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Heavy Bleeding, Long Time, Miscarriage

I started bleeding real lightly 4 weeks ago. I thought it was a period. I have always been really irregular, having my period once every 4-5 months. I went to the doctor Friday and they told me I was pregnant. It was either early stage or I was having a miscarriage. I had a miscarriage.I don't know when, and the doctor said it could have been any time in the last few weeks. However, I am still bleeding as bad as, if not worse than before. I just wanted to know how long a woman should bleed after a miscarriage before getting worried? I am also cramping worse now than before, and I am worried about that as well. Tylenol does nothing for it. Any help would be greatly apreciated. We are still in shock. We did not even know we were pregnant. Thank you.

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Am 4weeks pregnant on Dec 24 I took painkiller drugs,on Dec 24 I started bleeding heavy and it only last for 5days.pls am I still pregnant cos have been reading that when someone hav m/c the bleedin stop 2_3weeks letter.pls can someone help me.
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Can bv b a reason y I'm bleeding to I've been having a reoccurring bv infection since jun of 2011 please help is their away I can get rid of bv without having to go and c a doctor ,like a natural herb or over the counter medicines please help
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I've been bleeding Oct 19 2015:today would make seven weeks I DT like doctors so I'm tryn to do it natural but its a pain in the *** when u wake up and have blood everywhere
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I was in a car accident yesterday, and walked away with only chest pain. Late last night I had cramps so bad I was on the floor. 3 days ago my home pregnancy test was posotive. Im bleeding very heavy. I had not yet told my husband of our soon to be. Im devastated, I dont know what to do and I dont know how to tell him. I hate doctors and would also like to know if I have to be seen, or if I can cope with just loving support. All advice is appreciated.

Go to the doctor immediately if you think you are pregnant. Always.
Depending on how far along a person is sometimes they can stop the contractions. After all my babies, and 2 miscarriages I was told that if you are soaking a pad an hour, you need medical attention.

I am sorry you are having to go through this. It is painful. My daughter is having the same thing right  now. The way she describes it I am sure she's having a miscarriage.

If you are having a miscarriage and the other person, in the other car, was at fault you may have a strong legal case against them. Make sure your Doctor checks your HCG and anything else out that proves you are/were pregnant. Get all paper work. If you are and have the doctors proof, you may have your medical bills compensated as well as pain and suffering.

You will find that some doctors are good, kind and compassionate. And others shouldn't be doctors at all. But unfortunately we must go out in to the unknown to find out. If he shouldn't be a doctor, go and find another one. I have had many experiences with both. Be Brave.

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Me and my boyfriend had sex a week and 4 days ago. and i started bleeding really heavy this morning. i have used 4 tampons in 9 hours and all of the tampons were filled with blood..  i got off my period about 2 weeks ago. i have been having cramps.. and headaches. and feeling sick.. but not to the point to where i have to throw up. am i having a miscarriage?
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I went in 10/15 with gushing blood knowing something was wrong they estimated gestation at 7a wks but my math for normal period put me at about 10a as I had been bleeding non stop for 3a weeks but after 5 babies was told normal, still bleeding after a month starting and stopping, now I'm cramping severly again, when I cough feels like pulled muscles under my muscles, and back down to spotting again but stomach is bloating? Dr says normal in natural miscarriage but the bloating and pain are worrying me???? Any answers??
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I was four weeks pregant this time last year when i found out i lost the bby .i didnt no i was pregant untill i startd bleeding very heavy i didnt no wat was happening i was scared. I bleed for 3weeks after n the pain was horrible i didnt sleep n cudnt move when i went bk to the hospital the doc tld me there was another heart beat i cudnt believe it ! Emma
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im having a miscarraige at the moment i didnt know i was pregnant
it was so spooky reading it as my name is lisa it was just like me talking
i havent told my partner yet he knows im bleeding heavy but as he didnt know i was pregnant
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I am 8wks pregnant and I've been bleeding for 2wks. I've been to three different hospitals and they all have told me something different. I'm really scared because I could be having a  miscarriage and don't know. Lots of blood and cramping here and there.
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My pregnancy ended 4 months ago when the fetus died.  I didn't do the D.N.C. procedure. I took medication to help flush everything out but it didn't work, then a few weeks later I started bleeding and it started coming out naturally. I have been bleeding on and off since then. On two occasions I had to go to the hospital because I was bleeding extremely heavily. This occurred once two months into the miscarriage and once 3 weeks later. All the while I have been bleeding on and off  and still am. Last week my pregnancy hormone level finally went below 5, allowing me to start birth control again, but I am still bleeding and the bleeding has gotten heavier since I started birth control which nurses say is normal during this process. I'm hoping the bleeding ends soon since my hormone levels are down but right now it has been 4 months since this all started.
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I too just found out I was pregnant and miscarried all in the same day I have no clue hhow far along I was but had an ultrasound and the baby was gone and since it was only yesterday I'm not too worried about the rapid blood loss
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hi ,  im  names Sarah and im  only 17 i found out two weeks ago i was 2 months pregnant it was all ok  but then this morning about half 11 i  spotted blood in  my knickers very light but around half 12 its got an bit darker and i  had some cramps and an few clots too.  and now its gone back lighter i  hope my baby ok  because i  feel an bit better now at 3pm  but still some cramps and still  bleeding fairly a lot  if you can give me some advice Nancy or anybody on here email me sarah-***@****  i  got an appionment at south mead hospital tomorrow morning so  i  hope everything is OK  but im  dreading it through just in case i have miscarried  .  please contact me back i  need advice
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Hi Aria22 hope u feel better i too had a miscarriage july 10 with a uterine infection due to an iud that was still inside my uterus. i was about 13 wks pregnant and was given medication to flush all of the mc naturally. i bled less and less after i passed the baby and then coming home from the hospital, i even stopped bleeding for a week only toresume bright red period bleeding again so imnot sure if its my period or continuation of the miscarriage but its very frustrating to bleed that long! the dr has already seen me last week and told me the uterus looks almost back to its original size. i hope the bleeding stops already! nancy
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I recently had a miscarriage and have been bleeding for two months now. Some days it's really light-some days heavier than any period I've had before. I went to the doctor about it but she says it's normal as long as I don't test positive, which I no longer do. I would say we are just the lucky few that bleed longer than most.
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I recently had a miscarriage and have been bleeding for two months now. Some days it's really light-some days heavier than any period I've had before. I went to the doctor about it but she says it's normal as long as I don't test positive, which I no longer do. I would say we are just the lucky few that bleed longer than most.
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Hello everyone as have I, I have never used this before or never posted anything, two weeks ago I found out that I was pregnant after having two other miscarriages this past year and once again I started to have light brownish spotting, so I went to the hospital on thursday and they told me that there was no way that I was pregnant even though I have had 4 positive tests at home. I have 2 very healthy children now that are 10 and 8 and I really wanted to have another child so bad, I have been trying to have another baby so long and then I had those 2 miscarriages last year and was really excited when I found out that I was pregnant again. When I went to the hospital on thursday they did an exam on me and said that my cervix was closed, so my question is could I still be pregnant since it is closed and still be bleeding the way that I am? I am sorry to be blabbling on but no one seems to have any answers for me, any help would be great.
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I am in the same boat as you. At about 5-6 weeks I started spotting, just old blood at first with cramping. Ultrasound showed a good gestational sack but within 48 hours the blood was fresh and and lot of clotting. My hcg had only increased a bit. My cervix was still closed fairly tightly but the flow was heavier. Cramping got worse and suddenly I passed tissue...a little fleshy sack. My hcg had dropped. They test it weekly to make sure keeps going down but I am still bleeding over 9 days after the miscarriage (total of 2 weeks). I am not sure if I will need to go in for a d&c. The doctor said the fact I got pregnant was encouraging. But the medication I was taking--Effexor (generic is Venlafaxine)--could have caused the m/c even though I have been weening off of it. It's tough but you and I will get through it.  Good luck and God bless.
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thanks for all your comments to read its helped me understand whats happening to me see i am only 18 i lost my boyfriend 4 months ago tommorow but anyway thats not really the point i had sex with him a couple of nights before he died a couple of weeks monthish later i had a lot of symptoms metalic taste, unrinating more, sickness, tender bress and darker circles around my nipples on the 15th december 2010 i started bleeding it was very light and a pinkish watery colour now 12th january 2011 it is so heavy when i urinate its basicly blood (sorry fpr the gory details) and the pain i have never felt anything like it before but its below the tummy like underneath. my back hurts alot more but i was in a car crash at the beggining of december so i dont know if its that but i keep getting very hot and then cold as well.

i wished if my life was a lot more simple and i just hope you can give your advise if you do think that it is

many thanks

                              paige x
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It's been two weeks since my miscarriage. I finally stopped bleeding the other day. I called my dr on the 9th and she told me to go to the hospital to get blood work done to check my hormone levels. My levels dropped from the 9th to the 12, confirming I did have a miscarriage. I also have to go back for bloodwork once a week until my hcg level goes back to zero. As of the 19th it hadn't. I have a follow-up dr appointment on Aug 3rd. I'm sorry for your loss too  :(
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hi, sorry for your loss, if your still bleeding heavy tomorrow i'd go to your gp, as you can never be to sure, i had very bad bleeding  and called the paramedic and its a good job i did, as my miscarriage was stuck in the neck of my womb! hope everything go's ok for you and keep us posted. x
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Hi, so sorry for all your losses, its been a week today since i miscarried, i was 13 weeks but baby was only developed to 6 weeks, so i was told i had a missed miscarriage, i decided on a natural miscarriage, but now wish i had a d&c, last friday i started getting really bad pains then i stood up and the blood just poored from me, i was covered i might as well of not had a pad on as it went straight through it and straight through my jeans, i sat on the toilet until the paramedic came (which i should'nt of really done, he told me i should of lay flat ) any way he came and rang the ambulance staright away and i got rushed into hospitial, my miscarriage had got stuck in the neck of my womb, causing my utreus not being able to contract back down which was cousing the bleeding, the blood loss was horrifc they got me ready for theature and had me ready for a blood transfusion, but luckly i had 3  wonderful doctors who managed to stop the bleeding, i did end up passing out due to the blood loss and ended up on a drip and oxygen, its taken me all week to feel some what normal again although not back to 100% eeling lots better, i've been so weak and dizzy and very tired, im still bleeding today and just wanting it to stop, although its not that heavy its there all the time with the odd bit of a clot, i know its only been a week today, but does anyone know when it stops, or is it just different with eveyone?
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I was eight weeks pregnant and started to miscarry today. I never really had cramps early but my back hurt really bad (which it often does because I stand all day at my job). About 8 tonight, I started bleeding really bad and I've passed a few small clots and 3 really big ones. I've bled through 3 pads since 9 and I'm now havong cramps. I don't think I've passed everything yet. Thanks everyone for your comments, they've really helped me a lot, but I'm still scared about whats going on. I don't have insurance so I hadn't even been to the doctor yet, and I can't afford any medical bills. If I'm still bleeding this heavy tomorrow, I think I'm going to the ER. Again, thanks for the posts, I don't feel so alone now. My worst fear about being pregnant was having a miscarriage and now its happened.  :(
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hi purplepolly, i would really apprciate some help from someone :( does this sound like a miscarriage? my doctor said it was possible but i may have only passed lining coming from me. I have been on the contraceptive pill on and off for the last 3 years. i recently stopped takin it but decided to go back on it because i was goin on holiday and would have been due on my period. i went on holiady 5 weeks ago with my boyfriend where i think i may have got pregnant. i dont know for a fact but i have been bleeding for over 2 weeks now, starting off light like a normal period, this was also the time i should have been on my period however i had went on to my next strip of pills without a break and still came on. Then it went heavy in the second week and i got alot of cramp. in the last 3 days it has went lighter again but this morning i passed what looked like a long fleshy piece of string, followed by light brown blood. could i have been 4-5 weeks pregnant and miscarried? please help also now i am only spotting not actually bleeding. thanks!
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I have had a m/c before at 9 weeks and am currently experiencing one now at 6 weeks. Unfortunately or fortunately i feel better prepared this time round than i did before which meant that i refused to get my hopes up until i saw a heartbeat and take the pregnancy from a pragmatic angle instead of an emotional one. Every doctor will tell you that 1 in 3 pregnancies dont go to full term we just dont hear about it and when we find out we are pregnant everyone want to be positive not practical.
The best way to understand what is going on is to ask your doctor to allow you to have weekly HGC blood tests essentially they need to sit above 1200 to be considered viable.
Brown spotting can happen with m/c or full term.
Every pregnancy and miscarriage is different and the bleeding all depends on the tissue that you have built up in your uterus. The cramping usually subsides after a clot has passed and using vibrating massage and heat packs on the ovary causing the pain helps to pass.  
Things to look out for, subsiding of pregnancy symptoms, breasts not feeling as sensitive, not tied, no nausea and so on.
The bleeding can go on from 2 weeks to more than a month. Only be concerned when there is a strong smell in the pad.
Drink lots of water and dont be a hero rest up, trying to be too active can prolong recovery and dont give up hope you were able to fall pregnant so you know you dont have to be blaming yourself or looking at you loved one suspiciously.
On the positive side you have a higher chance of falling pregnant after a m/c because your body has completed a natural detox (so to speak).
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