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Oral Cancer from HPV?

Okay, most people with Oral HPV don't stick around here to share the end results so I'll try to.  We're all scared to death of Oral Cancer. I've been having some symptoms which highly suggest Oral Cancer.

I've performed unprotected oral sex on 3 males (just don't do it, I was dumb as hell).  Oral infection with HPV would have been within the last 3 years.  No smoking or drinking.

1. Persistent Hand warts (didn't know they were warts until March but have had them for years (I think more than 5).  This means my body doesn't clear HPV well, maybe a weak immune system.

2. I think I have warts on my lips (didn't know until March). I thought they were blocked glands, but most likely warts now.  Plus, I think I've gotten more super tiny ones on upper lip since being sick and stressing.  I know these are low risk, but if I have them on my lips I most likely have HPV in my mouth as well.  My immune system must be in the crapper (seriously).  

3. Early March, came down with burning in throat and back of inner cheeks. Throat lasted for 1 day, but irritation in back of inner cheeks still persists (not as bad) and has lasted for 4 months.

4. White tongue coating that started in March, and enlarged taste buds or maybe warts in back of tongue. I've been to an ENT and 2 dentists multiple times.  One thought I had a yeast infection, but the drugs (diflucan and nystatin) didn't help.

5. Redness and looks like some whiteness in back of throat.  Early cancer symptoms?  Dentists said nothing but I'm finding it hard to find caring doctors.

6. I feel like I have hard lumps in neck. I found 1 near collar bone and (yesterday) I felt one on my upper neck.

7. High Blood Pressure and slight neuropathy, ear and chest pains.

8. I feel like something is in my throat. The feeling comes and goes but it's stayed for the past 2 days. This one scares me the most.

What have I done:
1. I got tested for all other STDs - negative so far.  As we all know, there is no test readily available for oral HPV which is BS. It is the leading cause of Head & Neck Cancer now. Why this disease is not monitored like Cervical Cancer, I have no idea.

2. Been to several doctors and nothing found (yet) except Low Vitamin D and slight anemia.

What's next:
1. I have an appointment with an ENT soon  to look inside my throat.  I'm so scared - it must be cancer :(  I've done every idiotic, irresponsible thing to get HPV in my mouth. The price is too high for this stupidity.

2. I also scheduled an appointment with an Oral Surgeon soon, but might be straight to the Oncologist after the ENT.  

Current Mood:
Sad and scared.  I just have to wait for ENT appointment and take it from there.  I have the worse feeling, though.  All cancer is hell, but H & N Cancer seems like an indescribable hell with the neck dissection and radiation.  I guess something good about it is that HPV cancer has a decent survival rating if caught early.

I know most of us come to Medhelp because it's too late...we've already engaged is risky behavior and don't want it to be what we're scared it is.  All I can say is best of luck and wishes to all (prayers too).  If by chance, it is not what you fear, be smart and careful no matter what going forward. If it is, be strong because you're not alone. For all of us, caution others to be careful so they don't have to come these sites out of fear.  
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Yeah its weird. No test for oral HPV is terrible. People can pass it via deep kissing and sharing cigs.  Dental dams do help but most people don't use them.  Men get it too from performing oral sex on women.

You are taking the right steps.  I went to a ENT once too for sore throat issue that didn't go away for months. Nothing was seen and whatever I had went away. Good luck!
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Thanks! It is seriously not looking good at all.  
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No sh*t, I have actinic cheilitis on my bottom lip which must be from HPV. I didn't what the 2 dry white spots were, but is lip cancer...truthfully.  I don't even know if I'm going to be able to go to a derm. This was probably my super early sign that I ignored, which means the cancer in my mouth is probably advanced (I do have swollen lymph nodes and lumps in my throat).

It looks like my HPV turns into cancer very fast.  It is looking like I sincerely have oral cancer.  I am so dumbfounded and disheartened at this point.

I'm not going to make it. I know it. I really ruined my life. It is beyond my comprehension how bad everything is for me so soon. I mean...people I'm either going to die and/ or go through hell being treated for oral cancer.

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You were diagnosed at the same time I received my nasal cancer diagnoses also caused by HPV. Yes I went through *ell and back, but I'm currently in remission. Hopefully you are done with your treatment and are healing. Fingers crossed that you also are in remission. People, some strains of HPV will cause cancer of the throat, mouth and nasal cavity. The treatment is harsh and you most likely will have life long effects due to the radiation and chemo. It's been six months since I finished my treatment. I have permanent hearing loss, can't keep weight one, taste lost, nose congestion, excessive dry mouth, and need to do nightly floride treatments for the rest of my life. I fall into the rare category of even getting this type of cancer as I have only had one sexual partner in my life. So please learn about HPV and protect yourself as best you can.
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Okay, I have a tendency to freak out, but all of this is scary (if you're reading this I'm sure you know).

I go to the ENT on monday, and my throat has been worse for the pass 3 days (lots of phlegm, coughing, spitting, etc).  I have been sick for 4 months, but my throat has never been like this.  Once I zoned in on Oral Cancer...it got worse fast.  I do think I have oral cancer caused by hpv, but I think the fear and anxiety has made every thing progress faster.  Long story, short try not to stress because it won't help.  Cancer isn't going anywhere whether I stress or not.

I know no one wants cancer, but I'm not ready.  I get weird sensations in my ear and head, so I wonder if it's spread already.  

I just don't see a way out of this or a better day to come.  That is the worst feeling...it's made me such a grouchy person.  I think because I did this to myself, I just can't handle the consequences.

As always, I hope and pray the best for everyone (self included).

Hope in the future (no jinxing):
Inovio may have a therapeutic vaccine in 3 years for hpv 16 and a 18 precancer.  They are working on something for oral infection too, but I'm not sure if the possible release on that.
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how are you now? did you go back to the doctor?

I'm still here and I've calmed down a lot, but I'm still concerned.  I'm trying to take the Orarisk HPV test, but it is hard to find in my area.

Other than that, I took an oral hpv swab test through MyLab box testing.  It was supposed to be for the vagina but I swabbed my mouth instead, game back negative but it only looks for high risk.

In any case, I stupidly took part in risky behavior so no matter what I plan on seeing a dentist and getting scoped at least twice a year, trying to be positive, making smart decisions from now on, and praying for no cancer.

I don't know if the Orarisk test matters but I don't want to spread anything if I have an active infection so I'd rather know...I guess.

Best of luck to everyone.  Try not to stress, just fo the best you can to take care of yourself now.

Best wishes!
Oh yeah, I did go to an oral surgeon and the ENT again.  I got scoped at the ENT. He said he didn't see anything.  The oral surgeon said the spots I was concerned about are most likely apart of my normal anatomy, but I don't know, which is why I want to take the orarisk hpv test.

I'm any case, stressing out makes me feel sick so I'm just trying to take care of myself without worrying so much.
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Do you have enlarged taste buds back of the tongue?
Did you get a biopsy in them?
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Hey Jamal,

I do have enlarged taste buds on the back of the tongue but I haven't had them biopsied.  Everyone has large taste buds in the back so do you feel like yours are larger than normal?

I've been to 2 dentists and 3 ENTs and no one has said anything looked out of place, but you have to go with your gut.  If you're concerned, you should have a professional check it out.  

Good luck!
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Did you do the oral hpv test?
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Not the Orarisk test because it was too expensive.  I did an oral pap smear but that's limited in the amount of surface it can test in the mouth and throat.

Just know that oral cancer from HPV usually occurs in the tonsils or at the base of tongue (in the throat).  So, get scoped and examined by an ENT if you're concerned.  Tell them everything, be honest and don't give up until you're satisfied with the care you recieve.
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I am glad things are looking   better for you dumb
I decisions.  I got diagnosed with lip warts on Monday.  The dermatologist froze them and declined to make a biopsy unless they come back.  I am negative for hiv,  herpes 1 and 2 and syphilis,  I read that they are commonly seen in hiv + patients.  I am  athletic 39 yo that was completely healthy until now.  I did something stupid about two months ago which supports this diagnosis.  I want to believe I was misdiagnosed because I am scared of them spreading to my mouth.  So far no more warts have popped up.  I am going to visit and eat, nose,  throat doctor to get my mouth checked.  Completely freaking out.
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Yeah, I definitely recommend getting checked out if you're concerned.  It will help to ease your worry, and that's the best thing because anxiety can cause all kinds of issues (trust me, I know).

First, I hope whatever was on your lips were not warts, but if they were I hope they don't return.  Sometimes we make mistakes, do stupid stuff, but we have to forgive ourselves some way and move forward as best we can.  I suppose it could all be worse (other stds, etc).

I'm about to take the Orarisk HPV test so that's my next step.  I don't have as much anxiety as I did, but my mouth still burns at times and there's discomfort on the left side behind my back molar.  I don't know what it is, but I'm still here so that's good (it comes and goes for almost a year).

Best of luck to everyone concerned about oral HPV.  It's a tricky one since there's not much help.
Do you have swollen taste buds back of tongue and on soft palate?
isle, don't mean to delivery bad news for you. but since you got it on the lips, you got it in side the mouth. You don't have any warts mean your body is doing great. Keep it going
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I just read my original post and feel I should mention that the 3 didn't happen at the same time. Each happened over the course of 3 years, not that much better but still.  I was going through something rough those 3 years and made the worse decisions of my life.  They are the only sexual relations I have ever had and I regret all but 1, which makes everything worse since I got this from doing something with an awful person.

Point of the story:  don't do anything with anyone unless you really want to and it feels right.  Also, everybody should get something good out of it.
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It most like warts on you lips. How do I know, I have it too. And It was tested, turn back HPV 11.

I do as well feeling something stuck in the throat.

All of the wart and syntomp I have is just 3 months from exposure.

Been treating wart with Podophllyn. And take AHCC supplement, pretty good result so far.
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Hey, I want to be tested as well, but I think the only way is a biopsy.  I'm trying to find some place that does PCR testing for low and high risk.

Yeah, I'm thinking they are too.  I've already purchased ACHH supplements.  I'm still trying to get testing so I can find out what type(s).  

What do your lip warts look like?
Where is the wart you are treating? Is it on the lips or inside the mouth?  Have any if the warts you treated recurred?
Mine are on the bottom lip close to the lip line but not on the lip line, one on each side of the bottom lip so 2.  I don't think I have any in the mouth, but they could be there as well.

I haven't started treating them yet.  I don't want to do anything too damaging because they're very small.  Cryo would leave a bigger mess than the warts.  A biopsy would be more damaging too.  

So, I'm going to try noninvasive methods first.
Hey can you put a picture of your oral warts..
Hey Jamal, I suspect they are warts but not 100% certain.  I'd rather not post anything until I've been tested.  

I will say they are smooth, tiny pinpoint circled that you can't see unless I stretch my lip.  They are whitish, grayish and flat but very slightly raised.  I have 2, one on each side of bottom lip near the lip line but not on the lip line.  I don't think fordyce because they're usually a lot of those and they seem orangish.  I think they've been there for a while after what I did so I can only assume warts.  A derm on ibspection said clogged glands but I don't trust it since I wasn't tested and the when they popped up.

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