic. It didnt seem to get better as far as how I was feeling. We had intercourse for the last time on the 1st and I felt weird down there (during) but just thought i was irritated from this possible yeast infection and a little dry. The next morning I felt a slight sting/pinch in my genital area and thought it may have been from the yeast infection as I was kind of itchy, but not ridiculously itchy, just minor.Anyway, I normally inspect my genital area for anything weird because I am always freaking out tht something is wrong with me, been this way forever for some reason, anything wrong with any part of my body, I seem to panic. This was the ulitmate panic moment for me, I did what I normally would do, which is look at my genitalia in a mirror to see how bad this yeast had gotten... i was shcked to see that I had what looked like a tear/cut INSIDE my vagina on the right wall near the vaginal canal. I immediately went into a slight shock, because I had never seen any sore whatsoever ever ever in or around my genitals in my life, this was like a nightmare come true for me, I was so scared. I tried to make myself believe that it was just from rsex and that i wasnt lubricated enough, until I looked again a little while after, and it looked more like a small canker sore by then, but I was not in pain at all, i touched it and it didnt hurt or feel shallow, just flat like my skin, it just didnt look right, it wasnt scary looking like the pictures i seen on the internet, just small and flat, again later I noticed what looked like a couple more of the same sore on the other side wall, again no pain at all.. just what looked like white yeast, no yello discharge, no smell, no burning..  I checked this area so many times during the 4 days I had these mysterious sores, and they seemed to have changed throughout each day, from color to size, until they seem to have disappeared, they never seemed to be oozing or crusting, just flesh-like, not yellow like a canker head, but white at times, then they would just turn red, kind of blending in with the rest of my vagina. I immediately shoved yogurt in there and locked myself in the bathroom crying every chance I got, because I was really at this point afraid, this didnt look right at all, of all the pictures I seen on the internet I didnt know whether to believe this was herpes or some other non-std cause. I wanted to believe this. My bf left and I only told him I was having yeast infection because I didnbt want to freak him out if it was nothing, and I did not want to assume the worst (cheating)... Well, the day after he left back home, I had an appointment with Planned Parenthood to get checked. Now as panicky as I am, my file is so thick, because I have been in and out of their clinic getting tested for hiv and stds every year as well as my annual pap.. I never ever considered or though of getting a herpes test, because I always thought that you have to have sores to have herpes.. and I never did, till now... I explained everything to the nurse and she did a full exam, and told me whatever sores they were DID NOT look to have been herpes sores, especially this being my first time with sores, she told me she would have seen scarring, or some kind of evidence left of a herpes lesion still present as this was only the 5th day since I had them. So she did not have anthing to swab... I had to request a blood test for herpes because she didnt see the point since theyre were no active sores... She did suggest that I test for syphilis just in case.. I tested in all for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, hiv and herpes. I got the dreadful call yesterday that all but one test came back negative, and that was hsv2. I tested positive. I broke down crying. My life just flashed before my eyes. She told me they only test for hsv2 and my result was 1.49 with the igg herpeselect test. One nurse that I spoke too, was not very comforting, she told me I can wait and retest in 3 months, but a positive is a positive, so its pointless... I believe in faith, and to hear this is still very heartbreaking for me...

Im sorry for this LONG message, but I need as much advice, reassurance, support, encouragement, prayer as possible. I dont want to devastate any of my loved ones because of this, they just wouldnt understand, more so my bf. Even if it didnt come from my ex, he would not accept that it could have possibly came from him due to his past promiscuity. He would not accept it, and my kids wouldnt understand, I am constantly educating and warning them both of the dangers of sex and purity (they are teens) and to hear that their own Mother has this disease could be traumatic... please please advise me, if I should retest at another health center. I dont have insurance so I cant afford a private docrote, but there are a few public centers that charge a small fee for testing... what I need to ask is does it sound like this is definitely herpes to you, or could i possible have hsv1 and something else caused these strange sores? My bf has not had any symptoms ever in the time we been together, and believe me, if he did, he would tell me  and probably blame me even though I am faithful. please help
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101028 tn?1419603004
just be open and honest with him.  let him know what's been going on and let him know that he'll need tested to see what his status is so that you can figure out what further testing you need done.  

no, they don't test for herpes routinely in the military or when you are in the hospital. odds are he's never been tested for herpes before.
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I am going to try those capsules, thank you!
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Grace, thank you... I know that I need to have my boyfriend tested, I just am afraid to confront him about it. Extremely afraid, because I know he wont understand. But I plan on spending the rest of my life with him and vice versa so it has to come up. I do have a strong feeling that this was from before our relationship, he did have a lot of women in his past, and my ex cheated on me alot but we always used condoms in our 6 years together. I did find out from planned parenthood that I was tested in 2006 for hsv2 with a viral culture test because I had a tear on my perineum due to forced sex from my ex and it came back negative.. I just dont understand how after the 3 years of me and my current bf having unprotected sex that I just now got those symptoms, even though I have high stress for so long and have also been sick a few times, wouldnt that have triggered an outbreak a long time ago? And please explain what exactly is the significance of the igg readings. I know that I need to get retested, but after long do you suggest? I just want to be sure, and I want to be tested for both 1 & 2 before I freak my bf out for nothing. He is disabled and dont want to add more to his pain. One more question, he is ex military, would they have checked him for herpes when he was admitted in the hospital? He was in there for a year and a half. Should he have had an outbreak in the beginning years of his injury since it was so traumatic?
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101028 tn?1419603004
actually eating yogurt, doesn't colonize the urogenital tract - it only colonizes the bowels and depending on which yogurt you are eating, doesn't even always do that so well.  Most commercial yogurts are low in probiotics unfortunately.  

fem dophilus by jarrow is an oral probiotic that has been proven to survive digestion to colonize the urogenital tract in females consistently. It's available on amazon - just store it in your fridge. It's helpful to keep vaginitis at bay once you've successfully treated it.  
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The reason I do that is because a nurse practioner suggested it to me years ago along with using diflucan or yeast creams, but only Plain yogurt..It has worked for me in the past... since that last time I havent put any down there, just eat it everyday, keeps my ph level balanced :) thanks though
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101028 tn?1419603004
actually vaginal yogurt is an alternative treatment for vaginal yeast infections but it isn't as effective as treating yeast with monistat and similar medications.

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Your post is so long, I'm not going to comment on all your questions, but I just wanted to say - please don't "shove yogurt up there"  Yogurt also has a lot of sugar, and sugar up your vagina will cause bacterial infections.  Yogurt is meant to be eaten, not put up your vagina.
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101028 tn?1419603004
Your hsv2 igg is a low positive and needs confirmed with further testing. At this point, I recommend getting your partner tested and seeing what his status is and then once we know that, I can better suggest when to repeat your testing to confirm your own status.

Yeast infections aren't really treated well with oral yogurt and garlic.  even using both of them vaginally it's a crap shoot. odds are you've had ongoing yeast issues that have made your sensitive genital skin thin and easily damaged more than anything from your desciption of things.  In the future, when you suspect yeast, go and be seen , get properly tested and then treat them with either oral diflucan or a vaginal yeast cream treatment instead.  

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Please direct me to your original post about your symptoms. I am new to this site, so I am not sure how to navigate through it that much. The first day after the last time my boyfriend and I had sex, it looked like a cut, but inside my vagina wall area. It was like I tore inside or somethng, I thought it might have been from friction. But later that same day that cut started looking like a canker sore, but I had no pain. Just slight irritation from the yeast infection that I'm pretty sure I had as well. I put yogurt in my vagina to soothe the irritation and it seemed to have helped a little, until I noticed again, a couple more sores on the other side of my internal area near the vaginal hole (canal). They did not hurt or look crusty or yellow. Just flesh colored, reddish a little. It didnt look right. This is when I really started freaking out, when I noticed that it wasnt getting better. All in all, these sores, whatever they were only lasted 3 days, and on the 4th day they were vaguely noticeable, 5th day I went to the clinic and she noticed nothing resembling a recent herpes outbreak. She did not even request a herpes test, I insisted on one. Now I, thinking thst I might have HSV1 from all the blogs ive been reading, but Ive never had a cold sore, I have always had trouble with canker sores INSIDE my mouth since i can remember, and also have had tiny white spots on my upper and lower lip for years, but I read that they could be forcydes spots, also saw a dermatologist and they said they were nothing to worry about. My trhoat has been sore lately and stings sometimes like something is in there, but I dont really notice and sores in my throat, although it does look kinda red, but I have trouble with acid reflux, so i dont know. I am on my menstrual right now, so havent checked down there, but every slight thing I feel, Im thinking is a sore now, Im so scared, but trying to remain calm and optimistic.
I do not really understand the significance of the value readings of these herpes tests, but from what I've read, my 1.49 reading of the blood test for herpes means its a low positive, so it can mean that I have hsv1 and it triggers a positive for hsv2, but I may not really have it. Im pretty confused and am waiting to hear back from Grace on this site... I dont have insurance and dont really have the means to pay for any of the high cost tests, such as western blot I keep reading about, but I am planning on taking another test at another clinic that can do both hsv1 and hsv2 tests. I only was tested for hsv2 at planned parenthood. And they were pretty much telling me there is no point in re-testing, but Im gonna do it anyway. Let me know how everything goes for you...
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Read the poll. it just made me feel alot better. many people who tested alot higher then you 3.5 went back and there second test was negative check into a western blot test.  i think thats what im going to do it seems like it has had the best results.
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your post scared me so much because i have these same cuts. please read the post i just put up with my symptoms. did you ever have any of the same? other then what you posted?  im so scared my boyfriend was a virgin when i met him and i havent slept with anyone else in a year and these symptoms are just now showing up. what does the 1.49 rating mean? did they tell you? i havent heard anyone else who had cuts like this. did you find out about any meds? sorry im asking alot of questions i also am freaking out and know i will lose my boyfriend if i test positive. luckily weve always had protected sex but we do have oral sex. now im crying. ive been trying to convince myself i cut myself because i was itching so badd but this is a reality check i need to get tested.
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.