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Attendance Record for this MS forum!

Hello all,
We have had such an influx of new members recently, which is great.  And then we have a lot of members who seem to have been here from the beginning of this forum.  Of course there are the  rest of us who fill in the middle.

I'm interested in learning how long you have been using MedHelp's MS forum and what you think is the main reason you visit here regularly.

If you remember, it might also be interesting to learn how you found this site among all of them out there on the web.  

Please select one of these choices and then add your comments in a separate post.    Thanks, Lu

I have been a community member of MedHelp's MS forum for:
59 Responses
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738075 tn?1330575844
I started lurking last November when I first had my lower ext. EMG.  Became a member in January.  Your Health Pages are the BEST!  I've gotten an amazing amount of info here.  Thanks so much for being here!

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798671 tn?1238153888
I came here about a week ago, and I plan on sticking around.

I found this wonderful little community while searching on google.com for answers. I just kept typing in different symptoms I was haveing and this community seemed to show up the most, so i started reading and it looked like a good place to get answers so I posted a question and quickly decided this was probably the nicest and friendliest place to get answers.

I keep coming back because I get more answers here then anywhere else(except some docs, but they cost $)and the members are compationate and understanding.

A special THANKS to LGK54. You have really helped me alot, and I feel as though I am indebted to you. And thank you everyone else for tolerating my bombard of questions when I first found you!
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147426 tn?1317265632
bumpity bump
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494672 tn?1254152672
I started lurking about 8 months ago when I decided I wanted to find some answers.  I searched many sites that help you try to determine what it is tht you might have & many of them said MS so I googled & found the forum.  Right away I was greeted by someone & made to feel like part of the family.  I had lots of help when I really needed support!  I am un - dx'd but still feel welcome here.  I have made some great friends here & learned so much.  I might not always have much knowledge to share but I do enjoy welcoming those who are new.

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just joined today. :)
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i joined just this month. finally had had it with talking with my local neuro and his dis-interested nature in his diagnosing this thing. but he has sent me to a MS clinic for diagnosis and treatment plan if warranted. from what the doctor from the MS clinic mentioned on the phone basically all signs point to "demylinating disease", [probable MS]. paperwork made the same statement the last i looked. by now there could be an addendum since the last MRIs.

i came to this list by googling for demylinating disease type things. have found the commaradarie and sharing of other experiences a real boost to understanding my situation better and with a few posts i laugh myself silly. this forum helps to validate I'm not a hypercondriac or a whack- job. the empathy here is healthy too, at least for me it is. actually, deep down, i fully know I am not a hypercondriac. A little validation for the psyche is healthy once in awhile.

episodes have become a bit more frequent this year and with less activity. came home from a light workout at the gym tonight and got sweaty hot for no reason, had to throw up, then i got really cold. the "slight mental confusion" and "uneasy on my feet symptom" has still been with me since hiking Sun. this should pass eventually but gee, i really hate these episodes.

thanks LGK54
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237053 tn?1258828426
I joined the forum I believe back in May of O7!  I started showing MS symptoms that persisited for several months.   Between then and now I felt better and kinda lost track of the forum.  Well now 2 years later my symptoms returned.  Once again I began searching the internet trying to find answers.   I remembered this forum and how helpful and friendly everyone was, but I couldn't remember the name of the forum.  I couldn't find it and I was so upset....  but then I remembered Quix and googled Quixotic and MS forum.... and here I am again!  
  I am very grateful for everyone here and it is a comfort knowing that I am not "alone".
  Thank you to everyone!
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Hi everyone,
I too am a newbie and not dx.  I found this site by searching MRI terminology.  I have been searching the web since July 07 and this is the 1st one I've come across that feels good.  I'm still searching for answers from Neuro's and have seen 2 to date.  Had my second MRI last weekend and it came back clean.  I did take some of your advice ladies and ordered my medical records so I can look at them myself - you all have been so educating!!  Ya know I haven't heard back from either Neuro I've seen about my MRI results.  The only way I found out this time was by seeing a Cardiologist by referal of the 1st Neuro I saw.  He is actually the 1st DR that has sat down and shown me the MRI.  I haven't even seen the 1st one from last July.  I'm going to get a 3r and 4th opinion if thats what it takes.  I am feeling good this week just visual issues so I'm taking advantage of it!!  Thank you all for your support It's so great to feel like I'm not going crazy!! I was beginning to think that all of these symptoms were just in my head.  

Take care everyone - hugs and prayers to you all :)  
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790496 tn?1315615657

                                          THANKS LYNN
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Hi..........I really don't remember how I found this site.  I was probably in pain and depressed and was looking for anything new on the horizon for ms.  I don't do a lot of research(sounds weird eh?)

I live day to day with this monster and try to be the happiest I can be

I guest you can call me a pollyanna. I do think I should keep up with everything and learn
more  I don't want to get too serious and depressed  This site and support system in wonderful        thanks                               Linda
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783662 tn?1236362247
I just joined and originally did a google search for a question I had and found this site! Started reading and have stayed! Sooooo glad I did! This is very useful information no matter what! I'm still Undx but there is a  lot of info on here for many things and this may help me, or my family or someone I love one day!
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From the results thus far, it seems that we have 2 kinds of members. A sizeable minority seem to come here briefly, maybe just to get some basic information, and then don't stay around. It appears that if a member is here 6 months there's a good chance that he or she will stay for the long haul. I have no idea whether these trends seem to apply with other MedHelp forums, or MS forums elsewhere. Wish there were some way of finding out.

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just wondering if you came here from inspire?  They run some great forums there too - there's just no one on their ms forum and when I find a lone post there I suggest they come here to check us out.  I'm lglad you've found this site positive.  

Everyone else, you amaze me.  there have been 68 registered votes on this poll - what an excellent participation rate. Thanks again.

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755322 tn?1330269114
I was on another forum for breast cancer which was basically depressing. When I found out I also had MS and Fibromyalgia, and the other forum didn't have much activity in its MS forum, a post there directed me over here. I have made some good new friends and everyone is very helpful and friendly here. I see whats happening every day. I like the positive hopeful attitudes of the people on this forum. Thank you all.

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Looking at the numbers I am really impressed how many of our community have stuck around - it says something good about the people who show up here to support each other.  There is definitely a need being met here.

my best to you all,
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I joined in January 08 after cervical MRI showed lesions possible for MS.  I searched all over the net but nowhere could I fing the answers, direction, and love all of the friends here provide.

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I 'officially" joined in March of '07, but posted before then.

I came here, when my Neuro first mentioned MS.

I still live in Limbo-Land, but have stayed because of the great friendships I have made here.

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778037 tn?1377986200
Just joined.

I found this site through a Google search.
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738075 tn?1330575844
I joined in January.  I'm undiagnosed, mostly lurk (creepy, huh?), and my neuro says I'm NOT crazy, and that all of this is real.  My symptoms have been going on for a year with an initial episode in 9/05.  

Hugs to all,
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thanks everyone for taking the time to register in the poll and give your thoughts.  This has been so insightful and really makes me appreciate even more what everyone puts into and takes away from this community, day and night.

my best,
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281565 tn?1295982683
I joined here in Sept.'07 after googling some some stuff on MS. It led me to this site and I've been here ever since.

It has become my second family and these wonderful people have helped me through some tough times. Although still a limbo lander, I would have been lost had it not been for this forum.

Although I've been basically hiding of late, I do follow up on everyone and maybe one day soon, I will be an active member once again.

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Howdy to all.
I have been here about 18 months off and on. My husband Bob usually does the posting.

I found this web sit just looking of MS information. I really have enjoyed reading the different postings.

If it wasn't for reading that others were going through what I was going through I would have given up.

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279234 tn?1363105249
I've been here since Sept. of 2007. I came here to find answers and to find others like myself with no DX.

Along the way, I've made some friends, gained support, offered help when I could, I've learnt a lot, and found mistakes that have been made in the taking of my care by my doctors.

I'm still unDX and trying to find answers. It has been a roller coaster ride for me, needless to say. Some ups, but mostly downs. 4 neuros and 1 specialist later, I'm hoping that sometime soon my turn will come, and a doctor out there will find the cause of what is taking so much away from me. My hope for everyone on this forum is the same.
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627818 tn?1271777026
I joined this past fall and was googling something or other - who can remember? and this was one of the links. Really enjoy the info and instant friendships! I've learned a lot!!
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