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Hormones after total hysterectomy

I was wondering if any of you all have been put on hormones after a total hysterectomy.  My doctor says there are too many risks and I don't need them...I am 38. I don't know what to expect here 2 weeks after surgery, I keep waiting for a hotflash or something weird to happen. :) What can happen if I don't take them? I've had nightmares of growing hair on my face or my voice getting manly. Are my fears real?  Can anyone share their experience or knowledge about hormones?

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I had a total hysterectomy at 39 years old.  I am 50 now.  Felt awful for years.
Tired, brain fog, anxiety, depression,and on and on.
Was diagnosed with fibromyagia on anti drepressants.
  I finally heard about brht.
Went to a private doctor.  Blood test showed no hormones at all.  No vitamin D and low on vitamin b.
How can they think they can take everything out of a woman and not give them hormones to balance.  The BRHT Dr was amazing. On bioidentical creams morning and night and I am like a new woman.  Skin amazing, no longer on any anti drepressants no longer have tiredness or foggy brain.
Bioidentical hormones do not cause cancer.  synthetic however probably do.
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snuffyduroc - It is a shame that you suffered so long! I wonder why your surgeon did not prescribe any hormones!? Unfortunately, most women are not given all the necessary facts before they sign on the dotted line for surgery. :( Are you on estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone? I have been stable on the estradiol tablets but my skin took a big hit from the surgery...lost collagen and elasticity causing that awful saggy skin. Plus most of my hair fell out and has not grown back.
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I had a hysterectomy with ovary removal over 9 years ago when I was 49 and it has been a hellish existence since then. Most women are not told the many after effects by their doctors. I did not have endo.

Ipurr2 will likely come along and respond. She had a hysterectomy with ovary removal for endo and still has endo. Removing organs is not a cure since endo implants itself all over the pelvis including on bladder and bowels and they don't remove those. And it is difficult to remove all the endo so chances are you will not get relief or it will be only temporary. And estrogen can be like miracle gro to any endo left behind. Yet going without estrogen in surgical "menopause" can be quite hellish! Surgical menopause is a misnomer because it is WAY WORSE than natural menopause plus puts us at increased risk for many health problems. Do a web search for "bilateral oophorectomy long term health."

Not only would you be stuck with the awful endocrine havoc (since the ovaries are endocrine glands and produce hormones all our lives for which there is no true replacement) but the removal of the uterus destroys pelvic integrity - bladder, bowel, and vagina position and function as well as the skeletal structure (causing depressing figure changes).

If surgical intervention is warranted, excision surgery by a true endometriosis specialist is the gold standard for endo.

You may want to post over on Medhelp's Endometriosis board if you haven't already. Best of luck to you!
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Hi, I'm really sorry if someone has asked a similar question, I read lots of the posts but not all. I am 34 and have had painful intercourse for 7 years since my c-section. A couple months ago I had my appendix removed and the surgeon saw mirroring in my abdominal wall that he suspected was endometriosis. I saw a surgical gynecological oncologist today and he wants to take ovaries plus uterus. As well as clean up and endometriosis he sees. I'm not sure what to do.... But sex is so painful we have just stopped. I have trouble with my bowel and bladder as well. But I'm horrible at remembering g to take pills. I. Just wondering what my life on HRT would be like. I'm scared and in a little shock after my appointment today.
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Are you still taking estrogen (along with the progesterone)? Maybe the dose is not high enough or the level is fluctuating too much which can also cause symptoms of estrogen deficiency such as hot flashes. My peak estradiol level on the patch (Vivelle-Dot) was considered "therapeutic" but I felt estrogen deficient in every way including mild hot flashes. Estradiol tablets (generic Estrace) works better for me than the patch did. I never tried the Climara patch or any of the gels.
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I agree totally with everything in this post! 3 years post total hysterectomy, taking bio identical hormone estrogen. After a year I was almost suicidal the depression and anger was so bad. I found a progesterone cream and within 5 minutes everything was better. (My husband got smarter and my kids were ok again.) Still having hot flashes like crazy. Been on every dose they have and always have hot flashes. At 48 I'd like to get back to life.
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6452367 tn?1430944592
Hello Ladies....I had a total and complete hysterectomy 12 yrs ago due to endometriosis and never could have children. Having a total hysterectomy can make you do things you would never dream of doing. I had been married to a man 14 yrs older than me and oh what a good man he was but I decided to have an affair that lasted 2 yrs then felt guilty and ended it. I decided also that my marriage was over after 25 yrs and divorced. I remarried a man 22 yrs older than me and we have the most awesome marriage anyone can ask for in life. He is my soul-mate. I do want y'all to know that you do go thru changes when you have this done but you do finally settle down and break free of the change of life thingy.....  I want y'all to know I was on all different kinds of estrogens for years then my Dr decided to start me on the shots 2 yrs ago with the highest amount you can take which was Estradiol 5mg. I would be ok for the first week then the hot flashes would begin again. I suffered more on all the estrogens than you can imagine. I have been off them for a while now (11 months) and feel so much better and OH the hot-flashes only come here and there where as they were awful all the time on hormone therapy. I started taking an antidepressant the minute I had my hysterectomy so I never had any mood swings nor did I ever gain any weight. As a matter of fact, I lost down to 96 pds (5'7) which is unusual but have put some weight on since so I do look a lot better. I just y'all to know that even thru all the hormone therapies I still got osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and extremely dry skin. I would say to experiment around with it and go from there. I can only tell you what effects it had on me. Good luck and know that there is no book on how to tell you what all you feel like or go thru. Just learn as you go. God Bless
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Was the reason for your hysterectomy endometriosis (endo)? If so, it is common to continue having pain or for pain to start back up (after some temporary relief) because hysterectomy is not a cure for endo. Endo implants are generally found throughout the pelvis, not just on the female sex organs. Those implants will continue to cause pain. Other possibly reasons for pelvic pain post-hysterectomy are development of adhesions (scar tissue), nerve damage or entrapment, or other surgical injuries.
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I had a full hysterectomy 2 years ago and I am still having pain. Is this normal? My doctor keeps putting me go on antibiotics and hormones but none of it is helping. I am so sick of being in pain and sex is so painful. Am I alone in this? I am only 26 years old.
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So you developed an "ovarian" cyst even though your ovary was removed? If so, I have to wonder if you have an ovarian remnant.
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I had a total hysterectomy two years ago for a chocolate cyst. everything was good until about a year later when pain was ingratiating pain again. Said remembrance of ovary was there causing a cyst. Had it removed which was good again but two cysts later and at a loss. Need help understanding    
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Sorry you are also suffering the effects of a hysterectomy. I don't have much to offer on the weight issue. Unfortunately, weight gain seems common after this surgery. But it sounds like you are taking all the right steps, eating right and exercising. If you have an Rx for generic Estrace tablets, those a very inexpensive here in the U.S. I believe most pharmacies charge only $4 for 30 tablets or $10 for 90 and that is without insurance. That is what I have been using and paying.
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I haven't been able to read all the posts but I had a complete hysterectomy about 7 years ago (im now 40). I have only been on estradiol 2. The weight will not go away (and its all in the middle). I work out 5x a week vigorously. I've tried to lower salt intake, I eat 99% whole foods, take vitamins, supplements. Nothing is helping with the weight.

I lost insurance with the divorce and I gain about ten lbs when I don't take the estradiol. Ive had it with the extra weight. I can not afford any doctor visit, hormone replacement, and bc the insurance was backdated I now have money due so I cannot get the Rx refilled.  

I try to eat food packed with estrogen but this is not enough.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to get my hormones back in line and get this weight off?
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Grace - sorry to hear about your hysterectomy. Did you have breast cancer hence the reason for not being able to take hormones? Studies show that taking estrogen does not increase risk of breast cancer but I don't know if that only applies to women who have not had BC or certain types of BC.

My uterus and ovaries were removed and I have occasional sensations of the "let-down reflex" - not sure what causes it.
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Hello i had a total hysterectomy on halloween last year due to numerous medical issues. Im 52 and a mother of five amazing children and one very happy grandson. My surgery was easy and they took out all my issues. Recovered quickly and back to work 19 days after surgery. Now as i enter one year after the hot flashes havent changed. About 5 a day. Night sweats once a night. Cant do hormone therapy based on cancer history. Not moody at all which was a big fear  i have questions. Had a mammo on Wednesday and had a discharge from both breast. The woman doing it said it was my hormones that caused it. What hormones? I didnt think i had any anymore. So now what do i do. Any thoughts? Thank you for helping
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Thank you, i feel like I'm losing myself & at times I feel lost with no direction to go in, everyone tells me it will pass just give it time. I will research more on estrogen. I'm sorry what you have been through too.
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Sorry to hear about your hysterectomy and resulting emotional changes. If the Minivelle is not a good option for you, there are many others to try. Just do a search for estrogen and you will find pills, patches, gels, rings. So there are many to try. Good luck.
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I'm five weeks recovering from a total hysterectomy, my pain is minimal. What I'm having a hard time with is my emotions, & mood swings. I feel broken, My loving boyfriend is an angel, but I know he wants me back to my old self and I don't want to turn into a monster. I'm current on Minivelle, and not sure what else is out there to help me.  Any advise
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I am sorry you are suffering, Anna. I know exactly what you mean about feeling like "a basket case" and "different" and wanting to "run and hide." This hysterectomy surgery has destroyed me in so many ways. I don't even look the same because I aged so quickly! I became a recluse not only because I felt "different" and no longer found it easy or enjoyable to socialize but I also did not want others to see how much I had aged.

I will say though that finding the "right" (right for me) hormone replacement has helped quite a bit. It has improved my SEVERE post-hysterectomy depression, anxiety, sleep, energy, nausea, memory, cognition...general ability to function and be somewhat "engaged" in life. So if you are still having a lot of these types of symptoms, the Minivelle may not be the "right" HRT for you. It can take a bit of trial and error to find "your" HRT but do not give up! There are pills, patches, gels, and vaginal rings from which to choose. Hope this helps!
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Hello, Ladies my name is Anna I had a total hysterectomy last year April is it completely normal feeling like a basket case, no one understands you I want to run and hide im different.  I hate who I have become always edgy quick to lash out, my poor family all my bones in my body hurt only thing im taking is the minivelle patch.  Will someone please tell me that this to shall pass don't know who to talk to then I found this site.  I would appreciate any advice plzzz, and thank you
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I had a total hysterectomy at age 32, in 1995, after a series of many surgeries which include tumors, cysts, endometriosis etc. I went on HRT for years, until they found a number of tumors on one breast. I took the best option at that time and went off all hormones, to see if this was the cause. After 6 months, tumors were gone! Needless to say, I stayed off hormones!

Here I am at age 50! After 6 years of nothing, I am starting to have hot flashes, feeling exhausted all the time, weight gain and fatigue. I have a high stress job, and am glad to report, I'm in the best possible marriage anyone could ever have. I say that to say this; I'm a newlywed and don't want to waste one day suffering with all this. I don't want HRT but need something to get through menopause.

What do you suggest?  I'm ready for a change now!  Help!!!
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Hi I just recently (like 3 days ago) had my last ovary removed due to endometriosis and scar tissue. I read your Dr. put you on Progesterone I'm wondering if you any new endo cells grew back since then? I guess I'm wondering why my Dr. hasn't put me on this if it can help me, after 3 surgeries in 2 years. I'm a little tired of going under the knife.
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Hello Theresa?i'm Haidee from the Philippines,almost 2 months when I undergo total hysterectomy,I just wanna ask you,what is your specific herbal products or herbal treatments that I can use also if possible.your reply will be very much appreciated.thanks
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Dear Mary.  I am 40. I initially came to this sight in order to accumulate different thought on full hysterectomy's in solution to what has been a nightmare life of periods and cycles. From the age of 15 I have been bent in two with debilitating cramps. Once a month I heave, throw up and clot badly. I get a huge surge of pain and then pass out, come to in further fits of excruciating pain... and this goes on until i have nothing but stomach acids coming up. eventually after about eight hours it subsides.  I have four days in my cycle where I am not bloated.  And by bloated I do not mean your usual bloating.  I go up sometimes two bras sizes and deviate between an access of 10-15 pounds.  I am exhausted all the time. I feel like I need to shut myself away in order to keep control of my emotions the last two and half weeks of my cycle.  I feel brain fuzzy all the time.  In the last three years the top of my spine has started to collaps forward.  I have joint and muscular pain that has increased with age.  All of symptoms are getting worse with age.  I have been hospitalized during cramp fits several times (once I passed out in the streets and was brought in to the emergency by a complete stranger. Had no recollection of getting into the car)  THey have never found anything wrong.  Nothing has ever been done to help me.  I keep going to doctors and am so tired of hearing that it is in my head.  Something is not right about my hormonal cycle.  I am desperate at this point.  I realize after reading these posts that eliminating my organs and therefore my hormonal system is not the answer.  Do you think that it is possible I have a way lower the average progesterone level?  thanks you for your guidance.  
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