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Left Testicle/Lower Abdominal Pain

Hi I am a 23 year old male who's recently developed testicle pain. For the past week or so I have experienced pain in my left testicle after lying down for a long period of time. After standing up and walking around the pain noticebly improves. In the last few days I have noticed the pain starting to radiate to my lower left abdomin. I dont seem to have any lumps on my testicles. Does anyone know what this could be?

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Have any of you been sexually abused?
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Were any of you guys on the medication Paxil or any other anti depression med? If so, did this start when you discontinued using that drug?
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I am 43 and I have had 3 Micro-Discectomies on L5/S1 - the issue you all are haveing, in my opinion, is nerve related.  Vert# L1, S3, L2 is probably the area that need to be looked at.  I am currently having the issue and I believe it is due to my Tempurpedic mattress I spent 3k on to assist in back recovery....now the mattress is relaxing and not giving support as it did when new...DONT BUY TEMPERPEDIC.......
A neurologist is the doctor to see to resolve the issue....

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I just experienced the same pain everyone, almost as if I had been flicked really hard by someone in my left testy. I didn't know how to control the pain so I sat on the toilet. Then nothing came out, I was worried that I had either testicular torsion or some sort of hernia. I danced around in pain and anguish for about 5 to 10 minutes, I lay down, I rolled over, I twisted my hips around, and even did some yoga... but nothing helped. I propped my torso up, grabbed my Android smart phone, got on the internet and started searching. I found this site after 10 minuets of pain... That's when it happened, I farted. I also noticed that I was a little dehydrated. If anyone is feeling like their testicle is being pulled down and squeezed and it's in the lower left abdominal area, here's my solution. Get a big glass of water, lay down and prop your torso up at a 60 degree angle, and put your legs flat. Start reading something to get your mind off of it, and take deep intermittent breaths. I fear that this pain for all of us men is nothing but a matter of time before it goes away and most likely has something to do with diet, digestion, and flatulence.
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The testicles and lower abdominal region contain specialized tissues that aid in male hormone regulation and sperm production, as well as musculature and connective tissue that make up the abdominal wall. Abdominal and testicular pain can manifest as sharp stabbing pains, as radiating soreness or throbbing aches, and can develop as a result of a number of underlying conditions.

One possible cause of lower abdominal and testicular pain is an inguinal hernia. An inguinal hernia develops from a weakening of the abdominal wall in the groin region. The weakening often occurs at the inguinal canal, a small hole in the support for the abdominal wall through which the spermatic cord passes to connect to the testes. A hernia develops when this hole expands, and tissue protrudes through the hole. Men with an inguinal hernia develop a lump in the groin area that can extend toward the scrotum, according to Penn State University. The risk of developing an inguinal hernia increases in age and occurs more often in obese patients, or patients who have lost a great deal of weight. The treatment for an inguinal hernia commonly includes surgery to support the hernia.

Testicular torsion, the twisting of the spermatic cord within the scrotum, can also cause testicular or lower abdominal pain. The twisting of the cord cuts off the blood supply to the testicle and other structures within the scrotum. The result is an intense pain in one testicle that develops without warning, accompanied by swelling of the scrotum, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Testicular torsion also causes nausea and vomiting, and may cause a testicular lump or lead to blood in the semen. Men suffering from testicular torsion should seek immediate medical attention since lack of oxygen can eventually lead to tissue death.

Another possible cause of testicular and lower abdominal pain is epididymitis, an infection of the epididymus, a tissue connecting the testicle to the vas deferens. Epididymitis may develop as a result of bacterial or viral infection, causing swelling, redness, inflammation and pain, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Often, the infection begins in the bladder or urethra and migrates into the epididymus, so patients with epididymitis commonly experience pain in the testicles and lower abs. Treatment for epididymitis generally involves antibiotics to clear up the underlying infection, as well as pain-killing medication to ease the symptoms of the disease. If left untreated, the infection can lead to long-term pain.
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hey guys....
I've had a varicose fixed and hernia in 2009 (I went to get checked out because my left testi hurt).. it was all good until dec 2010 when my left test hurt again, on the semen analysis it came out I had staphilococus on the sperm, had some anti biotics, felt good and after 1-2 months again, after more anti-biotics same thing, after 1-2 months same thing, went back and now I had prostatis...
been dealing with this for a year now... 2 months ago my left nut started to hurt again.... and now it goes to my lower back, kidneys and the left leg (which with the left leg is the same when you have a varicose, but got checked and i dont have a varicose)
ultrasounds come back negative, nut checks are OK... any suggestions guys?
i was told that i may have something (forgot the name) that is with my blood, that doesn't help me fight infections... nto sure because when yuou have prostatitis that blood work used to check that is off because of that infeccion...
one urologist did tell me that some men have to live all their lives with something like this..
has anyone actually been cured?

sorry no time to spell check
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Interesting, I play a lot of disc golf and this is happening to me.  It seems like sometimes the glands up into the abdomen region also hurt, but the most scary part is the shrinkage of the testicle.  I have HPV as well, and have seen pre cancerous growths in my throat.  I believe I have a high risk strain.  I know it has moved through my sexual systems, so I have been concerned that the HPV is linked to the oddities in my left testicle.  The pain is always dull, even in my lymph nodes, and only on the left side.  I will certainly be trying a jock strap in the future though although I never suspected this was being cause by them flopping during disc golf.  If that was the case, why only one side, and why the lymph nodes above?
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i am 30 and i have had the same problum mine started when i was 22 and ive seen every doc i could thank of i had one doc say it is a infection  in my didamitus glan went throw all my meds and stell have the sam problum no one seems to know what is going on but resintly iv got a lump on my left lower abdominal area and it hurts bad with the filling of throwing up cinda worryed if u no any thing abought this please tet us know
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Have the same prob went to eurologist said it was that epididymis infection. Apparently if pain is there then its not cancer or tumor? I had an intra Venus shot of antibiotics yesterday and on doxicyclin anti biodics, and Norman panadiene for the pain I'll update in 2 weeks time to adv of outcome
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Have the same prob went to eurologist said it was that epididymis infection. Apparently if pain is there then its not cancer or tumor? I had an intra Venus shot of antibiotics yesterday and on doxicyclin anti biodics, and Norman panadiene for the pain I'll update in 2 weeks time to adv of outcome
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Read what this guy has said.  I have had similar issues and have used similar remedies which has significantly reduced the pain. The tennis ball in a sock against the wall works great for this issue and other back and shoulder pain. I purchased a book called Trigger Point Therapy on Amazon.com.  Although you are feeling pain in the groin, it is likely referred pain from muscles located elsewhere nearby. Massaging trigger points(I.e. muscle knots) on the inner thigh close to groin, butt and hip may help, plus exercising and stretches. Lastly, i purchased and expensive desk chair as well.  I first thought it was prostate, hernia or kidney stone.  However, two urologists and multiple tests said otherwise. I now believe it has to do with years of mountain biking, squats at the gym and/or sitting at my desk with bad posture all day.
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Hi there,

Your kidney pain could be a result of the vitamins and boosters you're taking. These are all filtered through the kidneys. Stop taking all the supplements for a week or 10 days and see if the kidney pain clears up.
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I have pain in my left testical and left lower abdomin, any Idea? This hurts and I'm tired of bad Doctors telling me I strained something!
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i am only 13 and whenever i touch my left testicle it makes my lower left abdomen and both of my testicles but i think mine is more severe than that because i have only had it for less than a week and i cant go to school or play any sports please help!
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Iam 42 yrs have that annoying not pain but discomfort sometimes makes me walk with my legs open to ease the discomfort around my left testicle
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I have been having a great deal of success lately.

I haven't posted in a while. I have been collecting my thoughts prior to posting.

If you've read my previous posts you will know my situation and know that my issues are similar to many of you on here

My pain level varies between a 2 to a 4 currently, on a scale of 1 to 10. It used to be a 12

these things have offered me the most relief to date

- I bought a herman miller aeron chair... very comfortable (expensive but worth it for me... I can sit longer and with less pain now) http://hermanmiller.com/Products/Aeron-Chairs

- I found a new physio therapist specializing in pelvic muscle floor dysfunction which I found from this site http://www.pudendalhope.org/node/63 they have lists of physio therapists in the usa and canada.

- I have been seeing this physio therapist for about a month now

- I highly suggest finding a highly qualified and recommended physio therapist who specifically specializes in pelvic muscle floor dysfunction

- things I have been given to do. Just to give you some ideas.

- skin rolling on my inner thigh on left side (I'm supposed to do the right too... but I do it less) example starting at time 1:08 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFfSd3wf9B8 you do it up and down and side to side... they show back of thigh... have someone do that too but do inner thigh yourself. you can do it sitting with the leg you are working on propped up on your other knee (example for me its left foot resting on right knee when sitting) also they show it backwards in the video from what the physio told me. grab it as they show but roll towards your fingers not towards your thumbs. a baby's connective tissue is very soft and you can roll it very easily. check your thigh I bet its tight. the goal is to grab a good amount of skin between your thumbs and fingers and roll it out... as you do it it will get more flexible. mine felt like there were rubber bands in there under the skin or also like there was bubble wrap under there. at least 3 times a week

- massage your *** with a tennis ball standing up against the wall... massage around your anus and perineum (i do from the bottom up in a circle around the left and right sides... and all around actually... at least 3 times a week

- hot baths with Epsom salts (very hot, very long, very often) at least 3 times a week

- 20 mins of elliptical machine training 3 times a week (get a good stretch routine going before and after... ask the physio and or trainers maybe?)

- stretches... ill attempt to explain

- stretch 1 - lie on the floor completely flat on you back bend one knee and hug it with your hands into your body... get a good stretch... hold 20 or more seconds 3 times each knee

- stretch 2 - same starting position on the floor lying on your back, bend your left knee keeping your left foot on the floor, put the right foot on your left knee, now pull your left thigh towards your head... should feel a good stretch in your left ***/hip repeat other side... hold 20 or more seconds

- stretch 3 - arg this one is hard to explain.. ok so you lie on your back same as the other two... bend your left knee, keeping your left foot on the ground, keeping your right leg straight, now put your left foot on the other side of your right knee, take your right elbow and put it on the left side of your left knee now push on your left knee with your right elbow towards the right... get a good ***/hip stretch. repeat other side hold at least 20 seconds or more, repeat 3 times.

seriously go see the physio and get proper instruction

- anal stretches... going to sound weird but it works... I bet we all have a tight iliococcygeus or iliococcygeal muscle on whatever side is causing us pain... that's what I've been told anyways

how to do it... lube up your index finger on whatever side works for you... when standing put a leg up on a stool, insert index finger, contract anus muscle, relax anus muscle, push anus muscle, and now finally when you are at that point you push with your finger down at the 6 oclock mark and hold for 30 seconds. repeat at the 5:30 and 6:30 marks 3 times each spot.  30 seconds each... at the end of the stretch add a little friction with your finger like you are rubbing off glue on a desk or something for 5 seconds each spot.

im sure its not all 100% clear what I am trying to express but it might give you some ideas as to things to explore... again please consult a qualified physio therapist... your issue might be different and they might give you different exercises...

I spend 1 hour with her 1 time per week and she does all kinds of things, internal anal massage, skin rolling, massaging, trigger point release, leg and hip manipulations

hope this helps guys... im feeling much better and im sure i will continue to get better... one day i hope to say im pain free... and i hope that day is soon... im so freaking close I can taste it
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I sort of have the same thing going on. The cord (I don't know the name for it) to my left testicle seems to be swollen and it has been for about a year and a bit now. Its probably because last year when I masturbaited I used to hold in my ejaculation to avoid a mess since I was in my bed and I was too lazy to get up. Thinking nothing bad would come from it, sometime after i ofcourse did it again but this time it hurt and I noticed a swelling in the "cord". Its been about a year since then and a couple days ago I masturbaited and the pain came back for a moment and I noticed the swelling is bigger. All I want to know is how do I treat it? I don't feel like mentioning this to my parents cause its embarrassing. If someone could help me out it would be awesome. Thanks!
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I have a pain in my left testicle when I drive or lye in bed. Not a crippling pain. But it's noticeable! Any help is much appreciated??
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It's been 1 year since my symptoms started, and literally within the same month a year on, they are gone.

Symptoms (as I wrote above) were a dull ache, and a pain on the pubic bone (both on right side).

3 weeks prior to the symptoms going I did these things

1) Started swimming once or twice a week.
2) Brought a swiss/gym ball and started doing core exercises.

I have no idea whether this was the solution, or it's just timing.

My MRI scan has showed up something called osteonecrosis (completely unexpected), which can be caused by scar tissue (i.e. healing).

Hence my thinking is that these exercises did initiate some healing, but have actually led to this new condition.

Anyway, fighting that now, but the annoying initial dull ache/pubic pain is gone!

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Guy's I have the same symptoms you are all describing but It's my right Testicle that seems to be feeling heavier and the cord seems to be having a dull but shooting/stretching sensation. It sit's higher than my left and might even have a scrotolith on it near the cord. I noticed it when I first started riding a bike to work a year ago. A year prior to that I got my back checked out by a chick at a healthfood store with a machine that measured each individual vertibrae through a computer. The disc that sits directly above my pelvic bone was off, the muscles on the right side were pulling and my left side was over compensating. i'm pretty sure this is the disc that's connected to this area but not 100% positive because I'm not a doctor. I got checked for the std's and everything came back neg. I'm 28 n have been working out n playing sports since I was 5. The thing that made the most sense as to why the dull pain in this area is on the right side is because I was a right handed pitcher all my life from LL to Professional baseball. My whole right side of my body is completely jacked up. 3 vertibrae out of allignment one in my neck, behind my shoulder and in my lower back. The pelvic re-adjustment sounds like a good thing so I'll have that done n let you guys know what happens after that. BTW the place that did this diagnostic body/spinal exam was a intern @ chiropratorincostamesa.com...Havent gone in though because i'm broke
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devang what medicine did the doctor give you... just curious?
these antibiotics CM-CEPHALEXIN CAP BLIS 500MG 20 are not working
and nurofon and antinflamitories arent working and nothings working
and im getting really upset and scared

it doesnt hurt to pee
it doesnt hurt to wank/have sex/cumm or masturbate
it hurts really bad after release of sperm/***/sex/masturbating/wanking but not after toilet
i have been going to toilet alot to pass urine.
urine is always clear no blood
on and off pain from left testicle all day and all the time.
uncorftable sleeping and sitting down, standing helps a bit
feels like its coming from left testicle and left leg and under scrotum, bum, left side near kidney and back
and sharp pains followed by uncortable dull pain and discomfort.

left feels different to right
left feels lumpy and veiny

doctor said feels normal when i went to gp
and hospital booked me in urgently and did
urine test, blood test, ultrasound and said no cancer, and its normal
they mentioned finding a small kidney stone in my kidney
but is that causing all this pain. left testicle.
i dont think so
could it be a kidney stone... or a hernia... ?
i was watching on youtube. a hernia pushed down could be it
but there is so much people are saying like testicle torson and
epididymitis, epidimal cyst, and cancer and vein stuff and i dont know whats the difference or what to believe
and when the gp/doc and hospital say your normal and you get stabbing pains and stuff in your left ball
and the right seems fine, you know there is something wrong, when its your balls your testicles nuts
whatever. you know when they feel different and hurt and stuff.
what can i do. what can we all do... ???
devang was talking about sonography... what is this and what does this involve. would this help ?
is there any medicine we can take that might help ?
would a xray help or be any different to a ultrascan or should we get a cat scan or what...
im looking for answers like everyone else on here. i want to help others and by helping each other
we help ourselves and help other people on the net. seeing this is the first thing that comes up
when you type into google. left testicle pain...(tags)
the left seems bigger or feels different to the right.
its weird tho because sometimes i get pain in the right but its usually in the left always.
so for example could be all day and night in the left. then for 10-20-30minutes in the right then back
to the left.
its like blood is blocked. veins are stuck or blocked or semen or fluid bacteria build up or something
and its trying to push back or forward something and its not working and the veins are overworking
or trying so hard and its getting swollen or inflamed or bigger or something. killing the cerculation
or ball or something im not sure because im no doctor but im looking for answers,
its not like i wanna go to the gp or hospital every day and night and say hey CHECK OUT MY BALLS
cause even tho i got balls to show my balls i dont like to do it because its a sensitive and embarassing thing
even tho i think im bigger then alot of other guys so my girlfriend says im big but this aint the point or question
right now i hurt and im in pain and it looks and feels different and my balls are more red and saggie then usual
and its really starting to make me depressed and wanting to end my life. jump off a cliff or something
cause no one listens or believes me or understands. thinks its all a joke. but hello this is stabbing me
in the left testicle...

last time i went to the hospital they said i dont have cancer for sure.
its normal and the balls are fine.
urine passed
blood passed
im healthy and normal heart bet and stuff
no blood in urine
any more tests we can do because this is a joke... they are missing something im sure...

sometimes the pain is not stabbing its so dull that its like a numb dumb burning pain like its hot
or burning its really bad feeling... anyone else getting or feeling this...???

liam868 i feel ya pain mate because the doc said the same to me
seen alot of genitals in my years yours arent much different but
i know there is a problem or something wrong cause its been
pain and discomfort and all the above for 3weeks now.
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Chiropractic adjustment of my pelvic bones (sacrum) instantly relieved all pressure/pain/discomfort while sitting. I have been drinking cranberry juice (organic, 100% juice, no added sweeteners) for the last week and the testicle discomfort is nearly gone. 9 days without using any energy drink and I'm 90% there guys! Even 1/2 cup of coffee increased my body temperature and the skin itchyness started to return while sitting. 99% sure I have a caffeine allergy.
Ditch the caffeine for 2 weeks and use cranberry juice or a mild antibiotic to rid yourself of the infection that is sitting in your seminal tube.
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Hey guys.. Here is my history with this one:
left testicle sore, slightly swollen, sensitive to rolling between fingers (only at times)
pain under scrotum- you can feel the muscle fiber in there
Highly irritated when sitting for prolonged times or when body is warm.
Scrotum usually in relaxed state
Thickened semen

At it's worst, I was diagnosed with epididymitis ochitis (spelling?), placed on high doses of antibiotics, nada. Yeast infection medication actually helped.

Full STD scan 2 times
ultrasound found the epididymitis

A few key points:
I work out 5X/week and was using supplements for energy aka bsn noxplode then jack3d. I read on a blog site the other day that jack3d causes the following symptoms:
decreased sex drive/ reduced staying power (it's not E.D. you can perform but you aren't what you used to be)
rectal pain/itching because you are seriously dehydrated and constipated (at a minimum, your intestinal lining is irritated)
Long term sitting feels like your skin is on fire and you simply cannot get comfortable.

These symptoms were noted by 5 out of 600+ posts so we're unique. As mentioned above, pelvic adjustment is highly possible (I just found a new chiro so i'm going today) caffeine allergy! or the additive they put in EVERY energy drink out there that reduces the crash effect of caffeine. The two guys who mentioned the jack3d symptoms reported back and said they were gone within two weeks. I'm 5 days into not using them and am feeling a lot better. Ditch the caffeine altogether and go see a chiropractor if you have tenderness under the scrotum.  Search for caffeine allergies, way more common than you would think.

Frequent urination/burning is either a UTI or STD.. go see a doctor!
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Also, with regards to what can cause the pelvic issue in the first place, my sports injury guy said a lot is todo with posture.

I have an office job, so am seated for much of the day. We aren't designed to be seated for such long periods essentially...

If it is related to posture, then it's just a case of being conscious about how you are seated (no funny angles, no hunching over/slouching too much etc), and of course taking regular breaks out of your seat.

I've also purchased a gym-ball and find stretching sometimes helps - I'll use it to improve my core stability, but to be honest I'm not sure whether I'll make the problem worse or not.

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