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Is it Herpes?

Hi there,
I've read through a number of posts and still haven't found anyone else with a similar question to mine.
I recently noticed 2 things...down there....please bare with me...I will be very discriptive!

Number 1: a lump, not red, not white, just the color of my skin on my right labia major. Kind of like a pimple...but not sore or anything....it's just there...I can pretty much grasp it between my fingers...it's little but its very raised

Number 2: Still on the outside of my vagina, but further down on the skin that tends to be a little more sensitive, closer to the vaginal opening, there are 2 spots...close together...they have a bigger surface area than the number 1 spot, but are not very rasied at all, neither of them is sore and itchy or pussing...one is the color of my skin there and the other is a little lighter...
I recently got out of a 6 month relationship where I did have unprotected sex...and 2 weeks ago had unprotected sex with a different partner.
I was tested before I sarted sleeping with my partner of 6 months, and everything was fine, but I did not get tested before I had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago.....should I be worried about Herpes?
I have an appointment with my doctor on Tuesday but I would like to have an opinion to help me get through the weekend :)
16 Responses
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nah...it just burned a lot when i peed!
anyways, im all healed now...but i really don't want to go back and get it burned again...
i'm going to see how it goes the next couple of days.....
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101028 tn?1419603004
sorry to hear that the treatment is giving you pain :(  Are you taking anything for it?

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I did....let it be know...these are not sores....they are lumps of raised skin.
She burned them off again and said I should come back when the skin heals to burn them again...even if it may look like it is all gone....I guess this infection can regrow if there is still a little bit left.....anyway...it really hurts right now....I hate this!!!
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207091 tn?1337709493
You need to follow up with your doctor while the sores are still fresh.

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So the spots that disappeared completely...are back again.....I don't understand
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I am not sure if it is malluscum contagiosum but she said it wasn't sexually transmitted. But she did do a PAP on me and I guess she is testing for all the necessary things regardless. I must say....it hurt soooo bad after she had burned that off but now...3 days later, it feels a lot better...doesn't look all that great but I can tell its all healing from the burns and I can also tell that the spots are disappearing.
I will be going back next Friday to get it checked out again, she did mention she might have to burn a few spots again.....I will find out the exact diagnosis and fill you in on whats going on.
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696569 tn?1276535119
Tea tree oil is very irritating, though. I wouldn't recommend drinking it, and DEFINITELY do not apply it to the genital area! Bad news and irritation!

And justagal, don't get too paranoid about skin issues "down there." Most skin issues anywhere are mild and treatable (even molluscum contagisosum!). If it makes you feel better, examine your vulva with a mirror - just wash your hands first. That way, if anything bad crops up in that region, you will be able to recognize it and tell your doctor about it.
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im researching as well lol very interesting like herpes testing/diagnosing w/ no symptoms(long story lol-well its on my blog). but i was finding some herbal/antibiotic remedies such as lemon myrtle grass (they say has more antibiotic properties than tea tree oil),tea tree oil,vitamin a (which only seems to be available as retinynl-expensive),and betadine. i guess you could mix it into a at home concoction lol

(very strange but vitamin a defiency when i was looking for info i found another problem of mine "low iron" leads to vitamin a defiency which leads to night vision problems dugh no wonder i have problems seeing at night along w/ low iron)

well hope somethin helps :)
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http://www.medhelp.org/posts/show/658840 alslo check this link out
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i agree w grace it sounds like malluscum contagiosum. it happens mostly in children and it is contagious. i would see a pedetrician dermatologist. in some poeple it dissapears on its own and others have to have a cream,burned (frezzed) off. there are also some acids that dissolve it trichloroacetic acid, podophyllin resin, potassium hydroxide, and cantharidin. also strange but its a family of the small pox family,so have u had a small pox vaccine? someone was also telling me they tried betadine surgical scrub and used a needle to make a hole in the sore for the betadine to fill the sore it and rubbed it for 5 minutes and it dissapeared but i dunno i wouldnt advise self treatment lol. hope tha helps.
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101028 tn?1419603004
I'm guessing she told you that it's molluscum contagiosum?  In adults it's mostly sexually transmitted and you very well could've gotten it from your last partner. It's up to you if you want to inform them or not since if they don't have obvious signs of it themselves, not much they can do about it anyways.  Of course it could be that they do have signs and just aren't noticing them so it's your call.

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700755 tn?1228293307
I am curious did the dr test you for HSV 1 and 2? If not I would advise he/she does. I've been married for 15 years and together for 17 years (second marriage) but my husband had a break out on his penis in Sept 2008 it was first a red rash then they turned to blisters. Guess what...! I was tested Pos+ for HSV1 and 2. My husband swears he hasn't been unfaithful in the marriage, but we have been having marital problems, So he thinks that I caught it a long long time ago and gave it to him. Nope not buying it... since he was having an intimate affair with a married woman at his work. But he said it ws only a friendship and just cause she weighs about 200 pds more than me doesn't mean anything. I know your story isn't at all compared to mine. But I was never checked for HSV before and because of that I have to live with this disease not knowing when I contracted it.
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Grace- No I haven't had the HPV shot.
I went to the doctor today and she said that it is not an STD.
She said a long name...I have no idea what it was but it is commonly caught from swimming pools or hot tubs. Anyways, she put this white cream on the areas and then sent me home to get a bath as soon as I got there and wash the cream off....sooo the cream basically burned the spots off but now they look like big blisters...she did say it would look worse before it got better...I guess this is what she means....and the larger 2 that were down a little furthur are just a mess and she said I will most likely have to come back in 10 to 14 days to get those treated again....it hurts soooo bad to pee....this *****.
It's crazy how many skin issues you can have "down there"....I'm going to be so paranoid about every little mark now...
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101028 tn?1419603004
These really sound like either skin tags or perhaps warts even. Best to be seen and get a proper exam to find out what is going on. Have you had your hpv shot yet?

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Thanks for that Daisy.
Puts me at ease a little bit for sure. I will definately be getting it checked regardless...I am soooo picky about how it looks down there lol...maybe thats a good thing....and maybe I should be a little more careful as well.
I will let you know what comes of it!
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494623 tn?1278279352
It doesn't sound at all like Herpes to me, however a lump anywhere is always worth having checked out, it is most likely nothing to worry about and will probably just disappear in it's own time,I'm sure if we all looked close enough at areas we have paid little attention to before we would all see some kind of blemish or raised areas,those do not automatically suggest Herpes,but in view of the fact that you have recently had unprotected sex it is worth having another test,not because i think what you describe could be Herpes more to make sure you didn't contract anything from this episode like a fungal infection for example.

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.