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1678656 tn?1369233818

Itchy head and neck

I've been having this itchy sensation on my head and neck that is just getting worse! Have had it for a couple weeks now and I keep waking my husband up at night for him to check for bugs...every time, no bugs! So, I went with him to his GP appointment and had her look at my head to see if there was anything she knew of. Again, no bugs. Haven't changed shampoos or laundry soap or anything. Nothing new introduced to my body, either. I did forget to mention to her that the lymph nodes on the back of my head and neck on the left side are swollen, too.

GP told me to take benadryl for a week and see if it clears. I've taken it for 2 days now and it just is getting worse. I've tried topical things and they don't help. I've started to get what looks like a rash on my neck and head as well, but could be caused from me scratching and the heat combined. Looks kind of like a heat rash on my neck.

Any help or suggestions are greatly welcomed! Thanks!
9 Responses
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1889242 tn?1321354938
I am so glad this was mentioned!!! I have had problems with my head itching along the base of my hair line at my neck on and off for over a year. I have had my husband check for bugs and rashes on multiple occassions. I have changed my hair products and tried hydrocortisone cream. I finally decided (because there was no other cause) that it must be because I was having night sweats. This makes so much more sense!!!
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1831849 tn?1383228392
Without knowing the source of your itch it is difficult to say what might and might not work. If it is dysesthetic itching traditional remedies will nto work. This includes prednisolone aimed at reducing inflammation. Dysesthetic itching is caused by damaged nerve conductivity rather than inflammation.

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1678656 tn?1369233818
You know, I went to my neuro for my regular visit and FORGOT to mention this! What is my deal?! >_<  But, I got prednisone again in hopes to help the fatigue that is just getting worse by the minute. They are thinking I'm having a relapse moment. I will start it tomorrow, but wonder if it will help this itchy problem, too... I swear this stuff can work miracles! My daughtet gets a bad reaction to bug bites and one dose of that clears it up in moments. Also, my son got a poison ivy rash all over his face. The dr. gave him a dose and 5 days worth to follow it up an by the time we got home it had changed his rash significantly for the better.

I just cannot believe I forgot to say something about this to my neuro! We even talked about this pain in my toe! Wow... I'm losing it. :)
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5466288 tn?1410485185
Thanks Dennis! I really appreciate knowing that there is relief! I'll write the name of that cream down now!
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645800 tn?1466860955
I have had the itching legs that I scratch until I bleed for a number of years. A month ago my PC gave me an RX for a cream that is petroleum based that actually works unlike the Hydro-cortisone cream.

Since the itch is neuropathic normal anti-itch creams don't work. This Stuff works as it changes the signals from the legs so you no longer feel the itch signal.

The cream is Absorbase.

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5466288 tn?1410485185
Ah! I'm not going crazy! Thank goodness! I would dance if I could_ouch!
I've had that (I call it) "bugsy sensation" for ATLEAST 7 yrs! It started in my scalp.At one time I thought it was seborrhea.Then another time I thought I had lice.I combed my hair with those fine toothed combs-nada!

For the past few yrs,the itching,progressed to my legs.I've desperately scratched until I actually caused the skin to break and bleed! I've used Hydrocortisone cream;it helped for about a minute before the itching resumed.Fortunately it's an off and on thing,the itching!
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1831849 tn?1383228392
I'm not sure I would know where my lymph nodes are, let alone if they were swollen :-) I do not think your itch and your son's itch are in any way related.

I suspect that you are experiencing the same type of neurological itching that I did. Things like Cortisone creme and Benadryl won;t help.

The gabapentin might but finding the right dose takes time and should be done only under a doctor's supervision. I would absolutely contact you neuro.

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1678656 tn?1369233818
I did find that dysesthetic itch but wasn't sure if that is what is going on with me. Did your lymph nodes get swollen? That's the thing that worries me. :/ I have pretty well hydrated skin...too hydrated sometimes for my personal liking, but definitely far from dry. So I ruled out dandruff or eczema or anything like that and my GP agrees with me. I did forget to mention to her about my lymph nodes and the next day (yesterday) I even failed to mention it to my Neuro! Guess I had so much more on my mind to talk to them about that I forgot. I remembered as I was leaving the office and scratching my terribly itchy head. I try to avoid scratching in public. Don't want people thinking I've got bugs. :)

Don't know if this is related or not, I'm guessing not and it's just coincidental, but my son (8) has an itchy face with redness and bumps. Doesn't look anything like mine, but he started getting that a few days ago. I've had this for a couple weeks. He has asthma and has been having problems with the allergens so I think it may be due to that. Just an allergic reaction. I, on the other hand, have never had an allergic reaction to anything other than mosquito bites. This is nothing like the bite allergy that I'm used to.

Would it be advantageous of me to contact my neuro? Or even my primary again? I have gabapentin that I use "as needed" for numbing, but I read that it may help with the itching as well. Debating whether or not I should take it.
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1831849 tn?1383228392
I had the same problem during my last relapse; The Phantom Itch. Nothing I tried helped. I even went to the dermatologist and she found nothing. Eventually it went away and hasn't been back since.

It turns out it is MS related and has a name; dysesthetic itching. It's neurologic, which means no normal itch remedy will work. Here's what the NMSS has to say about it.


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