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281565 tn?1295982683

Do neuros think we're that dumb?

I just thought I would share this with you all. I got home from work today and there was a letter in the mail from the MS clinic where the bonehead neuro I first went to is. It stated that I have an upcoming appointment May 29th. Sounds good right, WRONG!!

This is the nimrod that said he couldn't say it was or wasn't MS but ran no other tests other than MRI's without contrast. He is the one with the ego so big that he blew at the female neuro who did my in office testing the first time I was there after she said that MS was a possibility and needed to be investigated. He was the one who would decide what to tell me and when! He is the one who never, never did an in office test on me ever! The only one I had was with the first time there and that was with the female neuro.

My last visit with him was over a year ago and he left me with still could not say either way but would keep my file open for a year although he didn't really think he needed to and to call him if anything else occured. After the year, I would have to get my family doctor to refer me to him again. Of course 4 months later I did have a bad episode but never contacted him about it as I knew he would do nothing anyways.

The neuro from this MS clinic I'm now going to said she was going to contact this bonehead and ask for my films of my MRI's so that she can compare them all to the one I will be getting done. So now out of nowhere I get this appointment? There is no MRI booked from knucklehead, so no follow up from anything so the only reason I can figure I have this appointment booked with him is so that he can cover is butt. So he wants me to drive 3 hours just to make himself look good. Does he think that I'm so stupid that I don't know what he is doing? He can go to that firey place that I can't name here.

Sorry guys, just needed to rant. Poor hubby was fit to be tied when he saw the letter. He was so upset that this idiot has done nothing all this time and now he makes it look like he is. I tell you if I wasn't crazy before all this started, I sure will be by the time it's over. haha

Wow just reread this, sounds like I'm a little ticked. haha I just can't wait till I can call them to cancel this stupid thing. Will they ever get an earfull.

Have a great night

16 Responses
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HAha...glad I could make you laugh, though......

Just-a-rollin' with the punches....


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281565 tn?1295982683
I almost fell off the chair reading that Tammy. ROFLMAO!! You realize though that no one else will get this joke. haha

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My eyes are closed, I can't read this....
My eyes are closed, I can't read this...
My eyes are closed, I can't read this...

Sorry, I just couldn't resist...

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281565 tn?1295982683
Beth, it's frustrating that so many of us have gone through this process of dimwitted neuros. It's sad because I do know there are good ones out there if they can be found. My problem now is that I go in already with the attitude that they already are a bonehead, so I guess I need to work on that.lol

Ada, I'm in Canada so the actual appointment doesn't cost me. What I lose though is a day's pay, and then I have the cost of gas, food and parking. For the amount of time I've lost off work already just due to symptoms, I can barely afford the cost of going to these appointments. I'm in for the bonfire.haha

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393986 tn?1303825975
Are we having a bonfire on Friday?  Mokibear, please send that nimrod a bill for your time and travel expenses from last year.  Wouldn't that be great to send all of those dismissive OTF dr's a bill?  My aunt did that to her husbands doctor and got a letter of apology from him and a bill balance of zero.  Of course my aunt can make a biker blush.  A very brazened woman.


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450140 tn?1317947304
Boy, I'm feeling this one with you!! The bonehead i fired told me........oh you're depressed and I think you should seek counceling (are you kidding me). Pretty much told me there was nothing else he could do for me. I called his office for results of my bloodwork, and he himself got on the phone and gave me the results. I said ok, where do we go from here? He says ........well, I dont think there is anything further I (and he stressed the word I) can do for you. Now, understand, all this dr. had done to this point was an in office exam and a CT scan. Oh yeah and bloodwork. So, I ask him .........well there is no point of me keeping the appt with you on the 25th? He says, Oh yes keep the appt. I want to do another exam in case i missed anything!?!?!?!?
AND THEY WONDER WHY WE ARE CRAZY.............Needless to say I did not keep the appt. I just got a new neuro.............
Whewwwwwwwwww, reliving that wore me out!!  LOL

Love to all,
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281565 tn?1295982683
Heidi, I have not had the pleasure of meeting you yet. I did read your post and feel for you so much. I will not waste my time with the nimrod. I may do as you say and write him a letter as to why I won't be back. I'm off to bed now but hope to speak to you soon.

Michael, No I'm not going back to him. I went to a new neuro who is pretty sure it is MS. He has now sent me on to a different MS clinic. I am waiting to have another MRI in June as well as EPs. The thought to go back was to just tell him what a jackass he is and why I would not be coming back. But he is not worth the money I would lose from work or the cost of me getting there.haha

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398059 tn?1447945633
I might not have read your post well enough.  But, i seems like you are going back to see him.  I would expect that you would just tell him no.
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Sounds like he thinks more highly of himself than anyone else does.  You should remimd him that he's not God.  I wouldn't waste my time on a visit to see him.  Maybe you should send him a "form letter" stating why you will not be wasting your time returning to his office.  My neuro blew me off and said I probably had an "unspecified autoimmune disorder" and said that if I'm the kind of person who" just has to know what the heck  (but he didn't say heck) is wrong with them, then he could run some more tests, but in his opinion, it was a waste of time!  Hang in there!!

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281565 tn?1295982683
Rena,I did actually contemplate going for just the reason you stated but I would lose a day off work, have to pay gas, food and parking plus a 3 hour drive one way. I tell you, it was close but the bills won out.

I would love to sit in front of egofreak and tell him exactly why I would never be back to him but in all honesty, with his ego, I don't think he would get it. How sad is that.

It is a good thought for sure and if it was doable, I sure would be doing it. lol I would even have given him more of his blast just for you. A way to help speak for you about yours. Yes it sure would feel great.

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335728 tn?1331414412
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to attend that appointment and just be able to sit in front of him and wait for him to ask what he can do for you or better yet, how have you been feeling?

Wouldn't it be nice to actually tell him exactly why you would not return to him as a patient and why you think he is the idiot he has made himself look like?

I have often, on my bad days, wished for an opportunity to go tell the bonehead neuro I had exactly how I felt but people remind me about burning bridges and 'how it really won't serve any purpose' and 'how he won't change just because of what you say' and 'don't you think other's have tried' but you know what...IT MIGHT MAKE ME FEEL BETTER AND SOMETIMES THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS ISN'T IT?

Just a thought...

Lots of Hugs,

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281565 tn?1295982683
Hey you snuck in there while I was typing. haha Trust me, I had to tone down my word choices, they definitely would not have allowed on here what I truly wanted to say. lol

I am going to ask them why they made the appointment. It should be fun to hear their reasoning.

I just had to get it off my chest or I think I would have self combusted. I'm actually chuckling over it now. The stupidity of these people really is something else.

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281565 tn?1295982683
ess, I think it just took me off guard to hear from him. After telling me basically bye bye and then all of a sudden an appointment for no reason. I have never had an appointment with him without it being discussed with me prior. So that's why I think he only made this one because the other clinic was looking for my report. I'll let it go, just had to rant first. haha

wingnut, check your messages
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You word choice is excellent!  Bonehead, Nimrod, Knucklehead.

Yes you sound ticked and that's okay.  

It would be interesting to hear why  they scheduled the appointment.

Sorry you are so upset but it is completely understandable.

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You have every right to be 'ticked', and if I were you, I would feel like telling Dr.Nimrod to go to h e l l too!
I don't really know your story, because I'm a bit new here, but I can see/feel your frustration....
I'm glad that you have a Neuro that is now taking care of you....
PS--I also sent you a PM with a personal question....
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Feel free to fee ticked!  You're sure entitled. I'm betting the letter you got was close to a form letter. It's probably in the office database to generate a letter after a certain time. No brainwork involved.

You don't need me to tell you that that guy isn't worth your time. So give that letter all the attention it merits!   ;-)

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