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715122 tn?1229746485

Herpes or Yeast Infection....or something else?

Last Sunday I got up at about 2AM with the urge to use the bathroom. I urinated and I felt a slight burning sensation. The next day I had to urinate again, but could not go. I went back and forth from the bathroom to my room about every 3-5 minutes trying to go. Every time I would pee drips come out, but along with the drips was blood. On Tuesday, the blood stopped and I was able to use the restroom without any problems. As of yesterday the burning sensation in my clitoris stopped. I thought I may have had a UTI, but everything stopped. I then noticed there was a burning sensation on the inside of my labia. I waited a day and it got worse. Some nights it is uncomfortable to sleep, at times it will itch as well. The buring sensation in my labia has progressively gotten worse. I decided to take a look in the mirror at my vagina and noticed that it was red and there were little bumps here and there.

I also started my period on Tuesday. When I pull out my tampon the pain is extremely painful.

I tried to make an appointment with my ob-gyn and she is booked up until January 6th; therefore, I found a local clinic and made an appointment for today. I went to the clinic this morning and the doctor said that it looked normal, but the pain was along the lines of Herpes. She said she does not think it is Herpes, but just irritation...but I think it could very much be Herpes after the research I have done. She also mentioned that she would be surprised if it was herpes. She did not mention anything about a yeast infection, but the symptoms seem close to one as well. She prescribed me Nystatin and Triamcinolone, which I realize is an antifungal creme mainly used to fight Yeast infections.

While she was using the swab to get a sample of whatever could be on my labia, it burned and was painful. I made a scrunch face the whole time she dragged the swab around my labia.

The only other meds I am currently taking is Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo.

Could someone possibly give me an idea to what the symptoms are the closest to?


- Liz
29 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
You might want to give the clinic a call today or early tomorrow am and ask them to fax your results of all testing they did to your gyn so that they are there for your appointment. Give them your gyn's # and they can call for the fax results.

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715122 tn?1229746485
I went to a clinic before and the earliest I could get an appt with my gyno is tomorrow.
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101028 tn?1419603004
all this time and you still don't know the results of any of your tests? they didn't call you with anything yet? That's ridiculous if that's the case - they should've called you and discussed everything with you long before now.

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715122 tn?1229746485
Thanks a lot. my appointment is on the 8th with my gyno, so I'll know whats going on better then. The pain has gone away. The tiny bumps are still there. They seem to be getting better though. I'll know for sure after the 8th though or have a better idea.
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695104 tn?1442193588
Hate to sound like a broken record, but have to say that tiny little bumps, looks kinda like chicken skin...lol...on inside of vulva lips, redness, and what is called the "q-tip test" (pain in vulvar vestibule area and around vaginal opening), and pain with intercourse can all be related to vulvar vestbulitis  (VV) ...it is not an STD, but is more common than most think...it is sometimes also called vulvodynia...I have it, but prior to finally getting the diagnosis, all kinds of "thoughts" went thru my head...and one Dr. even told me I had pinworms!! ACK...I finally got in to my current Gyno and she was fairly certain after doing exam that I had VV, all of the irritation, pain, etc. had been made worse by the creams and meds the other Dr. had me on, I was pretty much "blistered"...it can even cause UTI symptoms. Also, yeast can make the VV worse, as well as anything topical applied to area, diet, etc...I also wash a lot, hard not to when it feels "wet" and like there is something going on, but "over-cleaning" can make it worse...it is better to be gentle, use warm water, and be careful with antibacterial soaps and perfumed soaps, etc...I now use only sensitive skin soap, rinse with plain warm water, and when in "flare" rinse with plain warm water after urinating, I also have an rx for the nystatin/triamcinolone cream, the steroid in it can help ease the VV symptoms...hope you are feeling better...
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hey hey...well??  what goes on down there now?  when is your appt?
AIM - xluckyx3
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715122 tn?1229746485
thanks a lot for the feedback. I just wasnt sure what to do and I have been discharging a decent amount and I didnt want to put the creme on because it felt kind of gross. I'm one of those clean freaks when it comes to showers and washing myself.
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You can just as easily give yourself an infection washing your genitals 4 times a day w/ an antibacterial.  Just stick with some hypoallergenic soap, washing once a day is all you need.  And if you think you have an infection, don't wear tampons or use scented soaps, body wash etc.  Your vagina has natural bacteria in it that helps it function.  Using the antibacterial soap will kill ALL of the bacteria, not just the bad kind.  Doucheing does the same, so stay away from that.  It sounds like a bad reaction to something and not herpes.  If the tiny bumps are reacting to the cream, it may just be a simple yeast infection.
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715122 tn?1229746485
The creme I was given is Nystatin and Triamcinolone, which is for Yeast infections. Since I finished my period I have noticed that I am discharging more than usual. So it could easily be a Yeast Infection. I went to PP because they could get me in the earliest. I am going to my ob-gyn for a full pap and STD test on the 8th. I dont want to second guess myself. It it is a yeast infection then I suppose the creme that was prescribed was a good step then and my doctor will just give me the pills.
I've been washing my vagina about 4 times a day with Anti bacterial soap from Dial. I didnt want to put the creme on with discharge all over wet or dried. Is that bad?
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Hi again Liz.  I did not see the whole jist of your conversation.  Sorry, I am new to the internet so at 45 I am like a babe compared to everyone else!!  lol
Your friend is right that you should get checked out further for the "tiny bumps".  They could have been caused merely by the irritation of the infection.  Yet,  to put your mind at ease see the doc.  And try not to fret in the meantime?
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Hi Liz,
The symptoms you have are indeed perfectly descriptive of a yeast infection. Due to differing chemistry btw some partners, some women are just more susceptible to them.
I had my first (of only 3 lifetime) just days after losing my virginity.  I had no clue what it was and it worsened with each day.  Finally I went to one of the older women at work and she smiled knowingly as I blushed...lol.   So, no worries kiddo.  You are going to be just fine as long as you use the cream as prescribed!?  If it ever happens again you can get over the counter 3 day medicinal cream.  Monistat is one of them.
I personally would not recommend Planner Parenthood.  Isn't there another doctor or clinic in your area?
Anyhow,  hope everything clears up for you. (no pun intended).  lol
I am a 45 yr old mom in case you were wondering.
Well, be good hon.
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NO point in stressing till u get tested! As for your bf now, who knows u may have gotten it from him and thats not his fault...my bf has never gotten a cold sore in his life but he does have hsv 1...i was shocked to hear that i got it from him... i blamed everyone else.. my ex had sex with everyone in ny b4 me so i was sure it was him... but nope! relax for now and wrap your head around a few bottles of wine and ull be fine!  let me know if anything changes down there! it could just be ulcers?
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715122 tn?1229746485
Yes, I'm getting the Gardasil shots once I'm in the clear. I need to go to my gyno because PP was a waste of time. I dont think it's Herpes. I'm hoping it's an STD that can be cured. Look at me hoping I have an STD that is curable...who hopes for an STD?
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715122 tn?1229746485
Oh no, I meant tell my dad that I have an STD if thats the case, not HSV1 lol.
I went to planned parenthood and I feel as though I was misdiagnosed. Plus they dont draw blood. They just take samples from the vagina and test it. I was on my period, so that wasnt happening. The doctor at PP didnt think it was herpes.She said it looked normal, but I know what my vagina looks like when it's normal and this is NOT normal.
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Hmmmm...well if you think telling your father that you got hsv1 from your boyfriend licking your vagina will make u feel better...go ahead.... HAHA my mom threatened me that if i didnt get a grip and stop cyring she would tell my dad...i stopped crying right then and there!!  hahaha....the only difference between your mom and your sister is that you got it on your vag! they cant cure it and neither can u!  ANYWAYYY...from the sounds of it, it does NOT sound like herpes..HPV would cause genital warts and if you havent already gotten it already you should get the gardasil shot...why not go to a planned parenthood?  ask for blood tests for stds to be taken?  instead of waiting for the gyno?
thats funny you mention posting a picture bc i was so hysterical looking for info, i was about to! hahah  anywayyy...im 24 and live in jersey about 15 min from manhattan....
keep calm and get to a dr asap so u can rid urself of this stress!
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715122 tn?1229746485
If you have aim or yahoo message me your screen name....Wayyyy easier to talk on those rather than here lol.
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715122 tn?1229746485
Hmmm, your symptoms dont sound anything like mine. Mine are smaller than pinheads and it is getting better. I dont know how many I had, my sister said I had a lot of tiny ones on the inside of my lips (labia). This was about a week and a half ago. After I was given the creme and using it for a few days I had my sister look again and she said there were a few, but not nearly as many as before. It does not hurt to urinate anymore and hasnt in a while and I finished my period a few days ago. It hurts a little when a cotton swab is dragged around my lower lips though. I'm hoping it is only an infection, but who knows. I'm also hoping it's something that has a cure.
I would post a picture of it, but I dont want my vagina plastered on a website lol.
My mom has HSV1 and so does my sister. They have coldsores a few times a year. If I have anything that does not have a cure I will probably only tell my father.
I'm hoping I dont have HPV....eeppp!
btw...how old are you Begs?
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So you can compare, this is exactly what went down all in one week...2 bumps and swelling in my groin....2 bumps turned into 12 and what was odd was that they werent around my vag but were around the BACK and i dont even go that route!! these bumps which were small and red turned flat and like when a scab on your body is infected, went yellow...i was afraid to move quickly and had to be very careful sitting...it was horrendous though it did not look as bad as what i read about..i had to tell my mom and even showed her.... she of course was NOT pleased and made assumptions UNTIL she read about it herself...even before i really understood HSV i thought my life was OVERRR and was hysterical!  From what your telling me it does not sound like hsv..perhaps its chlamydia or a vaginal infection which both can be CURED!  Say if it is herpes, anyone who has hsv 1 which is like 90% of people (cold sores) can spread it with or without symptoms..condoms dont prevent the spreading so its spreads like crazy...i just got it from my bf and we have been dating for nearly 2 years!! i get that your mom is traditional etc but give her the info..who knows, she may even have it!! you get hsv 1 below from oral...you can not prevent it...  u dont have to tell anyone..but its not a big deal if it is! hsv 2 is a different story but u still can prevent it! what are you feeling now?  u in pain?
Im talking like a god damn dr and this happened only 2 weeks ago!
if it hurts to pee and whatnot i was told by the dr to use baby diaper cream and not to use a tampon..
my bday is jan 20th!  Either way you will be ok!! I promise! You have no idea how hard i cried!
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715122 tn?1229746485
Yes, a definitely loser at that! They are tiny little red bumps. There arent as many there. I had my sister look at them and she said they look like they are getting better, which is good - but i still need to get them check out. I made an appointment for January 8th. My sister saw them when I first felt the irriation and said there was a big difference. I'm going in for a full pap and and STD test. I'm really nervous. My mother is really judgemental, she thinks I sleep around for some reason. Probably because I go out a lot, but I do no such thing. In my life I have only slept with 3 men. All were serious boyfriends I had for years. My excuse to my mother is that the creme I got from the doctor at the clinic gave me an infection. It's horrible I know, but you dont know my mother. shes very traditional and set in her ways. She's a full korean, fob might I add women. I'm not sure if I will ever tell anyone except my boyfriend and best friend. I dont think it's anyones business. I'm sure I'll tell my family some day, but for now it's something that I will deal with. Ehhhh this all sounds just horrible.
My birthday is on the 19th of January and that is around the time I will get my results back. This will either be a great birthday or the worst.
Only time will tell.
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Yea he sounds like a complete loser...luckily my bf has been supportive and scheduled to get blood work done that week...you should look after yourself and dont bother with your ex..if he doesnt want to listen thats his fault...so did get an appointment?? Do you still have bumps? I thought mine were ingrown hairs and either side of my groin was swollen which is why i went to the dr..it got worse from there..what goes on down there now? fill a girl in!
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715122 tn?1229746485
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you! I'm glad you have come to terms with it and that it hasnt inflicted your everyday life.
I dated my ex for years and towards the end of the relationship I found out that he cheated on me a few times, which is why things ended. - it's a scary thought. I told him he could have a social disease and he didnt seem to care much. I told him that he needs to get blood work done and he NEEDS to tell his new girlfriend that he could be a carrier of an STD. -  and he still didnt care. Such a fool. He's 23 years old and he's completely immature!
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After getting negative blood work done on the monday, I went to the gyno on Friday and she took a culture and immediately put me on valtrex and gave me an ointment and a numbing ointment. It started to calm down immediately and the culture came back positive for hsv 1.  Needless to say, I was beside myself and hysterical.  My tests showed that i was recently exposed despite being with my bf for nearly 2 years. He was tested that same week and his results also came back positive for hsv.  I am 24 and hes 40.  With this said he has never had a cold sore or genital outbreak in his whole life and therefore never knew he had it. What i learned is that everyone and their god damn mother has hsv 1 but it has a bad connotation. Hopefully you just have some funky infection that can be cleared up! Let me know how it goes!
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715122 tn?1229746485
well I'm in Ohio and my gyno is in Chicago, so I dont have much of a choice. I have been trying to do some research on Local ob-gyn's in the Columbus area; therefore, I'm making an appointment today.
Did you end up having anything?
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Liz - I did the exact same thing as you. My gyno did not have an apointment until over a week later so i opted to go to a local clinic.  She prescribed me something for a bacterial infection and did blood and urine tests there.  My bumps also did not look like anything i read about.  When i went to the gyno and i explained my story she explained that i am an established patient and that if i feel it my case is urgent I should have called and she would have seen me earlier.  She was shocked that I hadnt since i was hyerically crying before she even looked at me.  DO NOT wait around.  There is no point in being in pain no matter what it is!
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.