219241 tn?1413537765

What was the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

G'day all from sunny Australia.
I am sitting here bored...well, not bored exactly, I know I have a ton of things to do....but would rather be doing something entirely different.
Which got me to thinking...what is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
Maybe I might do one, just for some excitement!
I think my most dangerous thing was climb into an active volcano...that was pretty scary.
Looking forward to some risky business from you guys! (maybe you can share what you would like to do dangerously, if you have never done anything like that before)
28 Responses
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541150 tn?1306033843
HAH! I got a cat who likes to help in the kitchen....hahaha...so helpful this kitty...it's dangerous!
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460185 tn?1326077772
Adopted a male shih tzu who wears a dress.

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541150 tn?1306033843
Cliff Diving!!
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Too many to choose from.
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365714 tn?1292199108
Reading these makes me feel I need to get out and "live" a bit more. I'm not much a risk taker...  I guess if I were to say a few, one would be coasting my bike down a really steep hill when I was a child.  That wasn't much of a risk until the old lady who owned the property came out yelling, putting up a big fuss threatening to call the police...now that was a bit creepy.

Another I was dangerously close to a really active railroad track that seemed to have a train almost every 15 minutes. The tracks kinda vibrate and make a weird humming sound...when that happened, I got off to the side and watched/took pictures of the trains as they whizzed by.

There were times, especially as a kid that I almost got hit by cars by riding my bigwheel in the middle of a private road.  Another time I was a teenager and crossing a really busy intersection with my bike and almost got hit by a huge school bus. The way the intersection bent and the bridge near it prevented me from getting a good view of anything coming up even though I was crossing at the right place.  It was fairly easy to have not seen the bus coming.  It seemed like it was only a few feet away from hitting my bike and me.  If I had to take a guess, that may be the closest to death that I've been.

Other than that nothing really exciting.
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483733 tn?1326798446
Besides making some bad decisions that ultimately worked out OK in my swinging single days in the early 80's, there are a few.

I had a girlfriend who was getting married and wanted a girl's holiday away beforehand.  We took a trip to Florida together.  One night we were in a bar and she met this older man who was a drug dealer and told me she was going up to his room with him.  I was not letting her go there alone so insisted I come and chaperone.  I was terrified!

My husband and I and another couple took a trip to the Dominican Republic and joined up for an excursion outside of our resort.  One of the things we did was to hike for quite a while and then climb a mountain.  There was a waterfall and several pools of water along the way.  We were accompanied by two very skinny young boys.  At spots you needed them to pull you up and you had to hold onto ropes.  There was blood all over from people who had fallen before us.  At the top you stood in a pool of water and were supposed to jump down into a pool.  I fell on the rocks and then refused to jump and had to climb down very slowly.  We were all terrified for our safety.

And about 6 years ago I went to a global management meeting in London England with the managers of other countries around the world.  A few of us stayed over after the meeting as our flights were the next day.  That night three of us went out pubbing - me (a Canadian), an ex-Londoner who lived in Malaysia, and an American (my boss).  We were in a small town and had walked from the hotel.  We went into this pub and there were a number of locals around the bar.  They all toasted us when we came in.  One of them was quite drunk and looked at my boss and I and asked us if we were American in a very angry manner.  Before my boss could answer (and he was going to) I jumped in and said I was from Canada.  The man immediately relaxed and shared stories of his visits to Canada.  We hid in the corner, drank our one beer and then escaped.  For some reason that guy had it in for Americans and I would have hated to see what he might have said or done if he'd known.
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585414 tn?1288941302
Well I would say some areas of N.Y.C. in the past and what went on there were not so safe but I never was in anyway involved but I question what I was doing there (mostly the east village when it was "alphabet city" in the early 1990's I was there for the music scene but there was a fair amount of drug dealing going on but the way you did things then was look the other way and pretend you didn't see what you did). That was a while back. N.Y.C. is safer now but nothing that original there now. College years...
  As for physical dangerous there I must credit my parents lol. We were in Washington state in 1981. off the cost sailing and the water there was 1,000 feet deep and 40 degrees. And we were on these offshore islands where there were dangerous under currents. My father was not up to sailing in these conditions and the boat almost capsized. We made it out safely but barely but my father was furious and threw the chart we had been given by the people who chartered the boat into the water with a few choice words. I was about 9 and thought it was hilarious at the time but it was only a few years later that I was allowed to joke about it. Nice vacation though regardless but could have been better planned to say the least...
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144586 tn?1284666164
The most dangerous thing I ever did was to forget my girlfriend's birthday.
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219241 tn?1413537765
My goodness! A lot of you are such dare devils! It's a wonder we all lived!
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186166 tn?1385259382
went on a cruise...was at port for the day.  my cousin and i wanted to go horseback riding on the beach so we signed up...trouble is that it was in the next little village.  we had already been warned NOT to leave port and go into any other towns.  OF COURSE...we did...lol.  the dangerous part was that we were too cheap to hire a taxi...so we got in the car with the two mexican men that were running the horseback riding stand...and they drove us to the next town.
thank goodness...everything went ok :)

i was not young and stupid...this happened just 3 years ago...lol.
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389974 tn?1331015242
Swampy can't decide.

When he was 4 he climbed into the cow pen to talk to the animals. Frightened his mom half to death, that did.

Climbing up granite in southern California, to get to the top you had to jump 8 ft across a ravine, onto a 6 inch ledge with a sheer granite face. Thats very tricky because if you jump to quick you go splat into the rock face, but if you jump short you are 100 ft down and dead.
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geez everything when i was a teenager...gettin in cars with total strangers....many like those cherie speaks of lol....passing a joint from one car to the next while you  know driving.....on the highway...my friend driving drunk and we saw a light and had no clue it was a train til we crossed over the tracks..and heard the whooooosh behind us...stupid **** but we were always under the influence (on weekends anyway) so now i realize what a ******* i was...but damn we had fun.....this is in no way an endorsement for the use of drugs or alchol lol
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535822 tn?1443976780
Oh crumbs some good ones here, I also had a dare devil attitude at around age 11 -12 ..I would go with my brother and we would swing on a rope swing tied to a big tree,out over a canyon, one day I fell I didnt fly all the way down or I wouldnt be here now, I fell on a ledge,my bro dragged me back up, I was covered in stinging nettles rash, when we got home he really got yelled at for not watching me better...I was always in trouble ..still am come to think of it,
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219241 tn?1413537765
Wow! These are all better than I anticpated! Keep 'em coming! I don't think I will be doing any of them in a hurry though! Think I will stick to knitting from now on!
And Yes! Angels do look after us! I have many a story on THAT subject...but that's for another time!
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401786 tn?1309152034
WOW!!!!  There is some seriously dangerous stuff you guys listed here!

The most dangerous thing I ever did, was to get drunk and pass out in a bar, being the only female in the joint.  Long story short.  I was carried upstairs after the bar closed, by the bartender and about 6 of his closest friends.  I woke up on a bed, puking my guts out, later, waking up again on that bed, with the bartender on my right, and about three guys in the bed on my left...there were several guys sprawled out on the floor.  Back in the day....my jeans were on HELLAtight!  Upon awakening, I promptly checked, and my zipper was still intact.  I called a cab and got my @$$ home!  I am VERY lucky!!
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363281 tn?1714899967
Well, I don't remember how old I was, but, it was sure old enough to know better. Anyway, one night, I was sitting on the beach near Seattle, and this guy walks up to me and starts talking, he said he was a park ranger, so, we talked awhile, then he took me to a resturant for a drink and then I let him drive me home. Nothing else happend, Praise God.  WOW. the Lord sure was looking out for me that night, I mean, that is how folks get killed or end up missing. When I think about it know, I almost shake with fear, how dumb. Like I said, God was with me that night and so were my angels.
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298824 tn?1349955177
Bungee jumping over the ocean off a crane years ago...Never had problems with heights till I did that....
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I chased a shoplifter and was successful. I knew where this guy had parked and I stood right behind his vehicle and wrote down his license plate. He actually got out of the car and confronted me. To be honest with you... I wasn't afraid at all. I guess I just trusted my gut instinct and knew that I would be fine. I heard that they arrested him later on.

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611067 tn?1458591483
Another time, when I was about 12, a friend of mine and I walked up to Grant's (department store) which was across the street from the apartments we lived in.  There was a man sitting in the back of his truck taking pictures.  He asked us to come over so he could take our pictures.  I chose to stay back but my friend walked right up to him and I LET HER!  UGH!!! Anway, he decided to show her his private parts and asked her to come closer - she took off running and crying.  I followed her and we ran all the way home.  We told her father who belonged to some motorcylce gang and was a scary dude!  Anyway, he went up there and looked for the guy with his shotgun.  The man had left.  So, they called the police to keep a lookout for him.  That was scary!
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I think i was about 11 or 12 and I was with my friend going to her house after school. She lived over by some rail road tracks and you could see her house on the other side perfect. So, we didn't feel like walking all around the the tracks....so we crossed the train tracks!!! I had no clue about the third rail that it held the power for the train, so we just crossed like it was nothing!!! I was more fearless when I was younger....now I'm pretty much a whimp on things!
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You know how when you are young and stupid when someone bets you won't do something you run right out and do it just to show them?

When I was 19, a couple of friends and I got talking about skydiving.  They guys bet I would not jump out of an airplane.  Well, we all 3 signed up for a course and did one jump.  The macho men made ME go first!  It worked out though, because I had the camera and I was on the ground in good order and able to get photos of my buddy Bill landing in a tree!

One skydive was plenty for me!  Apart from marrying a violent man, that was the stupidest, most dangerous thing I have ever done.

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611067 tn?1458591483
I was single living in an apartment in Salt Lake City by myself when I was 21.  I woke up at 2 a.m. and bored to death.  A friend of mine worked at a nice hotel in downtown Salt Lake (which is where I lived) and so I decided to walk to his hotel to chat with him while working.  It was about 6 blocks through the center of downtown Salt Lake.  When I got there he yelled at me for doing something so stupid! LOL!!! Back then, since I grew up just north of Philadelphia, I thought I was perfectly safe in Salt Lake City.  Little did I know that that's when all the pervs came out.  I was sooo lucky!!!!

Another time, my car broke down on the highway and a man came by in his truck and offered to help me.  I was stuck in the middle of the night and wasn't sure what to do.  He looked under the hood and said the engine had blown.  He offered to take me somewhere and I did!  I was so lucky he was a nice person.  Not long after that one of my best friend's had a friend murdered by a truck driver, who had raped her and strangled her.  I often felt strange after that like maybe that was the stupidest thing I had ever done!
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535822 tn?1443976780
Tried to cross the English Channel to come to the US via the Atlantic/Panama canal to LA left England too late.in the year ..hit severe storms was thrown and injured on the boat, had to go back into England for treatment, couldnt get back on the boat after that for a long voyage... so flew over to the US. .  
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518031 tn?1295575374
Angels do walk among us and thank God they do
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