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I am beside myself cause i do not know if i have a strange  nuerosis or I have contracted  HSV II, I slept with my ex..formerly my wife.. she had surgery for a hysterectomy, and had assured me that she   had not  had sex with another individual in the last 2 years, she was along term partner and last time i tested  I was negative, she was having  the surgery because of  pre cancerous cells that was found.. in any case  she was on alot of medications and antibiotics, we slept together near the end of  september and I developed  bumps all over the  head of my penis which then turned into a purplish  swelling that had  whitish  fluid underneath it.. it did not hurt, and  the bump did not craters.. when it looked like it was a scab I removed it and  it closed up. I saw my doctor who is experienced in STD/HIV stated that it did not  look like herpes and  said that it was  balantis more looking like a fungal or yeast, he then  perscribed fungal and yeast medicine. my mother who is a nurse said the same thing and suggested that i combine the medications in order for it to  work that that it would  take up  to six weeks . I then  would have1-3  itchy bumps that  did not have any fluid on my shaft and when i used the  medication it went away.. I did not have a discharge but i felt  burning like sensations on my legs, did not have a fever  but  felt a hotflash on the back on my neck .i would  get little bumps on my butt they would be itchy but not puss filled or would not be close to each other.butt and lower back.  I would scratch until they would scab and it would heal.. I then developed a bump on my scrotum that was itchy and iwoud scratch and then  a red fluid would  come out,, it owuld be one bumb then have  2 or three small ones around it  and then it would  scab and heal in 24 hrs.. then i got a bump on the other side of my scrotum and that one started to have smalled bumps in different sizes and i would put the medication on it but it would calm down  I then  had itching  at night  that was almost unbearable and  then my other friend who was a nurse reasoned that it might be scabies and  gave me  permethrin that worked and being at the fact that  i did not have anymore bumps on my penis and that it seemed to work then I felt better and i was  getting to a better place mentally,  then I went over  to my ex's house and slept on the extra bed and  I began to itch all over again and this time   my hands , arms, chest, stomach and  forearms kind of did the same thing that  my scrotum was doing.. I treated myself again but the bumps have not disappeared and i am still itchy.. I then got a tingle on the head of my penis that comes and goes... and i keep checking to see if anything develops and it has not, then my scrotum still had the  bumps there..and  yester day one of them itched and i scratched it and it opened .. i put  the fungal medication on it  and anti biotic ointment and it  closed up and shrank... and now my nose feels  flu like...but i have no fever and  i am having a hard  time eating or sleeping, and i am worried that my girl might have  contracted from me cause she is  complaining  that her back hurts all the time and that her arms are sore and that  she felt achy.. but she does not have a yeast infection or any signs of an outbreak.. I am having a hard time and my anxiety is at a all time high, i am going to the  free clinic tomorrow.. and even though the bumps i had looked nothing  like HSV , I am still worried and feeling  sick.. I mena what  bumps  stay on your genitals  for  close to 2 months? how can it  put out  redish fluid.. my is my penis  tingling.. am i overly  genitally focused , I am worried,
36 Responses
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6939574 tn?1390927849
I'm sorry, by incident I meant last sexual encounter with your ex wife?
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6939574 tn?1390927849
Hello need2no70, Thanks for updating.  It is good to hear that what you thought was herpes may indeed be nothing concerning.  If 2 doctors looked at it and said it did not resemble herpes then you should take this as a very good sign.  Very smart on taking photos.  That must have helped out a lot.  Sorry she blamed you.  Clean up, disinfect your self, buy yourself a nice meal, and treat yourself to a movie. You will be all good!!!  Let us know on your igG testing. I wish you the best.  Has it been at least 3-4 months since this incident?
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I went to the clinc today and they  cultured it but i have  blood tests that I have to come back for the results in a week, i was looked at  by  two doctors who examines it and told me that it was not a ulcer or ulcerated  like that i  thought , i also showed them pictures of  every stage of it.. and they  said they did not think it was herpes and that  they will confirm with  IGG test... iam still having  itching  but they confirmed that I have  scabies and  i called my ex.. and she actually  blamed me!!! i am in th process of  cleaning and disinfecting everything  ..it is unbelievable

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this is newer and first thought  maybe it could be cause i scratched but now ... it seems as if it was a this smaller but it seems as if they are  moving together to form on big lesion...it has not spread and it still has yet to form a scab and there is no black mark in it... but now i feel like that there is  a tingle
on the head of my penis...and that  my head is  becoming  tight..how ever it  the lesionstill have not moved  and the bump next to it is still there...I still feel sick and  hae a hard time  thinking it to be anything else.. and it is  past the  48 hr mark so  i do not know what a  swab would do now...
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6939574 tn?1390927849
Let me add, it is hard to diagnose over internet or over phone.  Having someone that is familiar with herpes look at it is the best route.  We can only do so much on here.  Please have it looked at.  I wish you the best, and please keep us posted.
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6939574 tn?1390927849
You said you had your doctor look at it, and also your mother, and a nurse.  They all said it did not seem like herpes.  Are these newer bumps?  It would be a good time to either show them these again, or go to a planned parent hood and have this looked at for another opinion.  They could swab it for you. Or, go see your doctor and get this swabbed in the first 48 hours.  
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.