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After a series of 3 encounters with a woman I was told that it is likely she has herpes.  The encounters consisted of protected vaginal sex on 2 occasions, and some unprotected oral ( both ways).  These encounters took place within the course of 3 weeks.  The first and last time we had intercourse, the second time was only oral.  With this information and my symptoms I am wondering if it is possible that I am experiencing herpes.

After the last encounter ( I realize we can pretty much weed this one out for infection since symptoms would not occur overnight) I woke up with a noticeable pressure inside my left inner thigh.  I popped what I perceived at the time to be a boil, and felt a bit of relief.  After cleaning the area and looking again later that night I was horrified, it had spread to an open sore directly down the crease of my groin fold.  I immediately made an appointment with my doctor who quickly dismissed it as candidiasis.  I was given Nystatin cream that seemed to work, and the rash lost all of its red color in a few days.  It slowly retreated to a pink base of skin with some purple, and at this point about 2 weeks post diagnosis it has dissapeared.  About 2 days after I visited the doctor I took a picture and the best way I can describe it is a long diaper rash.  During the course of the healing process a few times I noticed some small bits of eye discharge that are not typical for me ( whitish in color) but I am unsure if this is related.

Monday of this week I noticed a lack of appetite, and upset stomach.  This was accompanied by diahreahh, and has been ongoing for the past 4 days.  I observed a low grade fever along with the symptoms and again went back to the doctor.  He suspected that my issue was a virus, inspected me again, and insists that it does not resemble herpes.  For peace of mind he ran a complete STD panel on me including blood tests for herpes, but this was only 3 weeks past my last exposure.  My drive and desire to eat has seemed to diminish, and I have lost at least 8 lbs.

I have heard that an initial infection in the groin fold would be very unlikely ( in addition to the fact that I was protected both times).  I am obviously quite upset and confused.  Any insight would be great.  Thanks!    
13 Responses
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15695260 tn?1549593113
Hi there.  Your question has patiently and thoroughly been answered that this does not sound to be Hsv.  We wish you the best and are closing this discussion.  

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15249123 tn?1478652475
You need to relax a little bit. You're making hsv out to be something it can't be. You're spinning this out of control. I stand by my comments as this is not hsv at all.
I know you have a lot of anxiety over this and I really can understand this isn't easy. I won't ever trivialize someone's concerns. That being said bloodshot eye and cracking knee is more than a bit of a stretch.  Your comment of struggling to figure out how your groin fold got infected. You probably have read enough from Dr Handsfield to know this isn't realistic at all. Even if her fluids got on you, it's still completely unrealistic. You also state that the lesions would've had to appear, pop and start to heal in one day. Not happening.
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15249123 tn?1478652475
I'm going to speak very plainly here. Just one guy talking to another. I'm not going to go over why this is definitely not hsv related again. I'm just going to give you advice at this point. My advice (and make no mistake as I mean absolutely no disrespect) GET A GRIP Man. Your worry and stress is your only enemy. Bloodshot eyes and cracking knee? You are reaching well beyond normal hsv here. Next thing is your going to tell me hsv ate your leftover sandwich in the fridge. This was meant to be some levity but you get the point. You are making hsv out to be something it isn't.
Please relax your mind and everything will start to go back to normal. My fear for you is 12 weeks will come you will test. It will be negative and you won't believe it. You will read some obscure thing that will start the fear cycle over again.
I surely hope I'm wrong and like I said. This was not meant to knock you in any way. It was meant as a last ditch effort to get you to realize that the only enemy you have is you. Not hsv.
I wish you the best and I understand your anxiety...really I do. I don't make light of such things. I won't feed it either.
One more thing. The reason you struggle to figure out how your skin fold got infected is because it didn't!!!
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Last week one of my eyes was bloodshot for a week intermittently, and with some odd discharge ( light).  I went to an eye doctor who looked me over and did not see any obvious signs of infection.  

However I also noticed about a week ago that my knees have started cracking.  This is quite alarming as I have never had joint problems before in my life.  Upon looking into it today I read about Reactive Arthritis, and that has really raised some red flags.  The parts of the body primarily impacted include eyes, the knees, and the urethra.  I have had noticeable symptoms in 2 of those 3 areas.  
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Today, just about one month after the rash was noticed I am now finally starting to get back to myself.  I have been obviously quite stressed, my bowel movements have gone from full blown diarrhea for a solid week, to floating soft stools, and more recently sinkers with some kind of form to them.  To date I have lost about 8 lbs in the past month, which isn't horrible I guess considering the fact that the fear of this has consumed me.  

Even after digesting all the data from Dr. Handsfield and others I find it hard to think this is anything but herpes considering how I have felt.  I found some photos I took early on, and it does look like at its early stages it could have been herpetic ( some noticeable small craters on a red base).  If they were herpes blisters they literally appeared and burst within about 24 hours.  I was in the doctors office literally the next day, and its appearance changed drastically.  

One thing I am struggling with is how it is even possible to not only contract this my first time protected, but in the folds of my groin.  It is highly unlikely that any of my skin was grinding against hers there, could my own skin folds have massaged her secretions into my groin?  

Hanging in there but that 3 month mark cannot come soon enough.  
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15249123 tn?1478652475
A hsv primary outbreak with flue like symptoms are fever, swollen lymph nodes and body aches. Not cold symptoms and lesions would acompany the symptoms. I really stand by the fact that this does. Otherwise sound like hsv at all.
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My prior comment regarding the rash entirely disappearing may have been inaccurate, as now just about 3.5 weeks after the initial rash I can still see what I can best describe as a few small dark pink/purplish marks near what would have been the epicenter of the rash.  I am still having soft stools ( about one per day), and a bit of a nagging cough.  At this point I am still not really myself as it would seem, I am still picking at food and seem to have lost a lot of my drive.  I am really hoping that some of the statistics I have read hold true, " less than 1% of initial herpes lesions occur outside the penis/genital area", but I am unable to confirm this statistic anywhere.
When you say the rash and illness are in no way related, what is the reasoning there?  Not trying to refute you at all but I would like to know why.  The rash had essentially vanished before I began feeling ill at all.  
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15249123 tn?1478652475
Hsv igm tests are generally useless and no std expert recommends them. Even the conservative CDC does not recommend them.
You shouldid have received a type specific igg blood test. That's what I would recommend you do at twelve weeks.
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I received my first test results today, I am assuming since I do not see individual values on the sheet for type 1 or 2 that the test grouped them together?  The test profile reads “ HSV1/2 IGG w/Reflex at 1.15 ( Positive), and HSV1/2  IGM AB .46 Negative. It was explained to me that the Positive result on my IGG was likely due to long standing antibodies from HSV1 ( she said like 80% of people will test positive here).  So I am left to look at the IGM as a diagnostic that reads .46 and is well in range as an indicator of HSV2?  This test was run 20 days post exposure.  
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15249123 tn?1478652475
I understand your concern. For your peace of mind I would test twelve weeks after last exposure. Your risk was so small.
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15249123 tn?1478652475
You're very welcome.
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Can you speak to the likelyhood of feeling quite ill even after the rash has dissapeared?  I would assume that feeling sick would be a by product of the body trying to rid itself of the virus, but I am not well educated as to how long this would last.  I still feel sapped for energy, and have not yet really returned to my normal appetite.  As much as I want to let this go and really pin it on a yeast infection, the timing and the way I feel really give me a bad feeling.  
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Thank you.  That does give me some peace of mind, as the psychosis of dealing with this kind of scare is incredible.  The sudden onset of the rash was what was startling.  

I will continue to monitor for any signs of another outbreak in the meantime, and see my test results hopefully Monday.  
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15249123 tn?1478652475
Whathe you describe does not sound like hsv. You are correct that a boil the next day would be to soon. All in all your exposures were of little risk. Very little.
You flu like symptoms do not fit at all.
The flu like symptoms are fever, swollen lymph nodes and body aches. This would happen 2-14 days after contracting the virus. Very rarely up to 20 days but that's very rare.  
Hsv is a virus and viruses follow certain patterns. Your illness and rash are most assuredly not hsv related. Another strong peace of evidence is the cream was helping. It would do absolutely nothing for hsv and may make everything worse.
Getting tested now is a good thing as it will give you a baseline.
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.