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worried about herpes

In May 2011, I had a bachelor party, I was subjected to a stripper placing a dollar bill on my face covering my mouth and nose and rubbing her vagina vigorously on the dollar bill and on my face. In the same routine, people placed dollar bills down my pants and the stripper would go down and get the dollar bills with her mouth. I do not remember her mouth coming in contact with my penis, however, I do remember at one point she stood above me and and spit near my penis.  (Although I was drunk, I was almost instantaneously disgusted by this.) I have been in a monogamous relationship for approximately 10 years and have never strayed.

In July 2011, I noticed a bump on the bottom of my penis shaft.  This bump went away after 7-10 days after applying Neosporin.

In November 2011, I noticed two bumps on the underside of my penile shaft half way up. I went to the Dr. and the doctor was skeptical about Herpes and performed a HerpesSelect Blood Test. The test results came back negative (HSV 1 IGG Type Specific 0.00 and HSV 2 IGG Type Specific 0.02. HSV IGM Antibodies Not Detected).  I had the test repeated in December 2011 and the results were negative. I also went to a dermatologist, he informed me that it looked like a little jock itch and prescribed ketaconzole (sp?) cream. The time, I was able to make an appointment with a dermatologist, the bumps were almost gone.

In Feburary 2012, I notice two bumps on the underside of my penile shaft half way up. I applied the ketaconzole cream. This cream dried my penis out and the bumps went away in 7-10 days. When these bumps healed, it appeared skin flaked away, it didnt appear to scab

In May 2012. I noticed a large red mark at the base of my penis. The red mark had a hair coming out of the center. I went to the Dr. and he diagnosed this as folliculitis and prescribed Bactroban) (I did recently shave my pubic region; however not area wear the bump occurred).

I feel like I am going crazy  Before this incident, I never noticed any issues with bumps on my penis. The anxiety at the possiblity of herpes is at times overwhelming. (I am a healthy 33 year old with no medical conditions in the past).

#1 What is the possiblity of contracting genital herpes by the experience I described with the stripper?
#2 I have read a lot about these HerpesSelect Blood Tests. Are they reliable? Was 5-6 months enough for an accurate read. Is it possible that I have not developed the antibodies in five months?

10 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
it's less than 5% of folks.
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Thanks Grace. I really appreciate your feedback.

In your expertise, how often do you see people NEVER testing positive on blood tests, but testing positive on a lesion culture. Is it common?
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101028 tn?1419603004
blood testing at this point is inappropriate if you've had no new partners since your last testing.

igm herpes testing is never appropriate!!!

if you are having symptoms yet, be seen every time you have them. if they suspect herpes, a lesion culture should be done, not blood testing.  a dermatologist for regular follow up would be the appropriate provider at this point.
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I am continuing to get the tell tale symptoms of genital herpes.

I have now had four Herpes Select Blood Tests ranging from 5 months to 2 years.  

The most recent test, the doctor called me less than 24 hours after the blood was drawn to tell me that "preliminarily" my IGG tests were negative and he was still waiting for my IGM test results.  I waited 3 days and I just talked to his staff and they said the results are still pending and he will call me when the results are final.  Uhhh I cant wait any longer.

I dont know what to do at this point. I am so depressed because I am  constantly worrying about herpes.

Assuming that my blood test comes back negative, is it possible for someone to test negative four times and still have herpes?

Every other time the tests were done, the results were final within a day. Is is an indicator that the results are gonna be positive because they are taking longer to verify?

Thanks for your input.
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101028 tn?1419603004
many things can cause genital symptoms, not just herpes.  your repeatedly negative testing means this isn't likely a herpes issue.

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I need your expertise on this issue again.

Last night I observed a red spot on the shaft of my penis, I was instantly concerned. Today, the red spot looks like it formed into two ulcers. I'm going insane. I cant go to the doctors til atleast Tuesday because of the Labor day holiday. The spot doesn't really itch until I take a hot shower and then it itches a little.

I have already tested negative for HSV 1 and 2 twice in the last year and went to the doctor approximately 5 times in past year for the red marks on my penis. The first few times, the Dr. was skeptical about herpes and gave me herpes blood test, the next few times he diagnosed foliculitis. I haven't had any sexual contact with anybody besides my wife except the bachelor party event that i described above.

I did work out pretty extensively the day before I noticed the red mark.

Any thoughts on this.  I'm becoming REALLY depressed over this and terrified of herpes. I'm really thinking my blood test were wrong.
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101028 tn?1419603004
because of the way they do the test, you rarely get zeros for results.  it's not that you have a little bit of herpes or something, it's the way the test works. it's a clear negative and nothing to be remotely concerned about.

no idea why they red flagged your hsv1 result.
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also is it a red flag that i received 0.00 for my hsv 1 result?

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Thank you for your quick response. Your response is very encouraging.

Do you find the results of the Herpes Select Test HSV 1 IGG Type Specific 0.00 and HSV 2 IGG Type Specific 0.02. HSV IGM Antibodies Not Detected)
odd? The results seem weird. How would I get .02 antibodies in my blood? Is it possible that my body didnt make antibodies in 5-6 months?
Is it possible if the strippers spit got on my penis, I could get HSV-2? Is it possible if the strippers secretions from rubbing her vagina in face/nose could i get HSV 2?

Sorry if I sound crazy, just real stressed? Thanks again for answering.
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101028 tn?1419603004
you were at absolutely no risk for any std's from the stripper incident.  

you've tested twice for herpes and are in the same long term monogamous relationship so no reason to continue to think herpes either.

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.