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does this sound like warts or is it a misdiagnosis?

i had unprotected sex 39 days ago. a week ago i was treated for totally painless lesions that looked like flat warts on my penis. they scabbed up and fell off and left healing marks/sores. the sores have been crusted and painless until now and seem to have healed up mostly. but today a couple of them are a little painful and there is some bleeding/oozing coming from one of them. the doctor looked at it yesterday and gave me medecine for pain/anxiety. but i am concerned that it is herpes. does this sound like warts?
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the doctor couldnt tell you what he thought they were? from what i know herpes are outbreaks that look like blisters or cold soars on your genital area. they usually hurt im pretty sure. the bumps can break open and ooze a little bit like a blister i think. the outbreak usually lasts 7-10 days i think. and then the area begins to heal. then its possible that you will get more outbreaks again. this is all based on information i have read about it.
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657020 tn?1238037518
Here is a good rule concerning genital warts: they do not ooze. They don't have a white center at all. They can not be popped. However, I'm uncertain how a genital wart reacts after treatment. My ex fiance had a genital wart frozen off and I don't remember it reacting the way that you describe. Sorry I can't be of more help.

What type of treatment were you given for the lesions?

Now I don't have genital herpes so basically any information I give you was obtained from research and being that 99.9% of information you find on the internet is hogwash, I'm not sure how accurate the information is. But I will try to stick with the research I found to be most consistent :)

Symptoms of herpes can occur within a few weeks of contracting the virus. Symptoms can also occur many years after contracting the virus.

80% of the population has hsv1. 70% of those with hsv1 have no symptoms. Hsv1 can occur orally or in the genital area. Likewise, hsv2 can occur in the genital area or orally. Those with hsv1 in the genital area seem to experience less harsh outbreaks.

Most people contract oral hsv1 when they are very young. Have you ever had a cold sore on your mouth? Particularly during childhood? This is important because those who contract hsv1 orally when they are very young are much less likely to contract hsv2 or even hsv1 in the genital area because they have had so many years to build antibodies.

Do you have health insurance? Ask for a blood test for both hsv1 and hsv2. It is my understanding that an accurate test result takes 4 months and you can use this window period to your advantage. This means that if you test negative for both hsv1 and hsv2 now, you never contracted hsv1 during childhood. This does NOT rule out genital herpes. However, if you test positive for hsv1 now, then you contracted the virus, probably during childhood and this may help you rule out genital herpes. Also, if you test negative now, but test positive for either hsv1 or hsv2 at the 4 month mark, you can be pretty sure you have acquired genital herpes from the encounter mentioned.

Also, if you have oozing, you should be able to have a culture taken of the fluid. This test result for hsv2 WILL be accurate right now. I am uncertain whether they test for hsv1 when taking cultures of genital lesions. Many doctors believe you can not contract hsv1 orally but this is not true. The problem with hsv blood testing is that it will not tell you which area you have hsv. But in the paragraph above, you can use the window period to your advantage by testing NOW and also at the 4 month mark. However, if you can get a culture taken, you won't need to have all the blood testing done. Also, if your doctor insists on steering you away from having a culture performed (I know how doctors can be), you can usually get it performed at a free clinic. Free clinics are not funded to perform hsv blood tests, but they are funded to perform hsv testing through cultures. You can call the free clinics in your area and ask if they will perform cultures.

Here is an interesting theory I have put together from information I have read about hsv: We know that 80% of the population has hsv1 orally and 70% of those never experience symptoms. For every individual who does have hsv1 orally (including those who never show symptoms of it), there is a period of viral shedding, where the person is shedding the virus without symptoms. I have read this period is about 4 days a year (I'm really not sure how accurate the length of viral shedding I have provided is). What this means is that if person A has hsv1 orally and he or she performs oral sex on person B who has never contracted hsv1 in his or her life, person B can contract genital herpes if person A is experiencing a period of viral shedding.

Anyhow, I hope this information has helped you and I really hope it has not confused you further :)
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657020 tn?1238037518
I need to make a correction in one of my statements :)

I wrote "Many doctors believe you can not contract hsv1 orally but this is not true."

I meant to write "Many doctors believe you can not contract hsv1 in the genital area but this is not true."
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thanks for your reply. you might have a good point. (btw, it was a tiny spot of blood that was oozing from the wound) originally, the alleged warts i had were flattish until i soaked them in vinegar and then they had a distinct raised cauliflower appearance. i put acetic acid (apple cider vinegar) on them almost 24 hours a day for 3 days using a bandaid and cotton ball. since they were so thin and close to the skin i am pretty sure i acid burned the skin beneath the wart since i got redness then scabbing on the normal and surrounding skin. and any burn can cause yellow/ white spots while healing. and this coloring started after using the hot tub with chlorine which i was told can change the color of the scabs and healing ans hasten the the scabs falling off..

anyway, i went back to the doctor today an hour ago and he did a swab of two of the spots/sores for herpes. he didnt thnk it was herpes but i am happy to get this straight once and for all.

Thanks again for your advice!
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657020 tn?1238037518
Omg! No wonder you're having problems and pain! 24 hours a day for 3 days is a VERY long time to use ACV treatment! :) Such a long period of time would DEFINITELY burn the skin and blood would be expected in this case!

Leaving the cottonball on overnight with a bandaid every night until the wart falls off is sufficient. Also, it is a good idea to use something like vitamin e oil before administering ACV treatment. Use a qtip and apply the oil to the skin surrounding the wart. This will ensure the skin surrounding the wart will not become raw and painful. After the wart is removed, put antibiotic ointment on it to help the new skin heal.

Good to know in case you happen to experience a reoccurence of genital warts :)
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You seem very smart in this topic i have a question! i have a very small lesion you could say on the bottom base of my penis? i was doing some resarch it sounds nothing like herpes but maybe genital warts??? that scared me alot so i started doing some more and i saw this condition molluscum contagious or something like that and my lesion looks very similar to the pictures i saw???? i wanna know can you contract it sexually??? how does it affect you?? and how can i know forsure???

Please and thank you for yout time
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657020 tn?1238037518
I don't know a whole lot about molluscum contagiosum but I'll tell you what I do know about it :)  

Molluscum contagiosum is a skin virus usually found in children. However, adults can also get it from swimming pools. Adults can also get it from having sex with someone infected with molluscum contagiosum, and in that sense, it is an std.

From what I've read, lesions caused by molluscum contagiosum usually disappear within a year. The virus is self-limiting and the lesions are easily treatable. There is also treatment for the lesions which is similar to that of treatment for genital warts. In fact, ACV treatment is also used for lesions caused by molluscum contagiosum, but to a lesser extent than it is used for genital warts. here is a link regarding ACV treatment for molluscum contagiosum lesions:


A doctor, or dermatologist can diagnose molluscum contagiosum. While it is not talked about so much as an std, you can be diagnosed and receive treatment for the lesions at a free clinic in your area. Treatment is important because the lesions are very contagious. The lesions are easily spread to other parts of the body, as well as to the person you're having intercourse with. Not only that, it can even be spread by use of towels used by a person infected with molluscum contagiosum.

Hope this helps! :)
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thanks you very much!!!!! im gonna check witha dermatologist  but thank you for all your help :)
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