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Birth, 2 DNC's, and a Blood Transfusion, possiable Accretia. Please Help Me..


I have been through a lot of physical trauma since giving birth on May 14, 2008. It is a very long`complicated story but I will try to keep it short because I really need help:
~May 14, 2008: I am induced with my 1st pregnancy at 37 weeks. I am 40 yrs. old but had a completely healthy pregnancy.
~I gave birth vaginally after 9 hours labor & 3.5 hours of "hard" pushing to a beautiful 6lbs./8oz. baby girl. The mid~wife delivered and not my O.B. because I had no complications during the pregnancy.
~Within 30 mins. of delivering the afterbirth......excuse my language....but all hell broke loose! My midwife had left and I began to bleed out/hemorrhage. About 3 nurses began pushing down on my stomach and making calls. I was so out of it due to the meds. that my memory is vague. I was being told repeatedly that I would have to have emergency surgery. We could tell that the nurses were in a panic and I started to get scared. I know that I was punching the nuse pushing on my stomach because that pain was greater than the birth pain.
~Midwife gets back and I hear them all yelling over me and they are asking "why is the doctor not here?" A  family member tells me that the anestists and the midwife are out in the hall fighting?? I only remember the midwife coming back in and yelling to everyone"noone is going in for surgery" and "we will take care of this". She waited for the anestists to give me more meds. and he sat next to me through it all....bless him for caring so much!
~The midwife performed a Manual DNC on me to remove the remaining placenta from my uterus. During it all I kept getting my stomach pushed on and meds. up my rear~end and orally to control the bleeding. I guess the bleeding was so extreme that my baby's father threw up and my mother was in shock over how bad it got so fast.
~Now I am being told that it was all removed but I had to be kept on some heavy~duty meds all night to recover from it all. The baby had to stay in the nursery due to all of the bleeding I was having.
~I was told the next day by the staff that what happened to me was serious and not very common. I was released 2 days later with my baby girl.

~A week goes by and I am not recovering well. I feel weaker each day and have lost 21 lbs. in 8 days?! I had to take my baby to the hospital for thrush a week later. The doctor treating the baby told me I looked horriable and I needed to be seen immediately.
~I have an ultrasound done and I am told that I have retained product still inside me. The E.R. doctor was not suprised after hearing my birth expierence and admitted me back in at the hospital where I delivered.
~Next day my O.B. shows up to perform a DNC and I go back to my room after the surgery was finished to recover. Within an hour I pass a blood clot the size of a melon. The nurses keep calling my O.B. to inform him of the bleeding/clots. I am still released 4 hours later against my nurse's wishes but I trusted the doctor and discharged out.
~Within 20 mns. of leaving the hospital, we are at the pharmacy to fill my prescriptions and I begin to hemhorrage in the parking lot. I passed an even larger clot this time. The store manager goes and gets towels and clothing for me but I insisted on making it to my home. The bleeding at home was so severe that it sprayed out of me and I lost consiousness. They called an ambulance and took me back to the hospital triage unit.
~The high~risk O.B's took over and I had to have a 4-unit blood transfusion that night. The bleeding just would not stop!
~Next day, I have another ultrasound and the tech. was not supposed to but did tell me that I was still not clean yet. I was at a loss but was told by the O.B./GYN group that it was most likely blood clots and not retained product again. I was released 2 days later.
~Within 5 days, I passed large clots again with the bleeding that had never stopped. My dad brings me to an emergency room in Tampa. I have another ultrasound done and I am told that I have retained product in my uterus. I was admitted again. The O.B. on call did not want to perform another DNC on me until I recovered better from the the 1st one a week prior. I was to be observed for 7 more days.
~I end up leaving Florida to get help from my sister in Louisiana. On July 5th I go back to the E.R. here in LA. because I knew I had a bad infection. I have an ultrasound & bloodwork done and guess what.....it all comes back that I have retained product in the uterus and a raging infection.
~I am admitted and immediately put on back to back antibiotics. I had my 2nd DNC on July 9th. I had to have an MRI done after the surgery because of a "suspicious area that could not be seen well during the surgery". 30 hours after my surgery a doctor finally comes in to see me? Is this normal? I am told that the MRI results are still not in and when they were they would come back.
~Next morning, I am told that "it is more than likely that I have an accretia that has grown into my uterus and I may need a hysterectomy." However, the MRI results are still not in at this point?.....2 days later.
~Later in the afternoon, another doctor comes in and tells me that the MRI came back ok with minor problems and I could go home if I felt ready.
~At this point my family and I are totally confused and I decide to be discharged. Trust me I questioned the discharge doctor on how all 3 doctors treating me were coming back to me with different opinions and facts? I never really got a clear answer. I was told that "pathology results would come back in a week and give them a clearer picture."
~Yesterday on July 21st I went back for the second time for a check-up and to be given the pathology results. I was greeted by the doctor that performed the surgery and told that "there were no pathology results to be given" and "he was more sorry about this than I". The reason given is that" there was not enough tissue to test." I will not go into how shocked and upset I became over this.
~I consider myself to be a smart~educated person. I am in no way an expert on anything medical. However, it does not take an expert to know that somthing is very wrong with this picture. Where have I gone wrong and what have I missed?

Please help me out there. If you have had a similar expierence or you are a physician that can offer me advice, I will take it. It is 2 1/2 months later after giving birth and I know I am not well yet. I am still struggling to take care of my baby. I want to trust the medical community and get well but I am having a really hard time doing this.
I know this was extremely long to read but it is my story and it is emotional for my family and I. I will welcome any and all advice.....thank you in advance for taking the time to reply.  Teagan514

3 Responses
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I hope you are doing much better!  I read your info. I am not a nurse or doctor.  However, I am 30 year old mom of 2 and 7 months pregnant with accretia and possible hysterectamy during c-section.  I am nervous and scared out my head.  I do feel the need to tell you you need to see physicians who are specialized in these types of situations.  I am from NY and the physicians at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center have a history of being great physicians.  They have a special unit for women with these types of problems.  Look into it If there is any possibility for you to travel I would highly recommend it. Get the facts I wish you the best of luck and congrats on your abby giirl!!  
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Also, if you obtain copies of everything and read them yourself it may become very clear to even you without a medical degree what is wrong.
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I am just a person that has had an extremely long medical history with female related problems.  I am not a doctor or nurse and have never given birth.  I can say this though something is really wrong here.  There is something in your records that you are not being told.  Some one made a mistake or something.  Your instincts are right in most cases.  This case was serious from the birth day and why a doctor vs. a midwife didn't get involved right at the beginning is beyond me.  I feel you need to take your records all of them and copies of every test which you do have a right to have to a completely impartial set of doctors outside anyone that has been involved up until now in your case.  Usually when I read long stories like this on medhelp I can see the gaps in a persons story. Often it seems people that don't know a lot about their own medical care are getting overly worked up.  In your case I don't.  You seem very educated and level headed about this.  I would trust your gut on this get copies of everything and get to an impartial party for review sooner vs. later
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