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Update-Low Positive Herpes

Hi Terri,
I talked to the doctor about the 5 test (4 neg and 1 positive).  She clarified it a little.  She said that the virus didn't show up until the 5th day.  She admitted to not knowing very much about herpes.  But she said that since she tested the culture itself, then its accurate.  The receptionist gave me a copy of the results its very confusing to me, I will fax a copy to your office.  It doesn't say positive or negative on there and there is a lot of different numbers on there.  Now, I am still confused with the weak positive .83 results from the urgent care.  I went to get a copy of the results and the receptionist just gave me a medical chart with the type of test I took (IGm/IGg).  When I asked for detailed results, they said that it cost $25 (which I didn't get).  They also said that they will speak to you over the phone.  I will leave their contact information at your office.  My husband and I haven't had sex with all this, and we really want to get on with our lives.  He's going to get tested early next week.  Do you think that there is a chance that it is a false positive?  Should we refrain from having sex?
17 Responses
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55646 tn?1263660809
Having sex during your pregnancy will not infect your baby, no.
You do need to make your OB aware of your situation to prevent the infection of the baby at delivery.
Congratulations on your pregnancy!

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Thank you so much for all of your help!  You've help my husband and I in so many ways.  I am pregnant, and I am still am a little fearful about giving this infection to my baby.  As you know, my husband and I have been diagnosed with hsv 1, I have it genitally.  So, is it impossible for the baby to get the infection, if my husband and I have unprotected sex?  I know that you said that it was OK for us to continue to have sex, but giving this baby hsv is a huge fear of mine.  Thanks again for everything.
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55646 tn?1263660809
Yes, it is OK for you and your husband to have sex during pregnancy.  Your OB needs to know that you have HSV 1 genitally.

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My husband and I have HSV 1
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Thank you so much for your response.  I've finally been able to put my mind at ease.  I have another question.  I just took two home pregnancy test, and both came out positive.  I'm going to call my doctor for an appointment.  I want to know is it okay for my husband and I to have sex during my pregnancy?  I don't want to pass anything to the baby.  Thank you so much for everything.
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55646 tn?1263660809
About 56% of the population between 14-49 have HSV 1 infection.  And yes,you probably got HSV 1 by receiving oral sex from your husband.  Its fine to have a baby, of course!  Neither of you should kiss your baby if you have a cold sore, and you should notify your doctor that you have genital HSV 1.  You may never recur again, you'll just have to wait and see, but genital HSV 1 recurs infrequently.  We lost some history here, but I think your HSV 2 test is .83, right?  That's not positive by most measures, and I wouldn't worry about it if your husband is negative and you have only had him as a partner.

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My husband's result came back.  He was positive for HSV 1 and negative for HSV 2.  His positive for HSV 1 was a high positive it was >5.00.  He actually got a cold sore today, he says that he has gotten them in the past, and didn't think anything of it.  I never had one before.  What does this mean for me?  Did I get this when he gave me oral sex.  We started having unprotected sex, because we want to have a baby. How will that affect us having a baby?  This maybe a stupid question, but will it be okay to kiss our kids?  His nurse actually said that she didn't allow people to kiss her children, because of HSV 1.  Also, how common is HSV 1?  I heard that 90% of the population has some form of herpes.  Please let me know.  Thank you for your response.
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is genital herpes and hsv 2 the same thing?
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Well this is still confusing to me.  As you, know my husband is the only man that I had sex with, besides receiving oral sex in 2006.  He had unprotected sex one time in 2006, and  never had an outbreak.  He told me that he got tested for stds, since then.  But maybe he wasn't tested for herpes.  When I first got folliculitis, the ER doctor looked at my genitals and said that it wasn't herpes.  Then when I went to my regular doctor's office for a second opinion, she said that she didn't think it was either.  And she tested a bump on my thigh to be thorough.  This is still driving me crazy, and I'm at a disbelief.  I still don't know what to do.
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55646 tn?1263660809
No, you don't need to get tested again.  Let's wait and see what your husband's test results are and then we can do another phone consult if you are up for that.

If the swab test was taken from the genital area and it is positive for herpes, then you have genital herpes, yes.  But we need his results to make more sense of this.  

I'm in Mexico and don't have your chart right here, so let's talk when I get back and you get his results, OK?  

Try to put this aside for a bit.  There is absolutely nothing you can do right now, so I would try to put these worries in a little box in your head somewhere, close it, and decide to leave it tucked away for at least a week.  Will you try?

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Thank you, I definitely have more questions and need to speak to you.  My husband went to a free clinic and his results will come back on Nov. 16th.  Is it possible that I do not have genital herpes?  When I went to the urgent care and got tested, the doctor told me that I tested positive for herpes I with a 1.1 score and for herpes II it was .83.  Should I get tested again?  This has been very confusing for me, and I'm eager for this to be over with.  Thank you so much for everything.  
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55646 tn?1263660809
I do have your test results, from a verbal from the lab.  You did test positive by swab test, but no typing was done, as you know.  I'm in Mexico right now, but we can talk when I return on the 13th, if that's OK.  Did you say your husband was tested as well?  Have his results come back yet?

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When I spoke to my doctor's office yesterday, they said that the correct papers were faxed over.  But I forgot to tell you that when I spoke to my doctor, she couldn't tell me if I tested positive for herpes I or II.  Apparently it was a joint test.
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Hi Terri,
I have no idea what's taking the results so long to come through.  I know that your receptionist has called and so have I.  I will drive there tomorrow, when they are open.  Can you let me know about the results that you've received from the urgent care.  The doctor told me that it was .83 weak positive for herpes II.  Please get back to me.  My husband and I have only been married for 6 weeks and we will really like for things to get back to normal.  Like I said earlier my husband is the only man that I've had sex with and I received oral sex from an ex-boyfriend in 2006.  My husband is getting tested tomorrow.  Thank you so much for everything.
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55646 tn?1263660809
Yes, I have that one.  That refers to either a bacterial or urine culture, not sure which, But we are still missing the page where comments are listed.  That is where the herpes results are discussed.  We only got two pages at the clinic, we need three.

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Here is exactly what the results section says:

organism    few
method        mic
piper/tazo     <=16
ceftazidime      4
cefepime     16
doripenem   <0.5
gentamicin   <=4
tobramycin   <=4
ciprofloxacin   2
levofloxcin    <=2

My husband and I have been sexual active for about a year.
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55646 tn?1263660809
Let me look at your paperwork before I respond.  I think your husband does need to get tested right away to see his status so we can make more sense of the results.  

She tested the culture herself?  I doubt that, this is quite confusing.  Let me look at this.
How long have you been having sex with your husband?  And now I forget, was there another partner involved?  Don't have your chart in front of me.

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.