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No heart beat at 8 weeks, miscarriage?

My first pregnacy. I'm 8 weeks pregnat, went in for my first doc app yesterday, they did my physical check up, they finally sent me for u/s and the tech didn't say much but was rude gave me a picture of my ultrasound and said here I don't see baby's heart beat. go sit out in waiting room till we get your results. I waited for 3 hours for them to read my u/s and for finally the doctor to be reached I sat there and cried. When the doctor said I miscarried because there's no heartbeat seen and the ultra sound measures the baby at 9 weeks when doctor say from my LMC I'm 8 weeks and from conception I'm 7 weeks. I'm sooo confused and hurt. IM not bleeding at all, and I scheduled for 2nd opinion with diff obgyn. I'm scared and our family is very sad! When will my body reject this fetus I'm not bleeding or anything!
19 Responses
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11468150 tn?1418495261
What happened when you went back? This is the same that occurred with me just two days ago.... I am 12 weeks pregnant and I went to the ER because of a small amount of blood. I was concerned that I may be miscarrying! When I received the ultrasound no heart beat was detected and no fetus was present. The tech then gave me a vaginal U/S and then she saw a "YOLK' or an embryo. As I am a second time mother I know that at 12 weeks a fetus would be present instead of a embryo. She told me that the baby measured to be 5 weeks and 6 days. That is impossible!!! I found out that I was pregnant on Halloween day (10/31/14). You do the math... So I am thinking that my baby stopped growing 6 weeks ago and I have a deceased baby inside of me. I am upset and loss for words because I really was not expecting this tragedy!
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I went for my 12 week scan today to be told that there was no heartbeat.  She said it looks 6 - 7 weeks.  I have been booked in to go back in a week.  She said I have either got my dates wrong or the baby stopped growing.  Me and my husband are now praying and keeping our fingers crossed that the baby grows before next week.

We are heartbroken.
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i had the same feeling today.. waiting for next US to confirm if my baby is still there.. how was your case then?
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I went for my 12 week scan today to be told that there was no heartbeat.  She said it looks 6 - 7 weeks.  I have been booked in to go back in a week.  She said I have either got my dates wrong or the baby stopped growing.  Me and my husband are now praying and keeping our fingers crossed that the baby grows before next week.

We are heartbroken.
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hi everyone, i am a mother of 6 children, at first i had trouble conceiving, i had my first full term baby 10 years after getting married, before that i had 2 miscarriages, one of the them was twins, after my first child i had a few mis carriages, in total i have had 6 miscarriages, i became pregnant with my 7th child, only to find that when i went to my scan they told me i was 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant but can not detect any heart beat, it is very hard to come to terms with it, i really do feel for all those who are going through the same especialy on their first pregnancy, i have chosen for the naturaly way, for my body to miscarry, but silently hoping that when i go for my next scan which they have called me back for that it was a mistake and they see a heart beat, it doesnt matter how many children you have but every miscarriage always has some effect on you, both mentaly and physical, i wish all the luck to everyone who is trying,
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5584541 tn?1371137015
did you ever have any tests done?? my both miscarriages were at 7 weeks and instantly I knew that it was not bad luck something had to be wrong, turns out I had an auto-immune disorder and also mild pcos
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Today Sept 4 I had my first US at 8 weeks. The tech said the Us shows I'm 6 weeks instead. Of course then she says there was no heartbeat. I have to go back next week on 9/13/13. After that if still no heartbeat that would mean that the pregnancy will not progress. It is very confusing and very hard emotionally.
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how was the US on 9/13/13? i am having the same situation as you.. i am waiting to go for next US to confirm the heartbeat (Hope)
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how often does this happen? i am 10 weeks and 2 days pregnant and have scared myself with all the stuff i have read. is a little brown vaginal discarge normal? could this have happend to me? i still ave sore breasts and tiredness
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Today is August 28th, 2013 And my heart is broken. I'm lost for words, and I feel an emptiness inside. Today I would have been 12 weeks expecting my first ultrasound. I can't even explain the feeling you get when you see your baby on the screen, waiting to hear a heart beat or some kind of movement. But all is still and there is noting significantly alive. Nurse tells me with broken words "I'm sorry but we don't have a heart beat" those words just don't process and they just don't make sense. As of now I'm waiting for this baby to go through it's journey back to heaven. My little peanut is going to be with all the angles in heaven. I was on my journey to becoming a grist time mom, and I will not give up but just give myself sometime. To all the woman out there stay strong and pray.
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I had the same exact experience in 2010 and i never really got an explanation as to why it happened other than my body just detected an unhealthy pregnancy, Im trying to figure out if there is something wrong with me genetically that is not allowing the pregnancy to progress, I just had another miscarriage but this time i actually had some bleeding and discomfort and i haven't passed any tissue yet so im hoping that it just happens naturally because i am really drained:(
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631676 tn?1333718203
i am very sorry. this happened to me 4 times and i never bled or knew until routine scans were done.

agree with all the above. if you need to grieve and experience the loss at home spiritually and without too much intervention please do not do it alone in the house.

i have done it both ways, both loss at home and D&C. if you would like to see if anything can be determined as for a cause from the tissue they can collect, get the D&C. take care of yourself and know that you are not alone.

either way we support you.
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The exact same thing happened to me, I had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks. I found out the same way, with an u/s showing no heartbeat. I was so confused, I didn't even know I was that far along. My tech was horrible too, she did exact same thing to me. Luckily my mom was there to explain what that meant, b/c I was in shock and couldn't comprehend it. I ended up having a dc. Let me know if you have any questions or want to talk,
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Yesterday i went for a scan as i had been bleeding very lightly for about two days. I had seen my babys heartbeat at 6 weeks  because the same was happening then and this made me feel as though i shouldnt worry as the midwife said "some woman just bleed". I thought everything was fine as i was "feeling pregnant" sickness tired all thoses things. I went for my scan yesterday i should have been 11 weeks they have told me that there was no hearbeat and the baby had stopped growing at 8-9 weeks. Tomorrow i have to go in to hospital and tablets to get it to pass out of me. I was very upset but im getting my head around this horrible situation this would have been my first baby. I feel like the only thing keeping me going is the thought that i can try again after my period has happened. I understand that it wasnt right time and there must have been somthing abnormal with the fetus. Its just hard when you were so happy. Reading all you comments of normal pregnancys so soon after an seeing um not alone is helping me so much. If anyone has any info for me please please reply.
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4704111 tn?1358174525
I had my first miscarriage last year in October, and I recently found out that I was pregnant with twins, it was very shocking, I then got more and more excited on going to experience twins. I had my first check up on December 18th, 2012 and I saw both heart beats so I figured they were both very healthy babies. But then I had my next ultrasound on January 8th, 2013 and they couldn't find they heart beats. I was so upset because I had to already go through one miscarriage already and I still wasn't even over that and I couldn't go through it again, my doctor told me she was going to set me up and appointment for January 10th, 2013 for my d&c. I greatly did NOT want to go. I wanted to go for a second option and I regret not doing so. I just don't understand. They could hear the babies when I was first 6 weeks and then I was suppose to be 10 weeks and the babies where only measuring 7 weeks and 4 days and the other baby was measuring 8 weeks. So of course they stopped growing which is complete heart breaking. I don't know if I have something wrong with me or what the heck is going on. But I am so scared to even try again to have a family because I know I can't go through another miscarriage.
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did you continue with the D&C?
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this  is  my   second  miscarriage   with  no  heart  ultrasound  ,  I  am  very  sad   ,  I  don't  know   why  ,   both  of   them   are   about   7   weeks  but  every  thing   was  ok  ,    but  no  heart  ,  these   are  my   bad   happens  please  guide  me  
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1994832 tn?1484866272
Sorry for your loss it's so hearting. Read this below:

A 'missed miscarriage' is when the baby dies but the woman's cervix stays closed, there is no bleeding and the baby continues to stay inside the uterus. Some people also refer to this as a 'silent miscarriage'. A missed miscarriage is not usually discovered until several days or weeks after the baby has died. The baby does not grow and the size of the woman's uterus does not increase. Some women will notice that their pregnancy signs (tender breasts, nausea, tiredness etc.) disappear, but others will continue to 'feel pregnant' if the placental tissue continues to release hormones into their system (including the hormone that makes a pregnancy test turn 'positive'). A few women will not experience as many early pregnancy discomforts (which can be normal) making their physical changes harder to detect. In many cases, the woman will believe that her pregnancy is progressing, as her body continues to carry the baby, not recognising or reacting to the loss.

After several days or weeks, the woman may start to notice a brownish vaginal discharge as the baby and placenta begin to degenerate, or an ultrasound might be performed before this happens, showing the baby is smaller than expected for the stage of pregnancy, with no heartbeat present . Occasionally, the first sign is bright red vaginal blood loss, because the miscarriage is becoming 'inevitable' with possibly some cramping and 'period-like' pain.

Once the baby dies with a missed miscarriage, they start to shrink at the same rate they would have grown had the pregnancy progressed normally. For example, if the baby died at 12 weeks and the miscarriage was found at 14 weeks, the baby usually shrinks to about a 10 week size. The person performing the ultrasound will usually be able to establish approximately when your baby died.

After the ultrasound, a decision will need to be made as to whether you will 'wait and see' if the pregnancy miscarries naturally or if you will have an operation to empty the uterus. This will usually depend on whether you are experiencing heavy bleeding or not. If there has only been a small amount of brown discharge, this will eventually progress onto bright red bleeding and an 'inevitable miscarriage'. However, this may take several more days or even weeks. In most cases, the caregiver will recommend an operation to remove the pregnancy, at least within the next few days, to reduce the chances of an infection of the uterus, depending on how much time and space you feel you need.

Emotions-Some women will instinctively know that their pregnancy is 'not quite right' and/or seek advice from their caregiver when they start to experience a brown vaginal discharge or bright bleeding. Others will have no inkling that anything is wrong until an ultrasound reveals their miscarriage or their caregiver expresses concern about the smaller size of their uterus.

Women who experience a 'missed miscarriage', can feel very confused and numb, as they grapple with the idea that their baby has died days or weeks earlier. Some women will wonder how they could not have known that their baby had died and may feel guilty they were not aware. You can read more in emotional considerations.

If u want any more advice let me know. I had a missed miscarriage and found found out on my 12 week scan. She said the baby had no heart beat. I am just trying 2 stay positive otheriwise u will go nuts

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I am so sorry this happened to you. I had a bad experience with my doc. Some docs and techs are rude and cold. I am glad you are going to get a second opinion. I will be praying for you and your baby.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I'll be honest and tell you that yes, this does in fact sound like a loss.  I'm sorry, I know it's confusing. This is commonly referred to as a missed miscarriage.  This simply means that your body has not yet recognized the loss so it has not yet started to pass the fetus.  There is nothing wrong with a second opinion and in fact doing so may bring you some comfort in that you did not make any hasty decisions.  

Please know that many of us have been through this...it is sadly so very common.  And the vast majority of women will go on to have a successful pregnancy the next time.  It's also important to know this is not a result of anything you did or did not do.  

I'm sorry you were not treated well.  I think the medical community is so used to this that they forget the emotional aspect of it for so many of their patients.  Again, I'm so sorry, and wish you peace and healing.
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I had the same sad thing happen to me in Dec 2011. fetus didnt come out and I was not bleeding at all. so doctor gave me 2 options either D&C or try naturally for week. I choose naturally at least to give it a try.

then I started eating raw/little ripe papaya (juice would work too) and pineapple juice all the time. this is 99% working thing.

and in a week I started bleeding and then one day horrible day came and my baby came out.

so please stay home if possible because you dont know when will this happen and you need restroom badly for this thing and be strong for this nightmere.

I am so sorry for lose, this was my first baby too and I was terrified too, but everything happen for good and let it go. and trust in god.

good luck.

god bless you.
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1806883 tn?1458321004
this is an incredably hard thing to go through and it can be a very emotional time, you havent been treated very well either, I'm sorry you have had this type of experience, its a very good idea to get a second opinion, things dont sound to positive, but your doing the right thing..... if things dont turn out, you should be given the option of waiting to see if you can miscarry naturally or they just may give you the option of a d&c straight away, its really up to you which way you want to go
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