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A new week - any new adventures?

Here it is Monday again and I often wonder what happened to the weekend.  Well this weekend I know exactly what happened to the time - after a very fun day on Saturday, my husband finished the day by taking an ambulance ride to the hospital for a heart attack.  Turns out his stent from about two years ago developed a blood clot since he went off Plavix (blood thinner) about three months ago.  He had been having problems, not feeling so great and the cardiologist ran all the typical tests and everything came back normal.  Surprise!!  This sounds a lot like what those of you in limbo often go through.  He is resting  at the hospital, probably until Tuesday and doing well.  That's good that he is being watched because I have to make the run for my Tysabri today - I am already a week late and shouldn't put it off any longer.

Other than today, I will make no plans and just take each day as it comes.  Now how about the rest of you?  Anything you want to share about this new week?  I sure hope it starts better than mine.
19 Responses
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1045086 tn?1332126422
Thanks Lulu.  I'll try to be patient.  I've been giving the guy another chance almost every day for close to forty years.  I'll probably stick with him a few more ;-)

Hey Tammy.....
Introduce your PT to that webinar by  Dr. Herb Karpatkin (he's a PT too).
He is apparently willing to talk to other therapists to help design a therapy program tailored to specific client needs.  The guy was wonderful on the webinar and is more than worth tracking down imho.

Let me know if you need the contact info.
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2015036 tn?1332997788

It seems that so many are undergoing terrible struggles...  I want to echo Shell.  Continue to fight, and know that you're surrounded by people who care.  

For those who are trying something new:  I wish you great success!

As for me, I went to see a pt that I trust.  She is doing more research to see how she can help me at least keep what I still have, for a bit longer.  (She's a fighter too.)

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2015036 tn?1332997788
I haven't been around as much lately, and I had no idea how bad things had become for you.  I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

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be patient with the hearing aids - I understand the brain has to be retrained to hear differently and of course the sounds,  which are normal to us will sound LOUD! to him. Enjoy the peace and here's hoping he settles into wearing them in quick manner - it doesn't happen over night.
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1045086 tn?1332126422
My best and most positive healing energy is being set to all of you who are struggling through serious issues this week and onward.  You all humble me.  Your health challenges remind me how manageable my own are.  Your stories have brought tears to my eyes - NOT because I assume any adverse outcomes - but because I've come to care for you all so much.  It's so hard to 'see' friends hurting.

I'll be keeping you all in my thoughts as I meet the hubby this afternoon to pick up the hearing aides we ordered for him last week.  I guess I need to learn the care of them?  Why do responsibilities always default to the wife/mother?  Of course I need to sign the payment paperwork!  But I want to be there to see his face when he puts those babies in his ears!!  

Ahhhh, no loud as a jet plane TV noise to block out tonight.  Plus, I'll soon know how much of our communication problems come from the inability to hear as opposed to listening or interest issues.  I'm so ready to be done with repeating and saying, "Never mind."  Careful hunny bunny.......  You're running out of excuses soon :)

Other than that, I'm doing a full, slow round of doctor follow-ups post pacemaker and have (finally!) started back to work.  I'm on a regular work-a-day, rest-a-day, repeat, then have-a-real-life-every-fifth-day cycle.  I'm still tired but endurance and life satisfaction are IMPROVING.


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Brought DH home today, which was a total surprise.  We thought he would at least be there for a full 72 hours (3 days!) - he is tired but knows he has to take it easy for a while as he heals.  Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts and wishes.  We both need them.
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2012515 tn?1353875525
Just wanted to let everyone I am lifting you all in prayer for all the many different needs.
We all can be thankful for family and friends but having extra support and love from this forum family and the limbo forum means a great deal to me and I'm sure to all !

Blessings and sincere prayers are sent to each of you.:)

Grateful and blessed,
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1337734 tn?1336234591
OMG, what a difficult week it has been for so many of you and your loved ones. I want you all to know that you are all in my constant prayers and sending positive energy your way!
I have been working hard on recovering from my setbacks from my unfortunate FL trip.
I wish you all the best and hope better things come your way :)
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1689801 tn?1333983316
Hi all, I get sad reading all of this, so many of you are struggling and I´m in loss of English words to comfort. Dear Lulu this must have been a shock and so scary, but now he will be better and he has the medical attention. Wishing you both the best.
Dear Alex, I´m so sorry about all of this that you´re going trough, but I am happy that your still trying to stay positive and remembering to have good times with friends and familie to try to forget the situation for awhile- thank you for updating us.
May each and everyone of you here, do well in your battles (or your loved ones) for better health.
I´m ok, nothing special on the scedule for me, so I will just be sending all of you my best wishes and thoughts. That´s my plan for the week!
My best,
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1548028 tn?1324612446
Lulu-I do hope your husband rests and will be back at home soon!  Take care of yourself and I am glad you are taking time for your treatment.  Take good care of each other!  Wishing you all the best!

Jordan started taking Dilantin 400mg/day and it seems to be less pain and hear about less symptoms.  But, I think we are on a good roll here and I always get hopeful and then the symptoms are back in full force.  We are enjoying the lack of and will take one day at a time.  Have an appointment next month with MS Specialist and gonna get serious with some questions and a plan.  Medical records state MS from here but she needs to confirm.  I don't know but we are a little more MS educated each time we go.  THANKS TO ALL FOR THIS!

Wishing all a wonderful week!
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I am taking my husband to his cardioligist for a followup from his open heart surgery tomorrow. Expecting good news.
Will soon be starting my new med for the recently diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis.
There are so many of you facing tremendous obstacles.  You are in my prayers daily.
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198419 tn?1360242356
Lu - glad hubby was taken care of in short order, and hope he recovers well, and you both get some much needed rest.

Alex and Kelly - You two strong women you. Staying here with us, keeping us updated through the beginnings of your new journeys. I hope the big C knows it's in for a fight it's not going to win. I know you both will fight hard and maintain informed all throughout. Do what you can for now to keep your strength, and know we have you wrapped in support and prayer.

JB - I hope you hear some good news, and that your surgery goes well so you can get out of that pain.

Kyle - Good luck w/that Ampyra buddy - let us all know how it serves you.

And, a hello to you torikat!

As for me, work and home, and trying to stay straight best I can. I mean that in the most literal sense. If I'm upright and straight, and not sitting or laying down I'm in less pain from this neck of mine. Good news is I finally stopped being a chicken and lined up the epidural injections. So, counting on being good to go after that.

You are all in my thoughts, and for those of you who have extra battles, may you find the strength you need exactly when you need it :)
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1831849 tn?1383228392
"stenosis at L4-L5"

I've seen that movie! It go so bad that I would occasionally just drop to my knees. 4 years ago I had a laminectomy and life has been good ever since! Well except for the whole MS thing :-)

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1831849 tn?1383228392
So what, the husband was sick of you getting all of the medical attention? Hope he's home soon :-)

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1831849 tn?1383228392
On Thursday I'm getting a week's worth of Ampyra to try! I think it's a weeks worth. He's giving me samples to try. If it works I'll get my very own prescription.

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My heart goes out to everyone going through so much.
Lulu - to you and your husband.  John - to you and your son. And of course, Alex.  Thank you for sharing your struggles with us.

Yesterday we all went out to eat & then to a minor league baseball game for my b-day that was last week.

Today & tomorrow are my octreoscans to see if they can see where the cancerous tumors are located. I still keep losing more weight even after starting pancreatic enzymes to help with the digestion.

I have another follow-up appt with my neuro on Tues. I think she wants to keep a close eye on me now with all that I have going on.  

Then I plan on working the rest of the week. I want to try to hold onto my medical insurance for as long as possible.

My thoughts are with everyone.
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1088527 tn?1425313375
Lulu my prayers to you and your husband glad he is recovering.  Alex many years ago I watched my mom go thru ovarian cancer at the age of 42 her periods stopped and being as stubborn as she is she thought it was a good thing she thought it was her change and wouldnt go see a doctor 6 months of brutall chemo latr she was good but   10 yrs later  hit with breast cancer . Her hair fell out litterally overnight . I keep you in my prayers  and I hope someday they find a cure or even a test that will catch it sooner thats why its improtant for women to keep up with their yearly exams and stuff.


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900662 tn?1469390305
We hope to hear from BT this week( my son)  about the status of his cancer.

Tuesday I see my see GP for a physical for surgery .

Friday my  wife I meet with the Neuro-Surgeon for surgery on my lower back,  our out of pocket has been met for the year and starts all over again on
July 1,2012.  total out of pocket is 5k,  we pay a % of each bill until that is met.

I have as swollen nerve at L3-  stenosis at L4-L5  and bulged and herinated disk at L4-L5.   I was in car wreck in 2007, however this pain is the worse I've had.  Pain meds are like taking M & M'S.

take care all
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667078 tn?1316000935
  I hope your husband will be okay.

I shaved my head yesterday because I do not want to watch my hair fall out in clumps. I start Chemo on Wednesday and not looking forward to it. It is two of the harshest drugs on the market. No targeted chemo for me that only kills the bad stuff they have to kill everything. It does things like make all of your finger nails turn black and fall out. It kills off your whole digestive lining from mouth down.I have no appetite what so ever and everything makes me sick now. I go from sick to my stomach to blow out diarrhea. The chemo changes your taste and makes you ill so I see myself as losing a lot more weight. I am basically in for six not so fun months. It is sobering on my new forum because two or three women gain their angels wings a week. There really are no good treatments for my rare form of Ovarian Cancer. What I am doing may buy me some time at best. They say it will go to stage IV they can't stop it. The Doctors are careful not to use statistics or give expectancies which is kind.My MS is picking up speed with my weakness. My left leg can hardly hold my weight these days. I still plug a long and take Polly for walks regardless. I am trying to stay positive. I do have good days with friends and my family.


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