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998387 tn?1257864128

falling pregnant after natrual mc

Anyone willig to share their experience?  How soon did you fall pregnant, when did you test and get a positive?  

It will be 5 weeks snce my m/c.  My levels about a week after my mc were down to 20, so i know i reached 0.  I have had numerous preg. symptoms.  My face (acne) has cleared up (happend with my last preg. then seems to get worse around month 2).  My breasts are "tingly" and it's very noticeable.  headache fatigue back, I also had a few cramps the other day (waiting for AF) and nothing came of it.  I tested on the 8th with a hpt- but looking back that was much to early to get a positive if i am indeed pregnant.  I also had yellowish discharge for the last week.  No smell, itch (not yeast).  I hd this too with my last preg.  hm........what to think?! i found out at 6weeks with my last pregnancy.  like i said it's been 5 weeks since i mc how far would that put me (5 weeks? if they count from your lmp- which would have been my mc) ?  i'm confused i was going to schedual a dr apt today (it's my birthday) but i wasn't sure if it was too soon to find out.  would have been a great present ;)  
Any input would be appreciated!!!!
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My 1st pregnancy and ultimately m/c was about a month ago, on Feb 19. It feels like so much longer but maybe that's because up until my first period I've had a lot of abdominal pain. Thankfully (knock on wood) the pain's been resolved with my period...let's hope. I'm finishing up my cycle and the infamous question has come again, "Do we try again?" I realize that there's not much control I have over whether it will develop but a big part of me thinks that I should wait until I stop jetsetting all over the placeb/c of the tiny amount of radiation. My first m/c happened while away from home and I'd been on about 4 long haul flights. I live overseas and came home for the holidays and for misc work trips. But I never had morning sickness and had a feeling that either I was very lucky or my pregnancy was doomed. At about week 6 I lost the other pregnancy symptoms I had (sore boobs, feelling of fullness) and remember telling my husband, "something's not right, I don't feel pregnant anymore." By week 9 I started spotting, and my first u/s showed it was a missed miscarriage. Because it was early, even though it hurt emotionally, I felt that nature had run its course and there was nothing that could be done. It wasn't an insult to me or my husband as a person (although he took it that way at first), but when I passed the sac and placenta I was shaken...this was the only physical thing I had to prove that I was pregnant! My hubbie took me to a pub that night to get my mind off it and to meet with some poor clueless friends (I've not told anyone), my first night out in a while, and the delicious English ale I hadn't been able to drink for months eased my cramps and helped distract me. I can't tell you how hard it must be for people who've lost their baby much later than me, how hard it must've been for them to go outside into society with this incredible weight on your shoulders. I feel your pain, you all are so brave. This makes me scared to try again, I've been somewhat in denial about it, thinking "well I don't have to really worry until after I get my period," which I was expecting to take a lot longer than it did. I guess logically this is the best time to go for it since rumor has it you're pretty fertile for the first 3 cycles after a miscarriage (pumped up hormones??). I guess worrying about it isn't going to make it better, I just have to take a deep breath and move on. I just hope that things with jobs fall into place before we do have our 1st because it's stressful not knowing where on Earth you'll be every year. But that's another story  :)

PS "Funny" story- after my 2nd u/s confirming that the embryo hadn't grown and therefore a miscarriage was inevitable, the u/s tech put us back in the waiting room with all the other preggo women. When we were called back for a consultation with the dr, they put us in a different room. All these rooms had u/s machines in them. But when I looked at the machine in our new room, I could see a scan that wasn't mine, but rather belonged to the happy couple in the waiting room. How nice! If I'd been feeling nasty I would've pointed it out to the dr!
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1293887 tn?1332702847
hi jen great to know you know where everything is now.  i too hoped i was pregnant after my miscarriage only to get my af as well 5 and a half weeks after miscarriage.  i will let you know since we miscarried around the same time i ovulated around cycle day 18 after taking opk's.  i didnt know i would ovulate so late because i had ewcm a week before i ovulated.  goodluck and im hoping for the best
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It's me JENLEX ( I had to get a new account due to some tech problems ugh), but an update- I went in and had my hcg tested friday it was 3.8 and sure enough AF arrived Saturday.  So 40 days post m/c i then had hcg tested  again today 1.88 so i guess it was just taking it's sweet time coming down and i let my emotions get the best of me.  I just think i wanted ti be preg. again so bad..... everyone around me is coming out and telling that they are preg. and aroudn the same #weeks we WOULD have been.  Just hard, and I know that i just have a "void" i'm trying to fill but i believe that i do need more time and am ok with the way things worked out.  I got a letter in the mail that I was accepted into the Nursing program so there are many things changing for us.... what a journey.  Much baby dust to you all ttc.  Who knows maybe next month for us?  maybe not till fall? lol life is so unpredictable just have to roll with the tide.  :)
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1640642 tn?1301328737
hiya girls, iv just been reading your posts and its so nice to know that some of you have had a healthhy pregnency after goin through such deverstating times with m.c , i was trying to concieve for 6 months when i caught i was 6 weeks preg when i finally tested, it was a friday then on the sunday mornin i started gettin bad stomach cramps and started bleeding, i went to hospital and passed the pregnency natualy** , i then caught again straight away i was 10 weeks when i started bleeding again i had a d&c as the bleeding was realy bad and doc's couldnt stop it, this happened may last year iv been tryin to concieve since and havin difficulty. any tips????  thanks
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377493 tn?1356502149
Lol, just realized I answered this one twice...sorry.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I fell pregnant almost immediately after a miscarriage.  No period inbetween.  It was quite a surprise actually (a happy one of course) as we had planned to wait a full cycle.  But it happened, and he is 14 months old now..and perfect if I do say so myself.  
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719902 tn?1334165183
The baby I miscarried in Dec was to be our 5th (and final).  I have a daughter (our oldest) and 3 sons.  I knew in my heart this baby was a girl.  After I lost her, I dreamed that I *will* have another baby (DH is very reluctant, to put it mildly), and that it will be a boy.  Funny thing is, my mom dreamed the same thing, on the same night, :)
Aren't dreams amazing??
And you're right, we're never alone, and it truly does help to remember that, maybe more than anything can at the time.  
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1293887 tn?1332702847
I think you are so right Jen.  I think our intuition plays a part in these situations.  When my son passed I didn't know he had passed.  On two different afternoons I started hyperventilating like I couldn't breathe.  I was thinking oh my gosh what is wrong with me because I just couldn't breathe.  When I worked out the numbers it was around the time my son had passed!!!

Another thing is during my pregnancy with my son I kept telling my husband something was wrong.  We were worried my eldest son had german measles and we raced to the doctor because how bad it is to have it when you are pregnant.  I said to my husband there is something wrong with this baby, I just know it!!!!!  but as each week passed it made me think I was just being stupid.

The one thing I have learnt is that when you pass 12 weeks it doesn't mean you are safe.  I read in so many places once you see the heartbeat and you progress through the weeks you have a very slim chance of miscarrying.  I saw my son and he was growing perfectly at 7 weeks and 5 days.  That is an ultrasound I cherish because he was alive at that point :) All very wrong in my case.  I decided to announce my pregnancy reluctantly at 13 weeks and 5 days only to have to saay 2 days later we had lost the baby.  It was the worse experience to go through but the support was awesome!!!!

With this pregnancy I didn't announce it until 16 weeks and we only just started telling close family and friends at 12 weeks after our 12 week scan.

I wish you all the very best with ttc again.  I definately know how difficult it is during the early weeks after a miscarriage and the challenges you face when you start ttc again.  Goodluck :)
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998387 tn?1257864128
OH ICK- i reread my post and the first senctence was worded so wrong. ugh.  am smiling because I have a sense of peace here with you ladies- not because we have all suffered such a loss or losses, my heart hurts for all the women who have ever experienced such a tragedy...... I would never wish a m/c on my worst enemy..... the trauma, devastation, it's heartbreaking and life changing. I just wanted to clarify that. as i read that i felt i worded that so wrong..... i am sorry.I am smiling because I am so lucky to have each and every one of you :)
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998387 tn?1257864128
Reading all these posts put a huge smile on my face.......... we are never alone, not any of us.  I don't know what I would do without the support of everyone here.  HUGE HUGS TO YOU ALL~!

My emotions are all over today.......... i miss my bubs, am so thankful even though the experience was AWFUL, I got to love that baby with all my heart and carry that baby for 14.5 weeks..... I am blessed for that.  I also got to meet my baby, I too feel bad for the way i reacted as well, I was scared to death wasn't sure if the image would "haunt" me you know what I mean?  But it was a beautiful baby.....as all babies are.  Our little angel will always be part of our lives, i don't know how many of you know my "story" but my daughter knew before we knew the baby was gone ...she told me.  I also dreamt the night before the bleeding started (before I knew the baby was gone) that i lost the baby and two days later the night mare replayed in real life down to the exact outift i was wearing my dream- it all came together as it happened...... scary- but i think it was maybe God's way of preparing me - even though i didn't want to listen.  At the end of the nightmare however, I was holding a healthy full term baby boy........ i keep my hopes up for a healthy baby no matter the gender!  
ENOUGH rambling from me :)
Thank you all to the wonderful ladies i have met here and the great support system we have created.  I am here for each and every one of you :)
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719902 tn?1334165183
Wow, I just read your earlier thread on this post, what a shame you had to go thru it that way. That is just awful.  I am so so sorry.  Some women chose to see the baby and some don't, but to be denied that choice is just plain wrong.  I'm glad you had a wonderful doctor in the ER who prayed with you.  And your little one is fine and perfect now. :)  You did nothing wrong, just loved your baby as any good mom does, and wanted nothing but the best for him.  Sending hugs and prayers your way... ---->
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719902 tn?1334165183
I got pregnant immed after a m/c, too, with no period in between.  I think you ovulate about 2 weeks after your levels reach zero.  For me, it took quite a few weeks to get to zero, but when I did, I conceived about 8 days later (based on a conception calculator).  I was the opposite of you, though, LoL, I was so afraid to even hope that I was pregnant that I didn't take a preg test or call the midwife until I was almost 12 weeks.  They had me come right in (with my 3 other kids--- "bring them along", she said) and did an u/s on the spot.  It was a fabulous way to find out I was pregnant again, and my kids were soo excited, too.  :) Anyway, sorry for rambling. I would think you can test again in a week or two.  Best of luck!!!
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1293887 tn?1332702847
Thank you Jen.  I must admit my daughter definately helped me through that emotional roller coaster.  I do remember the early days like they were yesterday and the pain was definately unbearable.

I remember crying everytime after intercourse for the first 6 weeks.  I wouldn't leave the house for about 6 weeks and only just started meeting up with my friends at about 5 weeks only because I had to get back to normal.

The early days of my pregnancy with my daughter were emotionally draining and I had several panic attacks.  It will be my son's first year in heaven on the 13th april and I still think about him everyday!!!!!  Although I didn't know him seeing him made me have that connection and also makes me hate myself for the way I reacted when I saw him for the first time  - I was so scared!!!!

I hope you both fall pregnant soon and get your happily ever after.  Being pregnant so soon did make his due date a lot earlier and eased the healing process.
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1614165 tn?1332224564
im so sorry for your lost...i to had a m/c on da 11th of feb and had a d&c da next day..tomorrow will be 5weeks since all dat had happen...i havent got my af has of yet but feeling a lil queasy each morning....i would hope dat i am preggo again..all smiles just thinking about...its crazy bc i had almost the same experience as u jen i was 16 weeks just left da doctors office everything was good..i delivered my son at home with da help of my 7yr old son...i was an emotional rec not so more for me but for my 7yr old to have go thru dis with me...with all beening said i just pray dat we all can eventually have our happy ending...god bless u ladies all..we are some strong woman...have a blessed day
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998387 tn?1257864128
reading your post you and I have much in common as well.  With my m/c in Feb. I was 14.5 weeks, the baby measured 10.5weeks.  I told the dr. I didn't think i would be emotionally strong enough to deliver at home and opted for a D &C asap.  They insisted (without educating us, i had no idea what was going to happen either way) we go home and think about our options.  We left unsure what to expect.  I was to pick up medication for the D&C the next day.  I went in to get the medication and both pharmacists denied me the medication needed for the D&C.  I was heart broken. My baby was already gone and they have the choice if I carry this baby longer? I was furious, heartbroken, devastated and almost completely out of hope.  I started having contractions and about 2 hours later my water broke.  Progressed from there and full out labor pains, it was excruciating we were calling the clinic we were going to almost every half hour asking them for advice and telling them what was happening.  Their only response was "yeah , we are sorry that is what is going to happen, tell her to take ibuprofen for the pain"  I did.  HOW DUMB!  I delivered my baby at home and held my baby in my hands saying "I am so sorry" over and over again.  I cannot believe what had happened.  I then went to the er with baby and all and after a prayer done by the dr (yes i know it was amazing!) i felt at peace handing the baby over for testing.  I was also given medication for the pain (the other clinic wouldn't give me anything) and the er doc was in shock that i was told to take ibuprofen as it thins the blood and could have been deadly at that point if i were to bleed too much.  

As for that, I bled for about a week, i had passed everything remaining with teh placenta.  There were only a few clots left she told me after an inspection . I have NO idea when i ovulated ugh! I am going to wait another week and see if it comes.  Thank you for sharing your story and I am so sorry for your loss :( , but am happy to hear you have a precious little girl now :).  Thank you again!
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1293887 tn?1332702847
Hi jen

I miscarried last year on the 13th april when I was 14 weeks pregnant.  My son just stopped growing at 11 weeks and when I miscarried I saw my son and my placenta.  It was quite a scary thing to go through but in saying that I was able to see my son so that gave me closure.

I didn't get my first period until 5 and a half weeks after my miscarried.  I bled heavy for one week, medium for another week and spotted during the last week.    My husband and I decided to try again after my first period and I ovulated on cycle day 18.  My lmp was on the 20 May.  On the 6th June I ovulated and on the 16th June I got a very, very light positive.  A few days later it was VERY positive.  

As frightened as I was when I fell pregnant I had my precious baby girl on the 28 February.  I would definately take another hpt to see if that is positive :)  Goodluck
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Hi Jen,  any idea if & when you ovulated post m/c?  I know everyone's different but I ovulated 16 days post my m/c (which happened on Feb 10).. Perhaps it's worth taking another hpt with the symptoms your having as it has been a week since your last one.  Let us know how you go.  Good luck & happy birthday!
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377493 tn?1356502149
I conceived my son almost immediately following a loss. I dind't have a period in between.  He is now a healthy almost 14 month old.  Sounds like you should try another hpt or see your Dr. for bloodwork.  Good luck to you!
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