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results are neg even though I had lesions whats up?

I had lesions appear on my left buttock and had it swabbed and blood work done plus I had vaginal swabs done as well. I just got the tests back today after two-three weeks and the doc said everything was neg however he said that in the past I had hep A and B which I had NO idea about. While the lesions appeared I was being treated for a UTI that I thought was due from a yeast infection. The UTI is gone and so is the lesions however I still felt like I had a yeast infection and got a pill for it but it only took away some symptoms so know I know I have something else so shouldn't something have come up on the swabs since I still have some kind of vaginal issue and I did have lesions on my buttock, shouldn't something have come up even if it wasn't herpes, and shouldn't the blood tests have said something. I am confused by this and I am tired I just want to know if I have herpes. I am thinking of getting tested again as i can't see how nothing could have come up.The thing that upsets me is I don't have lesions now to get swabs done and can only do blood tests but at least it will tell me I have it right? I am calling my doc back tomorrow to see what i was tested for and what tests where done just to make sure. Do you think I am wasting my time getting tested again?
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I am newly diagnosed with HSV-1 , which apparently manifested itself on only the left side of my pubic area and  anus.  I am still shocked because I have never had anything like this before , haven't had sex in many months, never had sex with a man with a mouth lesion - (they tell me this is how Herpes Simplex 1 is transmitted) - I don't get cold sores.  (I have been under monumental stress over the past several months due to a legal problem my 20 yr old is facing. )

It doesn't look like the pics on any of the websites, yet the culture came back pos HSV-1.  

The symptoms were mild next to others I've spoken to.  The doctor said to me that she didn't believe this was my first bout with it, although I assured her I'd NEVER had ANYTHING like this before.  She claimed that the first outbreak would most likely occur within a month of being exposed and I haven't had sex for a long while.  She also claimed that such a mild case would most likely NOT be a first outbreak.

I'm so confused.  I don't they REALLY believe this is herpes.  

Here's my question:

Does this sound like herpes to you?

I developed 3 pimples - not clear pimples - red ones.  After itching, but not terribly, for a couple of days, they looked like red, round flat pimples with a hole in the center.

Then it spread a little to my anus ( a couple more pimples)  feeling much like  a hemorrhoid.  I noticed that putting some hydrogen peroxide followed by Calamine made it feel better.  Still itches a little, and now my whole left cheek aches somewhat (kind of like what hives feel like - itchy then achey).  Never developed any scabbing at all.

Also, I think it's weird that I don't have anything at all on the right side of my pubic area.  I almost think it's shingles - but why would it come back HSV-1 instead of zoster?

I guess I have to believe her, but BOY I really don't fool around much and NEVER with a stranger.

I'm grateful for any comments you may have.

Thank you.

Now, it's been over two weeks.  
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101028 tn?1419603004
It's different for everyone.  Sounds like all the bases are being covered for you finally though so hopefully you soon have better answers as well as finally get this all cleared up and are finally feeling better!!

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So I got another lesion that popped up. I went to the doctors today and had it swabbed. This is the 3-4 day I had the lesion(don't know when i first got it). The doc told me that he didn't think that it looked like herpes and he told me that herpes usually hurts when touched and mine just itches like crazy. He told me it looks more like ingrown hair that has got infected however he told me herpes is different in everyone and the fact that it came up in the same spot is like herpes. He broke open one little lesion (only have three little blisters this time)and took a swab with a regular swab and with a swab meant for herpes. This shocked me since I never knew there was a swab meant for herpes since the first doc that I dealt with NEVER told me. He also vaginal checked me and swabbed me again since my sec doc that I dealt with said that I had yeast. The doc i seen today didn't like how the sec doc didn't check me out again after the results said I had yeast and just gave me pills for yeast before seeing how bad it was. The doc today told me that i had an infection going on but also my cervix looked inflammed and raw and it looked like cervicitis so he put me on flagystatin metronidazole 500mg and told me to take the pills the other doc gave me(PMS-Fluconazole 50mg) as well. I have an app with my gyno on the 30 so the doc said to have him check and make sure that everything is cleared up since I should be done my meds by than and I should also have my results from the swabs. I have one question though. I have heard people say that it hurts like hell when they open a lesion yet mine never hurt when he did it it just itched like crazy after is this normal? he also gave me an ointment (taro-mupirocin)to put on which made it sting/tingle a little bit than itch like crazy again.
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Hi there sorry for not posting on mon about my results my computer crashed. So I went and seen  the doc on mon and the lab had re-sent all my results and it turned out that I WAS tested for every std and they sent my swab results, however everything was still neg but they did find yeast so I was put on some pills for about a week to clear it all up. I am still going to go get retested in another month since I did have a lesion. I just don't think I am neg even though I wish I could be. I am glad that at least the swabs showed yeast so I can have that dealt with.
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101028 tn?1419603004
Since you are going back to the doctor anyways monday - be sure to have them re-examine you and test you again for the basics to see what is going on. Even if your test results show that your lesion was + for herpes - I'd still get retested for yeast and bacterial infections to see if either of them are further complicating things. Also if your lesions are still there and getting worse instead of better - they should be doing a bacterial culture of them too.

Let us know how things go monday :)

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Okay I went to see my doctor the other day about my results to see what I was tested for. When the doctor looked at the test results we
where both suprised to see that chlamydia, Herpes, and Gonorrhea where not on the paper work. It only showed that I was neg for syphilis and HIV and that I had an hep B shot. That was it for blood work and there wasn't even any info on the culture or my swabs so the doc called the std clinic to have them re-fax the paper work as we both think that some paper work most have not been sent so the neg for herpes is not actually neg it just wasn't on the paper *sigh* I got a call from them today saying they have new results that I  need to go to the doctor to see on mon so I am hoping that they have found something out. I have never run around so much in my life. I do plan on following up on all the tests though just to be sure since I have had so many problems getting the results I just don't trust anything any more.
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101028 tn?1419603004
I'm so sorry to hear that you were raped.  Big hugs.

A lesion culture 2 weeks into symptoms was too late. I'd wait and repeat the blood test in another 2 or 3 months and see what it says.  If you get more genital symptoms -return for a lesion culture within a day or 2 of their appearance.

Did you also get tested for all other std's? Are you going to follow up on your hiv testing too?

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I was going through what i thought was a yeast infection and was raped so there is no way to tell about the guy. I got the UTI about two days after (mon) and the pimple(start of lesion) about a day later. I never thought anything of the pimple cause thats what I thought it was. The pimple didn't seem to change it was hard and painless. I went to the doc on the weekend(sat) and was told I had a UTI from the yeast infection and the rape. I stared my period the day I went to the docs so they couldn't do no swabs and told me to come back. About mon the pimple itched like crazy and by the middle of the next week the pimple had flattened into a painless lesion that wasn't big and got more blister bumps around it. They all formed together into one big mess and went from clear to a yellow/white color in a matter of a day or two I also got four little blisters near it that did the same thing. I got it swabbed and looked at that weekend, so in all I got it swabbed about two weeks after I noticed the first little bump.
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101028 tn?1419603004
Yes they can both be negative if it's a newly acquired infection. How long before this did you last have sex? Are you with a regular partner? If so have they been tested yet?

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Thanks for the help I am just soooo tired I had the lesions for at least three weeks and now this vaginal issue for about a week so for the tests to come back neg really sucked. You think I would be happy but I know there is a problem. When I went to the doctors who did the swabs he wasn't much help he told me that the big lesions that had joined into one big mess was an infection on top of an infection and that the four small blisters were warts HOWEVER they weren't, they did the same thing the big lesion did and went away so I don't think he had a clue as to what he was looking at. Is it possible to have both blood and swabs come back neg and be pos for herpes?
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101028 tn?1419603004
Lesion cultures are frequently falsely negative.  Depending on how long after the appearance of symptoms you had them done depends on how likely it is that they are falsely negative or not.

If you had a visual diagnosis of herpes and want to repeat your blood test you will need to wait 3 or 4 months until you do so. It can take that long in some folks for a newly acquired infection to show up on the blood tests we use.  Should you get a recurrence of symptoms before then - see a provider within 24-48 hours of the appearance of symptoms for a lesion culture and typing again.

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Well I was looking for another post similiar to mine and voila I found yours! I was told today by my gyn that if another lesion shows up to come in and get it cultured because i went in for a lesion back in september had a herpes culture done and it was negative. There is pain associated with it when it happens and it occurs  at least once/twice a year. So all i can tell you that if you experience it again just go and get it swabbed to give yourself a 'peace of mind'

take care*
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.