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Symptoms, please help!!

Sorry for the long post.

I have been struggling with this since about March of this year. I got my first herpes blood test and it was negative, then a second to confirm after 3 months and it was also negative. I had protected sex about 3 and a half months ago and about 4 days after I started getting a painful burning sensation in my vagina, I thought it was a yeast infection so I acquired some topical ointment to help cure it. This lasted for about a week and a half and the medication was not working, it was then that I noticed some small tear like leisions in my vaginal area. I went immediately to the doctor and she did not see anything and said there was nothing to swab, then I went to a different clinic and she said the same, yet agreed to do the swab due to my worry. This came back negative.

I was tested for all other stds, as well as yeast and BV and they all came back negative.

Around the 12 week mark after these symptoms, even though i had had previous blood testing, I went to get a herpes IGG blood test (type 2 only) as the doctor recommended. This was negative as well.

Last month I had protected sex with a new partner 2 times, the first sex since above experience. Again, about 3 days later I developed the same symptoms, burning and pain around vagina, red swollen vulva. Yet, this time, there appears to be pin head sized leisions on my actual clitoris under the hood. The clitoris does not hurt or itch but I do worry about these lesions. I went to a clinic yesterday and she said she did not see the leisions but did a swab test for yeast. I got a second swab for herpes done, this came back negative.

I went to see a gyno regarding these concerning symptoms, he was dismissive and said to wear cotton underwear ect.

Then, this past weekend i had protected sex again (non-latex condom this time) and woke up with the burning and itching all over again. Through the course of the day I have noticed 4 tiny cut (they look different than before) they look like actual small tears in the skin like rips and sting to the touch, they are all spread about, and about 2 close together. I went to a clinic yesterday and the doctors refused to do a swab as they could not locate them/ they did not look like herpes. They did another test for BV and Yeast.

I know I sound like I am overreacting but I have read so much on here and other sites about people having strange symptoms and not getting a diagnosis, then it turns out to be herpes.
I guess my question is, is it possible for herpes to show up in this many forms like this? Pretty much, is this likely to be herpes and I got the swabs done too late?//False negative on the HSV blood tests. All of the sex I had was protected and with the same partners, I did not see any leisons or open sores and I used non-latex condoms to rule that out.
Or is it possible it could be HSV 1 and the blood test did not pick it up? I just dont udnerstand what would cause these symptoms 4 days after the last 3 times I have had sex. I am nearly certain that this is herpes, the leisons in the skin this time around have really started to worry me. Does anyone have any insight on what I could do other than wait for the blood test again? Should I just assume I am infected? The lack of other diagnosis really leads my mind to herpes.

Please advise if you can.
42 Responses
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15249123 tn?1478652475
I am going out of town until next Tuesday. I won't be on the forum much if at all. If you need anything send me a pm. I will be checking emails as business never stops. Lol
Have a great rest of your week.
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Really considerate of you to let me know that :) thank you so much. have a great time doing whatever youre doing!! i still really appreciate everything you have done, and will keep you posted on the final final results next week :)
15249123 tn?1478652475
There is no wrong answer. If you want to wait, that's perfectly acceptable. If you want to be romantic, then do so. Here's the deal... yes you have anxiety but your Dr's, swab tests, blood tests and I all say not herpes. So my advice to you is go and have the time of your life!!!
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Yeah I was really trying to rely on my results of last week but she really went me for a loop. I think they are just being cautious yet clearly I have a severe amount of anxiety in this respect and that did not help. Realistically I agree with you that the swab last week of the actual cuts and others should've come with an answer, and she did say it didn't look or sound anything like herpes I am just so confused. My biggest fear would be putting my partner at risk and I do not want to do that. I do think you are making a good point though, all tests say I am negative why should I have to worry anymore I am so torn and confused :(
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15249123 tn?1478652475
You are very welcome. I understand the nurses point of waiting for the negative result. However, how many more negative tests do you need??
In my opinion there is no way that all these swabs would be negative. You have had the actual cuts swabbed. The odds the swab missed the infection this whole time is a big fat zero. Enjoy your time with your partner.
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15249123 tn?1478652475
First I want to say congrats!!! That's outstanding news as I am positive the swabs would pick up the virus if it was there. Meaning I do not think you have hsv!!!
I see absolutely no reason for you not to be romantic with your partner. You have taken great steps to figure this out and you can believe the negative tests. If for some reason you are uncomfortable about it then just say you have a uti.
Congratulations again. I couldn't be happier for you!!!!
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thank you so much :)  i felt great about it, and that it was a nearly certain negative, untill the nurse today said that i should avoid sex and any sexual contact awaiting my swab result (taken today), she is from a different clinic than the negative last week, and is not aware of my swab from last week. she said today what she saw right now does not look like herpes at al, she is a new nurse and still thinks i should abstain untill i hear back. i am so confused about that comment as she was at the clinic that has seen 4 negative prior swabs and the new clinic had seen the one that is relevant.
in addition to this i just want to thank you again for all of your input. you have been more than helpful and i wish there was another way to thank you.
15249123 tn?1478652475
Sounds like a good plan.
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okay, so swab negative today. I got the bloodwork done and a second swab, doctor i was seeing there tole me to stop living my life like i had hsv yet to stay away from sex untiill this 5th and final swab was back. I think 4 swabs and negaive blood work (if that happens) is sufficient, or if blood work is positive i will stay away. i guess my real issue is that i am visiting a partner that i care about very much over the weekend and i think sex will be involved. do you recommend i abstain? or is it ok to assume this is fine if cuts are gone?
15249123 tn?1478652475
I understand and I really feel for you. I am so hoping for a good out come for you. I still have my doubts about this being hsv. As what you're going through is unusual. Keep me posted please.
There is a website asha. There you can pay $25 for a question and 3 follow up questions. You will get a response most likely from Terri Warren. She is a leading experts in hsv. She has dedicated her practice and life to studying the virus. The other two are Dr Hook and Dr Handsfield. All leading experts. I am not supposed to promote other sites but I don't care as I feel you could use their help and I want nothing more than to see you find some answers and some relief.
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Thank you. Yeah i have my doubts too but you never know. I have read a great deal on that site, Terri Warren, while she seems very knowledgeable does usually only answer questions with "order the western blot" which is fair, but i know writing on that website that would be the response i would get and thus i much more appreciate a real person such as yourself who knows what they are talking about but does not solely recommend that test to answer. dr hook and dr handsfield both usually respond in detail to peoples questions and usally have answers that i appreciate and can resonate with me to an extent. they do not solely rely on the western blot and discuss variables such as in my case the multuple symptoms and occurrences i have had as well as the extensive testing i have gone through to date. i will just try to wait for this swab and maybe get another one tomorrow. if neither of these last two occurrences are hsv i will put it behind me.
15249123 tn?1478652475
Being seen is a good idea. Hsv or not, you need some relief. See if the will give you an antiviral like valtrex to see if it helps.
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Swab isnt back yet :( unfortunately. I couldnt get an appointment untill tomorrow. Yeah I agree with you, whatever it is at this point i just want to stop worrying about it all the time. I know way too much about hsv and how it may or may not behave, this does not seem like it yet i cant shake the idea of my own anxiety. its exhausting :( any broken skin and it was game over for me, i cannot get my mind off of it.
15249123 tn?1478652475
I am so sorry you keep experiencing these cuts. I hope your results come in tomorrow.
We will cross what ever bridge comes of the test results.
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thank you again. I woke up this morning and the cuts are much larger than before, i know this sounds crazy but i dont know if i should go be seen again regardless if i get results back today or not, this has got to be herpes rearing its ugly head i am sure of it :(
15249123 tn?1478652475
Your very welcome. I wish you luck and please let me know your results.
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sorry to post again. the cuts have cleared, or did after 3 ish days. I thought they were gone, but woke up to more in the same spot this morning. they are of the same nature. Still waiting on my results, hopefully will get them back tomorrow. but i was struck with absolute panick and anxiety when i woke up this morning to 3 small cuts in the same location. i am certain this is herpes, totally upset and freaking out. i can only hope that it isnt but i understand all signs say that it is, i am just trying to hold it together as i am clearly at the end of my rope here with all of this. but these new symptoms seem very telling. just needed to express it rather than hold it in because i am having a really hard time. hopefully i get results of the last culture tomorrow, if so and they are negative i will move on. if not i dont know what ill do :( just really really defeated with these symptoms idk where else to turn
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Thank you, i do understand that this is possibly the case.

Just the cuts i have now seem deeper, more concentrated in one area and more visible to the doctor than they have been before. I guess that only means that i will trust whatever diagnosis comes of this next swab. Waiting a week does seem tough to me at this point. I am really struggling with the symptoms, usually once they go after the swab i can begin to rationalize but this has not happened yet. If it is negative i will trust these results as they would be from visible open cuts that not only myself, but the doctor recognized (the doctor last week did but These sores appeared days later than that).

I hope to be nearing the end. thank you again so much i wish there was more i could do to show my gratitute on here but your willingness to listen and respond has honestly been crucial to this whole process.
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15249123 tn?1478652475
I have to say with all those tests being negstive and the last blood test being in June. I would be absolutely shocked if this is hsv. I really believe you can rule out hsv.
Wait for your most recent swab to come in. Then if you feel the need (which I truly don't think is necessary) then do the blood test.
  I know the stress you are under is extreme. I also know first hand it takes its toll. Keep the faith, it's been a long road for you but it's nearing the end.
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sorry my last blood test biokit was june, not april. so after the window period.
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Thank you.

The location is different, there are a few more of them and they are a bit more obvious looking than the ones i have had in the past. The "paper cut" like leisions i have had before were more superficial and they were not as close together in one area. They also do not seem to be getting better yet, which sometimes they have in the past in as quickly as 2 or 3 days. I do think a large part of me is just freaking out, but when the clinic called to say they have delivered my test (from the states) that does distinguish between type 1 and 2, that my new doctor would not comment on because she was not aware of it (fair). I can go at my leisure to take it, as i mentioned above, so after your advice i will try my best to follow the plan suggested by the doctor and see then.

I guess I just worry that these cuts are actually herpes, finally, as they are presenting a bit differently, whereas the rest of the time i have just been speculating. That all the anxiety is finally building up to a real herpes diagnosis.

But then i think back to the timeline of this being:

jan - worrying blister/maybe ingrown- diagnosed as ingrown, but got scared (where this all began)
Jan: hsv 2 biokit - neg (never had any other symptoms)
March - hsv 2 biokit neg (still no symptoms)
april - protected sex, irritation (first bout of symptoms)
april - swab - neg
april - biokit hsv 2 - neg
july- protected sex, irritation and "cuts"
july - swab - neg
august/sept - protected sex - symptoms and "cuts
sept 02- swab - neg
and now on my final swab with i think different looking cuts in a different location - waiting for results

surely my luck cant be bad enough to not have been able to find what is going on if it is herpes throughout all of this but i just dont want to take any chances i am freaking out clearly
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**window period of the first symptoms like this
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15249123 tn?1478652475
It's OK. First what makes these so differant.
If these last cuts were from hsv this test would have picked up the virus. That much you can bet on. Your Dr even said she had a good look at 5hem and swabbed accordingly. I would wait for the results and believe them. Since the blood test is combined hsv1 and two I wouldn't get the test until your back in the states. Not that with all the negative swabs you need to.
Just do your best to keep busy until the results come back. Like I said earlier, I believe this new clinic has been spot on and giving you great care.
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Sorry to keep posting again, lol.

I have just had a bit of a crisis about all of this and am very worried that the appearance and nature of the cuts I have now are very different from the ones I have had in the past. I am having a hard time waiting for this final swab to come back even though its only been a day. I am becoming very tempted to simply head to the clinic later today and take the blood test, is that a bad idea? I just dont know. I'm going to visit my boyfriend in a week and i cant bear the thought of maybe having this and giving it to him, i think i would rather just get the blood work done and know now then the swab will probably come back after that.

what do you think? i just dont know what to do this is so very upsetting to me constantly. the negative swab i just received back from last week made me feel better for about a day (clearly) and i am still freaking out.

I guess my question would be, if there were separate cuts i got swabbed last week, would the hsv have been detected then? liek is it possible that only my current cuts are from hsv and last weeks cuts were just trauma from sex and that is why the swab was negative, but these cuts could actually be the hsv?

I am actually beginning to lose it i am so sorry for all of this, seemed like i was doing so well haha.
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15249123 tn?1478652475
Keep up the positive attitude!!!
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15249123 tn?1478652475
No problem. That's what we are here for. To Dr's hsv is a trivial non health risk skin infection. Which it is but to folks dealing with symptoms or who have been diagnosed it can be devastating. It shouldn't be but with the b.s. social stigma, it can feel like the end of the world... which it is anything but. Dr's deal with all sorts of really bad stuff from cancer to strokes so hsv is not a major concern of theirs. I fully understand that mentality. That's why forums like this are essential. Keeping people informed on up to date information and weeding through either misinformation or things taken out of context.
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thank you, i am really doing my best to stay positive (that i will be negative lol) this last time and to focus on other things while i wait for this result. i dont know why but it feels like the be all end all and i am getting nervous.
thank you again for your help and comments. its seriously a huge help to have this outlet as i can tell my doctors are very fed up with me discussing this.
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15249123 tn?1478652475
You have a great attitude towards all of this. Your plan of action is spot on!!!
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Ok, that is great news. I think I have found a better clinic, as I went to a different one than usual last night. The only reason I even was able to find out my last swab was negative was because they could pull up my testing records, which was great. As I only got that one done on Friday, I was not expecting such quick results, but now just waiting for this one. I honestly dont know if i even feel anxiety about it anymore, i just want answers.

The way that these cuts are presenting, and the fact that they do not look much better after having found them Monday night is freaking me out though. I think they usually go away quicker than this, and there are not usually a few close together, so i guess a positive diagnosis at least wouldnt be a shock.

But i will continue with my plan to hold off on the blood tests for now. What if they are sketchy, lol. I even heard from the person on the phone that the hsv 2 test they do can become false positive from overshadowing hsv 1, that is not ideal for me to hear.

Either way I will be back in the states in december and can get the hsv2 only biokit from my regular provider then, which i find to be the best as it is a rapid finger prick test of course. But i agree with not making a habit out of testing, especially due to the costs. why chase something that isnt there i guess. I will keep you posted on these results and praying they are negative once more!
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15249123 tn?1478652475
I agree with your Dr 100%. You have a very good dr and the advice couldn't be more spot on. I also agree if the blood test is combined and not type specific then it's not worth it and will only possibly complicate things. I highly doubt your swab will be positive and I love the fact your own physician is looking past hsv for a solution to your problem.
You're in good care!!!!
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Thank you so much. I really apprecaite your kind consideration for people like me on here haha. The blood test she said is available does not distinguish type, and that is why she said not to get it. She said she has never heard of the onlien test i have ordered and will not comment on it or whether she thinks i should or should not get it as she is unaware of what it is, for these reasons i worry.

She made a valid point stating that i should not continue to constantly test for herpes out of habit and that is why she recommends taking this final swab as conclusive and moving on to finding what the real issue here is. She told me if i make a habit of testing it will only lead to further mental anguish, i believe that it has been enough so far.

I think i will wait until this swab comes back, i have 20 days to cancel my test order online, if the swab is positive i will surely follow up with blood, if it is not i think i will put herpes to rest and try to find the real cause of these issues. She mentioned that the fact that I am on a low estrogen pill may have thinned the skin causing it to be more sensitive than normal, which is something i have not yet heard, hence there is hope for maybe a real diagnosis. In the meantime i will wait for this sixth swab and then decide if i need the blood test. does that sound reasonable? i think if it is negative, to avoid further mental anguish i will wait to take the blood test unless i have futher issues such a s a positive swab. i do not want to constantly be searching for herpes despite many factors pointing away from it.
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.