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MEN...i also need an honest answer!

gosh, i already feel a little embarassed about posting this question, but i really would like an honest answer! Trying to keep this short,I guess as surprising as it is I have been somewhat naive to the fact that men think large labia minora are disgusting? My husband loves mine (ugh, sorry i am just trying to explain my insecurity)even though i've always felt like I was not sexy "down there". I've asked him about mine before and of COURSE I always get the "i love it" (because he knows if he said anything else he'd never get it! so i will never get a TRUE honest answer) Anyways, the other day a couple of my co workers (one female and one male, sadly regarding a patient)made the remark about a "roast beef *****", and how much would you do "that" for etc (sick, i know)... i had never heard that term but right away I was pretty sure I knew what they were talking about. Just a bit ago I looked up the term online and my suspicions were correct. I truely want to know the general feeling on this. Is it not sexy to have large labia minora? Does having large labia minora mean you have a "loose *****", and are not the "ideal tight..." Sorry to be so descript. Is having larger labia minora mean that your tendency to smell bad down there is greater? Again, I would appreciate honest answers, I am not looking to hear "if your husband enjoys it that is all that matters". I just want to know!!! Thanks to everyone who replies to this.
76 Responses
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I've read that in some countries they actually stretch theirs out on purpose. The reason is it makes sex more gratifying for both partners to have the extra flesh. Usually these women have orgasm easier and always enjoy sex. It does Not make you "looser". It has nothing to do with the hole, LOL. And there is absolutely no reason it would make you less hygienic than anyone else as long as you clean yourself. Some men are just ignorant, I'm sure if they had a chance to feel it they would change their mind:)
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Girl, I am 29 yrs old an unfortunately  most people would consider me a "man *****".  Thankfully having been with a decent amount of women (an having worked at adult clubs for 6 yrs) I have seen a lot of pussies. Every man has that specific area that makes him horny as all get out, be it the butt, legs, breasts,stomach whatever. Mine is the butt, that being said everytime I am lucky enough to find a lady who has large vaginal lips, my heart starts racing, an I literally can feel my heart beat in my **** as it throbs because it turns me on so much! I wish every woman had lips like this as I so love to go down on them for HOURS! I cannot say it clearly enough, large lips are the absolute sexiest thing God ever placed on the female body! So, be proud of that *****, an when ur husband says he loves it... He is saying it because he does, not because he can't say the truth for fear you will cut him off.
Also I notice ladies with large lips tend to *** a lot easier!;)  
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I love big juicy labia. Have been with many women with larger lips. And now I actually seek these type of woman out. There is absolutely no correlation between lip size and tightness or smell.
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Thanks to all the men who responded with positive thoughts about large labia.  I have always been a very sexual person, but about four years ago, (around 25 yrs old) I realized that my vagina looked different than those of women in Playboy, porn, etc., (also heard some guy friends making fun of "roast beef") and have since felt SO self-conscious that I stopped having sex altogether.  Reading this, though, makes me feel less self-conscious (not going to be fixed by reading one blog post) and somewhat like I've wasted a lot of my youth on a misunderstanding.  Damn!
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I'm going to say basically the same thing I said to hollister babe to all of you who are blessed with large labia.

I am a guy who is in fact married to a woman with large  dark labia. she too is a bit embarrased by them, and none of you should be. I find that large and dark labia are EXTREMELY beautiful and a huge turn on. One of the real shames of this world is the popularity of vaginoplasty. Ladies, unless you have had some injury, or they are so large that they actually cause you physical pain, PLEASE leave them alone, embrace them, be proud of them. They are the center of your sexualiy and they are beautiful. Any man who claims not to appreciate them is either lying to you, is too new at life in general to know what he wants, and probably wouldn't know what to do with it if he did, or he isn't all that into what you have in the in the first place if you catch my drift. best of luck to you.
I know that there are a lot of negative terms for the lippier amongst you. I believe the one I hear over and over is roast beef. This is something I almost always hear from women, and usually directed at any woman who dares to be sexually expressive. I hope that makes my point. On the subject of roast beef, and, excuse my crudeness with this one, but the thought just makes me hungry.
I have found that labia size really has no relation to vaginal tightness, which as far as i'm concerned isn't nearly as important as arousal and enthusiasm. And on the subject of arousal, it has been my experience that once you get past being self conscious, Women with larger, and for that matter, darker labia tend to be much more sexually responsive (Take note of that one guys), and in fact, the more aroused you become, the larger and darker they will become as more blood is pumped into the vaginal tissues. Which will make them even more sensitive, and will make sex even more enjoyable.  While most boys might prefer smaller labia, most MEN, prefer them big and thick and dark. And who wants to get with a boy anyway. Ladies, drop the boys, and go find a man who loves you, and knows what a treasure looks like when he sees it.
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425962 tn?1285086458
My husband said he'd divorce me if I had surgery to remove mine! He absolutely LOVES them! :)
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Stop worrying about the colour of your labia.That is part of your beauty.I love to see all the subtle,variations in womens labia.The different textures,lengths of the inner labia,how much of a mound her outer labia make,how some labia are darker on the edges and get lighter as they get closer to the actual vaginal opening,or how some are purplish or so dark as to be almost black.Sexy,there is absoutely nothing wrong with your labia.Every woman has variations in colour,size,texture,taste,smell,hair (or no hair),so don't let it worry you.Your labia are beautieful,don't let anyone tell you anything different.Some lucky guy is going to be verry,verry happy to wrap his lips around your lips.As for those girls with those little pink only lips,I feel sorry for them,as they have been short changed.When a man has been with a woman,that has a large set of inner labia,with various colouring.He doesn'soon forget the experience,and he will probably be judging any other labia he sees,using the beauty of your labia.And if he doesn't he is definately a fool.
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When I date a woman,and the first time she lets my touch her,or we have sex.If she has large inner labia,it is such a turn on for me.I love those longer lips,so much more fun to go down on her.And they just look so sexy.Your husband is a lucky man,to have access to some large lips anytime he wants.I really envy him.My Perfect woman has,small breasts,big nipples,a beautieful round ***,and long inner labia.The more labia the better.I love to look at them,play with them,and lick and suck them.Usually long labia,means a large clitoris too.And that is an added bonus too.
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why do u care what men at work say or think? you have a husband that loves you. I've heard men talk like that, and they are generally people i wouldn't go anywhere near. talkin like that and acting like a moron, extremely unattractive.

my ex-boyfriend loved me and we had an amazing sex life for 3 years (broke up cos we wanted different things in life).  despite watching embarrassing bodies together which included a woman with large labia, he never once said anything about mine. maybe cos he didnt want to 'hurt my feelings' but i also know its cos he DIDN'T CARE. why would he when we had such great sex and was lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend??

when it comes down to it u really think any man is thinking much about how aesthetically pleasing your **** is when he's gettin his end away? and if he is..errrm serious issues.

just enjoy yourself and be confident, that's what men find most attractive. FACT.
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I came on here to ask the same question! I actually didn't realise that protruding inner labia was an issue until about about 10 years ago when reading about women having labioplasty surgery. I've been married for nearly 20 years and before that was very sexually promiscuous and not one man I have had sex with has ever ever mentioned the size of my labia! So maybe its not that pretty if u want to pose for porn magazines but I also orgasm very easily and really enjoy sex so maybe the big ones are better for that....I imagine the feel of the lips wrapping round the penis may be quite pleasurable for the man too.
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139792 tn?1498585650
There is a hue and cry for the size and shape of the genitals. in reality every atom of our body takes part into sexual intercourse.Every atom has intelligence. we should be aware of the whole body rather than just genitals.Awareness of the whole body will give immense pleasure while reaching climax.Genitals should be considered just peripherals.
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I just love big labia. The biggest is the best. Didn't you know they are also called " sexual skin"? How could you think to excise them ? The great majority of men prefer big labia. Consult forums about it ( Mister Poll included ) to see that preference !
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Please, please… Google this website - Large Labia Productions. There are tons of guys out there that not just love, but worship large labias. I read a brilliant article on how Playboy influenced the persona of perfect in this country. The US government deemed discreet graphic genitalia to overly erotic and was prohibited to be shown (1960s). Playboy wasn’t allowed to show labias. Mind you, this is the government validating that a larger labia was too sexually stimulating. Other countries with a long history of Victorian prudishness have been among the most conservative in this regard. Until recently British broadcasters had to follow the ILOOLI rule — inner labia are out (not allowed), outer labia are in (allowed). In Australia a magazine is deemed porn if it shows an image of a woman with protruding inner labia. The size and shape of her labia is a decisive factor in their rule of "discreet genital detail". As for that attitude in other countries, again, larger labia size linked with eroticism. Playboy, having survived 40+ years and being now the mainstay and persona of class, the models therein seen in the same way. The more ‘erotic’ genitally endowed women turned away forcibly by government mandate. So, in a nutshell, the government influenced censorship, which in turn only introduced the populous to small labias. If that is all we were introduced to, than anything other than this would seem abnormal. Years ago I showed a friend of mine some pictures of a large labia’d woman and he was amazed… he kept saying over and over, “I never knew”. He was easily converted in that moment to being a large labia lover. It wasn’t his conversion that surprised me, that seemed a natural one, but the fact that he had never seen a large labia before.
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I would just like to put this all in perspective for everyone. While you are worried about your vaginas and penises, someone out there is worried about dying of prostate cancer or ovarian cancer or dealing with HIV. I understand that everyone wonders what is normal. But the only reason we think about what is normal is because we think because we've been told that there is such thing as normal. And who will name themselves God to tell us what is normal? No one seriously as long as you think about it like that. I once gave a speech in my public speaking class about labiaplasty and how it was against my core belief unless it was used as a relief for birth defects or for a woman who had just been damaged after surgery. Now we have women who look at porn stars and think they aren't good enough so they bring these pictures of porn to the doc's, point at the picture and say, "I want it to look like this". They don't realize (and the men probably don't either) how much airbrushing and photoshopping goes into that ****. Then you hear of husbands telling their wives after they have given birth to children that they are too loose and they just don't want her anymore. The speech I gave had the class rolling with laughter, but in reality it's sick. F-ing SICK. I would like all the self conscious men and women in the world to stand naked in front of a mirror and look themselves in the face and realize that they have been subjected to the constant feed of **** coming out of the television. Then I want them all to have the realization that there IS NO SUCH THING AS PRETTY OTHER THAN YOUR OWN LABELS and run outside naked screaming through the streets, "I"M FREE. I'm F-ing FREE from the bull these people are trying to tell me. It doesn't really matter what I look like." Because in TRUTH you can be the sexiest guy and if you are  a jerk you are a HUGE turn off. Same thing with the chicks. I work in a bar and I see so much hype about the way people look. And self conscious people are not helping the situation. DO I ever get self conscious? Sure. I think it's natural to question. It's the conclusions that some of you people come up with that worry me. The conclusion that you are something less than someone else or what you wish you were. If you spent the time you spend coming up with your conclusions that are not EVER based on fact because they are OPINIONS on asking yourself who you are, what you stand for and where you want to go in life you might be a lot happier (no guarantees) than you are right now whinning in the mirror over your labia. I'm a chick and I'm 24 and I don't give a **** what I look like because if a man isn't attracted to me the way I am then that's his problem. If I'm too loose for him, I'll buy HIM a penis pump. And more women should get over it and say, "to heck with it, I'm not going to focus my attention on my looks, I'm going to worry about how we as a community are going to solve starvation or one of the many thousand other MORE IMPORTANT TO LIFE questions than what my **** looks like in the mirror." I know this sounds a lot like a rant and I apologize to those who are offended by my words but everywhere I turn women are giving up their own power. Men do it constantly too. And to all the men who are worried about your penis size I would say this: "For every chick who thinks size matters, there is one who knows better." And BTW you can be TOO BIG and it hurt. The reality is, just be you. Worry about things that matter. Worry about the fact that the Federal Reserve isn't Federal at all, it's privatized. Worry about the fact that the 16th amendment was fraudulently ratified by Humphrey Knox. Anyway, you get my drift. I love you all even though I don't know you. You are beautiful just the way you are. But don't take my word for it. Take as much time as you need to discover it for yourselves.
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I have this same problem, except only one labia is too large and the other is a size that I'm comfortable with. It makes more sense to me that it would be an "all-or-nothing" kind of thing, where either both are small or both are large, but instead I have two very different sizes. Is this abnormal? It's not a physical issue in any way (no discomfort or anything like that) just a source of insecurity.
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The term, "roast beef" sounds derogatory, and being that it more than likely was invented by the male gender probably makes it sound worse.  I too have used this term, but only to guy friends when discussing large labia minora in private, just to ensure we were all on the same sheet.  Any educated person knows that large lips are not a result of hyperactivity in the "nether region," does not promote odor, etc.  Some are big, some are little. Some are huge, some or non-existant.  Some men ARE put off by large inners, but rest assured most are not.  I am actually the opposite,  To me, they are a huge attraction.  An ex-girlfriend (one I let get away--dummy) had a very large labia minora.  Her older sister used to harass her growing up about looking like a boy down there, which was really a shame, because it really gave her a complex about it.  I couldn't get enough of it!  I was so amazed by its appearance; I thought it so beautiful.  By the way, in contrast, her vaginal circumference was rather small.  I know I am in no way unigue in my appreciation for "roast beef."  Many men I know love it too.  I have encountered several women who were on the larger scale down there, and they all felt embarassed by it.  What a crime.  Of course, now the cosmetic medical community is capitalizing on this by offering labiaplasty, which sickens me (unless of course, it would be a problem where physical discomfort is a problem or other complicating medical issue).  But to take away something so beautiful just because one was led to believe it is wrong with a stigma attatched, yikes.  I truly wish most were bigger! HONESTLY.
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You sound like a beautiful person. And from a mans point of view it is not different it is still the same thing. And we love that thing regardless of how it looks trust me. Men have alot of insecurities like you say so don't worry about it. If you save yourself that is a gift that so many women can't give the man they love when they finally find him. For most it is not a big deal, but if you find the perfect one you want to be with it is a beautiful gift. good luck
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im 17 years old and a virgin. A couple of days ago my friend waxed me down there and she was sooo disgusted when she saw the extra skin hanging out n asked 'ewww wats dat, why have you got that coz i dont?' and up until that very day i didnt no there was anything wrong with me i thought everybody had it.
Now it adds onto my list of insecurities but as many as ive gt im sure the man i end up with has just as many insecurities, but i wouldnt love him any less if he was less then perfect, because love is about being with an imperfect person and knowing that they are perfect for you.

i wouldnt surgically remove it although i have thought about it but i dont think anything is worth the pain of being immobile for weaks, the pain puts me off. Also im rather hoping to find a husbad like yours who will love me n my insecurities.
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I love vagina no matter how it looks as long as it isn't dirty. That is the truth but I can tell you that being insecure about your body is more of a turn off. All guys are so happy when they get it they probably won't notice. Also alot of guys are insecure too so don't worry about it.
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Your problem is no problem, for every guy who thinks it is a prolem there would be 100 who wouldn't care less, believe me the size of a girls bits mean nothing to a guy and the only time they would make comments is when they are talking **** with their mates.
it wouldn't worry me in the least.
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That last comment was directed at you RedRosePetals. And I mean it!!
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kchick FORGET about it, this is silly, if a guy doesn't like you because of it you are lucky to get rid of him I guarantee most men wouldn't care at all, there will be a small percentage who are retards and those guys, trust me I know many are just being jerks cause it gets them off to make people feel shity. Forget about it you are worrying over nothing at all.
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Don't worry about it. The size would never make or break anything for me. I wouldn't even care. People like to cut other people down at times to make themselves feel taller. This is probably what your co-workers were doing. If the guy is not interested in you because of something trivial like this then it is a great indicator of the type of person he is and you are better off knowing it. Your fine. Never think or worry about this again. Did you know that the new mars lander is now getting ready to did up water hopefully on the pole of Mars? Anyway there are better thinkgs to think about, best of luck
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At least you have someone who wants you for you. I will be lucky even if i had an relationship with a guy. It makes me feel lonely and brings me down to deep despire. I know you want men to answer this and i am sorry for making judgement or interfing.
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