279234 tn?1363105249

? About Urodynamics Testing

This Thursday I will be having my urodynamics testing done. I've read, and re-read the Health Pages on Quix's experience. My bladder issues, are both physical and neurological in nature, from what the doctors suspect. I have a grade 2 bladder prolapse, which the doctor thinks, is causes some of my stress incontinence issues.

The issues that they think are more neurological, is when I wake in the morning with a full bladder,  it just lets go, without any warning. I will run to the bathroom, while a small, steady, stream is flowing. This doesn't happen all the time, nor does it have any rhythm or reason to it. For example: I did it on Christmas morning, but skipped the entire month of January. It did happen once in February.

Will this urodynamics test be able to find out the cause of this, even though it's not present constantly, or doesn't happen constantly? I hope that it will be able to, because I'm sick of living in fear of peeing the bed, at my age.

The doctors also discuss a surgery that I might want to consider. It is similar to a bladder tac & sling, but the difference is they attach the mesh holding your bladder to your spine. They said considering my age (being young), that this procedure would last longer than the traditional method. The only problem, or worry that I have with this is, I'm unDX and I could have MS. Do you think this could pose a problem with getting a diagnosis (because of the materials it's made of) or cause a problem with spinal issues, if I do have MS? I already have issues with doctors giving me a hard time about my vena cava filter and not being able to go on a 3T because of it, even though my vascular surgeon said it was fine.

I'm going to have another surgery on the 12th on my breast. They need to remove some milk ducts that are producing some nasty stuff for 4 years now. They don't think it's cancer, but they want to remove them and make sure because of the family history. I don't think it is anything either, because my mammograms have been normal, but I would like to know the cause.

Sorry if I'm rambling..it's been a stressful week.
6 Responses
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199882 tn?1310184542
When I had my Urodynamics test done my bladder wouldn't hold anything.  As soon as they put the water in my bladder it immediately went into spasms pushing it right back out.  They couldn't even do the whole procedure because of this.

On the 15th of February I had an Ileovesicostomy and a sling done.  This was an extremely hard and very painful surgery.  I just had my staples removed yesterday and for the first time since having the surgery I can stand up straight finally.

The surgery consisted of the surgeon having to take a section of my small intestine, cutting my bladder in half, stitch the intestine into the bladder, closing the bladder back up, attaching the other end of the small intestine to a port on the right side even with my belly button, which attaches to a urostomy bag.

Trust me it is as bad as it sounds.  My surgery took about 5 1/2 hours and I had a 7 day stay in the hospital.   This is also a very bloody surgery and will sometimes cause you to have to have blood transfusions.

He also did a sling under my bladder.  Now for the bad part.  After going through all of this there is still very little urine going into my bag and I'm leaking almost constantly through the urethra.  He said this may stop on it's own but if it doesn't they will have to go back in and completely close off the urethra from the bladder.

I really wish they would have done this while they where in there and I'm still not sure why he didn't.  I'm pretty down in the dumps about this right now and am unsure of what I want to do.  The thought of them opening me back up terrifies me to death.

I go back to my doctor in 4 weeks and I guess we will decide then on what to do.  All I can really say it make sure this is very necessary before proceeding onward.  Also, make sure they do everything while there in there the first time so you don't have to make the decision of having to be opened back up.

I'm not meaning to scare you and I don't even know if this is the same type of surgery you are talking about, but just be careful and make sure you have a second and maybe a third opinion.

I'll be praying,
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279234 tn?1363105249
I just got back from my testing. I'm not sure of the results. I'll find out Tuesday. I don't think I was having any problems with urine retention today. That problem, for me, seems to come and go. My bladder seemed to hold a heck of a lot of fluid today before I felt the need to go, and I'm not sure if that was normal. I usually can't hold that much at night..because I get up several times, in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Once it got to a certain point, my bladder did begin to spasm, which always makes me feel like I need to go, but I'm use to it. It was quivering like crazy, so I'm glad they caught that on their graph.

At the end of the test, when my bladder was really full, she wanted me to empty it with the catheters still in. She said to just let it flow out. I had a rough time with this, and really felt like I had to bare down to start my urine to flow, even though my bladder was full. I'm not sure if that was normal either. I've always had to bare down to get my urine to flow at first, unless it's one of those mornings when I'm losing control.

If anyone has any insight to this, it would be great.
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I had urodynamics testing in '08, and it showed several abnormalities that the doctor attributed to neurological malfunctioning.

There is no 'interpretation' during testing, because it's done using sensors, probes and computer output, so the outcome is very objective. Having a bladder prolapse is not something I'm familiar with, but your urologist should know how these conditions affect one another.

I'd guess that you'd want to consider surgical options in any event, as a quality of life issue.

Good luck on this and keep us posted.

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279234 tn?1363105249
Thanks LuLu for the info on your friend. I've never known anyone that had the procedure done. I was wandering if it did or not. My sister just had the sling done. Thanks again :)

I wonder if Quix would know about the urodynamics question???
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Sorry I can't answer your ? about the urodynamics - my urogyno skipped that part and declared my bladder neurogenic on the ultrasounds and other history and feels there is no need to put me through the test.  Her reasoning is she wouldn't change how she is treating me.

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A good friend who is a young woman also had this bladder tac and sling done.  She was having all sorts of issues with incontinence and this made a difference for her.

I don't think there is anything in the materials used that should stop you from having an MRI, but I'm no expert.  Be sure to ask the doctors before you agree to anything.

Hopefully the lab results on your milk duct will come back clear - you are smart to not ignore this problem.

Having all of these procedures isn't fun but I am so glad you are following through with them all and  doing your best to stay healthy.  

be well, Lulu
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