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Miralax Prep

I have had IBS-D for four years..I have never had a colonscopy, but my symptoms were so classic that it was an wasy diagnosis for my family doc...well I just can;t take it anymore, so I finally bit the bullet and went to a gastro doc.  He was very nice and he too said classic IBS..he said I didn;t need a colonscopy because I had IBS, he said I needed it because of my age..
I told him that there was no way I could drink that gallon of whatever it is, I would be sick as a dog...he told me that I could use miralax and gatorade and it would be fine..I mean really I got the bathroom anywhere from 2 to 7 times a day, the prep is all I need to push me over the top...so I am hoping that I will be able to tolerate the prep and the colonoscopy will go fine.
A couple of other things, I do take things over the counter to attempt to slow down this condition..he suggested that I take fiber (which I already do) eat 2 cartons of Activia a day, take Beano (I don;t know why as gas is not a problem but I do have certain trigger foods...and also take a probiotic - (I told him that I had already taken them and they did not work, he asked me to try it again....he also suggested a blood test or endoscopy for Crones disease just as a precaution or to difinitivly rule it out.He wants me come back in two weeks to see if there has been any change....then we will schedule the colonscopy.
One other thing he did say was that even if he saw nothing in my colon he would still do a couple of biopsy's, I have been thinking about that, I should have asked him why, but I did not.
Hopefully, I can tolerate the prep, I can;t even imagine going through anything worse than what I do everyday.
Can anyone comment and any of these issues....and if anyone has done this particular prep I would like to hear how your made out.....I some info on the miralax prep, but it all said there were pills involved as well, but he did not say anything about pills, just 64 oz of gatorade and I believe he said 8 scoops of the miralax.
Thanks for any information that anyone can give me...I have put this off much to long, but honestly I still don;t think I can handle it..

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Hi Ron, you can take pills instead of drinking the liquid. I did that and it was not so bad.
That is the worst part of the Colonoscopy, the prep. It is a good idea to have one though. The Dr will send any polyps off that he removes and check them. Most of the time they are benign, but you could be taking something that could interfere with the colon.
I had my gall bladder out 4 years ago and have had IBS for over 10 years. The surgery made my IBS worse. I just found out that the bile that the gall bladder makes goes into the colon now ,causing the good bacteria to be eliminated. My sister has the same thing and her Dr put her on a new med. Colestid 1 mg. I am going to ask my Internist about this. I hate the inconvenience of having to be at a restroom within 30 mins of eating.
It is so inconvenient when traveling. Good Luck. Kathy
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Thanks for the info...the only thing that I worry about with the prep, is that if I am in the bathroom 6 or 7 times a day everyday, I am wondering how much I can take with the laxative in such a heavy dose...I feel dehydrated as it is no matter how much water or gatorade I drink...the effects of which are starting to show heavily on my skin, in less than a year my skin has gone from really good to dry, with absolutley no elasticity to it...Over the past weekend I am feeling an overwhelming sense of depression, I am just tired of this whole thing, I am sick of it and I want it to go away..
My doc wanted me to try, fiber pills (which I already did) 2 a day, colon health and eat two activia a day...for two weeks...I think it is actually making me worse...I am disgusted with the entire thing...I am going on a cruise in a week and a half (something that makes me giddy with happieness) and I am dreading it...Im sure I will be in the bathroom for half the cruise...I am usually a happy person but this has finally gotten to me...
Im going to look up that medication that your sister takes...I guess the problem is alot of docs are hesitant to prescribe something new....
If this doesn;t work out for me, I think I will just go doctor shopping and find one who will prescribe one of the meds out....this doc says he will prescribe the new antibiotic for me only after I have the colonoscopy which is the only reason why I agreed to have it...Im afraid if someone doesn;t give me something soon that I just may turn into a recluse...
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Go to another Dr if you are not  getting the response you want with the present one. They work for you. My Dr told me to take an immodium before a big day or meal if I felt like I was going to have an IBS attack, That does work sometimes. I would take 2 the night before the cruise and maybe one the next morning, just to be sure. They are safe to take.
I have been adding a powder fiber to my coffee and tea every day and that is helping me.
Stay away from dairy and chocolate. Those are two triggers as well as caffeine. Use de-caf if you have to. Have a good cruise and let me know how you did. Also if you are anxious all the time, you might need an anxiety med. I take Zoloft.  
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I am only 35 and have recently been diagnosised with IBS.  I had a colonoscopy to rule out anything else.  It was negative for all.  However, I have IBS-C with severe stomach pain that is dibilitating for up to 24 hours at a time. I actually felt so much better after I did the prep for the colonoscopy I am seriously considering do it on a monthly basis as I had no symptoms for 3 weeks after the prep.  It really cleans you out and I just felt better. I also need to change my diet however doing a food diary to find out what I  need to aliminate seems like it will take a very long time.  I am also on anti-anxiety meds as that is also a cause of my IBS.
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I have had IBS for 25 yrs. maybe a little more. I have tried everything. The cleanse would be good. Or maybe just once a month, drink juices/water to flush your system out.
Jello and broth. I read that if you drink 8 glasses of water and eat your fiber you will not be constipated. There are a lot of good articles and info on the web. Do some research and you will get ideas and suggestions. It is unreal how many people have these problems.
Good Luck.
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Well the two weeks of doctor prescriped self help meds are up....No help whatsoever, maybe a few less bowel sounds...thats it...I am exhausted with this entire thing..I went to visit my cousin for the weekend last week and I was on edge the entire time....
He wanted to go out to eat and I had to make some excuse like I really wasn;t hungry, (I was starving) just so I didn;t have to go...I have a doctors appt tommorrow to discuss what I have just done...I will mention the Colestid...I think when I was there last he did ask how my cholesterol was...maybe he will let me try it...
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I am reading all the info you guys are chatting about to pick up some info on this, as my diagnosis is realtively new.. Actually since I had my gall bladder removed to be exact.. I am a bit confused about the fiber thing.. Is that for people that are constipated... I have diarrhea problems with it.. I just had a horrible bout of that with vomiting and then yellow diarrhea and stools.. I have always been sensitive with certain foods, yeast, sulphites, so I blamed that all the time.. I can't seem to figure out what causes these bad attacks., and am nervous as well, as I fly to Holland and am biking from Amsterdam to Belgium,, this friday.. Is there anything you can suggest to help me just get through these next three weeks that works on the diarrhea thing?  I too, am aftaid to eat out now as I can't pin the cause of what's going on.. I am booked for a colonoscopy because of my age.. 55.. had one three years ago... am hoping for some suggestions....People also say to eat yogurt, but isn't that a dairy product?  I am trying that... thanks any help will be good....
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In most cases of IBS, fiber helps people that are constipated and people that are diarrhea because it adds bulk to the stool.  Having IBS and figuring out what causes attacks is very difficult to do and some people can never figure out what causes their attacks.  A diet that helps with short-term diarrhea is a BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast).  However, if you are sensitive by gluten, then don't eat the toast.  Yogurt is good to eat because it contains probiotics.  However if you are sensitive to dairy, then probiotic pills are a good option.
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On trips or if you will be anxious and not have the comfort of your home, I take immodium at night (2) and then 1-2 the next morning. I eat lightly. Applesauce, crackers, no dairy, no fried foods or caffeine. I know this is no way to live, but it does help. I can't say all the times I did the same thing about begging off of going out to eat with guests, because I was afraid. I have done some extensive research on IBS and there are so many people suffering. My insurance man has a 3 yr old child that has it. Can you believe that.
My sister is convinced the Colestid is fabulous. It does make since since the bile has no place to go after the gall bladder is removed. Do some research and you will be amazed. I did write and ask my Dr about Colestid, will let you know.
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Ok went to docs today and he said he would give me the Colestid...yay...however first he wants the colonoscopy because he said that the Colestid would interfere with the colonoscopy..he wants to do a couple of biopsies just to rule out some other things...I will get a blood test tommorrow for Celiac disease...just to rule it out.

Here is my problem now, Im getting the colonscopy on the 17th, they would have sceduled it for this week but it was Friday and the day before my cruise...so I said no, nothing is going to interfere with the cruise...
When they gave me the instructions for the prep, it includes 4 pills at bedtime....are you kidding me???  the miralax alone will take care of things Im sure, I can;t even imagine being up all night after going half the day....the girl said if the solution is running clear then I should just take one pill....Im just not sure about this entire thing, I am only doing it to get the pills...I can hardly leave the area of the bathroom as it is...let alone all of this ...going to rethink this whole thing....
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I would not do anything to interfere with the cruise either. If I had to take 2 immodium everyday, I would do that. Do not eat heavy. At least on the ship , there are lots of bathrooms. When I had my colonoscopy I did the pills and I was up most of the night, it was mostly clear, but none the less, the urgency to go. I was drained the next day from not much sleep, I camped out on the toilet literally. I took the pills and milk of magnesia the afternoon before the test. I was so glad to get the test over with. Do what your Dr says and if you have a feeling he is not treating you fairly, change doctors. I think they just have to rule out everything before administering a new drug. Good Luck.
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Its not that I think that the doc is treating me unfairly, I just believe that he has no idea how bad my situation is...thats what I am afraid of being up all and being depleted of every ecltrolyte in my system...I feel that way now and I haven;t started yet...I suppose worrying about it this far out will do me no good and only contribute to my stress level.
Its funny you said said 2 Immodium...2 does me no good at all..In order for me to actually enjoy the cruise I will need 6 to 8 Immodium...
One of the things the doc mentioned was microscopic colitis..he thought that might be my problem, but the only tx is you guessed it - Immodium...
well the bottom line is I want to get this done asap, so I can try the Colestid - he said if that didn;t work we would move on to the Rifaximin...so I am very anxious to give one or more of those drugs at try....at this point there is light at the end of my tunnel.....
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One more thing you said you took the pills - were they Ducolax? you took them in the afternoon and still were up all night - I can;t even imagine why anyone would take 4 before going to bed, sounds like torture to me....my husband is going for a colonoscopy on the 13th - same doctor  perhaps I will talk further to him about the prep when I see him...
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If you need to take 6-8 immodium to feel comfortable, I would think that would be ok, every person is different. I talked to my sister that has been on Colestid for 2 weeks now. She said it was a miracle. She feels great and has had No diarrhea or emergencies. She really bragged on this. She takes 2 a day. I have done extensive research on this drug and it has been on the market for over 10 yrs. I don't understand why my internist would not have already prescribed this for me, knowing my symptoms. It does makes sense that after having your gall bladder out, the bile has to go somewhere. This drug helps with that. I contacted my Dr but have to go in before he will give me a prescription. My physical is in July, I will go then, unless it gets too bad.
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Well the thought of the doc giving me that drug is the only reason I consented to the colonscopy...so with that in mind I'll try and keep some positive thoughts although it won't be easy..thanks for your help...
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Stay positive... I talked to my sister again yesterday. She has been on Colestid for 2 weeks now and is so thrilled. She raved on and on. She has really had bad IBS-D.
I have been adding Benefiber granules to my coffee each morning. This has helped me.
I went out to eat yesterday and had a salad. I was a little anxious after eating it but never got diarrhea. I did have to go to the bathroom within 30 mins afterwards though,. I am trying to eat more fresh fruit and stay away from dairy.
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Well the cruise is over and I was able to keep the D at bay, with the help of 9 Immodium a day...as soon as I came home I went right back to the way I was...oh well.  Colonscopy is scheduled for next Tuesday...I am scared of the prep and what it may do to me, but eager to get it all over with.   Roe
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Don't be afraid of the colonoscopy. You will do fine. The prep is, afterall, the worst part.
Do exactly what the Dr says and drink ginger ale or water. No carbonated drinks.
I am so glad you made the cruise.. I hope you were able to have a little fun in spite of having the IBS along for the ride.
I have been taking benefiber evey morning in my coffee (granules). I have noticed a change in bowel habits. I am eating more fresh fruit, which helps also. My sister is still taking the Colestid and says it is a miracle. I will talk to my Dr in July when I go for my physical. Have a good day. Good luck. Kathy
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Well its almost here...going on Tuesday for the colonoscopy...the anxiety is already here..regarding the prep...the thought of taking all that Miralax, then taking 4 laxative pills before i go to bed it making me crazy....I can't do it...I have read horror stories from people who have bowel problems and it made them so sick and sent others to the hospital....thats just what I need...I thought maybe if I took one tommorrow night and got the whole thing started it may be better...
My husband had a colonoscopy on Friday and he is normal and went through alot, not to mention that for two days he has still been running to the bathroom bad cramps and gas pains...I feel sorry for him, I hope it doesn;t happen to me.   I have already cut down on my eating...I started yesterday eating very very light...I know it is probably not the right thing to do, but I have to make it less painful...I guess by the time I get to the surgery center my BP will be off the charts,,,oh well...we will see what happens...thanks for all the support....
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Just wanted to let you know, the colonoscopy is over and all went well...My colon was normal in everyway, except for some twists and turns that the doctor found very amusing. So I have a follow up on the 27th, he take some biopsies, he seems to be looking for microscopic colitis....which cannot be determined by a colonscopy.

The prep wasn't to bad with the miralax it worked pretty quickly and was over in about 3 hours...I did not take the 4 pills at bedtime, I took 1, that woke me about 3
am with cramps for hours...I was a bit afraid because I had to go again as soon as I got the surgery center...In fact true to my IBS, I haven;t stopped going all day, a little unusual since the colonscopy was just hours ago...all I know is I want to doctor to make it stop, it is getting more difficult to live with and I am exhausted...
Thank you for all your advice and suppost, I will let you know about the Colestid, I hope it works..
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Bless your heart!!! I am so glad that is over also. what an ordeal. Someone has to invent a better way. Be sure and tell your doctor about how you felt afterward and see if you were doing the prep correctly. I don't remember having any bathroom problems afterwards.

I am glad that your hubby is doing ok also. Keep me posted on those twists & turns. have you researched that? When are you having more tests> Hope they are not as invasive.
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Hi, I am back with some results...the colonoscopy was normal in everyway...no polyps, no inflammation, no nothing...but my doctor was smart enough to take several biopies from different spots in my colon.
Well the diagnosis is back and I have collagenous colitis....an overgrowth of collagen in the intestines like a band if you will.
Well the doc prescribed a drug called Endocort...Kathy I am a new person.  No more D, I am not 100%, but I am at least 80% better.  It is truly a  miracle...Now he has me on the meds for at least 3 months, then we talk about weaning me off for a short period of time...there are no long term studies on this drug...I basically have no side effects from the drug other than some insomnia.  I am truly blessed to have found such a great doctor...as far as the effects after the colonoscopy the doc said that it is not unusual..he said at any one time there is 5 litre's of liquod in the intestines whether or not you eat....which really surprises me but so be it.
all I know is that now I am in a better place...Kathy thank you for all your ehlp and support....
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One more thing, as far as the twists and turns in your colon...the doc says the colon changes all the time...my husband had the first scope and his colon was fine, he had another in the hospital to remove a polyp...had to be done in the hospital bc he takes plavix and they wanted to have more resources available to them if needed.  At the time of the second scope, his colon was so twisted that the doc almost gave up on the procedure.  I am now wondering if it is the cleaning out process that sets the colon into a frenzy...remember that was two preps in as many weeks...something to ponder, perhaps I;ll google it and see what I can come up with...
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